念能 > クラス > タクティシャン


念能/クラス/タクティシャン - (2018/07/21 (土) 18:31:23) のソース

*タクティシャン &link(Tactician){http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/tactician/}
 Joining allies into a single cohesive unit, the tactician uses his psionic power to unlock the potential of others, as well as himself. This master of strategy tends to focus his abilities on the insight of clairsentience and the improved communication of telepathy to know where and when to act and ensure his companions are best situated to react.




&b(){開始時の所持金}:4d6 × 10 gp(平均140 gp)。加えて各キャラクターは10gp以下の価値のある衣装を得てゲームを開始する。

タクティシャンのクラス技能は次の通り:〈自己催眠〉【判】、、[[〈はったり〉>技能の詳細#Bluff]]【魅】、[[〈登攀〉>技能の詳細/3#Climb]]【筋】、[[〈製作〉>技能の詳細/2#Craft]]【知】、[[〈交渉〉>技能の詳細#Diplomacy]]【魅】、[[〈威圧〉>技能の詳細#Intimidate]]【魅】、[[〈知識:工学〉>技能の詳細#Knowledge]]【知】、[[〈知識:歴史〉>技能の詳細#Knowledge]]【知】、[[〈知識:念能〉>技能の詳細#Knowledge]]【知】、[[〈言語学〉>技能の詳細/1#Linguistics]]【知】、[[〈知覚〉>技能の詳細#Perception]]【判】[[〈芸能〉>技能の詳細/1#Perform]]【魅】、[[〈職能〉>技能の詳細/1#Profession]]【知】、[[〈騎乗〉>技能の詳細/1#Ride]]【敏】、[[〈真意看破〉>技能の詳細#Sense Motive]]【判】、[[〈呪文学〉>技能の詳細#Spellcraft]]【知】、[[〈水泳〉>技能の詳細/2#Swim]]【筋】、[[〈魔法装置使用〉>技能の詳細/3#Use Magic Device]]【魅】。


|5|+3|+1|+1|+4|&link_anchor(coordinated-strike){協調打撃}+2, improved share 1|25|5|3|
|6|+4|+2|+2|+5|Coordinate, &aname(teamwork-feat){チームワーク特技}|35|6|3|
|8|+6/+1|+2|+2|+6|Echo effect|58|8|4|
|11|+8/+3|+3|+3|+7|Improved share 2|106|11|6|
|14|+10/+5|+4|+4|+9|Pooled knowledge|170|14|7|
|17|+12/+7/+2|+5|+5|+10|&link_anchor(coordinated-strike){協調打撃}+5, improved share 3|250|17|9|
|20|+15/+10/+5|+6|+6|+12|Master strategist|343|20|9|


 &aname(weapon-and-armor-proficiencies)&b(){武器と防具の習熟} タクティシャンは全ての単純武器と軍用武器と、全ての種類の軽装鎧と中装鎧と盾に習熟している(タワー・シールドは除く)

 &aname(powers-points-day)&b(){1日毎の念力ポイント/Powers Points/Day} 念力を発動するためのタクティシャンの能力は利用可能な念力ポイントで制限を受けている。彼の念力ポイントの基本的な日割りは表:タクティシャンに示されている。加えて、高い【知力】修正値を持っている場合1日当たりのボーナス念力ポイントを得るかもしれない(表:能力修正値とボーナス念力ポイント参照)。種族は特定の特技やアイテムと同様に1日毎のボーナス念力ポイントを与えることもある。

 &aname(powers-known)&b(){修得済み念力/Powers Known} タクティシャンは選択した1つのタクティシャンの念力を修得した状態でゲームを開始する。1レベル以降のクラスレベルごとに、追加の念力を修得する能力を解放する。
 タクティシャンの念力リストから修得済み念力を選択する。(例外:《Expanded Knowledge》特技は他のdisciplineや他のクラスのリストから念力を習得することができる。)タクティシャンは念力ポイントのコストが、発現者レベル以下の念力を発現できる。

 &aname(maximum-power-level-known)&b(){修得済み最大念力レベル/Maximum Power Level Known} タクティシャンは1レベル念力を学んだ能力を得てゲームを開始する。高レベルになるとより複雑な念力を習得する能力を得る。

 &aname(collective)&b(){集合体(超常)/Collective} タクティシャンは、念能的なつながりを強化する内部のネットワークを通じて、同意する精神を繋ぐために念能の力を使用することを学ぶ。標準アクションとして、タクティシャンは同意する目標を自身の集合体に加えることができる(最大人数は下記参照)。ヴァイタリストは各目標に視線が通っていなければならず、目標は少なくとも【判断力】1を持っていなければならず、全ての目標は中距離(100フィート+10フィート/クラス・レベル)以内にいなければならない。集合体の最大人数は主要能力修正値かタクティシャン・レベルのどちらか高い方に等しい数である。タクティシャンは常に自身の集合体のメンバーとみなされ、この制限には数えない。
 タクティシャンは自身のターンにフリー・アクションとしてメンバーを除名することができ、いずれのメンバーも自身のターンにフリー・アクションとして、集合体から自発的に去ることができる。【判断力】が0まで低下するか、範囲外へ移動したメンバーは集合体から自動的に除名される。メンバーが&i(){null psionics field}に入ると、そのメンバーが範囲から離れるまで集合体とのつながりは消える。いかなる理由にせよ集合体を去るメンバーは、メンバーであることから得ることができた全ての利益を直ちに失う。タクティシャンは集合体の状態を知っており、各メンバーの存在を大まかには感知することができるが、クリーチャーがメンバーであるかどうかを超えて、高レベルとなるまで機械的な利益はない( &link_anchor(telepathy){テレパシー}参照)。

 &aname(coordinated-strike)&b(){協調打撃(超常)/Coordinated Strike} タクティシャンは味方に1体の目標に対して攻撃を強調させることで破壊的な効果をもたらすように指示することができる。即行アクションとして、タクティシャンは一次的な敵として視線内の1体の目標を宣言することができる。タクティシャン自身を含むタクティシャンの集合体のメンバー全員はタクティシャンの次のターン開始時まで一次的な敵に対する攻撃に+1の洞察ボーナスを得る。5レベルの時点と以降4レベルごとにこのボーナスは1ずつ増加する。

 &aname(lesser-strategies)&b(){下級戦略/Lesser Strategies} タクティシャンは協調と戦術の中で援護するために使用する下級の念力を学ぶ。タクティシャンはタクティシャンはの才能リストの中から3つの才能を得る。

 &aname(spirit-of-many)&b(){沢山の精神(超常)/Spirit of Many} 2レベルの時点でタクティシャンは[ネットワーク]の補足説明を持つ念力を発現するときに特殊能力を得る。これらの念力を、通常は念力に完全耐性を持つか、念力の射程外にいるとしても自身の集合体のメンバーに発現することができる。ヴァイタリストが[ネットワーク]の補足説明を持つ念力で、自身の集合体のメンバーのみを目標とするとき、その念力は[精神作用]の補足説明を失い(あるのならば)、念力抵抗を克服するが、依然として通常通り発現することによる機会攻撃を誘発する。集合体のメンバーにのみ発現される[ネットワーク]の念力はセーヴィング・スローを行わせない――セーヴィング・スローのデータは「なし」となるが、念力がその後のセーヴィング・スローを指定するならば、通常通りセーヴを試みる。タクティシャンは[ネットワーク]の補足説明を持つすべての念力に以下の増強を加える。

 &aname(telepathy)&b(){テレパシー(超常)/Telepathy} 3レベルの時点でタクティシャンは共通の言語を共有していなくても、集合体の全ての同意するメンバー(タクティシャン自身を含む)は他のメンバーとテレパシーで会話をすることができる。タクティシャンの集合体で同意する念能クリーチャー(タクティシャン自身を含む)は集合体内の同意する他の念能クリーチャーの修得済み念力から、物理的な接触があるかのように未修得済み念力を発現することができる。

 &aname(strategy)&b(){戦略(超常)/Strategy} 4レベルと以降3レベルごとにタクティシャンは新しい戦術的な戦略を学び、戦闘において特殊な能力を与える。特に明記ない限り、戦略を使用することは機会攻撃を誘発しない即行アクションである。戦略はタクティシャンが自身の集合体のメンバーに出す命令や提案である。戦略に指定ない限り、タクティシャンは自身に戦略を使用することはできない。
 &aname(collective-defenses)&b(){集合体防御/Collective Defenses}:タクティシャンは自身の集合体のメンバーの防御力を強化するために集合体を通じて居よう可能な近く情報を利用することができる。タクティシャンの【魅力】修正値に等しいラウンド数の間(最小1)、タクティシャンとタクティシャンから視線が通る集合体のメンバーはACにタクティシャンの【知力】修正値に等しい洞察ボーナスを得る(最小1)。
 &aname(coordinated-distraction)&b(){協調気逸らし/Coordinated Distraction}:タクティシャンは1体の敵への攻撃を集合体のメンバーへ支持し、タクティシャンの【魅力】修正値に等しいラウンド数の間(最小1)、攻撃ロールに+1の技量ボーナスを指示したメンバーに与えることができる。指示されたメンバーが攻撃を行う場合、指示されたメンバーがタクティシャンに対してどの位置にいるかに関係なく、タクティシャンと敵を挟撃しているものとして扱い、タクティシャンは割り込みアクションとしてその敵に対して1回の近接攻撃を行うことができる。タクティシャンはこの戦略を使用して1回しか攻撃を行うことができない。代わりに、タクティシャンは目標とされた敵に対して攻撃を行い、挟撃による+1を得ることができるが、この方法によってこの戦略を使用することは即行アクションではなく全ラウンド・アクションとして使用する。8レベルの時点と以降4レベルごとにこの攻撃ロールへの技量ボーナスは1ずつ増加する。
 &aname(coordinated-maneuvers)&b(){協調戦技/Coordinated Maneuvers}:The tactician can sense when opponents have become vulnerable to different kinds of attack and direct his allies to capitalize on these weaknesses, granting members of his collective a +1 insight bonus on one type of combat maneuver attempt, such as bull rushes or repositions, for a number of rounds equaling his Charisma modifier (minimum 1). The tactician chooses the kind of maneuver this benefit applies to when he activates this strategy. At 8th level and every four levels thereafter, the insight bonus increases by 1.
 &aname(directed-assault)&b(){Directed Assault/Directed Assault}:The tactician directs a member of his collective to attack a particular target, granting this ally a +1 competence bonus on the attack roll for a number of rounds equal to the tactician’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1). If the attack is made, the tactician may immediately make a single attack at any target within range as an immediate action. This attack does not count as an attack action, so does not qualify for special abilities that can be used with an attack action, such as Vital Strike. At 8th level and every four tactical levels thereafter, the competence bonus increases by 1.
 &aname(disruptive-terrain)&b(){Disruptive Terrain/Disruptive Terrain}:The tactician charges the terrain around him with psychokinetic energy. Any creature not in the tactician’s collective treats the terrain as difficult terrain for a number of rounds equal to the tactician’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1). The area of terrain affected is a burst effect centered on the tactician with a range of 5 feet per three tactician levels. The affected area does not change if the tactician moves after using this strategy. Selecting this strategy requires the tactician to be at least 10th level.
 &aname(distracting-gaze)&b(){Distracting Gaze/Distracting Gaze}:The tactician can target one enemy within 30 feet and make a ranged touch attack against that enemy. If the attack is successful, that enemy is treated as if the tactician was adjacent to him for the purposes of determining if he is flanked for a number of rounds equal to the tactician’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1). Treat the direction for flanking as the direction of the tactician. Selecting this strategy requires the tactician to be at least 7th level.
 &aname(focus-attack)&b(){Focus Attack/Focus Attack}:The tactician can direct a member of his collective to attack a single enemy. If the directed member performs the attack, all subsequent attacks on that target for the next round by anyone in the collective deal an additional 1d6 points of damage. An individual gains this additional damage on only one successful attack per round, even if they make multiple successful attacks on the targeted enemy. At 8th level and every four tactician levels thereafter, this damage increases by 1d6.
 &aname(guard-target)&b(){Guard Target/Guard Target}:The tactician directs a member of his collective to guard a specific target (which may be the tactician, but not the directed member), granting the directed member a +1 competence bonus to attack rolls. In addition, the directed member can spend an attack of opportunity to redirect an attack made at the target as if it was made at him, even if the attack itself would not normally have provoked an attack of opportunity. Anytime the directed member redirects an attack in this fashion, the tactician gains a cumulative +1 bonus to his next attack against the source of the redirected attack. This effect lasts a number of rounds equal to the tactician’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1). If the directed member would not normally be able to make an attack of opportunity, for example, if they already made one and do not possess the Combat Reflexes feat, they may not redirect attacks. At 8th level and every four tactician levels thereafter, the competence bonus on attack rolls increases by 1.
 &aname(hold-position)&b(){Hold Position/Hold Position}:The tactician can direct a member of his collective to hold their ground, granting the directed member a +1 dodge bonus to AC and a +1 competence bonus to attack rolls for a number of rounds equal to the tactician’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1). For each round the directed member does not move from the spot, the tactician may immediately take a free move action on the same round, but must move toward the directed member in as direct a manner as possible. The tactician gains a +1 dodge bonus to his AC during this move. At 8th level and every four tactician levels thereafter, the dodge bonuses and the competence bonus to attack rolls increase by 1.
 &aname(into-the-fray)&b(){Into the Fray/Into the Fray}:The tactician directs a member of his collective to charge a particular enemy, granting the ally a +1 competence bonus on the damage roll. If the charge is performed, the tactician may charge the same enemy as an immediate action, gaining a +1 competence bonus on the damage roll. At 8th level and every four tactician levels thereafter, the competence bonus increases by 1
 &aname(reposition)&b(){Reposition/Reposition}]: The tactician direct each ally in collective to take a 5-foot step as a free action immediately. The tactician may also immediately take a 5-foot step. This does not count against the number of 5-foot steps allowed in the tactician’s or each ally’s turns. If all directed allies takes their 5-foot step, the tactician may immediately make a full attack against any target within range and gain a +1 competence bonus on the attack and damage rolls. Selecting this strategy to be at least a 13th level tactician. At 16th level and every four tactician levels thereafter, the competence bonus increases by 1.
 &aname(telempathic-resistance)&b(){Telempathic Resistance/Telempathic Resistance}: The tactician shares not only thoughts, but also resilience to members of his collective. For a number of rounds equal to the tactician’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1), all members of the tactician’s collective gain a +1 insight bonus to saving throws At 8th level and every four tactician levels thereafter, the insight bonus increases by 1.

 &aname(strategy)&b(){Improved Share(超常)/Improved Share} A tactician learns special techniques when manifesting powers with the Shared descriptor. Beginning at 5th level, the tactician may maintain two powers with the Shared descriptor at any time instead of only one. Should he manifest a third power with the Shared descriptor, the tactician can choose which of the maintained Shared powers ends immediately.
 Every six tactician levels thereafter (11th, 17th), the tactician may maintain an additional power with the Shared descriptor before a maintained power with the Shared descriptor expires.

 &aname(coordinate)&b(){Coordinate(超常)/Coordinate} At 6th level, as long as the tactician maintains psionic focus, he may share any one teamwork feat he has with one member of his collective within line of sight and line of effect. Declaring which member of the collective gains the teamwork feat is a free action that can only be done once per round. The ally’s positioning and actions must still meet the prerequisites listed in the teamwork feat to receive the listed bonus, but the ally need not meet the feat prerequisites to gain the benefit.

 &aname(teamwork-feat)&b(){チームワーク特技/Teamwork Feat} At 6th level, and every six levels thereafter, the tactician gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement. These bonus feats must be selected from those listed as teamwork feats. The tactician must meet the prerequisites of the selected bonus feat.
 By spending one hour in meditation, the tactician can change anyone teamwork feat he has already learned for another teamwork feat whose prerequisites he meets. In effect, the tactician loses the bonus feat in exchange for a new one.

 &aname(echo-effect)&b(){Echo Effect(超常)/Echo Effect} At 8th level, the tactician gains the ability to copy non-permanent magical and psionic effects within his collective. If a member of the collective is affected by a magical or psionic effect with a duration greater than 1 round, the tactician can echo it onto another member of his collective. To do so the tactician must first identify the power properly (see the Spellcraft skill description).
 Echoing a magical or psionic effect is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity and costs the tactician a number of power points equal to the original effect’s caster or manifester level (whichever applies). As a supernatural ability, a tactician is permitted to spend more power points than his manifest level on this effect. The new target must be legal for the effect in question (for instance, if you attempt to echo an unaugmented Empathic Connection on a dog, the echo will fail). If the effect allows a saving throw, the new target is entitled to a saving throw when the effect is echoed (same DC as the original power).
 Only the basic effect and augmentation are echoed: metamagic and metapsionic feats do not echo. The echo has all the same decisions made as the original. For example, Specified Energy Adaption echoes would guard against the same energy type, while a 5pp Empathic Connection (extended duration) could not be echoed as a 5pp Empathic Connection (affects aberrations). The echo takes effect at the same caster or manifester level as the originator. When the original ends or leaves the collective, all echoes of it also end. An echo can be dispelled as normal without terminating the original.
 A tactician can spend power points to augment this supernatural ability. For every 4 additional power points spent, the echo may reach an additional target. If the augment would raise the cost of the echo above the tactician’s manifester level, the echo attempt fail (although he may still attempt to echo it onto a single target). The tactician knows if an effect is beyond his ability to echo this way when he identifies it.

 &aname(pooled-knowledge)&b(){Pooled Knowledge(超常)/Pooled Knowledge} Once a tactician has reached 14th level, he has learned to share not only strategic knowledge over the collective, but even knowledge of manifesting. By expending psionic focus, the tactician may attempt to manifest any power known by a member of his collective. If the power is not on the tactician power list, the tactician must make a successful Spellcraft check (DC 20 + the power’s level) to see if he understands the power. If the Spellcraft check fails, the attempt fails and psionic focus is still expended, but no power points are spent. If the check is successful, the tactician may immediately manifest the power. Using this ability uses an action equal to the manifesting time of the power to be manifested. This ability may not be used to manifest powers with a manifesting time longer than one round.

 &aname(master-strategist)&b(){Master Strategist(超常)/Master Strategist} Upon achieving 20th level, a tactician has learned how to turn his collective into a truly cohesive battle unit. The tactician may use two daily uses of his strategy ability and grant all of his allies an insight bonus on attack and damage rolls, armor class, and saving throws equal to his intelligence for two minutes. This ability may not be used if the tactician is not engaged in combat.


|>|>|Dreamscarred Press|
|ブルー|精神作用効果に対するタクティシャンのセーヴィング・スローに+1/3を加える。|&i(){Psionics Expanded: Advanced Psionics Guide}|
|ドロマイト|タクティシャンの集合体のクリーチャーの最大数に+1/2を加える。|&i(){Psionics Expanded: Advanced Psionics Guide}|
|ドゥエルガル|タクティシャンが念力を発現するときの精神集中判定に+1/2のボーナスを加える。|&i(){Psionics Expanded: Advanced Psionics Guide}|
|ドワーフ|タクティシャンが念力を発現するときの精神集中判定に+1/2のボーナスを加える。|&i(){Psionics Expanded: Advanced Psionics Guide}|
|ノーム|タクティシャンは才能を1つ得る。|&i(){Psionics Expanded: Advanced Psionics Guide}|
|ハーフエルフ|タクティシャンの集合体のクリーチャーの最大数に+1/2を加える。|&i(){Psionics Expanded: Advanced Psionics Guide}|
|人間|タクティシャンの戦略の一日の使用回数に+1/4を加える。|&i(){Psionics Expanded: Advanced Psionics Guide}|
|ミーナッド|ACにボーナスを与えるような念力を発現するときミーナッドの発現者レベルに+1/2を加える。|&i(){Psionics Expanded: Advanced Psionics Guide}|
|オフィドゥアン|立ちすくみ状態の相手に対して戦術を使うとき戦術の利益の目的でタクティシャンのレベルを1高いものとして扱う。|&i(){Psionics Expanded: Advanced Psionics Guide}|
|ゼフ|精神作用効果に対するタクティシャンのセーヴィング・スローに+1/3を加える。|&i(){Psionics Expanded: Advanced Psionics Guide}|

 キャラクターは複数のアーキタイプを保持することができるが、代替クラス特徴のどれ一つとして、基本クラスの同じクラス特徴を置き換えたり変更することはできない。 例えば、パラディンの救護騎士と不死者懲罰官の両方となることはできない。なぜならば、両方とも悪を討つ一撃のクラス特徴を修正し、両方とも正義のオーラを置き換えるからである。しかしながら、パラディンが不死者懲罰官と聖光の戦士の両方を得ることはでき、これは新しいクラス特徴が同じ基本クラス特徴を置き換えるものがないからである。

|Class Skills|Skill Points per Level|Weapon & Armor|Powers Known|Collective|Coordinated Strike|Lesser Strategies|Spirit of Many|Telepathy|Strategy|Improved Share|Coordinate|Teamwork Feat|Echo Effect|Pooled Knowledge|Master Strategist|
|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|Dreamscarred Press|
|Amplifier| | | | | |X|X|X|X|X| | | | | | | | | |X|X|X|X|X|X|X| | | 
|Battle Medic| | | |C| |X|X|X|X|X|X| | |X| | | | | |X|X|X| | | | | | | 
|Commander| | | | | |X|X|X|X|X| | | |C| | | | | | | | | | |X| | | | 
|Fear Projector| | | | | | | | | | |X| | | | |X| | | | | | |X|X| | | | | 
|Metanexus| | | |C| | | | | | | | | | | | | |X| |X|X| | | | | | | | 
|Swarmer (Dromite)| | | | | |X|X|X|X|X| | | |X| |X| | | | | | | | | | |X| | 
|Unifier (Forgeborn)| | | | |C|X|X|X|X|X| | | | | |X| | | | | | | | | | | | | 
|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|X=replaced, (X)=optional replacement, C=changed|

&u(){Section 15: Copyright Notice}
&i(){Psionics Expanded: Advanced Psionics Guide. Copyright 2011, Dreamscarred Press; Authors: Jeremy Smith and Andreas Rönnqvist.}