念能 > 種族 > ノラル


念能/種族/ノラル - (2018/10/23 (火) 20:10:03) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

ノラル Noral

 ノラルはエァリス/erlissという共生体とのつながりを持つ人型生物の種族であり、エァリスは夢痕/Dreamscarと呼ばれる小さな念能のクリーチャーである。エァリスとつながりのあるノラルはもはや夢を見ず、夢痕のあるニックネームの繋がりのあるノラルに与えるものだけでなく、クリーチャーにニックネームを与える。The symbiotic joining process has left the noral race open to the benefit of other creatures on their society, making them more likely to seek out information on other cultures and talented at social interactions.
 Known for being physically clumsier than most, some surmise that norals lack agility because the bonding process has impacted their natural reflexes. Others argue it is because the race has a naturally stocky frame that simply does not lend itself well to precise movements. Despite this, the natural resiliency of their mental and physical forms has helped them overcome what is otherwise a liability for surviving the harsh lands near their settlements. However, their ability to block such assaults, combined with their natural ability to assault the minds of others, has given some a fear of the race as a potential subjugator of free will, a notion the norals find ludicrous for their views on free will as something to be nurtured and never to be threatened.
 While some norals choose not to bond with an erliss, this is the exception, rather than the rule. The bonding process itself is done as a ceremony once a noral has reached adulthood and is considered an important step in the maturation of their younger generations. This ceremony is typically done in private, usually with only the noral’s parents in attendance. Upon completion, the newly-dreamscarred noral is considered an adult and afforded all privileges as such.

 The erliss is a tentacled creature that looks something like a sea star, with four or five arms that stretch out from the central core. Most often white, pale pink, pale blue, the erliss can exist comfortably in both water and on land. The small ridges across their appendages can quickly change color, which is often used to scare away lesser predators. On the underside of the creature, there is a small mouth. One of the tentacles has a small reddish opening that can extrude the romon, a slithering tentacle used to collect food, paralyze prey and, perhaps most importantly, initiate the psychic bridge that begins the melding process. The bonding is initiated by placing the erliss on the noral’s neck, with its mouth flush against the exposed skin of the noral, and the tentacle placed at the base of the skull.

 社会:ノラルの社会構造は民主共和主義の一つである。彼らの社会では、結束によるプロセスを経たノラルだけが統治評議会/Ruling Councilに支持を投票することができ、その議会が支配する。結束していないノラルは、子供や追放された者として見られるため、ほとんどの若いノラルは結合の儀式を完了したり、そういった区別が重要なものとみなされない土地に行ったりするため、結束していないノラルは投票をすることはない。The resistance that norals have against mental intrusion gives them a strong sense of morality when it comes to the use of compulsions or domination – be it mental or physical. This leads few to seek the use of such tactics, although those who work as mediators push the envelope by using powers that only read thoughts, arguing that since they are not compelling the subject, it is simply a better way to achieve amicable solutions, while their natural ability to attack the minds of others is viewed as a to be used only in self-defense and never as a means to impose their will.

 種族関係:The benefits the noral race derive from the erliss make them naturally inclined to seek out new cultures that might grant them improvements to their own. Their natural inclination to understand other cultures and to easily interact with other races has helped them to take on a role of mediator for conflicts, while they try to maintain neutrality. When such attempts are unsuccessful, or when the norals are cast as favoring one side over another, the norals will instead withdraw and allow the other races to resolve matters on their own, even if it results in brutal combat.
 Among the other races, the norals have the most difficulty working with the psionocratic ophiduan race, for they see the serpentine race’s ruling style as barbarism wrapped in a supposed enlightened form of government. In addition, some cultures, such as dwarves, view the norals’ preference to stay out of conflicts as passively condoning the actions of their enemies, earning enmity on more than one occasion. One area where norals dislike the interactions with other races is in the proclivity of other races to kiss in public. Kissing for the norals is their means to breed more erliss, so they view such public displays as unseemly.





夢痕の拒否 Rejecting the Dreamscar

  • 共生的抵抗/Symbiotic resistance
  • 共生的活性/Symbiotic surge

標準種族特性 Standard Racial Traits


その他の種族特性 Other Racial Traits

共生的抵抗/Symbiotic Resistance:ノラルとエァリスとの共生的なつながりは、繋がりを持つ全てのノラルに病気と精神作用効果に対するセーヴィング・スローに+2の種族ボーナスを与える。
共生的活性/Symbiotic Surge:ノラルは共生の力を利用し一時的なブーストを得る。1日1回、ノラルは1つのd20ロールに1d6を加えるために共生を過労状態とさせる。この決定はロールの結果が決定される前に行わなければならない。

ノラルの念能/Noral Psionics:ノラルは以下の擬似念能力を得る:1/日—マインド・スラスト。この効果のための発現者レベルはノラルのレベルの1/2に等しい(最小1)。この念力のDCは10+念力のレベル+ノラルの【魅力】に等しい。
弁舌の才/Gift of Tongues:ノラルは社会的な相互作用と他の文化の理解に長けている。ノラルは〈はったり〉と〈交渉〉判定に+1のボーナスを得、〈言語学〉技能のランクを上げた時は毎回追加の言語を1つ学ぶ。この種族特性はノームの種族特性である防御修練と嫌悪の代わりに取得できる。
生来の念能/Naturally Psionic:ノラルは、1レベルでボーナス特技として《粗削りの素質》特技を得る。ノラルが念能クラスのレベルを得るならば、代わりに《念能の素質》
念能の才/Psionic Aptitude:ノラルが適性クラスからレベルを得るとき、ヒット・ポイントあるいは技能ポイントの代わりに追加の1ポイントの念力ポイントを得ることを選択することができる。

代替種族特性 Alternate Racial Traits


 共感的説得/Empathic Persuasion:一部のノラルは仲間のノラルが嫌がっているにもかかわらず微妙な念動捜査に熟達している。1日1回、ノラルは擬似念能力としてエンパシフィック・コネクションを発現できる。発現者レベルはノラルのヒット・ダイスの1/2に等しい、最小1。この能力はノラルの念能と置き換える。
 凶暴なエァリス/Feral Erliss:典型的には、エァリスとノラルのつながりは精神的な能力の改善をもたらすが、時にはノラルがより凶暴な一面を見せることがある。この特徴を持つノラルは、1d4ポイントのダメージを与える2回の爪攻撃を得、〈生存〉判定に+2の種族ボーナスを得る。これは弁舌の才と共生的抵抗と置き換える。
 騙しの達人/Master of Deception: All norals are skilled at interacting with other races, but some are unusually skilled in subterfuge. A noral with this trait gains a +4 racial bonus on Bluff checks to convince an opponent that what they are saying is true when they tell a lie. In addition, once per day, the noral can roll twice when making a Bluff or Diplomacy check and take the better roll. これはノラルの念能と置き換える。
 Resilient Symbiote: The bonding process with an erliss can sometimes unlock a psionic ability to protect instead of attack. A noral with this trait gains the ability to use vigor as a psi-like ability once per day (manifester level equal to noral’s character level.) これはノラルの念能と置き換える。
 共生的敏感さ/Symbiote Sensitivity: Some norals have an erliss that can grant the ability to detect nearby psionic activity. A noral with this trait gains detect psionics as a psi-like ability usable at will (manifester level is equal to the noral’s character level). これはノラルの念能と置き換える。
 共生的見張り/Symbiotic Sentry: Some erliss take a more passive role in protecting the noral, warning their host when subject to psychic attack. When the noral fails a Save against a mind-affecting effect, he may immediately roll a second Save; if the second Save is successful, he is still affected by the effect, but he is at least aware of a psychic attack and his failure to block it, even if he does not know the exact attack or its consequences (thus, he may take defensive precautions, such as manifesting dispel psionics on himself or casting protection from evil, if possible). Once per day, if the second Save is successful the noral may choose to use that result in place of the first roll. This replaces symbiotic resistance and symbiotic surge.

適性クラス・オプション Favored Class Options

 適性クラスでレベルを得るたびに追加の技能ランクやヒット・ポイントを得る代わりに、ノラルは適性クラス応じて、他の多くのボーナスを得ることができる。 以下のオプションは記載の適性クラスを有するノラルに適用可能である。特に断りのない限り、ボーナスは適性クラスの特典を選択するたびに適用される。


Section 15: Copyright Notice
Ultimate Psionics. Copyright 2013, Dreamscarred Press; Authors: Andreas Rönnqvist, Jeremy Smith.