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念能/装備品/念能のアイテム/その他のアイテム - (2018/11/05 (月) 21:59:57) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

その他の念能のアイテム Universal Items

This is a catchall category for any psionic item that doesn’t fall into the other groups. Anyone can use a universal item (unless specified otherwise in the description).


 起動:Usually command thought, but details vary from item to item.

表:その他の魔法のアイテム(下級)Table: Minor Wondrous Items

d% アイテム 市価
01 シャード(+1、いずれか1つの技能) 10 gp
02~03 グラディエーターズ・ガーゼ 35 gp
04 シャード(+2、いずれか1つの技能) 40 gp
05 クロウリング・タトゥー(いずれかの1レベル) 50 gp
06 Crawling tattoo of concussion 50 gp
07 シャード(+3、いずれか1つの技能) 90 gp
08 シャード(+4、いずれか1つの技能) 160 gp
09 チャーム・オヴ・プリザベーション 250 gp
10 シャード(+5、いずれか1つの技能) 250 gp
11 クロウリング・タトゥー(いずれかの2レベル) 300 gp
12~13 ブレイン・ロック・パール 300 gp
14 シャード(+6、いずれか1つの技能) 360 gp
15 シャード(+7、いずれか1つの技能) 490 gp
16 ブーツ・オヴ・ストンピング 600 gp
17 グローヴス・オヴ・ザ・ビースト(1d3) 625 gp
18 シャード(+8、いずれか1つの技能) 640 gp
19 イアリング・オヴ・レジスタンス +1 700 gp
20 クロウリング・タトゥー(いずれかの3レベル) 750 gp
21 Crawling tattoo of energy bolt 750 gp
22~23 ブレス・クライシス・パール 750 gp
24 シャード(+9、いずれか1つの技能) 810 gp
25 ブーツ・オヴ・ランディング 1,000 gp
26 グローヴス・オヴ・ザ・ビースト(1d4) 1,000 gp
27~28 レッサー・サイオニック・リストレイント 1,000 gp
29 シャード(+10、いずれか1つの技能) 1,000 gp
30 サイコファンツ・リング 1,000 gp
31 ウォリアーズ・スキャバード 1,000 gp
32~33 パーソナリティ・パラサイト・パール 1,400 gp
34~35 サヴァイヴァーズ・スリーピング・バッグ 1,400 gp
36 コンパニオン・ストーンズ・オヴ・ディプロマシー 1,700 gp
37~38 エンパシフィック・モノクル 1,750 gp
39~40 クリーチャー・オヴ・ハービッツ・メダリオン 2,000 gp
41~42 マインド・ストーン(1レべル) 2,000 gp
43 パターン・ブレイカーズ・グローヴス 2,000 gp
44 サイクリスタル・クラウン 2,000 gp
45 サイクリスタル・ハーネス 2,000 gp
46 サイクリスタル・スタブス 2,000 gp
47 クイバー・オヴ・リコール 2,000 gp
48~49 ラグ・オヴ・オブジェクト・スライディング(500ポンド) 2,000 gp
50 シナプティック・シャード・オヴ・メディック 2,000 gp
51~52 Crystal mask of knowledge 2,500 gp
53~54 Crystal mask of languages 2,500 gp
55 フィアー・ドリンカーズ・アミュレット 2,500 gp
56 セッティング・ストーンズ・オヴ・リコンストラクション 2,500 gp
57 イアリング・オヴ・レジスタンス +2 2,800 gp
58~59 アイズ・オヴ・エクスパンディッド・ヴィジョン 3,000 gp
60~61 グローヴス・オヴ・オブジェクト・リーディング 3,000 gp
62 グローヴス・オヴ・ザ・ビースト(1d6) 3,000 gp
63~64 ヘッドバンド・オヴ・ザ・グレート・ヴィレッジ(1) 3,000 gp
65 メルド・ストーンズ・オヴ・アルケミスト 3,040 gp
66 メルド・ストーンズ・オヴ・インフィルトレイター 3,040 gp
67 メルド・ストーンズ・オヴ・ニンブル・トリックスター 3,040 gp
68~69 ミラー・オヴ・サジェッション 3,600 gp
70 メンダーズ・ヴェストメンツ(1/日) 3,750 gp
71 オーラ・モノクル 4,000 gp
72 グローヴス・オヴ・コーリング 4,000 gp
73 ゴーグルズ・オヴ・ファー・サイト 4,000 gp
74 メンダーズ・ヴェストメンツ(+1d6) 4,000 gp
75-76 Mind stone, greater (1st level) 4,000 gp
77-78 Ring of missile protection 4,000 gp
79 Bracers of martial surging 5,000gp
80~81 Coin of brotherhood 5,000 gp
82 グローヴス・オヴ・ザ・ビースト(1d8) 5,000 gp
83~84 ラグ・オヴ・オブジェクト・スライディング(2,500ポンド) 5,000 gp
85 Silver Prison 5,000 gp
86~87 Dissipating gloves 6,000 gp
88~89 Psionic restraints, average 6,000 gp
90 Torc of free will 6,000 gp
91 イアリング・オヴ・レジスタンス +3 6,300 gp
92~93 Boots of skating 7,000 gp
94 グローヴス・オヴ・ザ・ビースト(2d6) 7,000 gp
95~96 Third eye energy ray 7,200 gp
97~98 ラグ・オヴ・オブジェクト・スライディング(5,000ポンド) 7,400 gp
99 Circlet of sheltered mind 7,500 gp
100 Companion stones of farsight 7,500 gp

表:その他の魔法のアイテム(中級)Table: Medium Wondrous Items

d% アイテム 市価
01 Aura monocle, greater 8,000 gp
02 Gauntlet of the thunder shield 8,000 gp
03~04 マインド・ストーン(2レべル) 8,000 gp
05 Psionatrix of clairsentience 8,000 gp
06 Psionatrix of metacreativity 8,000 gp
07 Psionatrix of psychokinesis 8,000 gp
08 Psionatrix of psychometabolism 8,000 gp
09 Psionatrix of psychoportation 8,000 gp
10 Psionatrix of telepathy 8,000 gp
11 Tactician’s chessboard 8,000 gp
12 Third eyes penetrate 8,000 gp
13 Empathic monocle, greater 8,400 gp
14 Companion stone of fortify 9,000 gp
15 Mirror of time hop 9,000 gp
16 Setting stone of power echo (3rd) 9,000 gp
17 Synaptic mask 9,000 gp
18 シナプティック・シャード・オヴ・シフティング・ステップ 9,000 gp
19 Third eye talented 9,000 gp
20 Boots of the nomad 10,000 gp
21 Cowardly cryptic’s goggles 10,000 gp
22 Crystal mask of detection 10,000 gp
23 Crystal mask of discernment 10,000 gp
24 Crystal mask of dread 10,000 gp
25 Crystal mask of psionic craft 10,000 gp
26 Fear drinker’s amulet, greater 10,000 gp
27 Mender’s vestments (1/day and +1d6) 10,000 gp
28 Psicrystal staff, greater 10,000 gp
29 Ring of self-sufficiency 10,000 gp
30 ラグ・オヴ・オブジェクト・スライディング(10,000ポンド) 10,000 gp
31 Skin of nimbleness 10,000 gp
32 Third eyes aware 10,000 gp
33 Third eyes concentrate 10,000 gp
34 Third eyes gather 10,000 gp
35 Eyes of power leech 10,080 gp
36 Setting stone of invigoration 10,080 gp
37 Third eyes powerthieve 10,080 gp
38 Third eyes view 10,180 gp
39 Cacophonous bell 10,500 gp
40 Crystal mask of mindarmor 10,667 gp
41 Companion stone of truthful dealings 10,800 gp
42 グローヴス・オヴ・ザ・ビースト(3d6) 11,000 gp
43 Charms of friendly interpretation 12,000 gp
44 Headband of great village (2) 12,000 gp
45~46 Ioun stone, green and white 12,000 gp
47 Lava walker’s boots 12,000 gp
48 Mask of confounded foes 12,000 gp
49 グレーター・サイオニック・リストレイント 12,000 gp
50 Ring of altered perception 12,000 gp
51 Torc of leech freedom 12,000 gp
52 イアリング・オヴ・レジスタンス +4 12,200 gp
53 Shimmering vest 12,500 gp
54 Student’s robes 13,000 gp
55 Gloves of titan’s grip 14,000 gp
56 グローヴス・オヴ・ザ・ビースト(4d6) 15,000 gp
57 Surge crystal +1 15,000 gp
58 Warrrior’s bracer 15,000 gp
59~60 Map of the mind 16,000 gp
61~62 Mind stone, greater (2nd level) 16,000 gp
63 Skin of the claw 16,000 gp
64 Synaptic shard of precision 16,000 gp
65 Synaptic shard of the guarded flank 16,000 gp
66 Warblade staff 16,000 gp
67 Amulet of catapsi 16,200 gp
68 Companion stone of fire 17,000 gp
69 イアリング・オヴ・レジスタンス +5 17,500 gp
70 Boots of gravity binding 18,000 gp
71 Helm of attitude adjustment 18,000 gp
72~73 マインド・ストーン(3レべル) 18,000 gp
74 Skin of the chameleon 18,000 gp
75 Mantle of the void 18,480 gp
76 Pearl, mind seed 18,500 gp
77 グローヴス・オヴ・ザ・ビースト(5d6) 19,000 gp
78 Mirror of mind switch 19,800 gp
79 Boots of disruption 20,000 gp
80 Crown of traded will 20,000 gp
81 Eyes of disarming glances 20,000 gp
82-83 Ring of psionics I 20,000 gp
84 Snatching gloves 20,000 gp
85 Torc of interrogation 20,000 gp
86 Warblade staff, greater 20,000 gp
87 Eyes of power leech, vampiric 20,160 gp
88 Crystal mask of insightful detection 20,250 gp
89 グローヴス・オヴ・ザ・ビースト(6d6) 22,000 gp
90 Crystal anchor, body 24,000 gp
91 Crystal anchor, comprehension 24,000 gp
92 Crystal anchor, creation 24,000 gp
93 Crystal anchor, energy 24,000 gp
94 Crystal anchor, ghost 24,000 gp
95 Crystal anchor, mind 24,000 gp
96 Crystal anchor, travel 24,000 gp
97 ダンピング・サイオニック・リストレイント 24,000 gp
98 Third eyes sense 24,000 gp
99 Shimmering vest, greater 25,000 gp
100 ヘッドバンド・オヴ・ザ・グレート・ヴィレッジ(3) 27,000 gp

表:その他の魔法のアイテム(上級) Table: Major Universal Items

01~02 Setting stone of kenosis 29,000 gp
03~04 Belt of ectoplasmic safety 30,000 gp
05~06 Suffocating collar 30,000 gp
07~09 Surge crystal +2 30,000 gp
10~12 マインド・ストーン(4レべル) 32,000 gp
13~15 Skin of the defender 32,000 gp
16~17 Wooden shirt 32,760 gp
18~20 Mind stone, greater (3rd level) 36,000 gp
21~22 Setting stone of power echo (6th) 36,000 gp
23~25 Torc of power preservation 36,000 gp
26~28 Ring of psionics II 40,000 gp
29~30 Mind sharing circlets 42,000 gp
31~32 Boots of temporal acceleration 43,200 gp
33~34 Third eyes repudiate 43,200 gp
35~37 マインド・ストーン(5レべル) 50,000 gp
38~39 Skin of fiery response 60,000 gp
40~42 Surge crystal +3 60,000 gp
43~44 Skin of the troll 61,200 gp
45~47 Mind stone, greater (4th level) 64,000 gp
48~50 Ring of psionics III 70,000 gp
51~53 マインド・ストーン(6レべル) 72,000 gp
54~55 Skin of the hero 77,500 gp
56~57 Skin of the spider 79,080 gp
58~59 Setting stone of power echo (9th) 81,000 gp
60~61 Skin of proteus 84,000 gp
62~64 マインド・ストーン(7レべル) 98,000 gp
65~67 Mind stone, greater (5th level) 100,000 gp
68~70 Ring of psionics IV 100,000 gp
71~72 Third eyes expose 112,000 gp
73~74 Third eyes conceal 120,000 gp
75~76 Third eyes dominate 120,000 gp
77~79 マインド・ストーン(8レべル) 128,000 gp
80~81 Skin of iron 129,600 gp
82~84 Mind stone, greater (6th level) 144,000 gp
85~87 Skin of the psion 151,000 gp
88~91 マインド・ストーン(9レべル) 162,000 gp
92~94 Mind stone, greater (7th level) 196,000 gp
95~97 Mind stone, greater (8th level) 256,000 gp
98~100 Mind stone, greater (9th level) 324,000 gp

その他のアイテムの詳細 Universal Item Descriptions

 Universal items can be configured to do just about anything.


         (Amulet of Catapsi/Amulet of Catapsi)
装備部位 首; 市価 16,200 gp; オーラ 中程度・精神感応; 発現者レベル 9レベル;重量
 This copper amulet aids the wearer against other psionic characters. Once per day, the wearer can mentally command the catapsi power, which blankets a 30-foot-radius area surrounding the wearer in telepathic noise for 9 rounds. Each time other psionic characters within this range attempt to manifest a power, they must succeed on a DC 17 Will save or pay 4 more points than they otherwise would for each power manifestation. The limit on the number of power points a subject can spend on a power remains in effect, so the subject may not be able to manifest his or her highest-level powers.


         (Aura Monocle/Aura Monocle)
装備部位 目; 市価 4,000 gp; オーラ 中程度・超知覚; 発現者レベル 7レベル;重量 5ポンド
 Three times per day, the wearer of this gold-rimmed monocle can activate the monocle while looking at a creature and discern if the creature is of good or evil alignment. Alternative versions of this monocle instead detect if the creature is of lawful or chaotic alignment.


         (Aura Monocle, Greater/Aura Monocle, Greater)
装備部位 目; 市価 8,000 gp; オーラ 中程度・超知覚; 発現者レベル 7レベル;重量 5ポンド
 This bifocal lens functions as an aura monocle, but shows if the creature is of good or evil and of lawful or chaotic alignments. The lens can be used three times per day.


         (Belt of Ectoplasmic Safety/Belt of Ectoplasmic Safety)
装備部位 ベルト; 市価 30,000 gp; オーラ 中程度・超代謝; 発現者レベル 7レベル;重量 2ポンド
 This belt is made of rings of interlocking crystal, apparently skillfully carved from a single large piece. Three times per day, when the wearer is targeted by an area effect that allows a Reflex save, on a successful save he can choose to instead be moved outside of the area, taking no damage (or other harmful effect). In his place, an ectoplasmic copy remains.
 The wearer is moved the shortest distance possible that would escape the effect. If there is no safe square to move to, then the belt’s effect fails.
 The ectoplasmic copy looks exactly like the original character. A DC 16 Will save is required to disbelieve that the copy is the original character, otherwise creatures will act as if the copy is the original character and will ignore the original as if he were invisible. If the copy takes any damage, it dissipates immediately; otherwise the copy dissipates at the start of the wearer’s next action.

コスト 15,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, cloud mind, ectoplasmic creation, evade burst


         (Boots of Gravity Binding/Boots of Gravity Binding)
装備部位 両足; 市価 18,000 gp; オーラ 微弱・観念移動; 発現者レベル 5レベル;重量 1ポンド
 Three times per day, the wearer of these black leather boots can affect the ground where they are standing as if they had manifested the gravitational anchor power.

コスト 9,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers gravitational anchor


         (Boots of Landing/Boots of Landing)
装備部位 両足; 市価 1,000 gp; オーラ 微弱・観念移動; 発現者レベル 2レベル;重量 1ポンド
 These boots allow the wearer to recover instantly from a fall and can absorb some damage from falling once per day. The wearer lands on her feet no matter how far she falls, and takes 2 fewer dice of damage from the fall than normal.

コスト 500 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers catfall


         (Boots of Skating/Boots of Skating)
装備部位 両足; 市価 7,000 gp; オーラ 微弱・観念移動; 発現者レベル 1レベル;重量 1ポンド
 These boots allow the wearer to slide along the ground at will as if using the skate power.

コスト 3,500 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers skate


         (Boots of Stomping/Boots of Stomping)
装備部位 両足; 市価 600 gp; オーラ 微弱・念動; 発現者レベル 3レベル;重量 1ポンド
 These boots allow the wearer to use stomp as the power three times per day (Reflex save DC 13) when the wearer stomps her feet.

コスト 300 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers stomp


         (Boots of Temporal Acceleration/Boots of Temporal Acceleration)
装備部位 両足; 市価 43,200 gp; オーラ 強力・観念移動; 発現者レベル 15レベル;重量 1ポンド
 These boots allow the wearer to speed up his own time frame for 2 rounds as if using the power temporal acceleration. The wearer can use this power once per day.

コスト 21,600 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers temporal acceleration


         (Boots of the Nomad/Boots of the Nomad)
装備部位 両足; 市価 10,000 gp; オーラ 中程度・観念移動; 発現者レベル 10レベル;重量 1ポンド
 These black leather boots seem to shimmer when looked at, as if they are constantly moving. When this item is worn by a character with the nomad’s step ability, the character’s nomad level is treated as four higher for the purposes of the nomad’s step ability. If the character is not a nomad, they gain the nomad’s step ability as if a 4th-level nomad.

コスト 5,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, dimension slide or nomad’s step ability


         (Bracers of Disruption/Bracers of Disruption)
装備部位 手首; 市価 20,000 gp; オーラ 中程度・超知覚; 発現者レベル 12レベル;重量
 These black silk bands increase the base damage of the wielder’s disrupt pattern ability by 2d6 points of damage.
 If the character does not have the Disrupt Pattern class feature, he gains no benefit.

コスト 10,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, disrupt pattern class feature


         (Bracers of Martial Surging/Bracers of Martial Surging)
装備部位 手首; 市価 5,000 gp; オーラ 中程度・念動; 発現者レベル 5レベル;重量 1ポンド
 These bracers are made from gold and inlaid with intricate patterns of copper and diamonds. Designed to help capture some of the emotional psychic energy released by a wilder when she utilizes her wild surge, these bracers allow the wearer to channel some of that energy into her weapons. When the wearer uses a wild surge, the bracers gain a charge equal to the level of the wild surge. The bracers can hold a maximum of 10 charges; any charges that would be gained beyond that are lost. These wild surge charges can then be spent as a free action to increase the enhancement bonus or add a weapon special ability to a weapon the wearer is wielding, at a cost of two charges per +1 for enhancement bonus or weapon special ability. The improvement to the weapon lasts for one round or until the next successful attack with that weapon, whichever occurs first. These bonuses are added to any properties the weapon already has, but duplicate abilities do not stack. If the weapon is not psionic, at least a +1 enhancement bonus must be added before any other properties can be added. These bonuses can be added to the weapon, stacking with existing enhancement bonuses to a maximum of +5, or they can be used to add any of the weapon properties available to a soulknife’s mind blade.

コスト 10,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers metaphysical weapon


         (Cacophonous Bell/Cacophonous Bell)
装備部位 ―; 市価 10.500 gp; オーラ 中程度・念動; 発現者レベル 10レベル;重量 3ポンド
 This heavy iron bell is inscribed with distorted musical symbols. When its wielder rings the bell and expends psionic focus, any bardic performance used within 30 feet of the bell costs three rounds for each round of the performance due to the sonic energy being given off by the bell. Each round, the wielder can spend a move action to continue ringing the bell, although if a round is missed, the wielder must once again expend psionic focus to reactivate the bell

コスト 5,250 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers create sound


         (Charm of Preservation/Charm of Preservation)
装備部位 ―; 市価 250 gp; オーラ 微弱・精神感応; 発現者レベル 3レベル;重量
 This small golden charm resembles the outline of a head, although other forms have been known to exist and in psionic societies, they tend to be a sign of affluence among the populace. When the wearer of this charm is slain, it dissolves into a soft yellow nimbus that surrounds the wearer. For one week, the wearer can be affected by the psionic revivify power as if he had just died that round, but psionic revivify must be channeled through specially-treated crystals similar to cognizance crystals that cost 5,000 gp. The psionic energy in the crystal is consumed in the manifestation and the crystal becomes inert and has no value. These crystals are not provided by the charm. After being used, the charm is destroyed

コスト 125 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, preserve psyche


         (Charms of Friendly Interceptions/Charms of Friendly Interceptionsn)
装備部位 様々(本文参照); 市価 12,000 gp; オーラ 微弱・観念移動; 発現者レベル 3レベル;重量

 These charms come in pairs, consisting of a matching image etched in a disc of crystal on a small chain. They can be worn in any slot, but must be worn in the same slot by two different creatures to be effective. As a standard action, either character can activate the charm, instantly switching places with the wearer of the mated charm, as long as they are within 30 feet (a DC 12 Will save negates if the target is unwilling). There must be space for each creature in their new location, or this effect automatically fails.

コスト 6,000 gp (pair)
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, dimension swap


         (Circlet of Sheltered Mind/Circlet of Sheltered Mind)
装備部位 頭部; 市価 7,500 gp; オーラ 中程度・精神感応; 発現者レベル 8レベル;重量 2ポンド
 This iron circlet has prongs that are shaped such that it seems to cup the entire skull. When this item is worn by a character with the wild surge ability, the character’s chance of psychic enervation is reduced by 5% (to a minimum of 0).

コスト 3,750 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, wild surge ability


         (Coin of Brotherhood/Coin of Brotherhood)
装備部位 ―; 市価 5,000 gp; オーラ 微弱・精神感応; 発現者レベル 5レベル;重量
 This small disk of silver is held in the palm during a handshake. When the wielder expends his psionic focus during the handshake, he gains a +10 competence bonus to a Diplomacy check against the person whose hand he is shaking to improve their attitude.

コスト 2,500 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, attraction


         (Companion Stones/Companion Stones)
装備部位 ―; 市価 1,700 gp (diplomacy), 27,200 gp (electrical protection), 7,500 gp (far sight), 17,000 (fire), 9,000 gp (fortify), 10,800 gp (truthful dealings); オーラ 様々; 発現者レベル 様々;重量
 A companion stone is similar to a setting stone in that it functions only in conjunction with a psicrystal staff (see below). Like setting stones, companion stones add functionality to each staff. Unlike setting stones, however, companion stones take up orbit around the head of the staff, similar to the way ioun stones orbit the head of their owner.However, companion stones orbit only the head of a chosen psicrystal staff, not the wielder of the staff.
When a character first acquires a stone, she must hold it and then release it, whereupon it takes up a circling orbit 1 foot from the head of her staff. A character must grab the companion stone to remove it from orbit about the psicrystal staff. The owner may voluntarily seize and stow a stone to keep it safe, but she loses the benefits of the stone during that time.
 Companion stones have an Armor Class of 22, 8 hit points, and a hardness of 10.
 The wielder can enhance her psicrystal staff with a maximum of 10 companion stones before the density of orbiting stones becomes too great.
 As with the benefits provided by setting stones, the character must have her psicrystal staff in hand to gain the benefits from any orbiting companion stones.
 Companion Stone of Diplomacy: The wielder of a staff enhanced with this stone gains a +4 competence bonus on Diplomacy checks. Aura Faint telepathy; ML 5th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, broker.
 Companion Stone of Electrical Protection: The wielder of a staff enhanced with this stone is protected from electrical damage. Each time the wielder takes damage from electricity, subtract 10 points from the total for each electrical attack. Aura Moderate psychometabolism; ML 7th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, energy adaptation.
 Companion Stone of Far Sight: The wielder of a staff enhanced with this stone gains a +2 competence bonus on ranged attack rollsand a +2 competence bonus on saving throws against illusions. Weak psychometabolism; ML 5th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》.
 Companion Stone of Fire: The wielder of a staff enhanced with this stone gains the ability to manifest cones of fire. When a character points the companioned psicrystal staff and issues the command thought, an energy cone [fire] effect discharges from the stone, as if fully augmented by a 10th-level kineticist (10d6+10 points of fire damage with a DC adjustment of +2). Each use requires one charge; a newly created companion stone of fire has 30 charges.When the charges are expended, the companion stone burns to ash. Aura Moderate psychokinesis; ML 10th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, energy cone.
 Companion Stone of Fortify: The wielder of a staff enhanced with this stone gains a +4 resistance bonus to all saving throws(Fortitude, Reflex, and Will) once per day for up to five minutes—it is a standard action to activate this power. Aura Faint psychometabolism; ML 5th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, fortify.
 Companion Stone of Truthful Dealings: The wielder of a staff enhanced with this stone can read thoughts once per day for up to three minutes—it is a standard action to activate this power. Aura Faint telepathy; ML 3rd; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, read thoughts.

コスト 850 gp (diplomacy), 13,600 gp (electrical protection), 3,750 gp (far sight), 8,500 (fire), 4,500 gp (fortify), 5,400 gp (truthful dealings)
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, creator must have appropriate powers


         (Cowardly Cryptic’s Goggles/Cowardly Cryptic’s Goggles)
装備部位 両目; 市価 10,000 gp; オーラ 中程度・超感覚; 発現者レベル 7レベル;重量 1ポンド
 This pair of leather goggles, when worn by a character with the insight class feature, grants the wearer the trap spotter cryptic insight. Any time the wearer passes within 10 ft. of a trap that he detects, including if he detects the trap via the automatic check from the trap spotter insight, the goggle lenses immediately darken, blacking out everything from the wearer’s vision except for the detected trap. The wearer may attempt Disable Device checks against the trap as normal, but for any other activity, the wearer is effectively blind unless he has some other means of vision, such as an extra set of eyes

コスト 5,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, trap spotter insight


         (Creature of Habit’s Medallion/Creature of Habit’s Medallion)
装備部位 首周り; 市価 2,000 gp; オーラ 微弱・精神感応; 発現者レベル 1レベル;重量
 This silver medallion bears the inscription of an hourglass, each grain of sand a tiny chip of sapphire. It grants the wearer the ability to force another creature to repeat its actions time and again.When the wearer is successfully hit by an opponent, he may spend an immediate action to mesmerize that creature, compelling it to take the same action again on its next turn, unless it can make a DC 11 Willsave. If the situation changes in such a way that the creature can no longer perform the same action, it will stand still and take no action for one turn. This has no other effect on the creature, and it will defend itself as normal.

コスト 1,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, déjà vu


         (Crown of Traded Will/Crown of Traded Will)
装備部位 頭部; 市価 20,000 gp; オーラ 中程度・精神感応; 発現者レベル 11レベル;重量 2ポンド
 This delicate silver crown bears reflective gems at the tips of its points. These gems reflect light in strange ways, creating a dancing swarm of luminescent motes in combat. As a standard action, the wearer can attempt to briefly swap minds with another creature. The target must make a DC 19 Will save, or have its mind switched with the wearer’s until the end of the wearer’s next turn. The crown can be used once per day.

コスト 10,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, mind switch


         (Crystal Anchor/Crystal Anchor)
装備部位 ―; 市価 24,000 gp; オーラ 様々; 発現者レベル 様々;重量 3ポンド
 A crystal anchor is a shaft of transparent crystal 4 to 5 feet in length, with a sharpened, spearlike head on one end. It ensnares the minds of those within range who manifest powers of a specified psionic discipline. The triggering discipline is specified at the time of creation. A crystal anchor is activated by plunging the sharp head into the ground, leaving the shaft freestanding.
 It projects an invisible, 30-foot-radius field. If a power from the specified discipline is manifested within this range, the manifester must succeed on a Will save (DC 15 + power level) or become subject to an effect similar to brain lock, except that the effect is permanent until dispelled or dismissed by the individual who initially drove the crystal anchor into the earth. Any anchor can be pulled out of the ground and reused at a later time. When a crystal anchor successfully ensnares a target, a slender filament of insubstantial ectoplasm connects the victim to the shaft, even one outside the original area of the field.
 A crystal anchor can attempt to ensnare a victim only five times per day. Previously caught targets can remain caught day after day and do not count against this daily limit on attempts.
 An anchor’s owner can designate certain creatures to be unaffected by the anchor; such creatures need not make a saving throw and do not count against the daily limit on attempts. One crystal anchor can ensnare multiple targets simultaneously, and multiple crystal anchors can share overlapping fields.
 Anchors that activate when a specific power is manifested in range are also possible, but are rarer. A crystal anchor has AC 7, 15 hit points, a hardness of 8, and a break DC of 20.
 Body Crystal Anchor: Those who manifest psychometabolism powers are affected as described above. Aura Faint psychometabolism; ML 5th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers brain lock, trigger power, any psychometabolism power.
 Comprehension Crystal Anchor: Those who manifest clairsentience powers are affected as described above. Aura Faint clairsentience; ML 5th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers brain lock, trigger power, any clairsentience power.
 Creation Crystal Anchor: Those who manifest metacreativity powers are affected as described above. Aura Faint metacreativity; ML5th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers brain lock, trigger power, any metacreativity power.
 Energy Crystal Anchor: Those who manifest psychokinesis powers are affected as described above. Aura Faint psychokinesis; ML5th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers brain lock, trigger power, any psychokinesis power.
 Ghost Crystal Anchor: Those who manifest remote viewing are affected as described above. Aura Faint clairsentience; ML 5th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers brain lock, trigger power, remote viewing.
 Mind Crystal Anchor: Those who manifest telepathy powers are affected as described above. Aura Faint telepathy; ML 5th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers brain lock, trigger power, any telepathy power.
 Travel Crystal Anchor: Those who manifest psychoportation powers are affected as described above. Faint psychoportation; ML 5th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers brain lock, trigger power, any psychoportation power

コスト 12,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers brain lock, trigger power, additional powers


         (Crystal Masks/Crystal Masks)
装備部位 頭部; 市価 10,000 gp (detection), 10,000 gp (discernment), 10,000 gp (dread), 20,250 gp (insightful detection), 2,500 gp (knowledge), 2,500 gp (languages), 10,667 gp (mindarmor), 10,000 gp (psionic craft); オーラ 様々; 発現者レベル 様々;重量 1/2ポンド

 Each of the various types of crystal masks fits over the face of any Medium or Small humanoid, with slits for eyes and nostrils. The mask is transparent, although it distorts the wearer’s features. Leather straps attached to small holes on the sides of a mask enable the owner to affix the mask to his face.
 Crystal masks confer special abilities or improved skills upon their wearers.
 Crystal Mask of Detection: The wearer of a crystal mask of detection can make Perception checks with a +10 competence bonus. Aura Moderate clairsentience; ML 7th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, creator must have 10 ranks in Perception.
 Crystal Mask of Discernment: The wearer of a crystal mask of discernment can make Sense Motive checks with a +10 insight bonus. Aura Moderate clairsentience; ML 7th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, creator must have 10 ranks in Sense Motive.
 Crystal Mask of Dread: The wearer this mask can attempt to frighten other beings to her will. The wearer makes all Intimidate checks with a +10 competence bonus. Aura Moderate clairsentience; ML 7th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, creator must have 10 ranks in Intimidate.
 Crystal Mask of Insightful Detection: The wearer of a crystal mask of insightful detection can make Perception checks and Sense Motive checks with a +9 insight bonus. Aura Moderate clairsentience; ML 7th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, creator must have 9 ranks in Perception and Sense Motive.
 Crystal Mask of Knowledge: Each of the various crystal masks of knowledge grants the wearer a +5 competence bonus on a specific type of Knowledge check. Aura Faint clairsentience; ML 3rd; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, creator must have 5 ranks in the Knowledge skill of the appropriate type.
 Crystal Mask of Languages: Each of the various crystal masks of language grants the wearer the ability to speak and write five different languages. Aura Faint clairsentience; ML 3rd; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, creator must be able to speak and write the five languages.
 Crystal Mask of Mindarmor: A crystal mask of mindarmor grants the wearer a +4 insight bonus on all Will saving throws. Aura Faint telepathy; ML 5th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, conceal thoughts.
 Crystal Mask of Psionic Craft: The wearer of a crystal mask of psionic craft makes all Spellcraft checks with a +10 competence bonus. Aura Moderate clairsentience; ML 7th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, creator must have 10 ranks in Spellcraft.

コスト 5,000 gp (detection), 5,000 gp (discernment), 5,000 gp (dread), 10,125 gp (insightful detection), 1,250 gp (knowledge), 1,250 gp (languages), 5,333.5 gp (mindarmor), 5,000 gp (psionic craft)
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, creator must have ranks in appropriate skills or additional powers


         (Dissipating Gloves/Dissipating Gloves)
装備部位 両手; 市価 6,000 gp; オーラ 微弱・観念移動; 発現者レベル 3レベル;重量
 These simple looking leather gloves hum at an almost imperceptible level. With a touch, the wearer can cause a tiny portion of a creature or object to be teleported away. The wearer must make a melee touch attack to use the gloves against a creature; an unattended object is hit automatically. A successful hit deals 3d6 points to the target, ignoring hardness. The gloves can be used up to three times per day.

コスト 1,500 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers dissipating touch


         (Earrings of Resistance/Earrings of Resistance)
装備部位 ―; 市価 700 gp (+1), 2,800 gp (+2), 6,300 gp (+3), 12,200 gp (+4), 17,500 gp (+5); オーラ 微弱・精神感応; 発現者レベル 12レベル;重量
 These golden metal studs can go in virtually any piercing and are not restricted to the ear. In addition, a character can wear multiple earrings of resistance and gain the benefits of all, similar to ioun stones. Earrings of resistance grant a competence bonus on saves against a single psionic power, chosen at the time the earring is created. The wearer may, as an immediate action. expend psionic focus to double the competence bonus granted by the earring for a single save against that power.

コスト 350 gp (+1), 1,400 gp, (+2), 3,150 gp (+3), 6,100 gp (+4), 8,750 gp (+5) gp
Forge Ring, fortify


         (Empathic Monocle/Empathic Monocle)
装備部位 両目; 市価 1,750 gp; オーラ 微弱・精神感応; 発現者レベル 5レベル;重量 5ポンド
 This crystal monocle is tinged red and can give the wearer the ability to interpret the emotional aura of a specific creature. When the wearer expends his psionic focus while looking at a single creature, he gains a +5 insight bonus to Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks against that creature for one round.

コスト 875 gp


         (Empathic Monocle, Greater/Empathic Monocle, Greater)
装備部位 両目; 市価 8,400 gp; オーラ 微弱・精神感応; 発現者レベル 5レベル;重量 5ポンド
 This stronger version of the empathic monocle is typically more elaborate in design and grants the wearer improved knowledge about the creature being viewed. When the wearer expends his psionic focus while looking at a single creature, he learns the surface thoughts of that creature unless it makes a successful Will save (DC 12)

コスト 875 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers read thoughts


         (Eyes of Disarming Glances/Eyes of Disarming Glances)
装備部位 両目; 市価 20,000 gp; オーラ 中程度・精神感応; 発現者レベル 7レベル;重量
These crystal lenses fit over the wearer’s eyes, giving them an ominous sheen. Twice per day as a standard action, the wearer can make a gaze attack against a target creature within 30 ft., causing the lenses to flare a brilliant blue. The wearer makes a combat maneuver check, adding a bonus equal to his Charisma modifier. If he succeeds, the target drops one item he is holding, just as if he had been successfully disarmed. If the wearer succeeds by 5 or more, he may compel the target to throw the item instead, causing it to land 10 feet from the target, in a direction chosen by the wearer

コスト 10,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers mind control


         (Eyes of Expanded Vision/Eyes of Expanded Vision)
装備部位 両目; 市価 3,000 gp; オーラ 微弱・超感覚; 発現者レベル 1レベル;重量
 These crystal lenses fit over the user’s eyes to expand his field of vision. Flanking opponents gain only a +1 bonus when attacking the user instead of +2 (rogues still get their full sneak attack damage because the wearer is still flanked). The wearer gains a +1 enhancement bonus on Perception checks but takes a -2 penalty on saves against gaze attacks.

コスト 1,500 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers ubiquitous vision


         (Eyes of Power Leech/Eyes of Power Leech)
装備部位 両目; 市価 10,080 gp; オーラ 中程度・精神感応; 発現者レベル 7レベル;重量
 These crystal lenses fit over the user’s eyes. Once per day, the wearer is able to drain power points from another psionic creature or character by meeting its gaze as if using power leech. A selected target within 40 feet must succeed on a DC 16 Will save, or a connection of crackling energy is formed between the wearer and the victim. The connection drains 1d6 power points from the target for every round in which the wearer maintains concentration (to a maximum of 7 rounds).
The wearer gains 1 power point from those drained from the target each round (subject to his normal maximum; points he cannot gain immediately are lost). Eyes of power leech have no effect on nonpsionic targets or psionic creatures with a current power point reserve of 0.

コスト 5,040 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers power leech


         (Eyes of Power Leech, Vampiric/Eyes of Power Leech, Vampiric)
装備部位 両目; 市価 20,160 gp; オーラ 中程度・精神感応; 発現者レベル 15レベル;重量
 As eyes of power leech, except the wearer gains drained power points from the subject even if doing so would bring him over his normal maximum. The wearer of vampiric eyes of power leech can maintain concentration for up to 13 rounds. Power points the wearer gains in excess of his maximum fade after 8 hours if they are not spent before that time.

コスト 10,080 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers bend reality, power leech


         (Fear Drinker’s Amulet/Fear Drinker’s Amulet)
装備部位 首回り; 市価 2,500 gp; オーラ 中程度・超代謝; 発現者レベル 12レベル;重量
 Made from humanoid knucklebones, the fear drinker’s amulet allows a dread to draw power from the fear others feel. Any time the wearer makes a successful attack with the devastating touch ability, he gains 2 temporary hit points. Unlike normal temporary hit points, these temporary hit points stack with additional uses of devastating touch, up to a maximum equal to the wearer’s dread class level. This amulet has no effect on wearers who do not have the terrors ability.

コスト 1,250 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers vigor


         (Fear Drinker’s Amulet, Greater/Fear Drinker’s Amulet, Greater)
装備部位 首回り; 市価 10,000 gp; オーラ 中程度・超代謝; 発現者レベル 12レベル;重量
 As fear drinker’s amulet, but the maximum number of temporary hit points the wearer can gain is equal to double his dread class level and if the creature struck is frightened, panicked, or shaken, the wearer also gains a temporary power point that lasts for 1 round. Temporary power points do not stack.

コスト 5,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers vigor


         (Gauntlet of Thunder Shield/Gauntlet of Thunder Shield)
装備部位 両手; 市価 8,000 gp; オーラ 微弱・念動; 発現者レベル 3レベル;重量 1ポンド
 This metal gauntlet is adorned with the odd combination of images of hammers and bells. When activated as a standard action by banging the gauntlet against a hard surface, the gauntlet begins to ring like a giant bell. This sonic reverberation is harnessed by the gauntlet into the form of an invisible disc that grants the wearer a +4 shield bonus to AC and sonic resistance 10 for up to 30 rounds per day. The rounds need not be consecutive. The effect can be dismissed as a free action.

コスト 4,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, force screen, specified energy adaptation


         (Gladiator’s Gauze/Gladiator’s Gauze)
装備部位 ―; 市価 35 gp; オーラ 微弱・超代謝; 発現者レベル 1レベル;重量 5ポンド
 This small bundle of gauze is typically attached to the wearer’s belt. When the wearer expends his psionic focus as a swift action, the satchel automatically stops any bleed effect on the wearer and is consumed. If the wearer is reduced to below 0 hit points, the bundle immediately is consumed and automatically stabilizes the wearer.

コスト 18 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers halt death


         (Gloves of Calling/Gloves of Calling)
装備部位 両手; 市価 4,000 gp; オーラ 微弱・観念移動; 発現者レベル 5レベル;重量 1ポンド
 This elbow length chainmail glove bears gold links in the shape of a distinctive weapon on the inner arm. As a swift action, it allows the wearer to call forth a single weapon of the type patterned in the glove. This weapon persists as long the wearer holds it, disappearing one round after it leaves his grasp. Weapons called by the glove are real weapons, pulled from elsewhere in time and space. Any weapon called by the glove is always of masterwork quality and may be made from cold iron, silver, or deep crystal. Unlike most psionic or magic items, a character can wear a second glove of calling on his second hand, though he cannot wear a different item (such as a glove of storing). If the wearer of two such gloves has the Quick Draw feat, he can call both weapons with a single swift action.

コスト 2,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, call weaponry


         (Gloves of Object Reading/Gloves of Object Reading)
装備部位 両手; 市価 3,000 gp; オーラ 微弱・超感覚; 発現者レベル 1レベル;重量
 While wearing these gloves, the user can learn the details of an inanimate object’s previous owner if he handles the object, as if manifesting the object reading power.

コスト 1,500 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers object reading


         (Gloves of Titan ’s Grip/Gloves of Titan ’s Grip)
装備部位 両手; 市価 14,000 gp; オーラ 中程度・超代謝; 発現者レベル 9レベル;重量
 While wearing these oversize gloves, the user gains a +8 enhancement bonus on grapple checks. The power is activated when the user enters a grapple. The enhancement bonus lasts for a maximum of 7 rounds per use, up to three uses per day.

コスト 7,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers grip of iron


         (Gloves of the Beast/Gloves of the Beast)
装備部位 両手; 市価 (per glove) 625 gp (1d3 damage), 1,000 gp (1d4 damage), 3,000 gp (1d6 damage), 5,000 gp (1d8 damage), 7,000 gp (2d6 damage), 11,000 gp (3d6 damage), 15,000 gp (4d6 damage), 19,000 gp (5d6 damage), 22,000 gp (6d6 damage); ; オーラ 中程度・超代謝; 発現者レベル 1レベル;重量 0.5ポンド
 These supple, black leather gloves allow the wearer to assume the natural attack of a specific animal. Different gloves grant different attacks, such as slam, claws, hooves, talons, or tentacles, allowing mismatched gloves to grant the wielder two different natural attacks simultaneously.
Wearing two or more gloves that grant the same type of attack with the same amount of damage grants the wielder a +1 circumstance bonus on attack rolls with the natural attacks.
The different types of natural attacks are identical in cost, only the damage granted from the gloves alters the price. Boot forms of gloves of the beast are also available and take up the boot slot instead of the hand slot. A hand wearing a glove of the beast cannot hold anything.

コスト (per glove) 313 gp (1d3 damage), 500 gp (1d4 damage), 1,500 gp (1d6 damage), 2,500 gp (1d8 damage), 3,500 gp (2d6 damage), 5,500 gp (3d6 damage), 7,500 gp (4d6 damage), 9,500 gp (5d6 damage), 11,000gp (6d6 damage)
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers claws of the beast, graft weapon


         (Goggles of Far Sight/Goggles of Far Sight)
装備部位 両目; 市価 4,000 gp; オーラ 微弱・超感覚; 発現者レベル 3レベル;重量
 The lenses of these goggles are made of a curved, translucent crystal. When placed over the eyes of the wearer, they allow the wielder to ignore the first range increment penalty when making ranged attacks, but the wielder suffers a -1 penalty to his Armor Class.

コスト 2,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers pierce the veils


         (Headband of the Great Village/Headband of the Great Village)
装備部位 頭部; 市価 3,000 gp (1 creature), 12,000 gp (2 creatures), 27,000 gp (3 creatures); オーラ 微弱・精神感応; 発現者レベル 12レベル;重量 5ポンド
 This simple leather headband is adorned with markings depicting hundreds of people holding hands. This headband allows the wearer to mindlink herself with one or more willing creatures within 30 ft. as a standard action. The mindlink persists as long as the wearer concentrates and can be used at will, although the maximum number of creatures the wearer can be linked to is limited by the strength of the band. More powerful versions of this headband allow you to connect to more creatures.
If worn by a creature with the collective class feature, the wearer may also connect this same number of additional creatures in their collective, beyond their normal limit.

コスト 1,500 gp (1 creature), 6,000 gp (2 creatures), 13,500 gp (3 creatures)
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers mindlink or Collective class feature


         (Helm of Attitude Adjustment/Helm of Attitude Adjustment)
装備部位 頭部; 市価 18,000 gp; オーラ 中程度・精神感応; 発現者レベル 7レベル;重量 2ポンド
 This steel helm gleams as if freshly polished, and bears a glimmering emerald on its brow. Twice per day as a standard action, the wearer of this helm can mentally force one opponent within 30 feet to make a DC 14 Will save or have its attitude shifted by one step relative any one other creature (for example, unfriendly to hostile, or indifferent to friendly). The wearer can shift the attitude one step in either direction, either making the creature friendlier toward the target or less friendly, as they choose.
In addition, it grants the wearer a +4 bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy and Intimidate checks to change a creature’s attitude.

コスト 9,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, telempathic projection


         (Ioun Stone, Green and White/Ioun Stone, Green and White)
装備部位 ―; 市価 12,000 gp; オーラ 中程度・超代謝; 発現者レベル 12レベル;重量
 This ioun stone is green and white in color and has a prism shape. When used by a creature with manifesting ability, it grants one additional power known. The power known granted is set at time of creation. A creature may only have one such ioun stone active at any time. The owner manifests the power just like any other power known, so if the power granted is of a level higher than those the owner can manifest, it gains no benefit. The power known granted must be on the owner’s class list or the owner gains no benefit.

コスト 6,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, creator must be 12th level


         (Lava Walker’s Boots/Lava Walker’s Boots)
装備部位 両足; 市価 12,000 gp; オーラ 中程度・超代謝; 発現者レベル 7レベル;重量 1ポンド
 These black leather boots sport a flame pattern of red gemstones on their sides. They allow a wearer to walk on liquid surfaces such as water or even lava with little to no harm. On command, the wearer gains fire resistance 10 and the ability to walk on any liquid surface as though it were solid ground, as per the body equilibrium power. The power of the boots can be used for up to 10 rounds each day, though these rounds need not be continuous.

コスト 6,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, body equilibrium, energy adaptation


         (Mantle of the Void/Mantle of the Void)
装備部位 胸部; 市価 18,480 gp; オーラ 中程度・精神感応; 発現者レベル 11レベル;重量
 This strange black mantle is said to have been woven by duergar using strands of darkness taken from the void between the stars, a gateway into the minds of mad men, dark prophets, and the deranged. The wearer of the mantle can probe into the secrets of the void once per week with no penalty as a standard action, gaining a +6 insight bonus to a single d20 roll made in the next minute. If the wearer wishes to use the mantle more often, he does it at great risk to his sanity, taking 1d3 points of ability burn to his Wisdom. The wearer cannot be forced to use the mantle through effects such as dominate.
If, for any reason, the wearer’s Wisdom is reduced to 0 while wearing the mantle, it swallows him whole and he disappears forever, unrecoverable even to effects such as reality revision.

コスト 9,240 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, greater precognition


         (Map of the Mind/Map of the Mind)
装備部位 ―; 市価 16,000 gp; オーラ 中程度・精神感応; 発現者レベル 7レベル;重量
 This twisting map attunes to its wielder upon being picked up and alters its image to show a representation of the internal layout of the owner’s mind. The owner of the map can manifest psychic reformation on himself by altering the map with the desired choices to be made. After being used, the map cannot be used again for a week, even if it becomes attuned to another creature.

コスト 8,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, psychic reformation


         (Mask of Confounded Foes/Mask of Confounded Foes)
装備部位 頭部; 市価 12,000 gp; オーラ 中程度・精神感応; 発現者レベル 7レベル;重量 5ポンド
 This mask has a faintly disturbing quality, appearing slightly different to every viewer, seeming familiar and strange at the same time. The wearer of the mask can, as an immediate action, force one creature to redirect an attack from its intended target to another nearby creature of the wearer’s choice. The attacker must make a DC 16 Will save to negate this effect. If the target chosen by the wearer is not within the creature’s reach, the creature instead loses its action. The mask can be used once per day.

コスト 6,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, mind control


         (Meld Stones/Meld Stones)
装備部位 ―; 市価 3,040 gp; オーラ 様々; 発現者レベル 5レベル;重量 1ポンド
 Meld stones appear similar to shards (see below), but are often crafted with higher gem-grade crystal. Unlike a shard, a meld stone cannot be used if not set in a synaptic mask (see below.) Each meld stone contains a suite of skill bonuses related by a theme or task.
 Meld stone of the Alchemist: When set in a synaptic mask, the meld stone of the alchemist grants its wearer a +8 competence bonuson Craft (alchemy) checks, a +6 competence bonus on Appraise checks and Use Magic Device checks, and a +4 competence bonuson Knowledge (arcana) checks. Aura Strong clairsentience; ML 5th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, creator must have 8 ranks in Appraise, 6 ranks in Craft (alchemy) and Use Magic Device, and 4 ranks in Knowledge (arcana).
 Meld stone of the Infiltrator: When set in a synaptic mask, the meld stone of the infiltrator grants its wearer a +8 competence bonuson Bluff checks, a +6 competence bonus on Disguise checks and Linguistics checks to create or detect forgeries, and a +4 competence bonus on Diplomacy checks to gather information. Aura Strong telepathy; ML 5th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, creator must have 8 ranks in Bluff, 6 ranks in Disguise and Linguistics, and 4 ranks in Diplomacy.
Meld stone of the nimble trickster: When set in a synaptic mask, the meld stone of the nimble trickster grants its wearer a +8 competence bonus on Acrobatics checks made to tumble, and a +6 competence bonus on Escape Artist and Stealth checks. AuraStrong psychometabolism; ML 5th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, creator must have 8 ranks in Acrobatics, and 6 ranks in Escape Artist and Stealth.

コスト 1,520 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, creator must have ranks in the specified skills at least equal to the imprinted bonuses


         (Mender’s Vestments/Mender’s Vestments)
装備部位 胴部; 市価 3,750 gp (additional daily use), 4,000 gp (additional 1d6), 10,000 (additional 1d6 and daily use); オーラ 中程度・超代謝; 発現者レベル 10レベル;重量 1ポンド
 This light garment is worn over normal clothing or armor. Most such vestments are red, embroidered with hands, hearts, and staves. Depending on the version of the vestments, when this item is worn by a character with the transfer wounds ability, the character can use that ability one additional time each day, heal an additional 1d6 points of damage, or both.

コスト 1,875 gp (additional daily use), 2,000 gp (additional 1d6), 5,000 (additional 1d6 and daily use)
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers empathic transfer or transfer wounds ability


         (Mind Sharing Circlets/Mind Sharing Circlets)
装備部位 頭部; 市価 42,000 gp (pair); オーラ 中程度・精神感応; 発現者レベル 7レベル;重量 1ポンド(各々)
 These simple silver circlets come in pairs, and have a single red ruby at their center, which sits upon the brow when the circlet is placed on the head. When the circlets are worn by two characters with psionic powers, they allow the wearers to share their powers known. Manifesting a power known by another character increases the cost to manifest the power by 6 power points and these extra points do not augment the power but do count toward the manifester level cap. If the target is unwilling, then the manifester must make a successful opposed Will save to use the power, and manifesting the power becomes a full round action, unless it would normally be longer. Before the circlets can be used, it needs to be attuned to the wearers for 24 hours.

コスト 21,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, mindlink, thieving mindlink


         (Mind Stone/Mind Stone)
装備部位 ー;市価 1st-level 2,000 gp, 2nd-level 8,000 gp, 3rd-level 18,000 gp, 4th-level 32,000 gp, 5th-level 50,000 gp, 6th-level 72,000 gp, 7th-level 98,000 gp, 8th-level 128,000 gp, 9th-level 162,000 gp; オーラ 強力・超感覚; 発現者レベル 17レベル;重量
 This opaque crystal faintly pulses with an internal light. It contains the knowledge of a single psionic power (chosen by the creator when the item is crafted). If the bearer is a manifester and has that power on her class power list, she may use her power points to manifest that power as if it were one of her powers known. A mind stone is priced based on the power’s psion/wilder, tactician, or vitalist level, unless the power doesn’t appear on either of those power lists, in which case it is based on the highest power level as it appears on any other power list. For example, a power that is on the 4th-level cryptic list and the 2nd-level psychic warrior list is priced as a 4th-level power.
A character can only benefit from a number of mind stones equal to half his powers known from his manifesting ability. Extra powers known from feats like Expanded Knowledge or from effects like psychic chirurgery do not increase this limit.
A character must first attune to a mind stone before he can benefit from it. Attuning takes 24 hours of the mind stone being in the character’s possession. A mind stone can only be attuned to one creature at any time.

コスト 1st-level 1,000 gp, 2nd-level 4,000 gp, 3rd-level 9,000 gp, 4th-level 16,000 gp, 5th-level 25,000 gp, 6th-level 36,000 gp, 7th-level 49,000 gp, 8th-level 64,000 gp, 9th-level 81,000 gp
Craft Cognizance Crystal, creator must be able to manifest the power contained in the crystal


         (Mind Stone, Greater/Mind Stone, Greater)
装備部位 ー;市価 1st-level 4,000 gp, 2nd-level 16,000 gp, 3rd-level 36,000 gp, 4th-level 64,000 gp, 5th-level 100,000 gp, 6th-level 144,000 gp, 7th-level 196,000 gp, 8th-level 256,000 gp, 9th-level 324,000 gp; オーラ 強力・超感覚; 発現者レベル 17レベル;重量
 This greater version of the mind stone does not require the owner to attune to the stone and there is no limit to the number of greater mind stones the owner can possess and benefit from.

コスト 1st-level 2,000 gp, 2nd-level 8,000 gp, 3rd-level 18,000 gp, 4th-level 32,000 gp, 5th-level 50,000 gp, 6th-level 72,000 gp, 7th-level 98,000 gp, 8th-level 128,000 gp, 9th-level 162,000 gp
Craft Cognizance Crystal, creator must be able to manifest the power contained in the crystal


         (Mirror of Lost Recollection/Mirror of Lost Recollection)
装備部位 ー;市価 150,000 gp; オーラ 強力・超感覚; 発現者レベル 15レベル;重量 1/2ポンド
 This polished silver hand mirror is adorned with colored gems at its top, bottom and sides. As a standard action, the bearer can cause a creature to see its own reflection, and mentally compel that creature to recall past agonies. This deals 8d6 points of damage (DC 16 Willsave for half ) as the creature’s body endures a psychosomatic response, reopening old wounds and reliving past injuries. The target creature must be within 30 ft. of the wielder of the mirror, the wielder must have line of sight to the creature, and this is considered to be a gaze attack.
 In addition, once per day the bearer can cause the recollection of wounds so grievous, the target must make a DC 22 Will save or die. On a successful save, the target still takes 5d6 points of damage.

コスト 75,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, recall agony, recall death


         (Mirror of Mind Switch/Mirror of Mind Switch)
装備部位 ー;市価 19,800 gp; オーラ 中程度・精神感応; 発現者レベル 11レベル;重量 1/2ポンド
 This small hand mirror manifests its power once per day against a creature that sees its reflection within it, as a gaze attack with a range of 30 feet. Potential victims can attempt to avert their eyes or look away as they would from a normal gaze attack. A creature meeting its own gaze in the mirror must succeed on a DC 19 Will save, or its mind and the mind of the mirror’s wielder switch, as if by the mind switch power. Because the mirror is small, only a single creature can meet its own gaze. The wielder of the mirror is not affected by seeing himself.

コスト 9,900 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers mind switch


         (Mirror of Suggestion/Mirror of Suggestion)
装備部位 ー;市価 3,600 gp; オーラ 微弱・精神感応; 発現者レベル 3レベル;重量
 This small hand mirror manifests its power up to twice per day against creatures that see their reflections within it, as a gaze attack with a range of 30 feet. Potential victims can attempt to avert their eyes or look away as they would from a normal gaze attack. A creature meeting its own gaze in the mirror must succeed on a DC 13 Will save or be affected by a suggestion chosen by the mirror’s wielder. Because the mirror is small, only a single creature can meet its own gaze each round. The wielder of the mirror is not affected by seeing herself.

コスト 1,800 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers compelling voice


         (Mirror of Time Hop/Mirror of Time Hop)
装備部位 ー;市価 9,000 gp; オーラ 微弱・観念移動; 発現者レベル 5レベル;重量 1/2ポンド
 This small hand mirror manifests its power up to twice per day against creatures that see their reflections within it, as a gaze attack with a range of 30 feet. Potential victims can attempt to avert their eyes or look away as they would from a normal gaze attack. A creature meeting its own gaze in the mirror must succeed on a DC 14 Will save or be pushed forward in time by 5 rounds, as if subject to the time hop power. Because the mirror is small, only a single creature can meet its own gaze each round. The wielder of the mirror is not affected by seeing herself.

コスト 4,500 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers time hop


         (Pattern Breaker’s Gloves/Pattern Breaker’s Gloves)
装備部位 両手;市価 2,000 gp; オーラ 微弱・超感覚; 発現者レベル 5レベル;重量 1ポンド
 These black leather gloves allow the wielder to use the disrupt pattern ability with unarmed strikes or natural attacks, rather than as ranged attacks.

コスト 1,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, disrupt pattern class feature


         (Pearl, Brain Lock/Pearl, Brain Lock)
装備部位 ー;市価 300 gp; オーラ 微弱・精神感応; 発現者レベル 3レベル;重量
 This tiny pearly sphere speeds toward its target when hurled by its owner. He can hurl the pearl at any target within 130 feet that he can see and to which he has line of effect. If the target fails a DC 13 Will saving throw, the pearl seems to impact and then enter the flesh of the target. The target stands mentally paralyzed, as if by brain lock, for 3 rounds. The use destroys the item.

コスト 150 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers brain lock


         (Pearl, Breath Crisis/Pearl, Breath Crisis)
装備部位 ー;市価 750 gp; オーラ 微弱・精神感応; 発現者レベル 5レベル;重量
 This tiny pearly sphere speeds toward its target when hurled by its owner. He can hurl the pearl at any target within 150 feet that he can see and to which he has line of effect. If the target fails a DC 14 Will saving throw, the pearl seems to impact and then enter the flesh of the target. The target is affected as if by crisis of breath for 5 minutes. The use destroys the item.

コスト 375 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers crisis of breath


         (Pearl, Mind Seed/Pearl, Mind Seed)
装備部位 ー;市価 18,500 gp; オーラ 微弱・精神感応; 発現者レベル 15レベル;重量
 This tiny pearly sphere instantly takes on the skin tone and texture of whatever creature handles it. It speeds toward its target when hurled by its owner. He can hurl the pearl at any target within 150 feet that he can see and to which he has line of effect. If the target fails a DC 22 Will saving throw, the pearl seems to impact and then enter the flesh of the target. The target is affected as if by a mind seedpower, with the pearl’s wielder acting as the manifester. The use destroys the item.

コスト 9,250 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers mind seed


         (Pearl, Personality Parasite/Pearl, Personality Parasite)
装備部位 ー;市価 1,400 gp; オーラ 微弱・精神感応; 発現者レベル 7レベル;重量
 This tiny pearly sphere speeds toward its target when hurled by its owner. He can hurl the pearl at any target within 130 feet that he can see and to which he has line of effect. If the target fails a DC 16 Will saving throw, the pearl seems to impact and then enter the flesh of the target. The target is affected as if by personality parasite for 5 rounds. The use destroys the item.

コスト 700 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers personality parasite


         (Psicrystal Crown/Psicrystal Crown)
装備部位 頭部;市価 2,000 gp; オーラ 微弱・精神感応; 発現者レベル 3レベル;重量 0.5ポンド
 This crown functions like a psicrystal staff, including the ability to have companion stones and setting stones, but is worn on the head instead of carried in the hand. In addition, while the psicrystal is docked, the wearer can expend psionic focus as a free action to gain the sighted ability of the psicrystal for one round.

コスト 1,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, Psicrystal Affinity, mindlink


         (Psicrystal Harness/Psicrystal Harness)
装備部位 頭部;市価 2,000 gp; オーラ 微弱・精神感応; 発現者レベル 3レベル;重量 0.5ポンド
 This harness functions like a psicrystal staff, including the ability to have setting stones, but is worn as a belt buckle instead of carried in the hand and does not allow the use of companion stones. In addition, while the psicrystal is docked, the wearer can expend his psionic focus to gain DR X/- equal to the psicrystal’s natural armor adjustment until the end of his next turn. While this damage reduction is active, the wearer also gains sonic vulnerability.

コスト 1,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, Psicrystal Affinity, mindlink


         (Psicrystal Staves/Psicrystal Staves)
装備部位 ―;市価 2,000 gp; オーラ 微弱・精神感応; 発現者レベル 3レベル;重量 5ポンド
 A psicrystal staff is a long shaft of wood or crystal designed to provide a “setting” for a psionic character’s psicrystal, if a character has one. The basic psicrystal staff grants minimal ability to the psionic character’s psicrystal; however, every psicrystal staff can be customized, modified, and upgraded by the addition of setting stones. Each stone grants different abilities to the psionic character who uses the staff to carry his psicrystal. Of course, many psionic characters already carry their psicrystals on staves—only practiced eyes can tell the difference between a decorative setting and a potent item.
 Psicrystal staves have an Armor Class of 7, 10 hit points, a hardness of 8, and a break DC of 24.
Activation: Psicrystal staves are activated as a free action so long as the psionic character keeps his psicrystal docked on the staff’s primary setting. The staff wielder must hold the staff to utilize its power. Psicrystals (as well as ancillary setting stones) can be docked for free. As a standard action, the psion can dock or release his psicrystal, psionically affixing it to the staff or releasing it; psicrystals with self-propulsion can dock or release themselves, at the direction of the psionic character. While docked, the psicrystal(and setting stones, if any) and the staff function as a unit. Besides the psicrystal itself, the psicrystal staff can hold a total of three additional setting stones. The wielder can switch a setting stone with another as a standard action. Setting stones, when mounted, also become part of the staff.
 Docked psicrystals are treated as if their owner’s manifester level is +2 higher than it really is, thus unlocking psicrystal potential early. The psicrystal must be mounted for at least 12 consecutive hours to initially gain this benefit, and it loses this benefit if it is unmounted for more than 12 hours total in a given day. For instance, a 1st-level psion with a psicrystal staff and a mounted psicrystal gains the benefits of a psicrystal with the ability to deliver touch powers, +1 natural armor, and +1 Intelligence, which is something normally only a psionic character of 3rd to 4th level could expect.

コスト 1,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, Psicrystal Affinity, mindlink


         (Psicrystal Staff, Greater/Psicrystal Staff, Greater)
装備部位 ―;市価 10,000 gp; オーラ 微弱・精神感応; 発現者レベル 12レベル;重量 0.5ポンド
 As a standard psicrystal staff, with the following improvements:
 The number of setting stones that can be held is increased to five.
 The bonus from the psicrystal’s personality (or personalities, if the owner has the Improved Psicrystal feat) is doubled.
 The psicrystal repairs damage at a rate of 1 hit point per minute docked.
 The staff is treated as a masterwork quarterstaff, allowing it to be enchanted as any other weapon.

コスト 5,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, Psicrystal Affinity, mindlink


装備部位 首回り;市価 8,000 gp; オーラ 様々; 発現者レベル 様々;重量
 Each of these multifaceted crystals is worn as an amulet. Unless noted otherwise, a psionatrix adds a +1 enhancement bonus to the save DC when the wearer uses powers of the discipline the psionatrix is keyed to.
Psionatrix of clairsentience: Blue light glimmers in this crystal’s heart. Aura Moderate clairsentience; ML 8th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, creator must be a seer; Price 8,000 gp.
Psionatrix of metacreativity: Green light glimmers in this crystal’s heart. Aura Moderate metacreativity; ML 8th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, creator must be a shaper; Price 8,000 gp.
Psionatrix of psychokinesis: Red light glimmers in this crystal’s heart. Aura Moderate psychokinesis; ML 8th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, creator must be a kineticist; Price 8,000 gp.
Psionatrix of psychometabolism: Violet light glimmers in this crystal’s heart. Aura Moderate psychometabolism; ML 8th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, creator must be an egoist; Price 8,000 gp.
Psionatrix of psychoportation: Yellow-red light glimmers in this crystal’s heart. Aura Moderate psychoportation; ML 8th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, creator must be a nomad; Price 8,000 gp.
Psionatrix of telepathy: Piercing yellow light shines from this crystal’s heart. Aura Moderate telepathy; ML 8th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, creator must be a telepath; Price 8,000 gp.

コスト 4,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, creator must have the approriate discipline


         (Psionic Restraints/Psionic Restraints)
装備部位 手首;市価 下記参照; オーラ 強力・念動; 発現者レベル 16レベル;重量 1ポンド
 Each of the various psionic restraints is an iron cuff that cunningly locks around the wrist (DC 27 Disable Device check). The cuff limits the total number of power points a psionic creature wearing it can use in 1 round (regardless of the creature’s total power point reserve), or completely damps the ability to use psionics. All types of psionic restraints prevent the free manifesting of powers.
Restraint Type Allowed Power Points/Round Market Price Lesser 5 1,000 gp Average 3 6,000 gp Greater 1 12,000 gp Damping 0 24,000 gp

コスト 500 gp (lesser); 3,000 gp (average); 6,000 gp (greater); 12,000 gp (damping)
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers bend reality, dispel psionics


         (Psychoactive Skins/Psychoactive Skins)
装備部位 ―;市価 18,000 gp (chameleon), 16,000 gp (claw), 32,000 gp (defender), 60,000 gp (fiery response), 77,500 gp (hero), 129,600 gp (iron), 10,000 gp (nimbleness), 84,000 gp (proteus), 151,000 gp (psion), 79,080 gp (spider), 61,200 gp (troll); オーラ 様々; 発現者レベル 様々;重量 2ポンド
 Psychoactive skins (also sometimes called ectoshells) are fist-sized globs of psionically charged ectoplasm. As a standard action, a psychoactive skin spreads over and covers a Medium or smaller creature that projects the proper command thought; the same command thought causes the skin to shrink back down to its former size. Each of the various psychoactive skins is charged with one of a wide array of powers that constantly affect the wearer.
A deployed skin completely covers the wearer and all his equipment like a second skin, allowing the wearer to see, hear, and breathe normally. It rolls away from various parts of the body as needed, such as when the wearer needs to eat or access a backpack. Held items or items specifically excluded are not covered by a psychoactive skin.
Up to three skins can be worn simultaneously, although only the outermost is active in any given round (the powers of hidden skins cannot be manifested). Skin layers can be changed with a command thought as a standard action, which causes a lower-layer skin to come to the surface.
Skin of the Chameleon: This psychoactive skin adjusts to surrounding textures and colors, continually granting the wearer a +10 enhancement bonus on Stealth checks. Aura Faint psychometabolism; ML 3rd; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, chameleon.
Skin of the Claw: This psychoactive skin benefits only a wearer who has levels in psychic warrior. If such a character wears this skin, he can activate the claws of the beast power at will, as a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. He can also dismiss the claws equally quickly. Aura Faint psychometabolism; ML 4th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, claws of the beast.
Skin of the Defender: This psychoactive skin continually grants the wearer a +4 bonus to natural armor. Aura Faint psychometabolism; ML 5th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, thicken skin.
Skin of Fiery Response: This psychoactive skin answers the first attack made against the wearer in each round with an automatically manifested and targeted “ectoburst” against the attacker. The burst ejects from the skin on the wearer’s turn, making a ranged touch attack as described in the energy retort power, but the energy type chosen is always fire. If the attack hits, the target takes 2d6 points of fire damage as the ectoburst flames up and is consumed. This attack does not in any way hinder the wearer, count against her total actions for the round, or provoke attacks of opportunity. Aura Faint psychokinesis; ML 5th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, energy retort.
Skin of the Hero: This psychoactive skin continually grants the wearer a +3 deflection bonus to Armor Class, a +3 resistance bonus on all saving throws, and a +3 enhancement bonus on attack rolls. Aura Strong psychometabolism; ML 18th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers bend reality.
Skin of Iron: This psychoactive skin affects the wearer as the body of iron power up to three times per day for 15 minutes with each use. When the skin’s power is not active, it has no protective qualities. Activating the body of iron effect is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Aura Strong metacreativity; ML 15th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, body of iron.
Skin of Nimbleness: This psychoactive skin continually grants the wearer a +10 competence bonus on Acrobatics checks. AuraModerate psychometabolism; ML 8th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, creator must have 10 ranks in Acrobatics.
Skin of Proteus: This psychoactive skin continually affects the wearer as the metamorphosis power. While in a form other than his natural form, the wearer does not appear to be wearing the skin. Aura Moderate psychometabolism; ML 7th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, metamorphosis.
Skin of the Psion: This psychoactive skin grants the wearer 7 bonus power points per day and power resistance 21. Aura Strong clairsentience; ML 17th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, power resistance.
Skin of the Spider: This psychoactive skin continually grants the wearer a +20 competence bonus on Climb checks and continually affects the wearer as the body equilibrium power. Three times per day, the wearer can manifest entangling ectoplasm against a target within 30 feet. Aura Faint psychometabolism; ML 3rd; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, creator must have 10 ranks in Climb, body equilibrium, entangling ectoplasm.
Skin of the Troll: This psychoactive skin continually allows a living wearer to heal more quickly. The wearer heals 5 points of damage per minute. Except for the slower rate of healing, this skin affects its wearer as if the wearer were under the effect of a continual true metabolism power. Aura Strong psychometabolism; ML 17th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, true metabolism.

コスト 9,000 gp (chameleon), 8,000 gp (claw), 16,000 gp (defender), 30,000 gp (fiery response), 37,750 gp (hero), 64,800 gp (iron), 5,000 gp (nimbleness), 42,000 gp (proteus), 75,500 gp (psion), 39,540 gp (spider), 30,600 gp (troll)
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, additional powers


         (Quiver of Recall/Quiver of Recall)
装備部位 ―;市価 2,000 gp; オーラ 中程度・観念移動; 発現者レベル 9レベル;重量 2ポンド
 This worn leather quiver is a potent boon to any archer, but is of particular use to marksmen. The mouth of the quiver opens to an extra-dimensional space capable of holding up to 60 units of ammunition, and is able to retrieve bullets and bolts as easily as it does arrows. Furthermore, such ammunition never falls out of the quiver, even when upended, and is unaffected by environmental hazards (such as being submerged underwater or exposed to igniting heat) while in the quiver. Whenever the user fires an arrow (or other unit of ammunition) from the quiver that misses the quiver instantly teleports the ammunition back into the quiver, assuming it survives being fired (50% chance). When used by a marksman using the wind reader ability, however, the quiver is able to predict which shots will miss and teleports them away mid-flight, ensuring 100% retrieval.
Bullets retrieved with this quiver do not restore the explosive components to fire them, only the bullet itself

コスト 1,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers hidden pocket


         (Ring of Altered Perception/Ring of Altered Perception)
装備部位 指輪;市価 12,000 gp; オーラ 微弱・精神感応; 発現者レベル 7レベル;重量
 This embellished golden ring protects its wearer against information-gathering effects. Any time the wearer is the subject of a clairsentience power that would give the manifester information about the wearer, the ring alters the effects of the power to give back false information. The wearer is not affected by the ring on powers he manifests himself. The ring is effective only if the manifester levelof the effect is lower than the manifester level of the ring. For example, if detect psionics was used on the wearer, he would detect as not being psionic, as long as the manifester level of detect psionics was lower than that of the ring.

コスト 6,000 gp
Forge Ring, aura alteration


         (Ring of Missile Protection/Ring of Missile Protection)
装備部位 指輪;市価 4,000 gp; オーラ 微弱・念動; 発現者レベル 5レベル;重量
 This copper-colored ring is engraved with a variety of different types of ammunition all around the interior and exterior. The wearer of this ring gains damage reduction 10/magic against ranged attacks. Once 50 points of damage from ranged attacks has been absorbed, the ring goes inert for 24 hours.

コスト 2,000 gp
Forge Ring, deflect missiles


         (Ring of Psionics/Ring of Psionics)
装備部位 指輪;市価 20,000 gp (I), 40,000 gp (II), 70,000 gp (III), 100,000 gp (IV); オーラ moderate(psionics I) or strong(psionics II-IV) ・精神感応; 発現者レベル 11th (I), 14th (II), 17th (III), 20th (IV);重量 1ポンド
Wearers of this ring find that some powers are far easier to manifest. The wearer of this ring can treat any power point spent as if he spent two power points while manifesting a power of a particular level. Each day, the wearer may affect up to twice his manifester level in power points in this way. These additional power points still count toward the total number of power points the wearer can spend manifesting a power.
A ring of psionics I affects 1st-level powers, a ring of psionics II affects 2nd-level powers, a ring of psionics III affects 3rd-level powers, and a ring of psionics IV affects 4th-level powers.
For example, a 5th level psion wearing a ring of psionics I can affect up to 10 power points per day. When manifesting energy ray, he can spend 2 power points, but treat the power as if it was manifested with 4 power points. He would then have 8 power points left he could double that day.
The ring must be worn for 24 hours before it has any effect on the wearer.

コスト 10,000 gp (I), 20,000 gp (II), 35,000 gp (III), 50,000 gp (IV)
Forge Ring, bestow power


         (Ring of Self-Sufficiency/Ring of Self-Sufficiency)
装備部位 指輪;市価 10,000 gp; オーラ 中程度・超代謝; 発現者レベル 7レベル;重量
 This crystalline ring continually grants the wearer a +10 competence bonus on Autohypnosis checks.

コスト 5,000 gp
Forge Ring, creator must have 10 ranks in Autohypnosis


         (Rug of Object Sliding/Rug of Object Sliding)
装備部位 ―;市価 2,000 gp (500 lbs.), 5,000 gp (2,500 lbs.), 7,400 gp (5,000 lbs.), 10,000 gp (10,000 lbs.); オーラ 微弱・観念移動; 発現者レベル 1レベル;重量 5ポンド
 This rug has a fine silver pattern woven into linen so fine it almost floats on the air. With a mental command, the rug slides itself under an object. The object seems to be much lighter to move, counting as only 1/10 its weight for purposes of dragging along the ground. The price of the rug varies based upon the maximum weight of the object the rug can slide under.

コスト 1,000 gp (500 lbs.), 2,500 gp (2,500 lbs.), 3,700 gp (5,000 lbs.), 5,000 gp (10,000 lbs.)
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers skate


         (Setting Stones/Setting Stones)
装備部位 ―;市価 10,080 gp (invigoration), 29,000 gp (kenosis), 9,000 gp (power echo (3rd)), 36,000 (power echo (6th)), 81,000 (power echo (9th)); オーラ 様々; 発現者レベル 様々;重量
 Setting stones function only when a character has mounted them to a psicrystal staff.
Setting Stone of Invigoration: The setting stone of invigoration is a hazy garnet. Once per day this stone’s wielder  can draw powerfrom his splinter personality embedded in the psicrystal, invigorating his powers (if his psicrystal is also mounted). This invigoration lasts for 10 minutes. While invigorated, the character gains many advantages. He gains a +2 morale bonus on saving throws, skill checks, and the difficulty class of powers he manifests; acquires +5 temporary power points, and gains +1 level to his manifester level. Moderate psychometabolism; ML 9th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, Overchannel, Talented, psychofeedback.
Setting Stone of Kenosis: The setting stone of kenosis is a large jewel of unearthly origin. Once per day this stone’s wielder can briefly suppress a creature’s psilike, spell-like, and supernatural abilities. To use this power, the psionic character targets the creature, who must be within 60 feet, with a scintillating purple ray from the stone. On a successful ranged touch attack, the target is locked out of using its psi-like, spell-like, and supernatural abilities for 1d4 rounds (which includes the ability of spellcasters to use their spells and psionic characters and creatures to use their powers). Power resistance can prevent this effect—the effect is as if manifest by an 17th-level manifester. Aura Strong telepathy; ML 17th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, apopsi.
Setting Stone of Power Echo: The setting stone of power echo is a large sapphire. Once per day this stone’s wielder can manifest any power of 3rd level or less that he manifested earlier in the same day as a free manifestation, paying no power points, but the power is not augmented. More powerful setting stones of power echo exist for echoing powers of 6th level or less (greater power echo), and 9th level or less (true power echo). Aura Moderate (3rd and 6th) or strong (9th) psychokinesis; ML 5th, 11th, or 17th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, reddopsi.

コスト 5,040 gp (invigoration), 14,500 gp (kenosis), 4,500 gp (powerecho (3rd)), 18,000 (power echo (6th)), 40,500 (power echo (9th))
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, creator must have appropriate powers


装備部位 ―;市価 10 gp (+1), 40 gp (+2), 90 gp (+3), 160 gp (+4), 250 gp (+5), 360 gp (+6), 490 gp (+7), 640 gp (+8), 810 gp (+9), or 1,000 gp (+10) (invigoration), 29,000 gp (kenosis), 9,000 gp (power echo (3rd)), 36,000 (power echo (6th)), 81,000 (power echo (9th)); オーラ 中程度・超代謝; 発現者レベル 7レベル;重量
 These universal items are tiny fragments of cast-off crystal imprinted with minuscule bits of psionic power. Using a shard requires grasping it and projecting a command thought as a standard action (most shards telepathically whisper their command word into the minds of living creatures who handle them). A shard grants a temporary competence bonus on one specific skill, ranging from +1 to +10. The granted bonus lasts until the skill is used or 10 rounds pass, whichever comes first. Once its effect is activated, a shard disintegrates immediately, whether or not the bonus granted by the shard is eventually used.

コスト 5 gp (+1), 20 gp (+2), 45 gp (+3), 80 gp (+4), 125 gp (+5), 180 gp (+6), 245 gp (+7), 320 gp (+8), 405 gp (+9), or 500 gp (+10)
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, creator must have ranks in the specified skill at least equal to the imprinted bonus


         (Shimmering Vest/Shimmering Vest)
装備部位 胴回り;市価 10,000 gp; オーラ 微弱・念動; 発現者レベル 10レベル;重量 5ポンド
 This vest is made of an unusual material that seems to change color and pattern constantly, causing it to be difficult to focus on the wearer of the vest. A cryptic who wears the vest is treated as if having the light-bending pattern insight. If the wearer already has the light-bending pattern insight, the duration of the benefit is increased to 1 minute per level instead of 1 round per level.

コスト 5,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers chameleon


         (Shimmering Vest, Greater/Shimmering Vest, Greater)
装備部位 胴回り;市価 25,000 gp; オーラ 中程度・念動; 発現者レベル 15レベル;重量 5ポンド
 This vest functions as the shimmering vest, except if the wearer has the light-bending pattern insight, the benefits of the insight do not end if the wearer makes an attack

コスト 12,500 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers chameleon


         (Silver Prison/Silver Prison)
装備部位 ―;市価 5,000 gp; オーラ 微弱・精神感応; 発現者レベル 7レベル;重量 1ポンド
 This translucent ball has a thick iron grip attached to it. When touched by almost any other creature, it seems to be made from solid glass, supernaturally strong. However, when touched to a psicrystal as a melee touch attack, the glass melts around the psicrystal and imprisons it inside. Once inside, the person holding the sliver prison can manipulate the bond of the psicrystal to more easily attack the mind of psicrystal’s master, adding +2 to the DC of any effect that allows a Will save that the wielder uses against the psicrystal’s master. Removing the psicrystal from the prison requires destroying the prison. The sliver prison has hardness of 10 and 5 hit points.

コスト 2,500 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, id insinuation


         (Snatching Gloves/Snatching Gloves)
装備部位 両手;市価 20,000 gp; オーラ 中程度・観念移動; 発現者レベル 11レベル;重量 1ポンド
 These finely crafted gloves bear hundreds of tiny silvery hooks on their surface. Once per day, they grant the wearer the ability to mentally command one item they can see to snap to their hands. The item teleports automatically to your hand if unattended; if it is in the possession of a creature then that creature can make a DC 19 Will save to retain it. The item can weigh no more than 25 lbs., or the effect automatically fails.

コスト 10,000 gp


         (Student’s Robes/Student’s Robes)
装備部位 胴回り;市価 13,000 gp; オーラ 中程度・超代謝; 発現者レベル 10レベル;重量 1ポンド
 This light garment is worn over normal clothing or armor and improves the wearer’s mental abilities. Most such robes are beige in color, with adornments of eyes or hands on a head. When this item is worn by a psion, the character’s psion level is treated as five higher for the purposes of determining his discipline abilities and the effects allowed by his discipline abilities. If the wearer has more than one discipline, he must select which discipline is improved by the robes.

コスト 6,500 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, discipline class feature


         (Suffocating Collar/Suffocating Collar)
装備部位 首回り;市価 30,000 gp; オーラ 中程度・精神感応; 発現者レベル 11レベル;重量 1ポンド
 This crystal collar has no obvious means of opening. When placed near a creature’s throat, it seems almost to liquefy, flowing until it surrounds the neck entirely. The fit is tight, causing the creature some discomfort, though not enough to cause any harm or penalties.
Once per day with a command, the wearer can cause all creatures within 20 feet to make a DC 17 Will save or expel all of the air in their lungs. They also lose automatic use of their lungs. Affected creatures may spend a standard action gasping for breath; otherwise they start to suffocate, as per crisis of breath. This effect lasts for one minute.
The collar also starts choking the wearer for the duration of the effect on any affected creatures. He must hold his breath if he wishes to perform any action other than gasping for breath, as above. If the wearer falls unconscious or there are no affected creatures, all effects of the collar end immediately. A creature that cannot breathe can still activate the collar. Before it can be used, it needs to be attuned to the wearer for 24 hours.

コスト 15,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, crisis of breath


         (Surge Crystal/Surge Crystal)
装備部位 首回り;市価 15,000 gp (+1), 30,000 gp (+2), 60,000 gp (+3); オーラ 中程度・精神感応; 発現者レベル 7レベル;重量 5ポンド
 While inert, this crystal looks like a tiny crystal, only red instead of its tell-tale green color. While its long, sharp legs occasionally twitch, the crystal is not alive and does not move beyond this occasional twitch, a reaction to latent psionic fields. However, when placed against the forehead, the crystal becomes active, its “legs” digging into the forehead of the user. Insertion imposes 2 points of Constitution drain while the crystal is inserted. This Constitution drain cannot be healed until the crystal is removed. Both insertion and removal are standard actions that do not provoke attacks of opportunity.
While the crystal is active, the wearer gains the ability to manifest powers with a wild surge, as a wilder with the free surge type. Different surge crystals carry different wild surge levels, and using the wild surge effect still carries the risk of psychic enervation. In addition, the wearer can activate a surge blast as a wilder of the same level, but doing so causes the wearer to suffer bleed damage equal to the level of the wild surge level of the crystal. The wearer cannot manifest a power with wild surge if their power point pool is empty.
A wilder who wields a surge crystal instead increases their wild surge by the wild surge level of the surge crystal, but does not increase the penalty from psychic enervation.

コスト 7,500 gp (+1), 15,000 gp (+2), 30,000 gp (+3)
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, wild surge class feature


         (Survivor’s Sleeping Bag/Survivor’s Sleeping Bag)
装備部位 ―;市価 15,000 gp (+1), 30,000 gp (+2), 60,000 gp (+3); オーラ 微弱・超代謝; 発現者レベル 3レベル;重量 3ポンド
 While in this heavy sleeping bag, the owner suffers no harm from being in a hot or cold environment. It can exist comfortably in conditions between –50 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit without having to make Fortitude saves. Any of the creature’s equipment in the sleeping bag is likewise protected.
The bag doesn’t provide any protection from fire or cold damage, nor does it protect against other environmental hazards such as smoke, lack of air, and so forth.

コスト 700 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, adapt body


         (Sycophant’s Ring/Sycophant’s Ring)
装備部位 指輪;市価 1,000 gp; オーラ 微弱・精神感応; 発現者レベル 5レベル;重量
 The wearer of this simple silver band feels a strong sense of attachment and friendship to those he encounters. While wearing this ring and after having worn it for 24 hours to attune to it, the wearer does not count against the limit for any collective he is in. However, the wearer also rolls twice against any save against charm effects and the save to resist being forcibly added to a collective and takes the worse result.

コスト 500 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, collective class feature


         (Synaptic Masks/Synaptic Masks)
装備部位 頭部;市価 9,000 gp; オーラ 中程度・超代謝; 発現者レベル 7レベル;重量 1ポンド
 A synaptic mask consists of several thin leather straps that affix to the wearer’s face. Most of the wearer’s face is visible through the leather webbing. The strands that make up the mask all come together at the wearer’s left temple, where a setting is affixed. The setting contains a clamp in which owners can set various types of special stones. These masks use shards or meld stones to determine the effect granted to a character, thus ensuring that they are flexible in function.
Synaptic masks have an armor class of 5, 10 hit points, a hardness of 3, and break DC of 15.
Activation: Synaptic masks are always active while worn (they do not require activation). A synaptic mask confers an effect only when a shard or a meld stone rests in its setting.
Without a specified stone such as a shard in its setting, the synaptic mask confers no extra abilities. Normally, using a shard is a standard action (shards telepathically reveal their command word into the minds of psionic creatures who handle them). A shard grants a temporary competence bonus on one specific skill, ranging from +1 to +10. Normally, the bonus lasts until the skill is used or 10 rounds pass, whichever comes first. Unless set in a synaptic mask, a shard disintegrates after use, even if its user doesn’t utilize the bonus.
If a shard is placed (or replaced) in a synaptic mask setting (as a standard action), the wearer can use the shard’s skill bonus indefinitely without using up the shard. The mask preserves the shard while at the same time allowing the wearer to continuously gain the shard’s benefit. The wearer can remove the shard later to put another shard into the mask, though this results in the initial shard’s disintegration as described above.

コスト 4,500 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, creator must have ranks in the specified skill at least equal to the imprinted bonus, modify matter


         (Synaptic Shards/Synaptic Shards)
装備部位 ―;市価 2,000 gp (medic), 16,000 gp (precision), 9,000 gp (shifting steps), 16,000 gp (guarded flank); オーラ 様々; 発現者レベル 様々;重量
 Synaptic shards are like normal shards, but grant benefits other than bonuses to a specific skill. However, in order to work, they must be attached to a synaptic mask, but are not destroyed when removed from the mask as standard shards are.
Shard of the Medic: This shard allows the wearer to take 10 on Heal checks even when in combat.
Aura Faint psychometabolism; ML 5th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, natural healing

Shard of Precision: This shard adds 1d6 points of damage to the wearer’s melee attacks when he is flanking the creature struck. Thisdamage is precision-based damage.
Aura Moderate clairsentience; ML 9th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, offensive prescience

Shard of Shifting Steps: This shard allows the wearer to use his move action to take an additional 5 foot step, even if he has already taken a 5 foot step that round.
Aura Faint psychometabolism; ML 5th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, hustle

Shard of the Guarded Flank: This shard grants the wearer a +2 bonus to his AC against enemies that are flanking him.
Aura Faint clairsentience; ML 5th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, ubiquitous vision

コスト 1,000 gp (medic), 8,000 gp (precision), 4,500 gp (shifting steps), 8,000 gp (guarded flank)
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, additional powers


         (Tactician’s Chessboard/Tactician’s Chessboard)
装備部位 ―;市価 8,000 gp; オーラ 中程度・精神感応; 発現者レベル 5レベル;重量 10ポンド
 This finely-crafted crystal chessboard only functions when held by a creature with the collective class feature. When held, it shows the precise relative location of all collective members within 100’ and all enemies of which they are aware. The wielder can select a member of the collective and concentrate as a move action to see through that target’s eyes, gaining any of the target’s enhanced visual sensory abilities such as darkvision or low-light vision and using the target’s Perception checks. Anyone holding the wielder’s hands while using this ability similarly can see through the eyes of the target. If the members of the collective can communicate via telepathy, the wielder can attempt to use Aid Another to assist the target. These effects are active as long as the wielder maintains concentration as a move action.
A vitalist that is able to use Steal Health as a range attack may make such attacks from the selected member’s square instead of from his own; this provokes attacks of opportunity from enemies adjacent to the vitalist himself, not the selected square.
A tactician that holds the chessboard treats his Charisma score as being two points higher when determining how long his strategies last.

コスト 4,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, sense link


         (Third Eyes/TThird Eyes)
装備部位 両目;市価 10,000 gp (aware), 120,000 gp (conceal), 10,000 gp (concentrate), 120,000 gp (dominate), 7,200 gp (energy ray), 112,000 gp (expose), 10,000 gp (gather), 8,000 gp (penetrate), 10,080 gp (powerthieve), 43,200 gp (repudiate), 24,000 gp (sense), 9,000 gp (talented), 10,180 gp (view); オーラ 様々; 発現者レベル 様々;重量
 These objects appear as small crystals, always with at least one wide, flat facet, and contain a variety of powers. When the owner uses the proper command thought, the crystal adheres to the center of his forehead (the same command thought causes the third eye to disengage). Only one third eye can be worn at a time.
A third eye is treated as eyewear or goggles for the purpose of determining which items can be worn on the body.
Aware: This kind of third eye continually grants the wearer a +10 competence bonus on Perception checks. Aura Moderate clairsentience; ML 7th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, creator must have 10 ranks in Perception.
Conceal: While worn, a third eye conceal protects the wearer from view by all devices, powers, and spells that detect, influence, or read emotions or thoughts. This power protects against all mind-affecting powers and effects as well as information-gathering by clairsentience powers or effects (except for metafaculty); this item affects the wearer as if he enjoyed the benefit of the barred mind power. Aura Strong telepathy; ML 15th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, barred mind.
Concentrate: This kind of third eye continually grants the wearer a +10 competence bonus on concentration checks. Aura Moderate telepathy; ML 10th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》.
Dominate: The wearer of a third eye dominate can attempt to dominate a subject as with the power mind control, augmented to target any creature type it can affect, once per day (save DC 18). Aura Strong telepathy; ML 15th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, mind control.
Energy Ray: This third eye allows the wielder to fire bolts their active energy type at a target within 30 ft. as a ranged touch attack three times per day. The bolt deals 5d6 points of damage of the wearer’s active energy type; if the energy type is sonic, it instead deals 5d3 points of damage. Aura Faint psychokinesis; ML 5th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers energy ray.
Expose: The wearer of this kind of third eye always knows when someone lies directly to him. Aura Strong telepathy; ML 15th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers bend reality.
Gather: This kind of third eye continually grants the wearer a +10 competence bonus on Diplomacy checks made to gather information. Aura Moderate clairsentience; ML 7th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, creator must have 10 ranks in Diplomacy.
Penetrate: While worn, a third eye penetrate grants the wearer a +2 bonus on manifester level checks to overcome a creature’s power resistance. Aura Strong clairsentience; ML 15th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers bend reality.
Powerthieve: While worn, a third eye powerthieve allows the wearer to borrow one power from a psionic target within 40 feet once per day. If the target fails a DC 16 Will save, it instantly loses one power of the wearer’s choice, and the wearer instantly gains temporary knowledge of this power. The wearer can manifest the borrowed power normally if she has sufficient power points to pay for its cost. The wearer retains knowledge of the power for up to 70 minutes, at which time she loses knowledge of the power and the former owner regains it, regardless of the distance between them. If the former owner is dead, the wearer still loses the borrowed power. Aura Moderate telepathy; ML 7th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, thieving mindlink.
Repudiate: While worn, this powerful item allows the wearer to manifest dispel psionics once per day with a +20 modifier on the dispel check (the wearer uses the +20 modifier in place of his manifester level). Aura Strong psychokinesis; ML 20th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, dispel psionics.
Sense: The wearer of this kind of third eye can manifest clairvoyant sense at will. Aura Faint clairsentience; ML 3rd; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers clairvoyant sense.
Talented: This third eye must be worn for 24 hours before its powers take effect. When worn by a non-psionic creature, it grants the user the Wild Talent feat and one psionic talent. The talent granted is determined at the time the third eye is created and cannot be changed. When using the talent, the wearer’s manifester level is always treated as 1.
When worn by a psionic creature, the third eye talented instead grants the user the benefit of the Psionic Talent feat, and the psionic talent. The manifester level for the talent is the wearer’s character level.
This item does not let a creature meet any prerequisites for feats or prestige classes it does not already meet, such as those requiring a power point pool, a manifester level, or the ability to manifest powers. Aura Faint telepathy; ML 5th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, talent in the item
View: The wearer of this kind of third eye can spin a quasireal version of himself and send it over virtually any distance or into other planes of existence, as if manifesting the remote viewing power, once per day. Aura Moderate clairsentience; ML 7th; 《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, remote viewing.

コスト 5,000 gp (aware), 60,000 gp (conceal), 5,000 gp (conceal), 60,000 gp (dominate), 3,600 gp (energy ray), 56,000 gp (expose), 5,000 gp (gather), 4,000 gp (penetrate), 5,040 gp (powerthieve), 21,600 gp (repudiate), 12,000 gp (sense), 4,500 gp (talented), 5,090 gp (view)
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, creator must have ranks in appropriate skills or additional powers


         (Torc of Free Will/Torc of Free Will)
装備部位 首回り;市価 6,000 gp; オーラ 微弱・精神感応; 発現者レベル 3レベル;重量 2ポンド
 This item is a band inlaid with precious metal, worn around the neck or upper arm. The wearer of a torc of free will is not affected by the brain lock power or items that produce brain lock effects (such as crystal anchors).

コスト 3,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers brain lock


         (Torc of Interrogation/Torc of Interrogation)
装備部位 首回りかつ頭部;市価 6,000 gp; オーラ 微弱・精神感応; 発現者レベル 5レベル;重量 2ポンド(トルク)、―(頭部)
 This torc and matching headband bear the image of an eye weeping tears. The torc is placed on a creature to be questioned (this requires a successful combat maneuver check to grapple if the target is unwilling and not helpless), while the headband is worn by the character who will be the questioner.
The headband grants the wearer a +10 circumstance bonus on Intimidate and Sense Motive checks made against the wearer of the torc. In addition, if the torc wearer lies, he must make a DC 14 Will save on each new lie or suffer 2d6 points of nonlethal damage as his body is wracked with pain. Each saving throw made (successful or not) inflicts a cumulative -1 penalty on further saves, as the target’s will breaks down.

コスト 10,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, inflict pain, read thoughts


         (Torc of Leech Freedom/Torc of Leech Freedom)
装備部位 首回り;市価 12,000 gp; オーラ 微弱・精神感応; 発現者レベル 5レベル;重量 2ポンド
 This item is a band inlaid with precious metal, worn around the neck or upper arm. The wearer of a torc of leech freedom automatically resists up to two uses of power leech against him per day.

コスト 6,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers power leech


         (Torc of Leech Freedom/Torc of Leech Freedom)
装備部位 首回り;市価 36,000 gp; オーラ 強力・超感覚; 発現者レベル 15レベル;重量 2ポンド
 This item is a band inlaid with precious metal, worn around the neck or upper arm. The wearer of a torc of power preservation manifests all powers by paying power points equal to the standard cost minus 1 (minimum of 1).

コスト 18,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers bend reality


         (Warrior’s Bracers/Warrior’s Bracers)
装備部位 手首;市価 15,000 gp; オーラ 中程度・超代謝; 発現者レベル 12レベル;重量
 These leather bands grant the wearer access to a specific warrior path, as long as the wearer has the warrior’s path class feature. If the wearer has already chosen the warrior path of the bracers, his psychic warrior level is treated as four higher for the purposes of the path’strance and maneuver.
If the wearer has not chosen the path of the bracers, three times per day for one minute per use, the character is treated as if having the warrior path granted by the bracers for the purposes of the path’s trance and maneuver. The wearer may still only have one warrior pathtrance active at any time unless using the pathweaving class feature.If the character does not have the warrior’s path class feature, he gains no benefit.

コスト 7,500 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, warrior’s path class feature


         (Warrior’s Scabbard/Warrior’s Scabbard)
装備部位 ―;市価 1,000 gp; オーラ 微弱・超感覚; 発現者レベル 5レベル;重量 1ポンド
 When the wearer of this scabbard draws his sheathed weapon and is maintaining psionic focus, he gains a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls made with that weapon for 1 turn.

コスト 500 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers offensive precognition


         (Warblade Staff/Warblade Staff)
装備部位 ―;市価 16,000 gp; オーラ 中程度・精神感応; 発現者レベル 9レベル;重量 5ポンド
 This modified psicrystal staff grants all the normal benefits of the psicrystal staff, but in addition, when the psicrystal is docked, the staff can be transformed into a crystal blade or back to a staff as a move action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. When in crystal blade form, the warblade staff deals damage as a bastard sword and can be wielded either one-handed or two-handed, at the wielder’s discretion. The wielder is always considered to be proficient with the crystal blade. The warblade staff is made of deep crystal, and so can be charged with power points as any deep crystal weapon. In addition, the wielder may deliver touch attacks with melee attacks when in crystal blade form. The warblade staff can be enchanted as if a masterwork weapon, allowing both the staff and bastard sword forms to be enchanted separately, but only one end of the staff.
Unlike a normal psicrystal staff, the warblade staff cannot have companion stones.
The warblade staff has the same hardness and hit points of a standard psicrystal staff. If the staff is sundered while a psicrystal is docked, the psicrystal undocks unharmed.

コスト 500 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Psicrystal Affinity, mindlink


         (Warblade Staff, Greater/Warblade Staff, Greater)
装備部位 ―;市価 20,000 gp; オーラ 中程度・精神感応; 発現者レベル 11レベル;重量 5ポンド
 This improved version of the warblade staff has the additional ability to allow the wielder to generate a blast of light and energy by spending power points and expending psionic focus when the warblade staff is in crystal blade form. The blast deals 1d8 points of damage for every 2 power points spent; affected creatures with light sensitivity are dealt double damage. The blast is a burst effect centered on the wielder, with a radius of 20 feet and allows a Reflex save for half damage (DC 13 + 1/2 the number of power points spent). The wielder is immune to this effect.

コスト 10,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》, Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Psicrystal Affinity, energy burst, mindlink


         (Wooden Shirt/Wooden Shirt)
装備部位 胴部;市価 32,760 gp; オーラ 中程度・超代謝; 発現者レベル 9レベル;重量 3ポンド
 Most often worn under armor, this shirt looks to be made from wood, yet it is supple and flexible like any typical textile. Once per day, the wearer can transform his skin into bark, gaining the effects of the oak body power for 9 minutes.

コスト 10,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》; Powers oak body

Section 15: Copyright Notice
Psionics Unleashed. Copyright 2010, Dreamscarred Press.
Ultimate Psionics. Copyright 2013, Dreamscarred Press; Authors: Andreas Rönnqvist, Jeremy Smith.