B3 > パクアジ


B3/パクアジ - (2012/02/16 (木) 02:07:24) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

パクアジ Pukwudgie

A merging of an emaciated man and a porcupine, this sinister creature smells of death and decay.

パクアジ 脅威度7 Pukwudgie

経験点 3,200
イニシアチブ +4; 感覚 暗視60フィート、デスウォッチディテクト・グッドディテクト・マジック;〈知覚〉+13

AC 20、接触16、立ちすくみ15(+4【敏】、+1回避、+4外皮、+1サイズ)
hp 85(9d10+36)
頑健 +7、反応 +10、意志 +10

移動速度 30フィート
近接 爪(×2)=+14(1d4+2、加えて“毒”)
遠隔 トゲ(×2)=+14(1d4+2、加えて“毒”)
特殊攻撃 急所攻撃+3d6、spawn undead
擬似呪文能力 (術者レベル10レベル;精神集中+14)
基本攻撃 +9; CMB +10; CMD 25
特技 《回避》、《強行突破》、《鋼の意志》、《武器熟練:トゲ》、《武器の妙技》
技能 〈隠密〉+16、〈知覚〉+13、〈知識:宗教〉+11、〈知識:神秘学〉+11、〈治療〉+10、〈呪文学〉+11、〈はったり〉+10
言語 共通語、地獄語、竜語
その他の特殊能力 変身(porcupine、ビースト・シェイプII

出現環境 温暖/森林、丘陵、または山岳
編成 単体、2体、またはカルト(3~10)
宝物 標準

Spawn Undead(超常) Any creature slain by a pukwudgie’s poisonous quills rises in 24 hours as a zombie. Undead created by this ability are not immediately under the control of a pukwudgie, but they receive a -4 penalty on saves against a pukwudgie’s control undead spell-like ability.
毒(超常) トゲ・致傷型;セーヴ 頑健・DC18;頻度 1回/ラウンド(6ラウンド間);効果 1d3【耐】ダメージ;治療 2回連続のセーヴ成功。このセーヴ難易度は【耐久力】に基づいている。
トゲ(変則) A pukwudgie can fire two of its quills as a ranged attack as a standard action. These quills have a range increment of 40 feet. Any creature attacking a pukwudgie with light or one-handed melee weapons, natural weapons, or an unarmed strike takes 1d3 points of piercing damage. A creature that grapples a pukwudgie takes 2d4 points of piercing damage. Anyone who takes damage from these quills is also exposed to the pukwudgie’s poison.

 The vile pukwudgie is a small, hunchbacked humanoid covered with long, sharp quills. These quills, like those of a porcupine, help protect the small creature but are also dangerous offensive weapons, for the quills hold a deadly poison that animates those it slays as zombies. This necromantic nature, along with their penchant for torment and sadistic ways, makes pukwudgies evil to the core. A pukwudgie stands 3-1/2 feet tall and weighs a little more than 30 pounds.
 Pukwudgies are frequently found in the company of undead. This retinue usually consists of zombies and skeletons created via their poisonous quills ability or their ability to animate dead bodies. They have a strong preference for animating the bodies of dead animals over other creatures, and often use undead animals as mounts.
 A pukwudgie usually stays away from well-traveled areas and humanoid settlements, but may sometimes slip into small villages in the night to steal children. The little horrors enjoy the tender flesh of newborn babies immensely, and are often willing to go through great personal risk to secure infantile repasts when they are available. Their delight in arson only further makes them a bane of small villages.