PRD外 > クラス > メイガス > メイガスの秘奥


PRD外/クラス/メイガス/メイガスの秘奥 - (2023/05/02 (火) 00:07:38) の1つ前との変更点



*&aname(excepting-prd-magus-arcana)メイガスの秘奥 &link(Magus Arcana){} &aname(aquatic-agility)&b(){水棲のごとき俊敏さ(超常)/Aquatic Agility} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Blood of the Moon 21ページ}}:即行アクションとしてメイガスは自らの秘術集積から1ポイントを費やすことでレベル毎に1ラウンドの間&i(){[[ウォーター・ブリージング>呪文/あ行/うお~えな#Water-Breathing]]}の利益を得ることができる。この間、メイガスは彼の攻撃と移動への荒れた水面と水中の効果を無視する。このメイガスの秘奥を選択するとき少なくとも6レベルでなければならない。 &aname(arcane-dealer)&b(){秘術の胴元(超常)/Arcane Dealer} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){The Harrow Handbook 24ページ}}:メイガスは必要条件を満たしていないとしても《Deadly Dealer》の特技を得る。彼は54枚の弾薬のある遠隔武器であるかのように彼はdeck of cardsに強化ボーナスを得るために秘術集積を使用することができる。メイガスは武器としてdeck of cardsを強化するために[[《秘術の打撃》>特技の詳細/な~わ#Arcane Strike]]あるいは秘術集積のプールを使用しなければならない。このメイガスの秘奥を選択するとき少なくとも6レベルでなければならない。 &aname(arcane-scent)&b(){秘術の嗅覚(変則)/Arcane Dealer} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Blood of the Moon 21ページ}}:メイガスは他の術者を嗅ぎ分けることができる。メイガスは秘術集積から1ポイントを費やすことで、メイガス・レベル毎に1時間[[鋭敏嗅覚>モンスターの共通ルール/1#Scent]]の特殊能力を得る。この[[鋭敏嗅覚>モンスターの共通ルール/1#Scent]]は呪文を発動するか擬似呪文能力を使うことのできるクリーチャーのみを検知することができる。加えて、この効果が持続している間、メイガスは検知したクリーチャーが発動できる最も高いレベルの呪文を決定するめために移動アクションとして[[〈呪文学〉>技能の詳細#Spellcraft]]判定を試みることができる(DC=10+クリーチャーの術者レベル)。メイガスは24時間にクリーチャーに対して1回のみこの[[〈呪文学〉>技能の詳細#Spellcraft]]判定を試みることができる。 &aname(book-bound)&ref(legal.png,PFS)&b(){呪文書の虫(超常)/Book-Bound} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Disciple's Doctrine 9ページ}}:利き手ではない方の手に呪文書を持っている限り、メイガスは割り込みアクションとして、次のラウンドで試みる精神集中判定に+4のボーナスを得る。このボーナスは集中のメイガスの秘奥からのボーナスを含む他のボーナスと累積する。メイガスはこの能力を1日3回使用できる。 &aname(circle-of-order)&ref(legal.png,PFS)&b(){秩序の円環(超常)/Circle of Order} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Disciple's Doctrine 9ページ}}:即行アクションとして、メイガスは自身の秘術集積プールから1ポイントを費やし、混沌の攻撃に対する防御を強化することができる。これは次のターン開始時まで混沌属性の攻撃と効果、混沌の副種別を持つ来訪者に対するACにメイガス・レベルの半分(20レベルの時点で最大+20)に等しい回避ボーナスを与える(例えば、メイガスはアナーキック・ウェポンや[[グラブレズゥ>デーモン#demon-glabrezu]]のハサミからの攻撃に対して回避ボーナスを得る)。このメイガスの秘奥を選択するとき少なくとも9レベルでなければならない。 &aname(dark-shifter)&ref(legal.png,PFS)&b(){闇の化身(超常)/Dark Shifter} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Ranged Tactics Toolbox 13ページ、Bastards of Golarion 9ページ}}:メイガスは継続中の[闇]の補足説明を持つ呪文の効果と目標と交換するために移動アクションとして秘術集積から1ポイントを費やすことができる。新しい目標は呪文の元の射程内にいなければならず、メイガスから移すことのできる効果の最大の距離を決定する目的でメイガス・レベルを有効術者レベルとして使用する。メイガスが移動させている呪文の効果が別のクリーチャーが元となっているならば、メイガスは効果を移動させるために術者レベル判定で成功しなければならない(DC=11+有効術者レベル)。失敗するとメイガスの移動アクションは消費するが、秘術集積からのポイントは消費しない。このメイガスの秘奥を選択するとき少なくとも6レベルでなければならない。 &aname(distant-spellstrike)&ref(legal.png,PFS)&b(){遠方への呪文撃(超常)/Distant Spellstrike} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Heroes of the Streets 11ページ}}:メイガスが遠隔武器を通して与える呪文の射程が、呪文の射程より長いならば、武器の最大射程まで増加する。このメイガスの秘奥を選択するとき少なくとも12レベルでなければならず、遠隔呪文撃を持っていなければならない。 &aname(divinatory-strike)&ref(legal.png,PFS)&b(){占術的打撃(超常)/Divinatory Strike} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Magical Marketplace 4ページ}}:メイガスが近接攻撃で敵にクリティカル・ヒットを与えたときは、打たれたクリーチャーを特定するための[[〈知識〉>技能の詳細/2#Knowledge]]判定に出目20をロールしたかのように敵の弱点と脅威に対する並外れた洞察力を得る。メイガスが通常そのような[[〈知識〉>技能の詳細/2#Knowledge]]判定に適用する、【知力】修正値、[[〈知識〉>技能の詳細/2#Knowledge]]技能に必要な技能ランク、その他の適用できる修正値を含むボーナスあるいはペナルティこの能力に適用される。この能力の最終的な結果と打たれたクリーチャーのCRに従いメイガスは敵に関する情報を収集しきれない場合もある。たとえメイガスがクリーチャーを特定するために[[〈知識〉>技能の詳細/2#Knowledge]]判定をすでに試みていたとしてもこの能力は機能する。 &aname(intuitive-protection)&ref(legal.png,PFS)&b(){直感的守護(擬呪)/Intuitive Protection} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Magical Marketplace 4ページ}}:敵によって召喚術[招来]の呪文を発動され、メイガスが[[〈呪文学〉>技能の詳細#Spellcraft]]判定で呪文の特定に成功したとき、割り込みアクションとして、自身に&i(){[[プロテクション・フロム・ケイオス>呪文/は行/ふれいむ~ふろ#Protection-from-Chaos]]}/&i(){[[イーヴル>呪文/は行/ふれいむ~ふろ#Protection-from-Evil]]}/&i(){[[グッド>呪文/は行/ふれいむ~ふろ#Protection-from-Good]]}/&i(){[[ロウ>呪文/は行/ふれいむ~ふろ#Protection-from-Law]]}を発動するために秘術集積から1ポイントを費やすことができる(この能力を使用するときに選択する);これは自身のメイガス・レベルに等しいラウンド数だけ継続する。7レベルでメイガスはこの能力を使用するとき、代わりに&i(){[[マジック・サークル・アゲンスト・ケイオス>呪文/ま行/ま~みす#Magic-Circle-against-Chaos]]}/&i(){[[イーヴル>呪文/ま行/ま~みす#Magic-Circle-against-Evil]]}/&i(){[[グッド>呪文/ま行/ま~みす#Magic-Circle-against-Good]]}/&i(){[[ロー>呪文/ま行/ま~みす#Magic-Circle-against-Law]]}を発動することができる。このメイガスの秘奥を選択するとき少なくとも3レベルでなければならない。 &aname(ki-arcana)&ref(legal.png,PFS)&b(){気秘奥(変則)/Ki Arcana} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Magical Marketplace 4ページ}}:メイガスは別のクラスによって与えられた気のプールから気ポイントと秘術蓄積のポイントを交換可能にポイントを使用することができる。このメイガスの秘奥を選択するとき少なくとも6レベルでなければならず、[[気蓄積>モンク#ki-pool]]を与えるクラスのレベルを持っていなければならない。 &aname(natural-spell-combat)&b(){肉体呪文戦闘(変則)/Natural Spell Combat} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Blood of the Moon 21ページ}}:メイガスは選択した肉体攻撃で呪文戦闘のクラス特徴を使用することができる。そうするならば、精神集中判定に+2のボーナスを得る。武器を保持して行われる肉体攻撃を行う場合(爪攻撃など)、それを用いて肉体攻撃を行っている間メイガスはその付属物で武器を用いることができない。肉体攻撃が噛みつきや他の付属物を必要としないその他の攻撃であるならば、メイガスは彼が武器を持つならば、その近接武器で行うことができる全ての攻撃に加え肉体武器を用いることができる。メイガスは1度以上この秘奥を選択することができる。精神集中判定のボーナスは累積しない。この秘奥を選択するたびに別の肉体武器を選択する。例えば、メイガスは2回この秘奥を選択し爪攻撃と噛みつき攻撃を選択した。彼の空いている手による爪攻撃と彼の全ての噛みつき攻撃に加えて呪文を発動するために全ラウンド・アクションを使用することができる。さもなければ、この秘奥は呪文戦闘のクラス特徴のように機能する。 &aname(planar-hunter)&ref(legal.png,PFS)&b(){次元狩り(超常)/Planar Hunter} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Monster Summoner's Handbook 9ページ}}:メイガスが秘術集積を使用して彼の武器を強化するとき、武器に[[プレイナー>UE/魔法の武器と防具/武器の特殊能力#Planar]]の特殊能力を加えるために秘術集積から追加の1ポイントを費やすことができ、[[フェイズ・ロッキング>UE/魔法の武器と防具/武器の特殊能力#phase-locking]]の特殊能力を加えるために追加の2ポイントを費やすことができる。このメイガスの秘奥を選択するとき少なくとも9レベルでなければならない。 &aname(pool-ray)&ref(legal.png,PFS)&b(){集積光線(超常)/Pool Ray} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Ranged Tactics Toolbox 13ページ}}:メイガスは遠隔武器に元素の力を吹き込むために、標準アクションとして、秘術集積の1ポイントを費やすことができる。フリー・アクションとして吹き込まれた遠隔武器で攻撃ロールを行う間、攻撃ロールを行ったとでGMによって結果が確定する前にメイガスは1d6ポイントのエネルギー・ダメージを与えることを攻撃に引き起こすためにその装薬を放つことができる(この能力を起動するための秘術集積を費やすときに[強酸]、[氷雪]、[電撃]、[火炎]を選択する)。この攻撃に失敗すると、装薬は失われ効果は発揮しない。メイガスが遠隔呪文撃のクラス特徴を持つ場合(ミュルミドンの王のアーキタイプなどで)、自身の遠隔接触攻撃とみなす遠隔呪文撃に対してこの能力を使用することができる。6レベルとその後3レベル毎にこの攻撃によって与えるダメージの量は1d6ずつ増加する。 &aname(rakshasa-s-fortune)&b(){ラークシャサの幸運(超常)/Rakshasa's Fortune} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){The Harrow Handbook 25ページ}}:メイガスが自身にポリモーフの副系統を持つ呪文を発動するときは、フリー・アクションとして完全なハロウ・デッキからカードを引くことができる。カードの属性とメイガスの属性が完全に一致するならば、呪文の持続時間は2倍になり、メイガスによって想定されている形が通常与えられることのない能力であったとしても、メイガスはポリモーフ呪文から得られるモンスターの能力を2つ追加で選択することができる(&i(){[[ビースト・シェイプIII>呪文/は行/は~ひいと#Beast-Shape-III]]}ならば、[[鋭敏嗅覚>モンスターの共通ルール/1#Scent]]あるいは[[つかみ>モンスターの共通ルール#Grab]]など)。部分的に一致しているならば、メイガスによって想定されている形が通常与えられることのない能力であったとしても、メイガスはポリモーフ呪文から得られるモンスターの能力を1つ追加で選択することができる。逆の属性で一致していた場合、呪文の持続時間は半減し、メイガスは彼の形態によって与えられる能力の一つを抑えなければならない。このメイガスの秘奥を選択するとき少なくとも9レベルでなければならない。 &aname(ranger-trap)&ref(legal.png,PFS)&b(){レンジャーの罠/Ranger Trap} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Ranged Tactics Toolbox 13ページ}}:メイガスはレンジャーの罠を習得する(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 64ページ)。追加のレンジャーの罠は15ページに記載している。このメイガスの秘奥を選択するとき少なくとも10レベルでなければならない。 &aname(reach-magic)&ref(legal.png,PFS)&b(){射程延長魔法/Reach Magic} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Ranged Tactics Toolbox 13ページ}}:メイガスは、[[《呪文射程伸長》>APG/特技の詳細/2#Reach Spell]]&sup(){APG}特技によって修正されるかのように1日毎に呪文の1つを発動することができる。これは呪文の発動時間やレベルを増加させない。 &aname(reach-spellstrike)&ref(legal.png,PFS)&b(){射程延長呪文撃(超常)/Reach Spellstrike} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Heroes of the Streets 11ページ}}:メイガスは遠隔呪文撃を用いて接触の遠隔呪文を近距離の最大射程(25フィート+5フィート/2術者レベル)で放つことができる。このメイガスの秘奥を選択するとき少なくとも9レベルでなければならず、遠隔呪文撃を持っていなければならない。 &aname(scroll-mastery)&ref(legal.png,PFS)&b(){巻物体得(超常)/Reach Spellstrike} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Magical Marketplace 4ページ}}:メイガスが巻物を使用するとき、そのレベルの呪文を発動するのに必要な最低能力値の代わりに、自身の【知力】修正値を用いて巻物に記載されている呪文のためのDCを計算するために秘術集積から1ポイントを費やすことができる。このメイガスの秘奥を選択するとき少なくとも6レベルでなければならない。 &aname(spell-trickery)&b(){詐欺呪文(変則)/Spell Trickery} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Blood of the Moon 21ページ}}:メイガスが裏技の戦技に成功したとき、即行アクションとして準備済みの発動時間が1標準アクション以下の幻術あるいは心術の呪文を発動することができる。メイガスはこの能力を1日1回使用することができる。このメイガスの秘奥を選択するとき少なくとも12レベルでなければならない。 &aname(spell-scars)&b(){呪文痕(変則)/Spell-Scars} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Blood of the Moon 21ページ}}:メイガスは呪文を発動するか準備するために、巻物のように、彼の肌に「呪文痕」と呼ばれる傷痕に基づいた刺青を使用することができる。彼は巻物から正確に発動するように呪文痕から呪文を発動することができる;呪文が発動するとインクと痕は消える。メイガスは、[[《呪文体得》>特技の詳細/し~そ#Spell Mastery]]特技を用いるウィザードのように、呪文痕を費やすことなく呪文痕から呪文を準備することができる。  メイガスは呪文痕を使用するために呪文痕見ることができる必要はない。メイガスは合計18呪文レベルまでの呪文痕を肌につづることができ、巻物を綴るためのルールを用いて作ることができる([[《巻物作成》>特技の詳細/な~わ#Scribe Scroll]]の特技は必要としない)。 &aname(tabris-s-step)&b(){タブリスの歩み(擬呪)/Tabris's Step} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Disciple's Doctrine 9ページ}}:即行アクションとして、メイガスは自身のは秘術集積のプールから1ポイントを費やし、メイガス・レベル毎に10分間の間&i(){[[ウォーター・ウォーク>呪文/あ行/うお~えな#Water-Walk]]}の効果を得ることができる。秘術集積のプールから2ポイントを費やした場合、メイガス・レベルに等しい数のクリーチャーに影響を与えることができる。このメイガスの秘奥を選択するとき少なくとも6レベルでなければならない。 &aname(throwing-magus)&b(){投擲するメイガス/Throwing Magus} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Ranged Tactics Toolbox 13ページ}}:メイガスが秘術集積を使用して彼の武器を強化するとき、[[リターニング>魔法のアイテム/武器/1#Returning]]と[[スローイング>魔法のアイテム/武器/1#Throwing]]の能力を、特殊能力を利用可能な武器に加えるために秘術集積から1ポイントを費やすことができる。  メイガスが彼の秘術集積によって強化した武器を投擲し敵に当てたとき、1ポイントの秘術集積を取り戻すことができる。メイガスはこの方法で1日に【知力】修正値に等しいポイントの秘術集積を回復することができる。保持している武器を投擲し、同じラウンドで別の武器を引き抜くならば、即行アクションの代わりにフリー・アクションとして秘術集積で新しく引き抜いた武器を強化することができる。 &aname(vision-clouding-strike)&ref(legal.png,PFS)&b(){五里霧中打撃/Vision-Clouding Strike} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Agents of Evil 25ページ}}:メイガスは影のエネルギーで武器を威力強化するために即行アクションとして秘術集積から1ポイント以上を費やすことができる。武器で打たれたクリーチャーは意志セーヴに成功するか(DC=メイガス・レベルの1/2+【知力】修正値)、1d4ラウンドの間うす暗い明かりの領域であるかのようにメイガスを扱い、各秘術集積のポイントごとに追加の1ラウンド増加する。&i(){[[トゥルー・シーイング>呪文/た行/と#True-Seeing]]}はこの効果にペナルティを与えるが、[[暗視>用語集/特殊能力#Darkvision]]やその他の暗闇にペナルティを与える効果はペナルティを得ない。このメイガスの秘奥を選択するとき少なくとも9レベルでなければならない。 //&b(){前提条件}:メイガス9レベル、フェッチリング ---- **&aname(arcane-critical)秘術のクリティカル(超常) &small(){&link(Arcane Critical){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:メイガスがクリティカル・ヒットをしたとき、自身の秘術集積に1ポイントの一時的秘術集積ポイントを加える。このポイントは次のメイガスのターン終了時までに使用しない限り消失する。  &b(){特殊}:メイガスは4レベル毎日に1回この能力を使うことができる(最小1日)。 **&aname(arcane-focus)秘術集中(超常) &small(){&link(Arcane Focus){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:メイガスは呪文戦闘を使用するときに被る攻撃ロールへのペナルティを-1に減少させるために即行アクションとして秘術集積から1ポイントを費やすことができる。この効果は1分間の間継続する。 **&aname(critical-spell)呪文クリティカル(超常) &small(){&link(Critical Spell ){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス9レベル  &b(){利益}:メイガスが武器攻撃を用いて呪文を届けることなく呪文の攻撃ロールでクリティカル・ヒットしたとき、フリー・アクションとして一回の近接攻撃を即座に行うことができる。武器攻撃はメイガスの間合い内の敵に対して行うことができる。メイガスは1日1回この能力を使用することができる。 **&aname(elemental-assault)エレメンタルの強襲(超常) &small(){&link(Elemental Assault){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス12レベル  &b(){利益}:メイガスは即行アクションとしてエレメンタルのエネルギーを注ぎ込むために自身の秘術集積から1ポイントを費やすことができる。これは、&i(){[[エレメンタル・オーラ>APG/呪文/あ行~か行#elemental-aura]]}として機能し、メイガスの【知力】修正値に等しいラウンドの間継続する。 **&aname(extemporaneous-metamagic)即興の呪文修正(超常) &small(){&link(Extemporaneous Metamagic){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Wayfinder #7}  &b(){前提条件}:特殊(下記参照)  &b(){利益}:[[《呪文距離延長》>特技の詳細/し~そ#Enlarge Spell]]や[[《呪文非致傷変換》>APG/特技の詳細/2#Merciful Spell]]などの呪文の実際のレベルより1レベル高い呪文スロットを使用する1つの呪文修正特技を選択する。メイガスは、それが事前に準備することなくその呪文修正特技によって修正されたかのように1日に1つの呪文を発動することができる。これは発動時間や呪文のレベルを増加させることはない。メイガスは1回以上この秘奥を選択するたびに、異なる呪文修正特技を選択する。メイガスは呪文修正特技のすべての必要条件を満たさなければならない。  6レベルの時点で、この秘奥を選択するメイガスは[[《呪文粘着化》>APG/特技の詳細/2#Persistent Spell]]や[[《呪文不調化付与》>APG/特技の詳細/2#Sickening Spell]]などの呪文の実際のレベルより最大2レベル高い呪文スロットを使用する1つの呪文修正特技を選択することができる。12レベルの時点で、この秘奥を選択するメイガスは[[《呪文効果範囲拡大》>特技の詳細/し~そ#Widen Spell]]や[[《呪文幻惑化付与》>APG/特技の詳細/2#Dazing Spell]]などの呪文の実際のレベルより最大3レベル高い呪文スロットを使用する1つの呪文修正特技を選択することができる。 **&aname(philosopher-s-alloy)賢者の合金(超常) &small(){&link(Philosopher’s Alloy){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Wayfinder #7}  &b(){利益}:メイガスが秘術集積からポイントを費やすことで武器を強化するとき、冷たい鉄あるいは銀の性質を複製するために秘術集積から追加の1ポイントを費やすことができる。この注入は武器の硬度、ヒット・ポイント、重量を修正しないが、武器はダメージ減少を無視する目的で特殊な素材でできているとみなされる。1つの金属の材質のみ一度に注入される。9レベルでダメージ減少を無視する目的で、また武器破壊あるいは物体を攻撃するとき20の硬度を無視する目的で、注入は代わりにアダマンティンの能力を複製することができる。 **&aname(rending-the-shroud)帳のかきむしり(超常) &small(){&link(Rending the Shroud){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Wayfinder #7}  &b(){利益}:メイガスが近接攻撃に成功したとき、即行アクションとしてセーヴすることなく目標の呪文抵抗を減少させるために1ポイントの秘術集積を費やすことができる。目標の呪文抵抗はメイガス・レベルの半分に等しいラウンド数の間メイガスの【知力】修正値だけ減少する。帳のかきむしりの複数の効果は、最も目標の呪文抵抗を減少させるものにはならないが、メイガス・レベルの半分へと持続時間をリセットする。 **&aname(unseelie-hunter)妖精狩り(超常) &small(){&link(Unseelie Hunter){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Wayfinder #7}  &b(){利益}:メイガスが自身の秘術集積を使用して自分の武器を強化するときは、光を発する、霊気の原形質を一時的に武器に吹き込むために秘術集積から追加の1ポイントを費やすことができる。メイガスがその吹き込まれた武器で打つときは、&i(){[[フェアリー・ファイアー>呪文/は行/ふえ~ふら#Faerie-Fire]]}呪文であるかのように目標は影響を受ける。6レベルの時点で、メイガスがその吹き込まれた武器で攻撃するとき、&i(){[[グリッターダスト>呪文/か行/くり~こお#Glitterdust]]}呪文であるかのように目標に影響を与えるためにさらなる追加の1ポイントを費やすことを選択することができる。 **&aname(animate-weapon)Animate Weapon(超常) &small(){&link(Animate Weapon){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){利益}:The magus can expend 1 point from her arcane pool as a swift action to imbue a single weapon she touches with the ability to fight on its own for a number of rounds equal to her magus class level. The weapon deals its standard damage, including any bonuses and abilities it gains from magical enchantments. It strikes with a base attack bonus equal to her magus class level + her Intelligence modifier. If the base attack bonus is high, enough it can gain multiple attacks. The weapon never gains a flanking bonus, nor does it provide one for another attacker, and her feats do not aid its attacks. It acts on her initiative count. The weapon can influence at a speed of 30 feet with perfect maneuverability (using her class level + her intelligence modifier for any influence skill checks). It must remain within 100 feet of her. She can direct it to attack a foe as a free action when she first uses this ability to animate the weapon, but on subsequent rounds, she must use a move action to set it against a new foe. If its current foe is defeated, the weapon automatically moves to attack the closest enemy. The weapon never willingly attempts to move farther than 100 feet from the magus. The weapon’s Armor Class, hit points, and hardness are as normal for its size. It does not gain attacks of opportunity, nor does it provoke them, unless an opponent tries to grapple it. In that case, it gains an attack of opportunity against any would-be grapplers. The weapon can only make one attack of opportunity each round. The weapons CMB and CMD are equal to its base attack bonus and size modified only by her Intelligence Modifier. It gains no Strength/Dexterity bonus or penalty. The magus can attempt to animate an attended weapon as a swift action she need only make a successful disarm combat maneuver to affect the weapon, resolve the disarm attempt as normal. **&aname(athame-knowledge)Athame Knowledge(超常) &small(){&link(Athame Knowledge){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){利益}:The magus forms a much closer relationship with his weapon. The power turns her weapon almost into an extension of his body. The magus can spend 1 point from her arcane pool as a swift action to reach out into the history of the weapon to learn its secrets, casting her mind back through time and space. For a moment, she literally embodies the weapon’s history and use. Consequently, the magus gains the use of one feat of her choice that directly improves her use of the weapon, such as Weapon Focus or Improved Critical. The magus must meet all of the feat’s prerequisites to gain it; a magus with the black blade class ability uses her magus class level in place of her base attack bonus. The feat remains with her for one minute per magus class level. **&aname(athame-surge)短剣の知識(超常) &small(){&link(Athame Knowledge){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス6レベル  &b(){利益}:メイガスは呪文スロットを直接武器に放出することで、武器を純粋なネルギーで煌めく武器に変えることができる。メイガスは1つの呪文スロットを消費して、攻撃とダメージに対する武器の強化ボーナスをスロットのレベルの半分に等しい数だけ増加させることができる。このボーナスは攻撃ロールとダメージ・ロールでの武器の強化ボーナスも増加させることができる。また強化ボーナスとして表される武器の特殊能力にも使用することができる。このボーナスはメイガスのクラス・レベル毎に1分間持続し、メイガスは一度にこの方法で1つの呪文スロットしか使用できない。以前の使用がまだ有効である間に、メイガスがこの能力を発動した場合、新しいボーナスが古いボーナスに置き換わる――累積はしない。 **&aname(augment-physical-prowess)Augment Physical Prowess(超常) &small(){&link(Augment Physical Prowess){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){利益}:The magus can expend 1 point from her arcane pool as a swift action to draw upon her magical abilities to strengthen her limbs, sharpen her reflexes, or enhance her toughness for a number of rounds equal to her magus class level. She gains a +2 inherent bonus to Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. She chooses which ability to increase when she expends the point from her arcane pool. **&aname(black-blade-riposte)Black Blade Riposte(超常) &small(){&link(Black Blade Riposte){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス9レベル、black blade class ability  &b(){利益}:Her black blade slashes out of its own accord, striking opponents who menace her even while she cannot defend herself. If she provokes an attack of opportunity for any reason and she or her black blade have at least 1 point in her arcane pool while she has her black blade in hand, anyone who attacks her immediately provokes an attack of opportunity in turn. Resolve her attack after her opponent resolves his own attack of opportunity. Her black blade strikes with her full base attack bonus. It receives any enhancement bonuses it normally provides her, but it does not gain any other bonuses to its attack or damage, such as from her Strength score, spells, or feats. The black blade uses one of her attacks of opportunity for the round as normal. **&aname(born-to-the-black-blade)Born to the Black Blade(超常) &small(){&link(Born to the Black Blade){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){利益}:Her black blade is always ready for a battle, and she can sense its keening thirst as combat draws near. In addition, her deep connection to the weapon also allows you to channel and control spells with greater ability than normal; she gains a +2 bonus on initiative and a +1 bonus on the Difficulty Class of all spells she cast when using her spell combat class ability. **&aname(bounding-step)Bounding Step(超常) &small(){&link(Bounding Step){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス6レベル  &b(){利益}:The magus can expend 1 point from her arcane pool as a swift action to move through the air. In essence, she can influence for short distances merely by invoking the power of this ability speed for a number of rounds equal to her magus class level. When she moves, she is considered to be flying through the air. At the end of her movement, she lands. She can choose to take a double move when she uses this feat, and she can move directly up, or horizontally from the roof of one building to another, or across a castle’s moat. The total distance she moves cannot exceed her total movement allowance, but she can go in any direction she wants. She can even jump safely down. If she is not over a solid surface when her movement ends, she falls as normal. She may use the run action in conjunction with this ability. **&aname(charge-of-the-magi)Charge of the Magi(超常) &small(){&link(Charge of the Magi){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス9レベル  &b(){利益}:The magus can spend 1 point from her arcane pool as a swift action when charging, so she can turn herself into a living projectile that blasts her opponent with a jolt of arcane power. She makes a charge as normal. If her attack hits, she deals an extra 1d6 points of force damage plus an additional 1d6 for every 3 magus levels she possesses in addition to her attack’s normal damage, and her foe must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half her magus class level + her Intelligence modifier) or be knocked prone. This extra damage is doubled on a critical hit, in addition upon a critical hit a +2 circumstance bonus is added to the DC of the save. When making this charge, she is considered to be flying. She can move over pits and other hazards, but she lands in the space where her charge ends and suffers any drawbacks for standing there after resolving her attack. If she misses the ability is expended. **&aname(damage-shield)ダメージの盾(超常) &small(){&link(Damage Shield){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){利益}:メイガスは1ラウンド内で受ける各々攻撃からのダメージに抵抗するために割り込みアクションとして、秘術集積から1ポイントを消費することができる。メイガスは1全ラウンドの間、個々のダメージから受ける全てのダメージをメイガスのクラス・レベルに等しい量だけ減少させる。 **&aname(doublefire-wand)Doublefire Wand(超常) &small(){&link(Doublefire Wand){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス15レベル、wand wielder arcana  &b(){利益}:The magus can activate two wands or activate two staff abilities at once in place of casting a spell when using spell combat. **&aname(Eldritch Athame)Eldritch Athame(超常) &small(){&link(Eldritch Athame){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){利益}:The magus can spend 1 point from her arcane pool as a swift action to transforms her weapon into a weapon of pure magical energy for 1 minute per magus class level. She can cause it to adopt a new form suitable to the opponent at hand. The weapon retains any magical qualities it had in its normal form. The magus can choose to return it to its normal form before that time. The weapon can become any weapon that is the same size or one category larger or smaller than its base form. The magus gains proficiency with that specific weapon during that time. A magus can transform the weapon into a ranged weapon, but she must supply ammunition as normal. **&aname(energy-burst)Energy Burst(超常) &small(){&link(Energy Burst){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス12レベル  &b(){利益}:The magus can spend 2 points from her arcane pool as a swift action to create a burst of energy that fills a 30-foot spread centered on her. This energy is of a type chosen at the time she selects this major arcana and once chosen it cannot be changed (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic). This burst of energy deals 1d6 points of damage per magus class level (maximum of 20d6). Anyone in this area must make Reflex saves (DC 10 + half her + her Intelligence modifier) for half damage. The magus is immune to the effects and damage from her own energy burst. **&aname(energy-web)Energy Web(超常) &small(){&link(Energy Web){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス15レベル  &b(){利益}:The magus can spend 1 point from her arcane pool as a swift action to create a tangible web of searing energy that wraps and tangles around her weapon. When she attacks, this web clings to her opponent and continues to damage the foe for a number of rounds equal to half her magus class level. She creates a web of pure energy that can burn, shock, or freeze an opponent. This energy is of a type chosen at the time she selects this major arcana and once chosen it cannot be changed (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic). If she makes a successful melee attack before this ability’s duration ends, she transfers the web of energy to her opponent. He takes 1d6 points of energy damage per two magus class levels she possesses in each round, at the start of her turn, until this ability’s duration ends. She also gains this extra damage on the attack that transfers the web to the target. Her opponent may make a Reflex save (DC 10 + half her magus class level + her Intelligence modifier) to avoid the web; If he succeeds, the magus deals the extra energy damage with her attack but he avoids becoming trapped in the web and does not take any further damage from it. A creature caught in an energy web can escape by taking a move action and making a successful Escape Artist check against a Difficulty Class equal to the Reflex save DC needed to avoid it. **&aname(flattening-strike)Flattening Strike(超常) &small(){&link(Flattening Strike){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){利益}:The magus can spend 1 point from her arcane pool as a swift action to hammer her foe with a concussive strike that sends ripples of raw, arcane energy through him, forcing him to tumble to the ground. In addition to dealing normal damage with her next attack the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half her magus class level + her Intelligence modifier) or she knocks her opponent backward 5 feet for every two magus class levels she possesses (minimum 5’) and the foe is knocked prone. If her strike misses, this use of the ability is wasted. **&aname(force-adept)Force Adept(擬呪) &small(){&link(Force Adept){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:Magus with the spellblade archetype  &b(){利益}:A spellblade magus can as a swift action cast a mage hand spell at will if the spellblade magus is at least 9th level she can spend 1 point from her arcane pool as a swift action to cast a telekinesis spell as part of that swift action. **&aname(free-step)Free Step(超常) &small(){&link(Free Step){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:The magus can expend 1 point from her arcane pool as a swift action to strengthen her legs and improve her agility, granting a +10 foot enhancement bonus to her speed for a number of rounds equal to her magus class level. She can walk up vertical surfaces at her base land speed. She does not gain the ability to hang upside down, making it impossible for her to move along any surface that is more than a 90- degree slope with respect to the ground. She can also make a double move and run when moving in this manner. If she does not end her move on a horizontal surface, she falls as normal. She suffers attacks of opportunity and other effects for moving along a surface as normal. **&aname(Malice)Malice(超常) &small(){&link(Malice){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:Magus hexcrafter archetype  &b(){利益}:A hexcrafter magus’s attacks are enhanced by the spiteful link between her and her opponent. Her melee attacks deal +2d6 damage to any opponent that is currently under the effects of one of her hexes. **&aname(maneuvering-strike)Maneuvering Strike(超常) &small(){&link(Maneuvering Strike){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:Maneuver mastery arcana  &b(){利益}:The magus can spend 1 point from her arcane pool as a free action so that her next combat maneuver does not provoke an attack of opportunity. **&aname(necromantic-strike)Necromantic Strike(超常) &small(){&link(Necromantic Strike){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス15レベル  &b(){利益}:The magus can spend 1 point from her arcane pool as a swift action to imbue his weapon with a shimmering halo of black, necromantic energy, allowing her to disrupt her opponent’s life force. This energy is also baneful to undead creatures, allowing her to destroy them with a single, savage blow. She deals an extra 2d6 points of damage with her next attack as the necromantic energy weakens her living foe. In addition, her opponent must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half her magus class level + her Intelligence modifier). On a failed save, the opponent takes 1d6 points of Strength and Constitution damage. This is a negative energy effect.  An undead creature struck by Necromatic Strike does not suffer the effects described above. Instead, it must make a Will save (DC 10 + half her magus class level + her Intelligence modifier) or suffer 10 points of damage per magus level she possesses a successful save deals 10d6 points of damage to the undead creature. **&aname(nigh-irresistible-strike)Nigh Irresistible Strike(超常) &small(){&link(Nigh Irresistible Strike){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){利益}:The magus can spend 1 point from her arcane pool as a swift action to channel arcane energy through her weapon, which allows the power to flow into her opponent and disrupt his magical defenses. As a free action before resolving an attack, she may declare that she is using this ability. If she hits, roll and apply damage as normal. In addition, if the target fails a Will Save (DC 10 + half her magus class level + her Intelligence Modifier) the target’s spell resistance, energy resistance, or damage reduction is reduced by her magus class level for a number of rounds equal to her magus class level.  &b(){特殊}:A creature or object that saves against this ability is immune to the effects of her resistant strike for 24 hours. **&aname(opportune-strike)Opportune Strike(超常) &small(){&link(Opportune Strike){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス15レベル、critical strike arcana  &b(){利益}:Whenever the magus scores a hit with a melee weapon when making an attack of opportunity, he may cast a spell with a range of touch as an immediate action, and then make a touch attack with that spell against the target of the attack of opportunity as a free action. The magus can use this ability once per day. **&aname(overcome-circumstances)Overcome Circumstances(超常) &small(){&link(Overcome Circumstances){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){利益}: The magus can expend 1 or more point from her arcane pool as a free action to shrug off detrimental effects. She can immediately attempt a second saving throw to shrug off one unwanted condition even if she fails this save she ignores one debilitating conditions per point expended that she is currently under the effect of for 1 round per magus class level, that time counts as part of each condition’s duration. Once this benefit lapses, the remaining conditions return for the remainder of their durations. She cannot delay or shrug off the dead condition. **&aname(searing-shield)Searing Shield(超常) &small(){&link(Searing Shield){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:Spell shield arcana  &b(){利益}: When she activates her spell shield and an opponent attacks her and misses her newly improved Armor Class but would hit the Armor Class total she had before applying the shield’s benefits, the foe suffers 2d6 points of fire damage. In this case, her foe strikes her shield’s fiery, burning aura. **&aname(serpent-eyed-strike)Serpent-Eyed Strike(超常) &small(){&link(Serpent-Eyed Strike){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){利益}:The magus can spend 1 point from her arcane pool as a swift action so that her attack creates a hypnotic pattern, weaving an arcane matrix that lulls her foe into quite a state of distraction. With his defenses down, she can strike him more easily. She chooses a single target that she can see. This foe must make a Will save (DC 10 + half her magus class level + her Intelligence modifier) or the foe lose his Dexterity bonus to Armor Class against her attacks (and only her attacks) for 1d6 rounds. This is a mind-affecting ability. **&aname(shield-caster)Shield Caster(変則) &small(){&link(Shield Caster){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:Medium armor class ability  &b(){利益}:The magus gains proficiency with bucklers and light shields without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. Like any other arcane spellcaster, a magus wearing heavy armor or using a heavy shield incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if the spell in question has a somatic component unless he possess the heavy armor class feature. **&aname(slice-through-wardings)Slice Through Wardings(超常) &small(){&link(Slice Through Wardings){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス12レベル、dispelling strike  &b(){利益}:The magus can spend 1 point from her arcane pool to make a single attack as a standard action that ignores all a foe’s magic-based protections (Armor Class bonuses, stoneskin, and so on). The magus cannot use this ability to ignore spells or effects that take affect when a foe is attacked, like fire shield. The character must declare his use of this ability before making the attack. **&aname(song-of-arcane-triumph)Song of Arcane Triumph(超常) &small(){&link(Song of Arcane Triumph){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:エルフ、ハーフ・エルフ  &b(){利益}:The mighty song of arcane triumph allows a magus to channel the raw energy of her magical power into her elven music. The magus can spend 1 point from her arcane pool as a swift action to sing a litany of triumph on a single successful hit. The opponent that his attack struck suffers 1d6 points of sonic per magus class level (maximum 20d6) in addition to normal damage. A Fortitude save (DC 10 + half her magus class level + her Intelligence modifier) halves the sonic damage this effect deals. On a critical hit, double this damage (unlike other bonus damage). Apply this extra damage even if the opponent is immune to critical hits. **&aname(song-of-death-s-herald)Song of Death’s Herald(超常) &small(){&link(Song of Death’s Herald){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:エルフ、ハーフ・エルフ  &b(){利益}:The grim, terrible song of death’s herald foretells the doom of the magus’s foe. The magus can spend 1 point from her arcane pool as a swift action to select a single opponent within her line of sight that can hear his words for 1 round per magus class level. The target need not understand the bladesong’s language. The intent and meaning behind the song transcends such barriers. Creatures with an Intelligence of 4 or less are immune to this ability. The target of this ability must make a Will save (DC 10 + half her magus class level + her Intelligence modifier). On a failed save, the magus’s weapon forms a deadly link to the target. The magus sings of each of his attacks against the target before he completes it, but she exactly predicts the result of each stroke. Her target takes a –2 morale penalty to Armor Class on all attacks by the magus. In addition, the magus increases her critical threat range by one (do this before doubling the range due to the keen quality and other effects) against her target, and she deals an additional 1d6 points of sonic damage against the foe. **&aname(song-of-the-blade-dance)Song of the Blade Dance(超常) &small(){&link(Song of the Blade Dance){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:エルフ、ハーフ・エルフ  &b(){利益}:The magus can spend 1 point from her arcane pool as a swift action to sing a song that enhances the flow of magic through his weapon for one round per magus class level. Her weapon pulses with the music, allowing her to enter a fighting dance that bewilders her enemies and sharpens her combat talents. While in this dance, she gains a +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class, a +1 bonus on attacks, and a +2 bonus on initiative. **&aname(song-of-victory)Song of Victory(超常) &small(){&link(Song of Victory){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:エルフ、ハーフ・エルフ  &b(){利益}:The elves have many songs that speak of their great victories. The magus can spend 1 point from her arcane pool as a swift action to inject the triumphant emotions behind such tunes with magical energy, causing them to lift his allies’ hearts while crushing her enemies’ hopes for 1 round per magus class level. All her allies within 60 feet receive a +2 morale bonus on attacks, checks, and saves. Enemies with an Intelligence score within this same area must make Will saves (DC 10 + half her magus class level + her Intelligence modifier) or take a –1 morale penalty on attacks. The magus does not gain the benefits of this ability—only her allies gain them. **&aname(Stalwart)Stalwart(変則) &small(){&link(Stalwart){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:呪術巧者のアーキタイプ  &b(){利益}:A hexcrafter magus can use mental and physical resiliency to avoid certain attacks. If she makes a Fortitude or Will saving throw against an attack that has a reduced effect on a successful save, she instead avoids the effect entirely. This ability can only be used if the hexcrafter magus is wearing light armor, medium armor, or no armor. A helpless hexcrafter magus does not gain the benefit of the stalwart ability. **&aname(ultimate-eldritch-athame)Ultimate Eldritch Athame(超常) &small(){&link(Ultimate Eldritch Athame){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス15レベル、eldritch athame arcana  &b(){利益}:As a free action, the magus can cause his weapon to manifest new powers as she literally sculpts its magical form with her arcana. Once per round as a free action, the magus can alter the weapon’s magical properties. She can choose to spend its total enhancement bonus on weapon traits and powers, or she can devote them to an enhancement bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls (+5 maximum as normal). For example, an magus’s weapon is a +5 weapon and has been given the frost (+1), keen (+1), and speed (+3) special abilities. The eldritch blade could alter the +5 bonus spent on abilities to gain a different set of powers, such as dancing (+4) and flaming (+1). This change is permanent until the magus changes them yet again. **&aname(vampiric-thirst)Vampiric Thirst(擬呪) &small(){&link(Vampiric Thirst){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:Black blade class ability or can cast vampiric touch, pool strike  &b(){利益}:The magus can spend 1 point from her arcane pool as a free action so that the damage dealt by her pool strike grants her temporary hit points equal to the damage she deals with her pool strike. She can’t gain more than the subject’s current hit points + the subject’s Constitution score (which is enough to kill the subject). The temporary hit points disappear 1 hour later. **&aname(wave-of-mutilation)Wave of Mutilation(超常) &small(){&link(Wave of Mutilation){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス6レベル  &b(){利益}:The magus can spend 1 point from her arcane pool as a swift action transforming a single cut of her weapon into a scything wave of energy that tears through her enemies’ ranks. She unleashes magical force in a single sweep of her weapon in a 30-foot cone. Roll damage for her attack as normal except the damage type is changed to force and apply it to all targets in the cone’s area. Her opponents can make Reflex saves (DC 10 + half her magus class level + her Intelligence modifier) for half damage. **&aname(arcane-critical )Arcane Critical (超常) &small(){&link(Arcane Critical){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:Whenever the magus scores a critical hit, he earns a single temporary point he may add to his arcane pool. If this point is not used by the end of the magus’s next round, it is lost.  &b(){特殊}:The magus may use this ability once per day for every 4 levels (minimum 1/day). **&aname(arcane-focus)Arcane Focus(超常) &small(){&link(Arcane Focus){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:The magus can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to reduce the penalties to attack rolls he suffers when using spell combat to -1. This effect lasts for 1 minute. **&aname(critical-spell)Critical Spell(超常) &small(){&link(Critical Spell){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス9レベル  &b(){利益}:Whenever the magus scores a critical hit with a spell’s attack roll without delivering the spell through a weapon strike, he may immediately take a single melee weapon attack as a free action. The weapon strike may be made against any foe within the magus’s reach. The magus can use this ability once per day. **&aname(elemental-assault)Elemental Assault(擬呪) &small(){&link(Elemental Assault){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス12レベル  &b(){利益}:The magus can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to imbue himself with elemental energy. This functions as elemental aura and lasts for a number of rounds equal to the magus’s Intelligence modifier. **&aname(enduring-arcana)Enduring Arcana(超常) &small(){&link(Enduring Arcana){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:When the magus expends a point from his arcane pool to grant enhancement bonuses or properties to his weapon, the bonuses and properties last for 1 minute/level. **&aname(enduring-warding)Enduring Warding(超常) &small(){&link(Enduring Warding){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){前提条件}:Warding arcana  &b(){利益}:When the magus expends a point from his arcane pool to grant enhancement bonuses or properties to his armor, the bonuses and properties last for 1 minute/level. **&aname(enruned-dagger)Enruned Dagger(超常) &small(){&link(Enruned Dagger){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:The magus may expend a point from his arcane pool to scribe a rune of power on a light weapons with which the magus is proficient. While the rune is in place, the magus can use the hand holding that weapon to complete somatic components of magus spells he casts, and it is considered to have that hand free for purposes of spell combat. The rune lasts 10 minutes per level. **&aname(enruned-great-weapon)Enruned Great Weapon(超常) &small(){&link(Enruned Great Weapon){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:The magus may expend two points from his arcane pool to scribe a rune of power on a 2-handed weapon with which the magus is proficient. While the rune is in place, when the magus is holding that weapon with two hands, he can use one of the two hands holding the weapon to complete somatic components of magus spells he casts, and it is considered to have one hand free for purposes of spell combat. The rune lasts 10 minutes per level. **&aname(enruned-shield)Enruned Shield(超常) &small(){&link(Enruned Shield){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:The magus may expend a point from his arcane pool to scribe a rune of power on a shield with which the magus is proficient. While the rune is in place, the magus can use the hand holding that shield to complete somatic components of magus spells he casts, and is considered to have that hand free for purposes of spell combat. The rune lasts 10 minutes per level. **&aname(force-magic-device)Force Magic Device(変則) &small(){&link(Force Magic Device){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:The magus can expend one point from his arcane pool to gain a +8 bonus on a single Use Magic Device check. **&aname(greater-enduring-arcana)Greater Enduring Arcana(超常) &small(){&link(Greater Enduring Arcana){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){前提条件}:Enduring arcana arcana  &b(){利益}:When the magus expends a point from his arcane pool to grant enhancement bonuses or properties to his weapon, the bonuses and properties last for 10 minutes/level. **&aname(greater-enduring-warding)Greater Enduring Warding(超常) &small(){&link(Greater Enduring Warding){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){前提条件}:Warding arcana, enduring warding arcana  &b(){利益}:When the magus expends a point from his arcane pool to grant enhancement bonuses or properties to his armor, the bonuses and properties last for 10 minutes/level. **&aname(greater-enrune-dagger)Greater Enrune Dagger(超常) &small(){&link(Greater Enrune Dagger){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}: The duration of a rune the magus inscribes from the enruned dagger arcana increases to 1 hour/level. **&aname(greater-enrune-great-weapon)Greater Enrune Great Weapon(超常) &small(){&link(Greater Enrune Great Weapon){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:The duration of a rune the magus inscribes from the enruned great weapon arcana increases to 1 hour/level. **&aname(greater-enrune-shield)Greater Enrune Shield(超常) &small(){&link(Greater Enrune Shield){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:The duration of a rune the magus inscribes from the enruned shield arcana increases to 1 hour/level. **&aname(harmonic-blending)Harmonic Blending(変則) &small(){&link(Harmonic Blending){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:When a magus selects this arcana, he must select one spell from the bard spell list that is at least one level lower than the highest magus spell level he can cast. He adds this spell to his spellbook and list of magus spells known as a magus spell one level higher than its bard spell level. He can instead select two spells to add in this way, but both must be at least two levels lower than the highest-level magus spell he can cast.  &b(){特殊}:A magus can select this magus arcana more than once. **&aname(heroic-assault)Heroic Assault(超常) &small(){&link(Heroic Assault){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス9レベル  &b(){利益}:The magus can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to augment his actions with arcane energy. This functions as heroism, but only targets the magus and lasts for a number of rounds equal to the magus’s Intelligence modifier. **&aname(imbue-spell)Imbue Spell(超常) &small(){&link(Imbue Spell){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:The magus can imbue a specific weapon with the mystic pattern of a spell that has a range of touch. The magus must know the spell, and it cannot be the highest level of spell the magus can cast. Imbuing this spell into a weapon is done at the same time the magus prepares spells for the day, and cannot be changed until the magus next prepares spells for the day.  When the magus has the specific weapon in hand, he can expend 1 point from his arcane pool and expend a spell slot of the same level or higher as the imbued spell in order to cast the imbued spell without having prepared it in advance. **&aname(invisible-assault)Invisible Assault(超常) &small(){&link(Invisible Assault){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス12レベル  &b(){利益}:The magus can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to briefly become invisible. This functions as greater invisibility, but only targets the magus and lasts until the end of the magus’s next round. **&aname(jinx-blending)Jinx Blending(変則) &small(){&link(Jinx Blending){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:When a magus selects this arcana, he must select one spell from the witch spell list that is at least one level lower than the highest magus spell level he can cast. He adds this spell to his spellbook and list of magus spells known as a magus spell one level higher than its witch spell level. He can instead select two spells to add in this way, but both must be at least two levels lower than the highest-level magus spell he can cast.  &b(){特殊}:A magus can select this magus arcana more than once. **&aname(mounted-assault)Mounted Assault(超常) &small(){&link(Mounted Assault){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス6レベル  &b(){利益}:The magus can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to summon a mount for himself. This functions as phantom steed, with the magus automatically mounted. Only the magus can ride the steed, and it lasts a number of minutes equal to his Intelligence modifier. **&aname(mystic-power)Mystic Power(超常) &small(){&link(Mystic Power){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){前提条件}:Tovenaar magus archetype  &b(){利益}:The tovenaar may expend one point from his arcane pool as a swift action to regain one expended use of an ability from an inquisition that has a limited number of uses per day. **&aname(piercing-strike)Piercing Strike(超常) &small(){&link(Piercing Strike){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:The magus gains a +3 bonus to caster level checks made to penetrate the SR of a creature the magus has damaged with a weapon since the beginning of the magus’s last round. This bonus does not stack with itself. **&aname(protected-assault)Protected Assault(超常) &small(){&link(Protected Assault){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:The magus can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to protect himself from an opposing alignment.  This functions as protection from chaos, protection from evil, protection from good, or protection from law, as the magus prefers, but he cannot use a protection that includes an element of his own alignment (a chaotic good magus cannot use protection from chaos or protection from good). The protection can only target the magus, and lasts a number of rounds equal to his Intelligence modifier. **&aname(resistant-assault)Resistant Assault(超常) &small(){&link(Resistant Assault){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス6レベル  &b(){利益}:The magus can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to protect himself from attacks from one energy type. This functions as resist energy against an energy type of the magus’ choice. The protection can only target the magus, and lasts a number of rounds equal to his Intelligence modifier. **&aname(split-arcana)Split Arcana(変則) &small(){&link(Split Arcana){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス6レベル  &b(){利益}:When the magus expends a point from his arcane pool to grant enhancement bonuses or properties to a weapon, he may split the bonuses between two weapons. This otherwise follows all the normal rules for the magus adding enhancement bonuses and properties to weapons. **&aname(staff-mastery)Staff Mastery(変則) &small(){&link(Staff Mastery){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:The magus can use all his arcana that apply to casting a spell to spells activated from a magic staff. Additionally, any feat that increases the magus’s attack rolls with a quarterstaff also increase his UMD check to activate a magic staff, and any feat that increases the magus’s damage with a quarterstaff also increases the damage dealt to one creature (selected by the magus) effected by any spell activated from a magic staff. **&aname(versatile-combatant)Versatile Combatant(超常) &small(){&link(Versatile Combatant){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス9レベル  &b(){利益}:The magus can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to augment his combat skill. The magus selects one feat for which he meets all the prerequisites. The magus is considered to have that feat for a number of rounds equal to the magus’s Intelligence modifier. The magus can only access one feat at a time using this magus arcane; if he uses it to select a new feat, any previously gained feat is immediately lost. **&aname(wand-lord)Wand Lord(超常) &small(){&link(Wand Lord){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:When a magus activates a wand, he may expend one or more points form his arcane pool. For every point expended, the caster level of the spell produced by the wand is increased by 2, to a maximum of the magus’s level. **&aname(warding)Warding(超常) &small(){&link(Warding){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:The magus may expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to grant any armor he is wearing a +1 enhancement bonus to AC for 1 minute. For every four levels beyond 1st, the armor gains another +1 enhancement bonus, to a maximum of +5 at 17th level. These bonuses can be added to the armor, stacking with existing armor enhancement to a maximum of +5. Multiple uses of this ability do not stack with themselves.  A magus of 5th level or higher can use these bonuses to add any of the following armor properties: fortification (light, moderate of heavy), ghost touch, invulnerability, and spell resistance. Adding these properties consumes an amount of bonus equal to the property’s base price modifier. The magus can also grant the following properties using the listed bonus cost: energy resistance (+4), glamered (+1), improved slick (+3), improved shadow (+3), jousting[APG] (+2), slick (+2), and shadow (+2). These properties are added to any the armor already has, but duplicates do not stack. If the armor is not magical, at least a +1 enhancement bonus must be added before any other properties can be added. These bonuses and properties are decided when the arcane pool point is expended and cannot be be changed until the next time the magus uses this ability. These bonuses and properties are not functional if the armor is worn by anyone other than the magus.  A magus can only enhance one suit of armor in this way at a time. If he uses the ability again, the first use immediately ends. **&aname(weapon-diligence)Weapon Diligence(変則) &small(){&link(Weapon Diligence){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:The magus can hone his familiarity with a specific weapon to direct his mental focus. The magus selects one weapon. When wielding that weapon, the magus gains a +3 bonus to all concentration checks. If the magus is 10th level or higher, the bonus increases to +6. ----
*&aname(excepting-prd-magus-arcana)メイガスの秘奥 &link(Magus Arcana){} &aname(aquatic-agility)&b(){水棲のごとき俊敏さ(超常)/Aquatic Agility} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Blood of the Moon 21ページ}}:即行アクションとしてメイガスは自らの秘術集積から1ポイントを費やすことでレベル毎に1ラウンドの間&i(){[[ウォーター・ブリージング>呪文/あ行/うお~えな#Water-Breathing]]}の利益を得ることができる。この間、メイガスは彼の攻撃と移動への荒れた水面と水中の効果を無視する。このメイガスの秘奥を選択するとき少なくとも6レベルでなければならない。 &aname(arcane-dealer)&b(){秘術の胴元(超常)/Arcane Dealer} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){The Harrow Handbook 24ページ}}:メイガスは必要条件を満たしていないとしても《Deadly Dealer》の特技を得る。彼は54枚の弾薬のある遠隔武器であるかのように彼はdeck of cardsに強化ボーナスを得るために秘術集積を使用することができる。メイガスは武器としてdeck of cardsを強化するために[[《秘術の打撃》>特技の詳細/な~わ#Arcane Strike]]あるいは秘術集積のプールを使用しなければならない。このメイガスの秘奥を選択するとき少なくとも6レベルでなければならない。 &aname(arcane-scent)&b(){秘術の嗅覚(変則)/Arcane Scent} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Blood of the Moon 21ページ}}:メイガスは他の術者を嗅ぎ分けることができる。メイガスは秘術集積から1ポイントを費やすことで、メイガス・レベル毎に1時間[[鋭敏嗅覚>モンスターの共通ルール/1#Scent]]の特殊能力を得る。この[[鋭敏嗅覚>モンスターの共通ルール/1#Scent]]は呪文を発動するか擬似呪文能力を使うことのできるクリーチャーのみを検知することができる。加えて、この効果が持続している間、メイガスは検知したクリーチャーが発動できる最も高いレベルの呪文を決定するめために移動アクションとして[[〈呪文学〉>技能の詳細#Spellcraft]]判定を試みることができる(DC=10+クリーチャーの術者レベル)。メイガスは24時間にクリーチャーに対して1回のみこの[[〈呪文学〉>技能の詳細#Spellcraft]]判定を試みることができる。 &aname(book-bound)&ref(legal.png,PFS)&b(){呪文書の虫(超常)/Book-Bound} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Disciple's Doctrine 9ページ}}:利き手ではない方の手に呪文書を持っている限り、メイガスは割り込みアクションとして、次のラウンドで試みる精神集中判定に+4のボーナスを得る。このボーナスは集中のメイガスの秘奥からのボーナスを含む他のボーナスと累積する。メイガスはこの能力を1日3回使用できる。 &aname(circle-of-order)&ref(legal.png,PFS)&b(){秩序の円環(超常)/Circle of Order} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Disciple's Doctrine 9ページ}}:即行アクションとして、メイガスは自身の秘術集積プールから1ポイントを費やし、混沌の攻撃に対する防御を強化することができる。これは次のターン開始時まで混沌属性の攻撃と効果、混沌の副種別を持つ来訪者に対するACにメイガス・レベルの半分(20レベルの時点で最大+20)に等しい回避ボーナスを与える(例えば、メイガスはアナーキック・ウェポンや[[グラブレズゥ>デーモン#demon-glabrezu]]のハサミからの攻撃に対して回避ボーナスを得る)。このメイガスの秘奥を選択するとき少なくとも9レベルでなければならない。 &aname(dark-shifter)&ref(legal.png,PFS)&b(){闇の化身(超常)/Dark Shifter} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Ranged Tactics Toolbox 13ページ、Bastards of Golarion 9ページ}}:メイガスは継続中の[闇]の補足説明を持つ呪文の効果と目標と交換するために移動アクションとして秘術集積から1ポイントを費やすことができる。新しい目標は呪文の元の射程内にいなければならず、メイガスから移すことのできる効果の最大の距離を決定する目的でメイガス・レベルを有効術者レベルとして使用する。メイガスが移動させている呪文の効果が別のクリーチャーが元となっているならば、メイガスは効果を移動させるために術者レベル判定で成功しなければならない(DC=11+有効術者レベル)。失敗するとメイガスの移動アクションは消費するが、秘術集積からのポイントは消費しない。このメイガスの秘奥を選択するとき少なくとも6レベルでなければならない。 &aname(distant-spellstrike)&ref(legal.png,PFS)&b(){遠方への呪文撃(超常)/Distant Spellstrike} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Heroes of the Streets 11ページ}}:メイガスが遠隔武器を通して与える呪文の射程が、呪文の射程より長いならば、武器の最大射程まで増加する。このメイガスの秘奥を選択するとき少なくとも12レベルでなければならず、遠隔呪文撃を持っていなければならない。 &aname(divinatory-strike)&ref(legal.png,PFS)&b(){占術的打撃(超常)/Divinatory Strike} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Magical Marketplace 4ページ}}:メイガスが近接攻撃で敵にクリティカル・ヒットを与えたときは、打たれたクリーチャーを特定するための[[〈知識〉>技能の詳細/2#Knowledge]]判定に出目20をロールしたかのように敵の弱点と脅威に対する並外れた洞察力を得る。メイガスが通常そのような[[〈知識〉>技能の詳細/2#Knowledge]]判定に適用する、【知力】修正値、[[〈知識〉>技能の詳細/2#Knowledge]]技能に必要な技能ランク、その他の適用できる修正値を含むボーナスあるいはペナルティこの能力に適用される。この能力の最終的な結果と打たれたクリーチャーのCRに従いメイガスは敵に関する情報を収集しきれない場合もある。たとえメイガスがクリーチャーを特定するために[[〈知識〉>技能の詳細/2#Knowledge]]判定をすでに試みていたとしてもこの能力は機能する。 &aname(intuitive-protection)&ref(legal.png,PFS)&b(){直感的守護(擬呪)/Intuitive Protection} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Magical Marketplace 4ページ}}:敵によって召喚術[招来]の呪文を発動され、メイガスが[[〈呪文学〉>技能の詳細#Spellcraft]]判定で呪文の特定に成功したとき、割り込みアクションとして、自身に&i(){[[プロテクション・フロム・ケイオス>呪文/は行/ふれいむ~ふろ#Protection-from-Chaos]]}/&i(){[[イーヴル>呪文/は行/ふれいむ~ふろ#Protection-from-Evil]]}/&i(){[[グッド>呪文/は行/ふれいむ~ふろ#Protection-from-Good]]}/&i(){[[ロウ>呪文/は行/ふれいむ~ふろ#Protection-from-Law]]}を発動するために秘術集積から1ポイントを費やすことができる(この能力を使用するときに選択する);これは自身のメイガス・レベルに等しいラウンド数だけ継続する。7レベルでメイガスはこの能力を使用するとき、代わりに&i(){[[マジック・サークル・アゲンスト・ケイオス>呪文/ま行/ま~みす#Magic-Circle-against-Chaos]]}/&i(){[[イーヴル>呪文/ま行/ま~みす#Magic-Circle-against-Evil]]}/&i(){[[グッド>呪文/ま行/ま~みす#Magic-Circle-against-Good]]}/&i(){[[ロー>呪文/ま行/ま~みす#Magic-Circle-against-Law]]}を発動することができる。このメイガスの秘奥を選択するとき少なくとも3レベルでなければならない。 &aname(ki-arcana)&ref(legal.png,PFS)&b(){気秘奥(変則)/Ki Arcana} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Magical Marketplace 4ページ}}:メイガスは別のクラスによって与えられた気のプールから気ポイントと秘術蓄積のポイントを交換可能にポイントを使用することができる。このメイガスの秘奥を選択するとき少なくとも6レベルでなければならず、[[気蓄積>モンク#ki-pool]]を与えるクラスのレベルを持っていなければならない。 &aname(natural-spell-combat)&b(){肉体呪文戦闘(変則)/Natural Spell Combat} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Blood of the Moon 21ページ}}:メイガスは選択した肉体攻撃で呪文戦闘のクラス特徴を使用することができる。そうするならば、精神集中判定に+2のボーナスを得る。武器を保持して行われる肉体攻撃を行う場合(爪攻撃など)、それを用いて肉体攻撃を行っている間メイガスはその付属物で武器を用いることができない。肉体攻撃が噛みつきや他の付属物を必要としないその他の攻撃であるならば、メイガスは彼が武器を持つならば、その近接武器で行うことができる全ての攻撃に加え肉体武器を用いることができる。メイガスは1度以上この秘奥を選択することができる。精神集中判定のボーナスは累積しない。この秘奥を選択するたびに別の肉体武器を選択する。例えば、メイガスは2回この秘奥を選択し爪攻撃と噛みつき攻撃を選択した。彼の空いている手による爪攻撃と彼の全ての噛みつき攻撃に加えて呪文を発動するために全ラウンド・アクションを使用することができる。さもなければ、この秘奥は呪文戦闘のクラス特徴のように機能する。 &aname(planar-hunter)&ref(legal.png,PFS)&b(){次元狩り(超常)/Planar Hunter} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Monster Summoner's Handbook 9ページ}}:メイガスが秘術集積を使用して彼の武器を強化するとき、武器に[[プレイナー>UE/魔法の武器と防具/武器の特殊能力#Planar]]の特殊能力を加えるために秘術集積から追加の1ポイントを費やすことができ、[[フェイズ・ロッキング>UE/魔法の武器と防具/武器の特殊能力#phase-locking]]の特殊能力を加えるために追加の2ポイントを費やすことができる。このメイガスの秘奥を選択するとき少なくとも9レベルでなければならない。 &aname(pool-ray)&ref(legal.png,PFS)&b(){集積光線(超常)/Pool Ray} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Ranged Tactics Toolbox 13ページ}}:メイガスは遠隔武器に元素の力を吹き込むために、標準アクションとして、秘術集積の1ポイントを費やすことができる。フリー・アクションとして吹き込まれた遠隔武器で攻撃ロールを行う間、攻撃ロールを行ったとでGMによって結果が確定する前にメイガスは1d6ポイントのエネルギー・ダメージを与えることを攻撃に引き起こすためにその装薬を放つことができる(この能力を起動するための秘術集積を費やすときに[強酸]、[氷雪]、[電撃]、[火炎]を選択する)。この攻撃に失敗すると、装薬は失われ効果は発揮しない。メイガスが遠隔呪文撃のクラス特徴を持つ場合(ミュルミドンの王のアーキタイプなどで)、自身の遠隔接触攻撃とみなす遠隔呪文撃に対してこの能力を使用することができる。6レベルとその後3レベル毎にこの攻撃によって与えるダメージの量は1d6ずつ増加する。 &aname(rakshasa-s-fortune)&b(){ラークシャサの幸運(超常)/Rakshasa's Fortune} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){The Harrow Handbook 25ページ}}:メイガスが自身にポリモーフの副系統を持つ呪文を発動するときは、フリー・アクションとして完全なハロウ・デッキからカードを引くことができる。カードの属性とメイガスの属性が完全に一致するならば、呪文の持続時間は2倍になり、メイガスによって想定されている形が通常与えられることのない能力であったとしても、メイガスはポリモーフ呪文から得られるモンスターの能力を2つ追加で選択することができる(&i(){[[ビースト・シェイプIII>呪文/は行/は~ひいと#Beast-Shape-III]]}ならば、[[鋭敏嗅覚>モンスターの共通ルール/1#Scent]]あるいは[[つかみ>モンスターの共通ルール#Grab]]など)。部分的に一致しているならば、メイガスによって想定されている形が通常与えられることのない能力であったとしても、メイガスはポリモーフ呪文から得られるモンスターの能力を1つ追加で選択することができる。逆の属性で一致していた場合、呪文の持続時間は半減し、メイガスは彼の形態によって与えられる能力の一つを抑えなければならない。このメイガスの秘奥を選択するとき少なくとも9レベルでなければならない。 &aname(ranger-trap)&ref(legal.png,PFS)&b(){レンジャーの罠/Ranger Trap} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Ranged Tactics Toolbox 13ページ}}:メイガスはレンジャーの罠を習得する(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 64ページ)。追加のレンジャーの罠は15ページに記載している。このメイガスの秘奥を選択するとき少なくとも10レベルでなければならない。 &aname(reach-magic)&ref(legal.png,PFS)&b(){射程延長魔法/Reach Magic} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Ranged Tactics Toolbox 13ページ}}:メイガスは、[[《呪文射程伸長》>APG/特技の詳細/2#Reach Spell]]&sup(){APG}特技によって修正されるかのように1日毎に呪文の1つを発動することができる。これは呪文の発動時間やレベルを増加させない。 &aname(reach-spellstrike)&ref(legal.png,PFS)&b(){射程延長呪文撃(超常)/Reach Spellstrike} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Heroes of the Streets 11ページ}}:メイガスは遠隔呪文撃を用いて接触の遠隔呪文を近距離の最大射程(25フィート+5フィート/2術者レベル)で放つことができる。このメイガスの秘奥を選択するとき少なくとも9レベルでなければならず、遠隔呪文撃を持っていなければならない。 &aname(scroll-mastery)&ref(legal.png,PFS)&b(){巻物体得(超常)/Reach Spellstrike} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Magical Marketplace 4ページ}}:メイガスが巻物を使用するとき、そのレベルの呪文を発動するのに必要な最低能力値の代わりに、自身の【知力】修正値を用いて巻物に記載されている呪文のためのDCを計算するために秘術集積から1ポイントを費やすことができる。このメイガスの秘奥を選択するとき少なくとも6レベルでなければならない。 &aname(spell-trickery)&b(){詐欺呪文(変則)/Spell Trickery} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Blood of the Moon 21ページ}}:メイガスが裏技の戦技に成功したとき、即行アクションとして準備済みの発動時間が1標準アクション以下の幻術あるいは心術の呪文を発動することができる。メイガスはこの能力を1日1回使用することができる。このメイガスの秘奥を選択するとき少なくとも12レベルでなければならない。 &aname(spell-scars)&b(){呪文痕(変則)/Spell-Scars} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Blood of the Moon 21ページ}}:メイガスは呪文を発動するか準備するために、巻物のように、彼の肌に「呪文痕」と呼ばれる傷痕に基づいた刺青を使用することができる。彼は巻物から正確に発動するように呪文痕から呪文を発動することができる;呪文が発動するとインクと痕は消える。メイガスは、[[《呪文体得》>特技の詳細/し~そ#Spell Mastery]]特技を用いるウィザードのように、呪文痕を費やすことなく呪文痕から呪文を準備することができる。  メイガスは呪文痕を使用するために呪文痕見ることができる必要はない。メイガスは合計18呪文レベルまでの呪文痕を肌につづることができ、巻物を綴るためのルールを用いて作ることができる([[《巻物作成》>特技の詳細/な~わ#Scribe Scroll]]の特技は必要としない)。 &aname(tabris-s-step)&b(){タブリスの歩み(擬呪)/Tabris's Step} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Disciple's Doctrine 9ページ}}:即行アクションとして、メイガスは自身のは秘術集積のプールから1ポイントを費やし、メイガス・レベル毎に10分間の間&i(){[[ウォーター・ウォーク>呪文/あ行/うお~えな#Water-Walk]]}の効果を得ることができる。秘術集積のプールから2ポイントを費やした場合、メイガス・レベルに等しい数のクリーチャーに影響を与えることができる。このメイガスの秘奥を選択するとき少なくとも6レベルでなければならない。 &aname(throwing-magus)&b(){投擲するメイガス/Throwing Magus} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Ranged Tactics Toolbox 13ページ}}:メイガスが秘術集積を使用して彼の武器を強化するとき、[[リターニング>魔法のアイテム/武器/1#Returning]]と[[スローイング>魔法のアイテム/武器/1#Throwing]]の能力を、特殊能力を利用可能な武器に加えるために秘術集積から1ポイントを費やすことができる。  メイガスが彼の秘術集積によって強化した武器を投擲し敵に当てたとき、1ポイントの秘術集積を取り戻すことができる。メイガスはこの方法で1日に【知力】修正値に等しいポイントの秘術集積を回復することができる。保持している武器を投擲し、同じラウンドで別の武器を引き抜くならば、即行アクションの代わりにフリー・アクションとして秘術集積で新しく引き抜いた武器を強化することができる。 &aname(vision-clouding-strike)&ref(legal.png,PFS)&b(){五里霧中打撃/Vision-Clouding Strike} &small(){&b(){出典} &i(){Agents of Evil 25ページ}}:メイガスは影のエネルギーで武器を威力強化するために即行アクションとして秘術集積から1ポイント以上を費やすことができる。武器で打たれたクリーチャーは意志セーヴに成功するか(DC=メイガス・レベルの1/2+【知力】修正値)、1d4ラウンドの間うす暗い明かりの領域であるかのようにメイガスを扱い、各秘術集積のポイントごとに追加の1ラウンド増加する。&i(){[[トゥルー・シーイング>呪文/た行/と#True-Seeing]]}はこの効果にペナルティを与えるが、[[暗視>用語集/特殊能力#Darkvision]]やその他の暗闇にペナルティを与える効果はペナルティを得ない。このメイガスの秘奥を選択するとき少なくとも9レベルでなければならない。 //&b(){前提条件}:メイガス9レベル、フェッチリング ---- **&aname(arcane-critical)秘術のクリティカル(超常) &small(){&link(Arcane Critical){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:メイガスがクリティカル・ヒットをしたとき、自身の秘術集積に1ポイントの一時的秘術集積ポイントを加える。このポイントは次のメイガスのターン終了時までに使用しない限り消失する。  &b(){特殊}:メイガスは4レベル毎日に1回この能力を使うことができる(最小1日)。 **&aname(arcane-focus)秘術集中(超常) &small(){&link(Arcane Focus){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:メイガスは呪文戦闘を使用するときに被る攻撃ロールへのペナルティを-1に減少させるために即行アクションとして秘術集積から1ポイントを費やすことができる。この効果は1分間の間継続する。 **&aname(critical-spell)呪文クリティカル(超常) &small(){&link(Critical Spell ){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス9レベル  &b(){利益}:メイガスが武器攻撃を用いて呪文を届けることなく呪文の攻撃ロールでクリティカル・ヒットしたとき、フリー・アクションとして一回の近接攻撃を即座に行うことができる。武器攻撃はメイガスの間合い内の敵に対して行うことができる。メイガスは1日1回この能力を使用することができる。 **&aname(elemental-assault)エレメンタルの強襲(超常) &small(){&link(Elemental Assault){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス12レベル  &b(){利益}:メイガスは即行アクションとしてエレメンタルのエネルギーを注ぎ込むために自身の秘術集積から1ポイントを費やすことができる。これは、&i(){[[エレメンタル・オーラ>APG/呪文/あ行~か行#elemental-aura]]}として機能し、メイガスの【知力】修正値に等しいラウンドの間継続する。 **&aname(extemporaneous-metamagic)即興の呪文修正(超常) &small(){&link(Extemporaneous Metamagic){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Wayfinder #7}  &b(){前提条件}:特殊(下記参照)  &b(){利益}:[[《呪文距離延長》>特技の詳細/し~そ#Enlarge Spell]]や[[《呪文非致傷変換》>APG/特技の詳細/2#Merciful Spell]]などの呪文の実際のレベルより1レベル高い呪文スロットを使用する1つの呪文修正特技を選択する。メイガスは、それが事前に準備することなくその呪文修正特技によって修正されたかのように1日に1つの呪文を発動することができる。これは発動時間や呪文のレベルを増加させることはない。メイガスは1回以上この秘奥を選択するたびに、異なる呪文修正特技を選択する。メイガスは呪文修正特技のすべての必要条件を満たさなければならない。  6レベルの時点で、この秘奥を選択するメイガスは[[《呪文粘着化》>APG/特技の詳細/2#Persistent Spell]]や[[《呪文不調化付与》>APG/特技の詳細/2#Sickening Spell]]などの呪文の実際のレベルより最大2レベル高い呪文スロットを使用する1つの呪文修正特技を選択することができる。12レベルの時点で、この秘奥を選択するメイガスは[[《呪文効果範囲拡大》>特技の詳細/し~そ#Widen Spell]]や[[《呪文幻惑化付与》>APG/特技の詳細/2#Dazing Spell]]などの呪文の実際のレベルより最大3レベル高い呪文スロットを使用する1つの呪文修正特技を選択することができる。 **&aname(philosopher-s-alloy)賢者の合金(超常) &small(){&link(Philosopher’s Alloy){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Wayfinder #7}  &b(){利益}:メイガスが秘術集積からポイントを費やすことで武器を強化するとき、冷たい鉄あるいは銀の性質を複製するために秘術集積から追加の1ポイントを費やすことができる。この注入は武器の硬度、ヒット・ポイント、重量を修正しないが、武器はダメージ減少を無視する目的で特殊な素材でできているとみなされる。1つの金属の材質のみ一度に注入される。9レベルでダメージ減少を無視する目的で、また武器破壊あるいは物体を攻撃するとき20の硬度を無視する目的で、注入は代わりにアダマンティンの能力を複製することができる。 **&aname(rending-the-shroud)帳のかきむしり(超常) &small(){&link(Rending the Shroud){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Wayfinder #7}  &b(){利益}:メイガスが近接攻撃に成功したとき、即行アクションとしてセーヴすることなく目標の呪文抵抗を減少させるために1ポイントの秘術集積を費やすことができる。目標の呪文抵抗はメイガス・レベルの半分に等しいラウンド数の間メイガスの【知力】修正値だけ減少する。帳のかきむしりの複数の効果は、最も目標の呪文抵抗を減少させるものにはならないが、メイガス・レベルの半分へと持続時間をリセットする。 **&aname(unseelie-hunter)妖精狩り(超常) &small(){&link(Unseelie Hunter){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Wayfinder #7}  &b(){利益}:メイガスが自身の秘術集積を使用して自分の武器を強化するときは、光を発する、霊気の原形質を一時的に武器に吹き込むために秘術集積から追加の1ポイントを費やすことができる。メイガスがその吹き込まれた武器で打つときは、&i(){[[フェアリー・ファイアー>呪文/は行/ふえ~ふら#Faerie-Fire]]}呪文であるかのように目標は影響を受ける。6レベルの時点で、メイガスがその吹き込まれた武器で攻撃するとき、&i(){[[グリッターダスト>呪文/か行/くり~こお#Glitterdust]]}呪文であるかのように目標に影響を与えるためにさらなる追加の1ポイントを費やすことを選択することができる。 **&aname(animate-weapon)Animate Weapon(超常) &small(){&link(Animate Weapon){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){利益}:The magus can expend 1 point from her arcane pool as a swift action to imbue a single weapon she touches with the ability to fight on its own for a number of rounds equal to her magus class level. The weapon deals its standard damage, including any bonuses and abilities it gains from magical enchantments. It strikes with a base attack bonus equal to her magus class level + her Intelligence modifier. If the base attack bonus is high, enough it can gain multiple attacks. The weapon never gains a flanking bonus, nor does it provide one for another attacker, and her feats do not aid its attacks. It acts on her initiative count. The weapon can influence at a speed of 30 feet with perfect maneuverability (using her class level + her intelligence modifier for any influence skill checks). It must remain within 100 feet of her. She can direct it to attack a foe as a free action when she first uses this ability to animate the weapon, but on subsequent rounds, she must use a move action to set it against a new foe. If its current foe is defeated, the weapon automatically moves to attack the closest enemy. The weapon never willingly attempts to move farther than 100 feet from the magus. The weapon’s Armor Class, hit points, and hardness are as normal for its size. It does not gain attacks of opportunity, nor does it provoke them, unless an opponent tries to grapple it. In that case, it gains an attack of opportunity against any would-be grapplers. The weapon can only make one attack of opportunity each round. The weapons CMB and CMD are equal to its base attack bonus and size modified only by her Intelligence Modifier. It gains no Strength/Dexterity bonus or penalty. The magus can attempt to animate an attended weapon as a swift action she need only make a successful disarm combat maneuver to affect the weapon, resolve the disarm attempt as normal. **&aname(athame-knowledge)Athame Knowledge(超常) &small(){&link(Athame Knowledge){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){利益}:The magus forms a much closer relationship with his weapon. The power turns her weapon almost into an extension of his body. The magus can spend 1 point from her arcane pool as a swift action to reach out into the history of the weapon to learn its secrets, casting her mind back through time and space. For a moment, she literally embodies the weapon’s history and use. Consequently, the magus gains the use of one feat of her choice that directly improves her use of the weapon, such as Weapon Focus or Improved Critical. The magus must meet all of the feat’s prerequisites to gain it; a magus with the black blade class ability uses her magus class level in place of her base attack bonus. The feat remains with her for one minute per magus class level. **&aname(athame-surge)短剣の知識(超常) &small(){&link(Athame Knowledge){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス6レベル  &b(){利益}:メイガスは呪文スロットを直接武器に放出することで、武器を純粋なネルギーで煌めく武器に変えることができる。メイガスは1つの呪文スロットを消費して、攻撃とダメージに対する武器の強化ボーナスをスロットのレベルの半分に等しい数だけ増加させることができる。このボーナスは攻撃ロールとダメージ・ロールでの武器の強化ボーナスも増加させることができる。また強化ボーナスとして表される武器の特殊能力にも使用することができる。このボーナスはメイガスのクラス・レベル毎に1分間持続し、メイガスは一度にこの方法で1つの呪文スロットしか使用できない。以前の使用がまだ有効である間に、メイガスがこの能力を発動した場合、新しいボーナスが古いボーナスに置き換わる――累積はしない。 **&aname(augment-physical-prowess)Augment Physical Prowess(超常) &small(){&link(Augment Physical Prowess){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){利益}:The magus can expend 1 point from her arcane pool as a swift action to draw upon her magical abilities to strengthen her limbs, sharpen her reflexes, or enhance her toughness for a number of rounds equal to her magus class level. She gains a +2 inherent bonus to Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. She chooses which ability to increase when she expends the point from her arcane pool. **&aname(black-blade-riposte)Black Blade Riposte(超常) &small(){&link(Black Blade Riposte){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス9レベル、black blade class ability  &b(){利益}:Her black blade slashes out of its own accord, striking opponents who menace her even while she cannot defend herself. If she provokes an attack of opportunity for any reason and she or her black blade have at least 1 point in her arcane pool while she has her black blade in hand, anyone who attacks her immediately provokes an attack of opportunity in turn. Resolve her attack after her opponent resolves his own attack of opportunity. Her black blade strikes with her full base attack bonus. It receives any enhancement bonuses it normally provides her, but it does not gain any other bonuses to its attack or damage, such as from her Strength score, spells, or feats. The black blade uses one of her attacks of opportunity for the round as normal. **&aname(born-to-the-black-blade)Born to the Black Blade(超常) &small(){&link(Born to the Black Blade){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){利益}:Her black blade is always ready for a battle, and she can sense its keening thirst as combat draws near. In addition, her deep connection to the weapon also allows you to channel and control spells with greater ability than normal; she gains a +2 bonus on initiative and a +1 bonus on the Difficulty Class of all spells she cast when using her spell combat class ability. **&aname(bounding-step)Bounding Step(超常) &small(){&link(Bounding Step){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス6レベル  &b(){利益}:The magus can expend 1 point from her arcane pool as a swift action to move through the air. In essence, she can influence for short distances merely by invoking the power of this ability speed for a number of rounds equal to her magus class level. When she moves, she is considered to be flying through the air. At the end of her movement, she lands. She can choose to take a double move when she uses this feat, and she can move directly up, or horizontally from the roof of one building to another, or across a castle’s moat. The total distance she moves cannot exceed her total movement allowance, but she can go in any direction she wants. She can even jump safely down. If she is not over a solid surface when her movement ends, she falls as normal. She may use the run action in conjunction with this ability. **&aname(charge-of-the-magi)Charge of the Magi(超常) &small(){&link(Charge of the Magi){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス9レベル  &b(){利益}:The magus can spend 1 point from her arcane pool as a swift action when charging, so she can turn herself into a living projectile that blasts her opponent with a jolt of arcane power. She makes a charge as normal. If her attack hits, she deals an extra 1d6 points of force damage plus an additional 1d6 for every 3 magus levels she possesses in addition to her attack’s normal damage, and her foe must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half her magus class level + her Intelligence modifier) or be knocked prone. This extra damage is doubled on a critical hit, in addition upon a critical hit a +2 circumstance bonus is added to the DC of the save. When making this charge, she is considered to be flying. She can move over pits and other hazards, but she lands in the space where her charge ends and suffers any drawbacks for standing there after resolving her attack. If she misses the ability is expended. **&aname(damage-shield)ダメージの盾(超常) &small(){&link(Damage Shield){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){利益}:メイガスは1ラウンド内で受ける各々攻撃からのダメージに抵抗するために割り込みアクションとして、秘術集積から1ポイントを消費することができる。メイガスは1全ラウンドの間、個々のダメージから受ける全てのダメージをメイガスのクラス・レベルに等しい量だけ減少させる。 **&aname(doublefire-wand)Doublefire Wand(超常) &small(){&link(Doublefire Wand){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス15レベル、wand wielder arcana  &b(){利益}:The magus can activate two wands or activate two staff abilities at once in place of casting a spell when using spell combat. **&aname(Eldritch Athame)Eldritch Athame(超常) &small(){&link(Eldritch Athame){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){利益}:The magus can spend 1 point from her arcane pool as a swift action to transforms her weapon into a weapon of pure magical energy for 1 minute per magus class level. She can cause it to adopt a new form suitable to the opponent at hand. The weapon retains any magical qualities it had in its normal form. The magus can choose to return it to its normal form before that time. The weapon can become any weapon that is the same size or one category larger or smaller than its base form. The magus gains proficiency with that specific weapon during that time. A magus can transform the weapon into a ranged weapon, but she must supply ammunition as normal. **&aname(energy-burst)Energy Burst(超常) &small(){&link(Energy Burst){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス12レベル  &b(){利益}:The magus can spend 2 points from her arcane pool as a swift action to create a burst of energy that fills a 30-foot spread centered on her. This energy is of a type chosen at the time she selects this major arcana and once chosen it cannot be changed (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic). This burst of energy deals 1d6 points of damage per magus class level (maximum of 20d6). Anyone in this area must make Reflex saves (DC 10 + half her + her Intelligence modifier) for half damage. The magus is immune to the effects and damage from her own energy burst. **&aname(energy-web)Energy Web(超常) &small(){&link(Energy Web){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス15レベル  &b(){利益}:The magus can spend 1 point from her arcane pool as a swift action to create a tangible web of searing energy that wraps and tangles around her weapon. When she attacks, this web clings to her opponent and continues to damage the foe for a number of rounds equal to half her magus class level. She creates a web of pure energy that can burn, shock, or freeze an opponent. This energy is of a type chosen at the time she selects this major arcana and once chosen it cannot be changed (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic). If she makes a successful melee attack before this ability’s duration ends, she transfers the web of energy to her opponent. He takes 1d6 points of energy damage per two magus class levels she possesses in each round, at the start of her turn, until this ability’s duration ends. She also gains this extra damage on the attack that transfers the web to the target. Her opponent may make a Reflex save (DC 10 + half her magus class level + her Intelligence modifier) to avoid the web; If he succeeds, the magus deals the extra energy damage with her attack but he avoids becoming trapped in the web and does not take any further damage from it. A creature caught in an energy web can escape by taking a move action and making a successful Escape Artist check against a Difficulty Class equal to the Reflex save DC needed to avoid it. **&aname(flattening-strike)Flattening Strike(超常) &small(){&link(Flattening Strike){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){利益}:The magus can spend 1 point from her arcane pool as a swift action to hammer her foe with a concussive strike that sends ripples of raw, arcane energy through him, forcing him to tumble to the ground. In addition to dealing normal damage with her next attack the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half her magus class level + her Intelligence modifier) or she knocks her opponent backward 5 feet for every two magus class levels she possesses (minimum 5’) and the foe is knocked prone. If her strike misses, this use of the ability is wasted. **&aname(force-adept)Force Adept(擬呪) &small(){&link(Force Adept){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:Magus with the spellblade archetype  &b(){利益}:A spellblade magus can as a swift action cast a mage hand spell at will if the spellblade magus is at least 9th level she can spend 1 point from her arcane pool as a swift action to cast a telekinesis spell as part of that swift action. **&aname(free-step)Free Step(超常) &small(){&link(Free Step){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:The magus can expend 1 point from her arcane pool as a swift action to strengthen her legs and improve her agility, granting a +10 foot enhancement bonus to her speed for a number of rounds equal to her magus class level. She can walk up vertical surfaces at her base land speed. She does not gain the ability to hang upside down, making it impossible for her to move along any surface that is more than a 90- degree slope with respect to the ground. She can also make a double move and run when moving in this manner. If she does not end her move on a horizontal surface, she falls as normal. She suffers attacks of opportunity and other effects for moving along a surface as normal. **&aname(Malice)Malice(超常) &small(){&link(Malice){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:Magus hexcrafter archetype  &b(){利益}:A hexcrafter magus’s attacks are enhanced by the spiteful link between her and her opponent. Her melee attacks deal +2d6 damage to any opponent that is currently under the effects of one of her hexes. **&aname(maneuvering-strike)Maneuvering Strike(超常) &small(){&link(Maneuvering Strike){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:Maneuver mastery arcana  &b(){利益}:The magus can spend 1 point from her arcane pool as a free action so that her next combat maneuver does not provoke an attack of opportunity. **&aname(necromantic-strike)Necromantic Strike(超常) &small(){&link(Necromantic Strike){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス15レベル  &b(){利益}:The magus can spend 1 point from her arcane pool as a swift action to imbue his weapon with a shimmering halo of black, necromantic energy, allowing her to disrupt her opponent’s life force. This energy is also baneful to undead creatures, allowing her to destroy them with a single, savage blow. She deals an extra 2d6 points of damage with her next attack as the necromantic energy weakens her living foe. In addition, her opponent must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half her magus class level + her Intelligence modifier). On a failed save, the opponent takes 1d6 points of Strength and Constitution damage. This is a negative energy effect.  An undead creature struck by Necromatic Strike does not suffer the effects described above. Instead, it must make a Will save (DC 10 + half her magus class level + her Intelligence modifier) or suffer 10 points of damage per magus level she possesses a successful save deals 10d6 points of damage to the undead creature. **&aname(nigh-irresistible-strike)Nigh Irresistible Strike(超常) &small(){&link(Nigh Irresistible Strike){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){利益}:The magus can spend 1 point from her arcane pool as a swift action to channel arcane energy through her weapon, which allows the power to flow into her opponent and disrupt his magical defenses. As a free action before resolving an attack, she may declare that she is using this ability. If she hits, roll and apply damage as normal. In addition, if the target fails a Will Save (DC 10 + half her magus class level + her Intelligence Modifier) the target’s spell resistance, energy resistance, or damage reduction is reduced by her magus class level for a number of rounds equal to her magus class level.  &b(){特殊}:A creature or object that saves against this ability is immune to the effects of her resistant strike for 24 hours. **&aname(opportune-strike)Opportune Strike(超常) &small(){&link(Opportune Strike){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス15レベル、critical strike arcana  &b(){利益}:Whenever the magus scores a hit with a melee weapon when making an attack of opportunity, he may cast a spell with a range of touch as an immediate action, and then make a touch attack with that spell against the target of the attack of opportunity as a free action. The magus can use this ability once per day. **&aname(overcome-circumstances)Overcome Circumstances(超常) &small(){&link(Overcome Circumstances){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){利益}: The magus can expend 1 or more point from her arcane pool as a free action to shrug off detrimental effects. She can immediately attempt a second saving throw to shrug off one unwanted condition even if she fails this save she ignores one debilitating conditions per point expended that she is currently under the effect of for 1 round per magus class level, that time counts as part of each condition’s duration. Once this benefit lapses, the remaining conditions return for the remainder of their durations. She cannot delay or shrug off the dead condition. **&aname(searing-shield)Searing Shield(超常) &small(){&link(Searing Shield){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:Spell shield arcana  &b(){利益}: When she activates her spell shield and an opponent attacks her and misses her newly improved Armor Class but would hit the Armor Class total she had before applying the shield’s benefits, the foe suffers 2d6 points of fire damage. In this case, her foe strikes her shield’s fiery, burning aura. **&aname(serpent-eyed-strike)Serpent-Eyed Strike(超常) &small(){&link(Serpent-Eyed Strike){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){利益}:The magus can spend 1 point from her arcane pool as a swift action so that her attack creates a hypnotic pattern, weaving an arcane matrix that lulls her foe into quite a state of distraction. With his defenses down, she can strike him more easily. She chooses a single target that she can see. This foe must make a Will save (DC 10 + half her magus class level + her Intelligence modifier) or the foe lose his Dexterity bonus to Armor Class against her attacks (and only her attacks) for 1d6 rounds. This is a mind-affecting ability. **&aname(shield-caster)Shield Caster(変則) &small(){&link(Shield Caster){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:Medium armor class ability  &b(){利益}:The magus gains proficiency with bucklers and light shields without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. Like any other arcane spellcaster, a magus wearing heavy armor or using a heavy shield incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if the spell in question has a somatic component unless he possess the heavy armor class feature. **&aname(slice-through-wardings)Slice Through Wardings(超常) &small(){&link(Slice Through Wardings){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス12レベル、dispelling strike  &b(){利益}:The magus can spend 1 point from her arcane pool to make a single attack as a standard action that ignores all a foe’s magic-based protections (Armor Class bonuses, stoneskin, and so on). The magus cannot use this ability to ignore spells or effects that take affect when a foe is attacked, like fire shield. The character must declare his use of this ability before making the attack. **&aname(song-of-arcane-triumph)Song of Arcane Triumph(超常) &small(){&link(Song of Arcane Triumph){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:エルフ、ハーフ・エルフ  &b(){利益}:The mighty song of arcane triumph allows a magus to channel the raw energy of her magical power into her elven music. The magus can spend 1 point from her arcane pool as a swift action to sing a litany of triumph on a single successful hit. The opponent that his attack struck suffers 1d6 points of sonic per magus class level (maximum 20d6) in addition to normal damage. A Fortitude save (DC 10 + half her magus class level + her Intelligence modifier) halves the sonic damage this effect deals. On a critical hit, double this damage (unlike other bonus damage). Apply this extra damage even if the opponent is immune to critical hits. **&aname(song-of-death-s-herald)Song of Death’s Herald(超常) &small(){&link(Song of Death’s Herald){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:エルフ、ハーフ・エルフ  &b(){利益}:The grim, terrible song of death’s herald foretells the doom of the magus’s foe. The magus can spend 1 point from her arcane pool as a swift action to select a single opponent within her line of sight that can hear his words for 1 round per magus class level. The target need not understand the bladesong’s language. The intent and meaning behind the song transcends such barriers. Creatures with an Intelligence of 4 or less are immune to this ability. The target of this ability must make a Will save (DC 10 + half her magus class level + her Intelligence modifier). On a failed save, the magus’s weapon forms a deadly link to the target. The magus sings of each of his attacks against the target before he completes it, but she exactly predicts the result of each stroke. Her target takes a –2 morale penalty to Armor Class on all attacks by the magus. In addition, the magus increases her critical threat range by one (do this before doubling the range due to the keen quality and other effects) against her target, and she deals an additional 1d6 points of sonic damage against the foe. **&aname(song-of-the-blade-dance)Song of the Blade Dance(超常) &small(){&link(Song of the Blade Dance){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:エルフ、ハーフ・エルフ  &b(){利益}:The magus can spend 1 point from her arcane pool as a swift action to sing a song that enhances the flow of magic through his weapon for one round per magus class level. Her weapon pulses with the music, allowing her to enter a fighting dance that bewilders her enemies and sharpens her combat talents. While in this dance, she gains a +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class, a +1 bonus on attacks, and a +2 bonus on initiative. **&aname(song-of-victory)Song of Victory(超常) &small(){&link(Song of Victory){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:エルフ、ハーフ・エルフ  &b(){利益}:The elves have many songs that speak of their great victories. The magus can spend 1 point from her arcane pool as a swift action to inject the triumphant emotions behind such tunes with magical energy, causing them to lift his allies’ hearts while crushing her enemies’ hopes for 1 round per magus class level. All her allies within 60 feet receive a +2 morale bonus on attacks, checks, and saves. Enemies with an Intelligence score within this same area must make Will saves (DC 10 + half her magus class level + her Intelligence modifier) or take a –1 morale penalty on attacks. The magus does not gain the benefits of this ability—only her allies gain them. **&aname(Stalwart)Stalwart(変則) &small(){&link(Stalwart){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:呪術巧者のアーキタイプ  &b(){利益}:A hexcrafter magus can use mental and physical resiliency to avoid certain attacks. If she makes a Fortitude or Will saving throw against an attack that has a reduced effect on a successful save, she instead avoids the effect entirely. This ability can only be used if the hexcrafter magus is wearing light armor, medium armor, or no armor. A helpless hexcrafter magus does not gain the benefit of the stalwart ability. **&aname(ultimate-eldritch-athame)Ultimate Eldritch Athame(超常) &small(){&link(Ultimate Eldritch Athame){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス15レベル、eldritch athame arcana  &b(){利益}:As a free action, the magus can cause his weapon to manifest new powers as she literally sculpts its magical form with her arcana. Once per round as a free action, the magus can alter the weapon’s magical properties. She can choose to spend its total enhancement bonus on weapon traits and powers, or she can devote them to an enhancement bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls (+5 maximum as normal). For example, an magus’s weapon is a +5 weapon and has been given the frost (+1), keen (+1), and speed (+3) special abilities. The eldritch blade could alter the +5 bonus spent on abilities to gain a different set of powers, such as dancing (+4) and flaming (+1). This change is permanent until the magus changes them yet again. **&aname(vampiric-thirst)Vampiric Thirst(擬呪) &small(){&link(Vampiric Thirst){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:Black blade class ability or can cast vampiric touch, pool strike  &b(){利益}:The magus can spend 1 point from her arcane pool as a free action so that the damage dealt by her pool strike grants her temporary hit points equal to the damage she deals with her pool strike. She can’t gain more than the subject’s current hit points + the subject’s Constitution score (which is enough to kill the subject). The temporary hit points disappear 1 hour later. **&aname(wave-of-mutilation)Wave of Mutilation(超常) &small(){&link(Wave of Mutilation){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){The Secrets of the Magus}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス6レベル  &b(){利益}:The magus can spend 1 point from her arcane pool as a swift action transforming a single cut of her weapon into a scything wave of energy that tears through her enemies’ ranks. She unleashes magical force in a single sweep of her weapon in a 30-foot cone. Roll damage for her attack as normal except the damage type is changed to force and apply it to all targets in the cone’s area. Her opponents can make Reflex saves (DC 10 + half her magus class level + her Intelligence modifier) for half damage. **&aname(arcane-critical )Arcane Critical (超常) &small(){&link(Arcane Critical){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:Whenever the magus scores a critical hit, he earns a single temporary point he may add to his arcane pool. If this point is not used by the end of the magus’s next round, it is lost.  &b(){特殊}:The magus may use this ability once per day for every 4 levels (minimum 1/day). **&aname(arcane-focus)Arcane Focus(超常) &small(){&link(Arcane Focus){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:The magus can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to reduce the penalties to attack rolls he suffers when using spell combat to -1. This effect lasts for 1 minute. **&aname(critical-spell)Critical Spell(超常) &small(){&link(Critical Spell){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス9レベル  &b(){利益}:Whenever the magus scores a critical hit with a spell’s attack roll without delivering the spell through a weapon strike, he may immediately take a single melee weapon attack as a free action. The weapon strike may be made against any foe within the magus’s reach. The magus can use this ability once per day. **&aname(elemental-assault)Elemental Assault(擬呪) &small(){&link(Elemental Assault){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス12レベル  &b(){利益}:The magus can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to imbue himself with elemental energy. This functions as elemental aura and lasts for a number of rounds equal to the magus’s Intelligence modifier. **&aname(enduring-arcana)Enduring Arcana(超常) &small(){&link(Enduring Arcana){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:When the magus expends a point from his arcane pool to grant enhancement bonuses or properties to his weapon, the bonuses and properties last for 1 minute/level. **&aname(enduring-warding)Enduring Warding(超常) &small(){&link(Enduring Warding){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){前提条件}:Warding arcana  &b(){利益}:When the magus expends a point from his arcane pool to grant enhancement bonuses or properties to his armor, the bonuses and properties last for 1 minute/level. **&aname(enruned-dagger)Enruned Dagger(超常) &small(){&link(Enruned Dagger){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:The magus may expend a point from his arcane pool to scribe a rune of power on a light weapons with which the magus is proficient. While the rune is in place, the magus can use the hand holding that weapon to complete somatic components of magus spells he casts, and it is considered to have that hand free for purposes of spell combat. The rune lasts 10 minutes per level. **&aname(enruned-great-weapon)Enruned Great Weapon(超常) &small(){&link(Enruned Great Weapon){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:The magus may expend two points from his arcane pool to scribe a rune of power on a 2-handed weapon with which the magus is proficient. While the rune is in place, when the magus is holding that weapon with two hands, he can use one of the two hands holding the weapon to complete somatic components of magus spells he casts, and it is considered to have one hand free for purposes of spell combat. The rune lasts 10 minutes per level. **&aname(enruned-shield)Enruned Shield(超常) &small(){&link(Enruned Shield){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:The magus may expend a point from his arcane pool to scribe a rune of power on a shield with which the magus is proficient. While the rune is in place, the magus can use the hand holding that shield to complete somatic components of magus spells he casts, and is considered to have that hand free for purposes of spell combat. The rune lasts 10 minutes per level. **&aname(force-magic-device)Force Magic Device(変則) &small(){&link(Force Magic Device){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:The magus can expend one point from his arcane pool to gain a +8 bonus on a single Use Magic Device check. **&aname(greater-enduring-arcana)Greater Enduring Arcana(超常) &small(){&link(Greater Enduring Arcana){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){前提条件}:Enduring arcana arcana  &b(){利益}:When the magus expends a point from his arcane pool to grant enhancement bonuses or properties to his weapon, the bonuses and properties last for 10 minutes/level. **&aname(greater-enduring-warding)Greater Enduring Warding(超常) &small(){&link(Greater Enduring Warding){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){前提条件}:Warding arcana, enduring warding arcana  &b(){利益}:When the magus expends a point from his arcane pool to grant enhancement bonuses or properties to his armor, the bonuses and properties last for 10 minutes/level. **&aname(greater-enrune-dagger)Greater Enrune Dagger(超常) &small(){&link(Greater Enrune Dagger){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}: The duration of a rune the magus inscribes from the enruned dagger arcana increases to 1 hour/level. **&aname(greater-enrune-great-weapon)Greater Enrune Great Weapon(超常) &small(){&link(Greater Enrune Great Weapon){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:The duration of a rune the magus inscribes from the enruned great weapon arcana increases to 1 hour/level. **&aname(greater-enrune-shield)Greater Enrune Shield(超常) &small(){&link(Greater Enrune Shield){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:The duration of a rune the magus inscribes from the enruned shield arcana increases to 1 hour/level. **&aname(harmonic-blending)Harmonic Blending(変則) &small(){&link(Harmonic Blending){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:When a magus selects this arcana, he must select one spell from the bard spell list that is at least one level lower than the highest magus spell level he can cast. He adds this spell to his spellbook and list of magus spells known as a magus spell one level higher than its bard spell level. He can instead select two spells to add in this way, but both must be at least two levels lower than the highest-level magus spell he can cast.  &b(){特殊}:A magus can select this magus arcana more than once. **&aname(heroic-assault)Heroic Assault(超常) &small(){&link(Heroic Assault){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス9レベル  &b(){利益}:The magus can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to augment his actions with arcane energy. This functions as heroism, but only targets the magus and lasts for a number of rounds equal to the magus’s Intelligence modifier. **&aname(imbue-spell)Imbue Spell(超常) &small(){&link(Imbue Spell){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:The magus can imbue a specific weapon with the mystic pattern of a spell that has a range of touch. The magus must know the spell, and it cannot be the highest level of spell the magus can cast. Imbuing this spell into a weapon is done at the same time the magus prepares spells for the day, and cannot be changed until the magus next prepares spells for the day.  When the magus has the specific weapon in hand, he can expend 1 point from his arcane pool and expend a spell slot of the same level or higher as the imbued spell in order to cast the imbued spell without having prepared it in advance. **&aname(invisible-assault)Invisible Assault(超常) &small(){&link(Invisible Assault){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス12レベル  &b(){利益}:The magus can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to briefly become invisible. This functions as greater invisibility, but only targets the magus and lasts until the end of the magus’s next round. **&aname(jinx-blending)Jinx Blending(変則) &small(){&link(Jinx Blending){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:When a magus selects this arcana, he must select one spell from the witch spell list that is at least one level lower than the highest magus spell level he can cast. He adds this spell to his spellbook and list of magus spells known as a magus spell one level higher than its witch spell level. He can instead select two spells to add in this way, but both must be at least two levels lower than the highest-level magus spell he can cast.  &b(){特殊}:A magus can select this magus arcana more than once. **&aname(mounted-assault)Mounted Assault(超常) &small(){&link(Mounted Assault){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス6レベル  &b(){利益}:The magus can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to summon a mount for himself. This functions as phantom steed, with the magus automatically mounted. Only the magus can ride the steed, and it lasts a number of minutes equal to his Intelligence modifier. **&aname(mystic-power)Mystic Power(超常) &small(){&link(Mystic Power){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){前提条件}:Tovenaar magus archetype  &b(){利益}:The tovenaar may expend one point from his arcane pool as a swift action to regain one expended use of an ability from an inquisition that has a limited number of uses per day. **&aname(piercing-strike)Piercing Strike(超常) &small(){&link(Piercing Strike){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:The magus gains a +3 bonus to caster level checks made to penetrate the SR of a creature the magus has damaged with a weapon since the beginning of the magus’s last round. This bonus does not stack with itself. **&aname(protected-assault)Protected Assault(超常) &small(){&link(Protected Assault){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:The magus can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to protect himself from an opposing alignment.  This functions as protection from chaos, protection from evil, protection from good, or protection from law, as the magus prefers, but he cannot use a protection that includes an element of his own alignment (a chaotic good magus cannot use protection from chaos or protection from good). The protection can only target the magus, and lasts a number of rounds equal to his Intelligence modifier. **&aname(resistant-assault)Resistant Assault(超常) &small(){&link(Resistant Assault){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス6レベル  &b(){利益}:The magus can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to protect himself from attacks from one energy type. This functions as resist energy against an energy type of the magus’ choice. The protection can only target the magus, and lasts a number of rounds equal to his Intelligence modifier. **&aname(split-arcana)Split Arcana(変則) &small(){&link(Split Arcana){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス6レベル  &b(){利益}:When the magus expends a point from his arcane pool to grant enhancement bonuses or properties to a weapon, he may split the bonuses between two weapons. This otherwise follows all the normal rules for the magus adding enhancement bonuses and properties to weapons. **&aname(staff-mastery)Staff Mastery(変則) &small(){&link(Staff Mastery){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:The magus can use all his arcana that apply to casting a spell to spells activated from a magic staff. Additionally, any feat that increases the magus’s attack rolls with a quarterstaff also increase his UMD check to activate a magic staff, and any feat that increases the magus’s damage with a quarterstaff also increases the damage dealt to one creature (selected by the magus) effected by any spell activated from a magic staff. **&aname(versatile-combatant)Versatile Combatant(超常) &small(){&link(Versatile Combatant){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){前提条件}:メイガス9レベル  &b(){利益}:The magus can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to augment his combat skill. The magus selects one feat for which he meets all the prerequisites. The magus is considered to have that feat for a number of rounds equal to the magus’s Intelligence modifier. The magus can only access one feat at a time using this magus arcane; if he uses it to select a new feat, any previously gained feat is immediately lost. **&aname(wand-lord)Wand Lord(超常) &small(){&link(Wand Lord){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:When a magus activates a wand, he may expend one or more points form his arcane pool. For every point expended, the caster level of the spell produced by the wand is increased by 2, to a maximum of the magus’s level. **&aname(warding)Warding(超常) &small(){&link(Warding){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:The magus may expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to grant any armor he is wearing a +1 enhancement bonus to AC for 1 minute. For every four levels beyond 1st, the armor gains another +1 enhancement bonus, to a maximum of +5 at 17th level. These bonuses can be added to the armor, stacking with existing armor enhancement to a maximum of +5. Multiple uses of this ability do not stack with themselves.  A magus of 5th level or higher can use these bonuses to add any of the following armor properties: fortification (light, moderate of heavy), ghost touch, invulnerability, and spell resistance. Adding these properties consumes an amount of bonus equal to the property’s base price modifier. The magus can also grant the following properties using the listed bonus cost: energy resistance (+4), glamered (+1), improved slick (+3), improved shadow (+3), jousting[APG] (+2), slick (+2), and shadow (+2). These properties are added to any the armor already has, but duplicates do not stack. If the armor is not magical, at least a +1 enhancement bonus must be added before any other properties can be added. These bonuses and properties are decided when the arcane pool point is expended and cannot be be changed until the next time the magus uses this ability. These bonuses and properties are not functional if the armor is worn by anyone other than the magus.  A magus can only enhance one suit of armor in this way at a time. If he uses the ability again, the first use immediately ends. **&aname(weapon-diligence)Weapon Diligence(変則) &small(){&link(Weapon Diligence){}}  &b(){出典}:&i(){Ultimate Options: New Magus Arcana}  &b(){利益}:The magus can hone his familiarity with a specific weapon to direct his mental focus. The magus selects one weapon. When wielding that weapon, the magus gains a +3 bonus to all concentration checks. If the magus is 10th level or higher, the bonus increases to +6. ----

