B4 > デーモン・ロード > パズズ


B4/デーモン・ロード/パズズ - (2014/09/15 (月) 02:21:16) の1つ前との変更点



*&aname(demon-lord-pazuzu)デーモン・ロード:パズズ &small(){[[Demon Lord, Pazuzu>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary4/demonLord.html#demon-lord-pazuzu]]} >Held aloft by four great feathered wings, this hawk-faced fiend has a scorpion’s tail and carries a black metal scepter. ***パズズ 脅威度30 &small(){Pazuzu} &b(){経験点 9,830,400} CE/大型サイズの来訪者(風、混沌、デーモン、悪、他次元界) &b(){イニシアチブ} +13; &b(){感覚} 暗視60フィート、&i(){ディテクト・グッド}、&i(){ディテクト・ロー}、&i(){トゥルー・シーイング};〈知覚〉+58 &b(){オーラ} 畏怖すべき存在(180フィート、DC40、10ラウンド)、locusts(10フィート、わずらわす、DC43)、&i(){アンホーリィ・オーラ}(DC31) ****防御 &b(){AC} 48、接触38、立ちすくみ39(+4反発、+9【敏】、+10外皮、+16不浄、-1サイズ) &b(){hp} 752(35d10+560);再生(deific or mythic) &b(){頑健} +31、&b(){反応} +32、&b(){意志} +35 &b(){防御的能力} Abyssal resurrection、avian mastery、&i(){フリーダム・オヴ・ムーヴメント}; &b(){DR} 20/冷たい鉄、エピック、および善; &b(){完全耐性} 能力値ダメージ、能力値吸収、(魅了)効果、(強制) effects、[冷気]、[即死]効果、[電気]、生命力吸収、石化、および毒; &b(){抵抗} [酸]30、[冷気]30、[火]30; &b(){SR} 41 ****攻撃 &b(){移動速度} 60フィート、飛行150フィート(完璧) &b(){近接} &i(){+5アナーキック・キーン・アンホーリィ・ロングソード}=+54/+49/+44/+39(2d6+20/17~20)、噛みつき=+49(2d6+15)、爪=+49(1d6+15)、針=+49(2d8+15、加えて“毒”)、鉤爪(×2)=+49 1d6+15 &b(){接敵面} 10フィート; &b(){間合い} 10フィート &b(){特殊攻撃} hear name、毒、憑依、profane wishcraft、swarm master &b(){擬似呪文能力} (術者レベル30;精神集中+43) #divclass(statsindent){ 常時:&i(){アンホーリィ・オーラ}(DC 31)、&i(){スピーク・ウィズ・アニマルズ}(winged animals only)、&i(){ディテクト・グッド}、&i(){ディテクト・ロー}、&i(){トゥルー・シーイング}、&i(){フリーダム・オヴ・ムーヴメント} 回数無制限:&i(){アストラル・プロジェクション}、&i(){アンハロウ}、&i(){アンホーリィ・ブライト}*(DC27)、&i(){グレーター・ディスペル・マジック}、&i(){グレーター・テレポート}、&i(){コントロール・ウィンズ}、&i(){シェイプチェンジ}、&i(){ディセクレイト}*、&i(){テレキネシス}*(DC28)、&i(){ドミネイト・パースン}*(DC28)、&i(){ブラスフェミイ}*(DC30) 3回/日:&i(){シンパシー}(DC31)、&i(){シンボル・オヴ・パースウェイジョン}(DC29)、呪文高速化&i(){ドミネイト・パースン}*(DC28)、&i(){ワールウィンド}*、デーモン招来 1回/日:&i(){ウィッシュ}*、&i(){タイム・ストップ}*、&i(){ドミネイト・モンスター}(DC32) &sup(){*} Pazuzu can use the mythic version of this ability in his realm. } ****一般データ &b(){【筋】}40、&b(){【敏】}28、&b(){【耐】}42、&b(){【知】}33、&b(){【判】}34、&b(){【魅】}36 &b(){基本攻撃} +35; &b(){CMB} +51(+55武器破壊); &b(){CMD} 92(対武器破壊94) &b(){特技} 《イニシアチブ強化》、《かすめ飛び攻撃》、《擬似呪文能力高速化:&i(){ドミネイト・パースン}》、《強打》、《クリティカル熟練》、《攻防一体》、《渾身の一打》、《渾身の一打強化》、《出血化クリティカル》、《上級渾身の一打》、《上級武器破壊》、《人造クリーチャー作成》、《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、《武器破壊強化》、《複数回攻撃》、《魔法の武器防具作成》、《迎え討ち》、《ロッド作成》 &b(){技能} 〈威圧〉+48、〈隠密〉+43、〈軽業〉+47(跳躍は+59)、〈交渉〉+51、〈真意看破〉+50、〈生存〉+47、〈知覚〉+58、〈知識:貴族〉+46、〈知識:次元界〉+49、〈知識:自然〉+46、〈知識:宗教〉+46、〈知識:神秘学〉+49、〈知識:地域〉+46、〈呪文学〉+49、〈はったり〉+51、〈飛行〉+53、〈魔法装置使用〉+48; &b(){種族修正} +8〈知覚〉 &b(){言語} 風界語、共通語、天界語、奈落語、竜語;テレパシー300フィート &b(){その他の特殊能力} demon lord traits ****生態 &b(){出現環境} 気候問わず/(奈落界アビス) &b(){編成} 単体(固有の存在) &b(){宝物} ×3(&i(){Scepter of Shibaxet}、その他の宝物) ****特殊能力  &b(){Aura of Locusts(超常)/Aura of Locusts} Pazuzu exhales clouds of locusts. In any round in which he does not move more than 5 feet, he is surrounded by a 10-foot-radius spread of these creatures. Any creature that enters this area must succeed at a DC 43 Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 round. The save DC is Constitution-based.  &b(){Avian Mastery(超常)/Avian Mastery} Any creature flying under its own power (flight from a source other than a spell, spell-like ability, or magic item) that attempts to attack Pazuzu with a melee attack must attempt a DC 40 Will save. If it fails, the creature can’t follow through with the attack, that part of its action is lost, and it can’t directly attack Pazuzu for 1d4 rounds. Once a creature succeeds at this save, it is immune to this ability for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based.  &b(){Hear Name(超常)/Hear Name} Pazuzu hears his name whenever it is spoken, regardless of distance—this ability functions even across planar boundaries. If a creature speaks Pazuzu’s name aloud three times in the same breath, Pazuzu automatically knows that creature’s precise location and name. If Pazuzu is on the same plane as someone who speaks his name three times in a single breath, he can immediately attempt to possess that creature.  &b(){毒(変則)/Poison} 針・致傷型; &i(){セーヴ} 頑健・DC43; &i(){頻度} 1回/ラウンド(6ラウンド間); &i(){効果} 1d6【判断力】吸収および吐き気がする状態; &i(){治療} 3回連続のセーヴ成功。  &b(){憑依(超常)/Possession} Once per day as a swift action, Pazuzu can attempt to possess a single living creature within 1 mile, provided he knows the target’s name. The target can resist this possession attempt by succeeding at a DC 43 Will save. A lawful creature gains a +10 bonus on this saving throw, and a good creature gains a +20 bonus on the saving throw (these bonuses stack). If the creature successfully saves, it is immune to possession attempts by Pazuzu for the rest of its life. If the saving throw fails, Pazuzu can control the possessed creature from afar. While possessing a creature, Pazuzu automatically knows every thought that creature has. By concentrating, he can sense the creature’s surroundings using that creature’s senses. As a swift action, he can cause the creature to perform any ability it can perform on its own. Pazuzu can use any of his spell-like abilities through a possessed target, with the effects resolving as if the possessed creature had created the effect. Possession is permanent, but Pazuzu can only possess one creature at a time. When Pazuzu isn’t actively controlling the target, it can take its own actions. &i(){Dispel chaos} or &i(){dispel evil} ends this possession effect as if it were an enchantment spell, but unless the caster of the spell succeeds at a DC 30 caster level check, as a swift action Pazuzu can attempt to possess the caster as he is driven out of the target. A creature possessed by Pazuzu is immune to &i(){protection from evil}, &i(){magic circle against evil}, and any similar effects. The save DC is Charisma-based.  &b(){Profane Wishcraft(超常)/Profane Wishcraft} A creature that accepts a &i(){wish} from Pazuzu immediately becomes chaotic evil unless it succeeds at a DC 43 Will save. A creature that becomes chaotic evil in this way gains the benefits of a &i(){good hope} spell for 1 week, followed by the effects of &i(){crushing despair} for 1d6 months (CL 30th). The save DC is Charisma-based.  &b(){Swarm Master(超常)/Swarm Master} Pazuzu is immune to swarm damage and other swarm effects (such as distraction). As a swift action, he can direct the movement of any swarm within 30 feet.  Pazuzu is among the oldest and most powerful of all demon lords. His Abyssal realm is located in one of that plane’s greatest rifts. This vertical realm includes an immense city, at the heart of which can be found Shibaxet, Pazuzu’s personal rookery and palace.  Pazuzu appears as a four-winged, 15-foot-tall fiend. He takes great delight in corrupting mortals, particularly those of a pure heart and soul, offering them any one &i(){wish} in return for nothing but their innocence. **&aname(pazuzu's-cult)パズズ’s Cult &small(){[[Pazuzu's Cult>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary4/demonLord.html#pazuzu's-cult]]}  Pazuzu, King of the Wind Demons, is worshiped by harpies and other evil avians, and by a large number of antipaladins who were once honorable but were tempted to chaos and evil—often by Pazuzu himself. His sacred places and temples are cliffside cathedrals, desert ruins, and spires atop mountain peaks.  His unholy symbol is an image of himself with his right hand upraised. His favored weapon is the longsword. He grants access to the domains of Air, Chaos, Evil, and Trickery, and access to the subdomains of Cloud, Deception, Demon, and Wind. ***Scepter of Shibaxet Major Artifact &small(){Scepter of Shibaxet Major Artifact} &b(){装備部位} なし; &b(){術者レベル} 30th; &b(){重量} 4ポンド; &b(){オーラ} 圧倒的・全て Pazuzu’s weapon is the &i(){Scepter of Shibaxet} , a staff of black metal with a large hook at its tip. The scepter functions as a &i(){rod of enemy detection} that can be used any number of times per day. If Pazuzu presents the scepter as a standard action, all creatures within 30 feet who view it become panicked for 1d6 rounds unless they succeed at a DC 23 Will save (this is a mind-affecting fear effect). Once per day, Pazuzu can use the &i(){Scepter of Shibaxet} as a &i(){rod of cancellation} (this does not deplete or harm the scepter). As a standard action, he can call the scepter to his hand from any distance, even across planar boundaries. As an immediate action, Pazuzu can transform the scepter into a &i(){+5 anarchic keen unholy longsword} or return it to its normal shape. None of its other powers can be used in sword form. ****破壊方法  The &i(){Scepter of Shibaxet} can be broken by a redeemed demon lord if the regenerating towers of Shibaxet are already destroyed.

