B3 > バーバラン


B3/バーバラン - (2012/03/05 (月) 00:07:23) の1つ前との変更点



// BEGIN_OF-berbalang.html // ORIGINAL-http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary3/berbalang.html *&spanid(Berbalang){バーバラン} &small(){[[Berbalang>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary3/berbalang.html#_berbalang]]} >This hunched, bat-winged horror moves with an uncanny grace, its glowing eyes and long tongue presenting a frightening visage. ***バーバラン 脅威度6 &small(){Berbalang} &b(){経験点 2,400} &b(){CE}/中型サイズのアンデッド &b(){イニシアチブ} +4; &b(){感覚} 暗視60フィート;〈知覚〉+14 ****防御 &b(){AC} 20、接触15、立ちすくみ15(+4【敏】、+1回避、+5外皮) &b(){hp} 68(8d8+32) &b(){頑健} +6、&b(){反応} +6、&b(){意志} +9 &b(){DR} 10/善または銀; &b(){完全耐性} アンデッドの種別特徴 &b(){防御的能力} projection ****攻撃 &b(){移動速度} 40フィート、飛行60フィート(良好) &b(){近接} 噛みつき(×1)=+10(1d6+3、加えて“麻痺”)、爪(×2)=+9(1d6+3、加えて“麻痺”)または非実体の接触=+10(1d4【耐】吸収) &b(){特殊攻撃} 麻痺(1d4+1 rounds、DC18) &b(){擬似呪文能力} (術者レベル9レベル;精神集中+13) #divclass(statsindent){ 回数無制限:&i(){ゴースト・サウンド}(DC14)、&i(){ブリード} 3回/日:&i(){オルター・セルフ}、&i(){チャーム・パースン}(DC15) } ****基本データ &b(){【筋】}17、&b(){【敏】}19、&b(){【耐】}―、&b(){【知】}13、&b(){【判】}16、&b(){【魅】}18 &b(){基本攻撃} +6; &b(){CMB} +9; &b(){CMD} 26 &b(){特技} 《回避》、《かすめ飛び攻撃》、《強行突破》、《防御的戦闘訓練》 &b(){技能} 〈隠密〉+15、〈脱出術〉+10、〈知覚〉+14、〈知識:宗教〉+6、〈知識:地域〉+5、〈はったり〉+10、〈飛行〉+17 &b(){言語} 共通語 ****生態 &b(){出現環境} 気候問わず/地上 &b(){編成} 単体または小さな群れ(2~8) &b(){宝物} 標準 ****特殊能力 &b(){Projection(超常)} Once per day as a full-round action, a berbalang can enter a trance that separates the creature’s spirit from its body. This splits the berbalang’s current hit points in half between its body and its spirit. The berbalang’s spirit body gains the incorporeal subtype and special ability;otherwise, it retains the same statistics as its physical self with the following changes: AC 19, touch 19, flat-footed 10 (+4 Dex, +4 deflection, +1 dodge), single incorporeal touch attack that deals 1d4 Constitution damage on a hit as its sole attack. This spirit projection can travel no more than 1 mile away from the berbalang’s body. Because the creature is only partially in existence when in this state, its body gains &i(){displacement} as the spell. When separated in this way, the berbalang’s body is unconscious and helpless. If the berbalang’s body is injured while in this state, the separated projection immediately returns to its body, and the body loses &i(){displacement}. If the physical body is slain, the spirit body immediately dies as well. If the spirit is reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, it returns to the body immediately. A berbalang in spirit form can end the effect at any time as a standard action, at which point the spirit immediately returns to the body. When a berbalang’s spirit form returns to the body, add both the spirit body’s hit points and the physical body’s hit points back together to determine the creature’s current hit point total.  Berbalangs prefer to make their homes within a day’s travel of humanoid settlements. These lairs are well hidden and sometimes protected by other undead creatures. Some berbalangs set themselves up as secluded shamans or wise old crones, using &i(){alter self} to appear human. Ultimately cowardly, berbalangs rarely attack a settlement directly, preferring to pluck its meals from those who stray too far from civilization. A berbalang stands as tall as a human and rarely weighs more than 100 pounds. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// BEGIN_OF-berbalang.html // ORIGINAL-http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary3/berbalang.html *&spanid(Berbalang){バーバラン} &small(){[[Berbalang>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary3/berbalang.html#_berbalang]]} >This hunched, bat-winged horror moves with an uncanny grace, its glowing eyes and long tongue presenting a frightening visage. ***バーバラン 脅威度6 &small(){Berbalang} &b(){経験点 2,400} CE/中型サイズのアンデッド &b(){イニシアチブ} +4; &b(){感覚} 暗視60フィート;〈知覚〉+14 ****防御 &b(){AC} 20、接触15、立ちすくみ15(+4【敏】、+1回避、+5外皮) &b(){hp} 68(8d8+32) &b(){頑健} +6、&b(){反応} +6、&b(){意志} +9 &b(){DR} 10/善または銀; &b(){完全耐性} アンデッドの種別特徴 &b(){防御的能力} projection ****攻撃 &b(){移動速度} 40フィート、飛行60フィート(良好) &b(){近接} 噛みつき(×1)=+10(1d6+3、加えて“麻痺”)、爪(×2)=+9(1d6+3、加えて“麻痺”)または非実体の接触=+10(1d4【耐】吸収) &b(){特殊攻撃} 麻痺(1d4+1 rounds、DC18) &b(){擬似呪文能力} (術者レベル9レベル;精神集中+13) #divclass(statsindent){ 回数無制限:&i(){ゴースト・サウンド}(DC14)、&i(){ブリード} 3回/日:&i(){オルター・セルフ}、&i(){チャーム・パースン}(DC15) } ****基本データ &b(){【筋】}17、&b(){【敏】}19、&b(){【耐】}―、&b(){【知】}13、&b(){【判】}16、&b(){【魅】}18 &b(){基本攻撃} +6; &b(){CMB} +9; &b(){CMD} 26 &b(){特技} 《回避》、《かすめ飛び攻撃》、《強行突破》、《防御的戦闘訓練》 &b(){技能} 〈隠密〉+15、〈脱出術〉+10、〈知覚〉+14、〈知識:宗教〉+6、〈知識:地域〉+5、〈はったり〉+10、〈飛行〉+17 &b(){言語} 共通語 ****生態 &b(){出現環境} 気候問わず/地上 &b(){編成} 単体または小さな群れ(2~8) &b(){宝物} 標準 ****特殊能力 &b(){Projection(超常)} Once per day as a full-round action, a berbalang can enter a trance that separates the creature’s spirit from its body. This splits the berbalang’s current hit points in half between its body and its spirit. The berbalang’s spirit body gains the incorporeal subtype and special ability;otherwise, it retains the same statistics as its physical self with the following changes: AC 19, touch 19, flat-footed 10 (+4 Dex, +4 deflection, +1 dodge), single incorporeal touch attack that deals 1d4 Constitution damage on a hit as its sole attack. This spirit projection can travel no more than 1 mile away from the berbalang’s body. Because the creature is only partially in existence when in this state, its body gains &i(){displacement} as the spell. When separated in this way, the berbalang’s body is unconscious and helpless. If the berbalang’s body is injured while in this state, the separated projection immediately returns to its body, and the body loses &i(){displacement}. If the physical body is slain, the spirit body immediately dies as well. If the spirit is reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, it returns to the body immediately. A berbalang in spirit form can end the effect at any time as a standard action, at which point the spirit immediately returns to the body. When a berbalang’s spirit form returns to the body, add both the spirit body’s hit points and the physical body’s hit points back together to determine the creature’s current hit point total.  Berbalangs prefer to make their homes within a day’s travel of humanoid settlements. These lairs are well hidden and sometimes protected by other undead creatures. Some berbalangs set themselves up as secluded shamans or wise old crones, using &i(){alter self} to appear human. Ultimately cowardly, berbalangs rarely attack a settlement directly, preferring to pluck its meals from those who stray too far from civilization. A berbalang stands as tall as a human and rarely weighs more than 100 pounds. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

