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念能/装備品/念能のアイテム - (2019/09/15 (日) 19:34:48) のソース

*念能のアイテム &link(Psionic Items){http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/equipment/psionic-items/}


**念能のアイテムの使用 Using Psionic Items

 &b(){念力完成型/Power Completion}:これはパワー・ストーンの起動方法である。パワー・ストーンにはほぼ完成した念力がある。残っているのは発現の一部の短く、簡単な終了部分を実行することである(最終的な精神の締めくくり部分である)。念力完成型アイテムを安全に使用するためには、キャラクターが既に念力を発現できる適切なクラスの十分なレベルを持っている必要がある。念力をまだ発現できない場合、失敗を犯す可能性がある(パワー・ストーンの説明の脳破壊を参照)。念力完成型アイテムを起動することは標準アクションであり、念力を発現するのと同様に機会攻撃を誘発する。


 時々、アイテムを起動するための思考合言葉は、その中に精神的に刻印され、アイテムを拾うクリーチャーの心にささやく。他のアイテムは静かなままであるが、[[〈知識:念能〉>技能の詳細#Knowledge]]あるいは[[〈知識:歴史〉>技能の詳細#Knowledge]]判定は思考合言葉を識別するのに役立つ場合がある。この場合、思考合言葉がわかるためにはDC 30の判定が必要である。[[ディテクト・サイオニクス>念能/念力/D~E#detect-psionics]]念力はアイテムの性質が正常に識別されると、思考合言葉も明らかにする。
 Many use-activated items are objects that a character wears. Some items made for wearing must still be activated. Although this activation sometimes requires a command thought (see above), usually it means mentally willing the activation to happen (a free action). The description of an item states whether a command thought is needed in such a case.
 Unless stated otherwise, activating a use-activated psionic item is either a standard action or not an action at all and does not provoke attacks of opportunity, unless the use involves performing an action that provokes attacks of opportunity in itself. If the use of the item takes time before a psionic effect occurs, then use activation is a standard action. If the item’s activation is subsumed in its use and takes no extra time, use activation is not an action at all.
 Use activation doesn’t mean that if you use an item, you automatically know what it can do. You must know (or at least guess) what the item can do and then use the item to activate it, unless the benefit of the item comes automatically.
 Powers stored in use-activated items are usually not augmented, because the manifester level of such an item is assumed to be the minimum possible to manifest the stored power.

***念能のアイテムに対するセーヴィング・スロー Saving Throws Against Psionic Item Powers

***念能のアイテムへのダメージ Damaging Psionic Items

***念能のアイテムの修繕 Repairing Psionic Items
 Some psionic items (especially psionic weapons and shields) may take damage over the course of an adventure. It costs no more to repair a psionic item with the Craft skill than it does to repair its nonpsionic counterpart. The make whole spell can repair a damaged—but not completely broken— psionic item.

***Charges And Multiple Uses
 Some items are limited in power by the number of charges they hold or the number of power points they contain. Normally, charged items (such as dorjes) have 50 charges at most. If such an item is found as a random part of a treasure, roll d% and divide by 2 to determine the number of charges left (round down, minimum 1). Similarly, items that contain power points (such as psicrowns) have a number of points equal to 10 × the manifester level of the creator. If such an item is found as a random part of a treasure, roll d10 to determine the number by which the manifester level is multiplied.
 Market prices given on the tables are always for fully charged or fully powered items. (When an item is created, it is fully charged or fully powered.) For an item that’s worthless when its charges or power points run out (which is the case for almost all charged or powered items), the value of the partially used item is proportional to the number of charges left. For an item that has usefulness in addition to its charges, only part of the item’s value is based on the number of charges left.
 Some items are single-use and expendable. Such items can often be found in sets or groups.

***知性のある念能のアイテム Intelligent Psionic Items

***呪われた念能のアイテム Cursed Psionic Items

***念能のキャラクターへの魔法のアイテム Magic Items For Psionic Characters
 多くの魔法のアイテムは念能のキャラクターに役立つ。次の表にいくつかの詳細を示す。(訳注:magic itemsではなくpsionic itemsのように思われる)。

*念能のアイテムの詳細 Psionic Item Descriptions
一部の個々のアイテム、特に念力を保存しておくアイテムは、本格的な説明がない。念力の説明を参照するだけである。特記ない限り、念力はそれを発現するのに必要な最低レベルで発現されると想定される。発現者レベルを上げると、アイテムのコストは増加する;see Table: Estimating Magic Item Gold Piece Values, substituting “spell” for “power” and “caster level” for “manifester level” as appropriate. The main reason to make the manifester level higher, or course, would be to increase the potency of the power. Raising the manifester level is common for powers such as astral construct, the duration of which increases with the level of the manifester.
 Items with full descriptions have their abilities detailed, and each of the following aspects of these items is summarized at the end of the description.
 &b(){発現者レベル(ML)}: The next entry in the summary indicates the level of the creator (or the manifester level of the powers placed within the item, if this level is lower than the actual level of the creator). The manifester level provides the item’s saving throw bonus, as well as range and other level-dependent aspects of the powers of the item (if variable). It also determines the level that must be contended with should the item come under the effect of a dispel psionics power or a similar situation.
 This information is given in the form “ML X,” where “ML” is an abbreviation for manifester level and “X” is an ordinal number representing the manifester level itself.
 For psionic tattoos, power stones, and dorjes, the creator can set the manifester level of an item at any number high enough to manifest the stored power, but not higher than her own manifester level. For other psionic items, the item itself determines the manifester level. In this case, the creator’s manifester level must be as high as the item’s manifester level (and prerequisites may effectively put a higher minimum on the creator’s level).
 &b(){装備部位}: Most psionic items can only be utilized if worn or wielded in their proper slots. If the item is stowed or placed elsewhere, it does not function. If the slot lists “none,” the item must be held or otherwise carried to function.
 &b(){価格}: This is the cost, in gold pieces, to purchase the item, if it is available for sale. Generally speaking, psionic items can be sold by PCs for half this value.
 &b(){重量}: The notational entry for many items ends with a value for the item’s weight. When a weight figure is not given, the item has no weight worth noting (for the purpose of determining how much of a load a character can carry).
 &b(){詳細}: This section of a psionic item describes the item’s powers and abilities. Psionic tattoos, power stones, and dorjes refer to various powers as part of their descriptions.

****表:魔法と念能のアイテムの同等性 Table: Magic-Psionic Equivalencies
|[[アイウーン・ストーン>魔法のアイテム/その他の魔法のアイテム/あ~#ioun-stones]]|Vibrant Purple Stores up to 3 psionic powers that cost a combined total of 5 power points&br()Pale lavender Absorbs powers up to 4th level (burns out as normal)&br()Rainbow1 Provides 5 power points per day (regenerates)&br()Dull gray&sup(){2} Provides 1 power point to a psionic character, then disintegrates|
&sup(){1} &b(){New item}: Treat as a cognizance crystal in ioun stone form, except that it regenerates its stored power points each day; &b(){Price} 16,000 gp.
&sup(){2} Dull gray stones are useless for magic but still harbor just enough resonance that a psionic character can eke out 1 power point before the stone is gone forever.

A power prerequisite can be provided by a character who knows the power, or through the use of a power completion or power trigger psionic item or a psi-like ability that produces the desired power effect. For each day that passes during the creation process, the creator must expend one power completion item (such as a power stone) or 1 charge from a power trigger item (such as a dorje), if either of those objects is used to supply a prerequisite.

It is possible for more than one character to cooperate in the creation of an item, with each participant providing one or more of the prerequisites. In some cases, cooperation may even be necessary, such as if one character knows some of the powers necessary to create an item and another character knows the rest. If two or more characters cooperate to create an item, they must agree among themselves who will be considered the creator for the purpose of determinations where the creator’s level must be known. (It’s sensible, although not mandatory, for the highest-level character involved to be considered the creator.)

Typically, a list of prerequisites includes one feat and one or more powers (or some other requirement in addition to the feat). When two powers at the end of a list are separated by “or,” one of those powers is required in addition to every other power mentioned prior to the last two.

&b(){コスト}: This is the cost in gold pieces to create the item. Generally, this cost is equal to half the price of an item, but additional material components might increase this number. The cost to create includes the costs derived from the base cost plus the costs of the components.

***ランダムな念能のアイテム Random Psionic Items

****表:念能のアイテムのランダムチャート Table: Random Psionic Item Generation
|01~02 	|01~05 	|01~05 	|特殊能力を持つであろう鎧|
|03~04 	|06~10 	|06~10 	|特殊能力を持つであろう盾|
|05~06 	|11~15 	|11~15 	|特殊能力を持つであろう近接武器|
|08~09 	|16~20 	|16~20 	|特殊能力を持つであろう遠隔武器|
|10~40 	|21~40 	|21~35 	|[[コグニザンス・クリスタル>念能/装備品/念能のアイテム/コグニザンス・クリスタル]]|
|41~46 	|41~50 	|36~45 	|[[ドルジェ>念能/装備品/念能のアイテム/ドルジェ]]|
|47~81 	|51~68 	|46~67 	|[[パワー・ストーン>念能/装備品/念能のアイテム/パワー・ストーン]]|
|82~87 	|69~82 	|68~75 	|[[サイクラウン>念能/装備品/念能のアイテム/サイクラウン]]|
|88~93 	|83~89 	|76~87 	|[[サイオニック・タトゥー>念能/装備品/念能のアイテム/サイオニック・タトゥー]]|
|94~100 |– 	|– 	|[[下級のその他の念能のアイテム>念能/装備品/念能のアイテム/その他のアイテム]]|
|– 	|90~100 |– 	|[[中級のその他の念能のアイテム>念能/装備品/念能のアイテム/その他のアイテム]]|
|– 	|– 	|88~100 |[[上級のその他の念能のアイテム>念能/装備品/念能のアイテム/その他のアイテム]]|

下位ページの一覧〔訳注: 順序はUltimate Psionics掲載順に従った〕
-[[念能の鎧と盾>念能/装備品/念能のアイテム/鎧と盾]] [[Psionic Armor and Shields>http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/equipment/psionic-items/psionic-armor-and-shields/]]
-[[念能の武器>念能/装備品/念能のアイテム/武器]] [[Psionic Weapons>http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/equipment/psionic-items/psionic-weapons/]]
-[[コグニザンス・クリスタル>念能/装備品/念能のアイテム/コグニザンス・クリスタル]] [[Cognizance Crystals>http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/equipment/psionic-items/cognizance-crystals/]]
-[[クリスタル製焦点具>念能/装備品/念能のアイテム/クリスタル製焦点具]] [[Crystalline Focus Items>http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/equipment/psionic-items/crystalline-focus-items/]]
-[[ドルジェ>念能/装備品/念能のアイテム/ドルジェ]] [[Dorjes>http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/equipment/psionic-items/dorjes/]]
-[[パワー・ストーン>念能/装備品/念能のアイテム/パワー・ストーン]] [[Power Stones>http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/equipment/psionic-items/power-stones/]]
-[[サイクラウン>念能/装備品/念能のアイテム/サイクラウン]] [[Psicrowns>http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/equipment/psionic-items/psicrowns/]]
-[[サイオニック・タトゥー>念能/装備品/念能のアイテム/サイオニック・タトゥー]] [[Psionic Tattoos>http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/equipment/psionic-items/psionic-tattoos/]]
-[[その他の念能のアイテム>念能/装備品/念能のアイテム/その他のアイテム]] [[Universal Items>http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/equipment/psionic-items/universal-items/]]
-[[呪われた念能のアイテム>念能/装備品/念能のアイテム/呪われたアイテム]] [[Cursed Psionic Items>http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/equipment/psionic-items/cursed-psionic-items/]]
-[[念能のアーティファクト>念能/装備品/念能のアイテム/アーティファクト]] [[Psionic Artifacts>http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/equipment/psionic-items/psionic-artifacts/]]
-[[念能のアイテムの作成>念能/装備品/念能のアイテム/作成]] [[Creating Psionic Items>http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/equipment/psionic-items/creating-psionic-items/]]
-[[特殊な物質>念能/装備品/念能のアイテム/特殊な物質]] [[Special Psionic Materials>http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/equipment/psionic-items/psionic-special-materials/]]

&u(){Section 15: Copyright Notice}
&i(){[[Psionics Unleashed>http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/86729/Psionics-Unleashed]]. Copyright 2010, Dreamscarred Press.}
&i(){[[Psionics Expanded: Advanced Psionics Guide>http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/103588/Psionics-Expanded-Advanced-Psionics-Guide]]. Copyright 2011, Dreamscarred Press; Authors: Jeremy Smith and Andreas Rönnqvist.}
&i(){[[Ultimate Psionics>http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/124281/Ultimate-Psionics]]. Copyright 2013, Dreamscarred Press; Authors: Andreas Rönnqvist, Jeremy Smith.}