PG > ヘルズ・ヴェンジャンス


PG/ヘルズ・ヴェンジャンス - (2024/03/31 (日) 14:21:09) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

ヘルズ・ヴェンジャンス・プレイヤーズ・ガイド Hell's Vengeance Player's Guide

 ヘルズ・ヴェンジャンス・アドヴェンチャー・パスは、ヘルナイトのゴッドクロウ騎士団が、自身の団員がかつて女神アイオメデイが佩いていた伝説の剣ハーツ・エッジを見つけた事を明らかにした時に開始する。栄光ある奪還団を自称しているアイオメデイの騎士たちの集団は、自らの信仰に於いて重要な遺物をヘルナイト騎士団が保有している事に怒り、ディンヤル砦という要塞を襲撃し、その神の武器を奪還した。そこでやめる代わりに、その地を三重に忌まわしい悪魔的なスルーン家を転覆する場所に定めた! 彼らを止めることが君たちの仕事だ。このアドヴェンチャー・パスは悪のプレイヤー・キャラクター用に特別に設計されており、スルーン家とシェリアックスの秩序ある統治の為に働く事に、そしてまた栄光ある奪還団のアイオメデイ騎士たちの勢力と対決する事に、熱心であるか少なくともその意思のあるキャラクターがいれば最高の働きをする。



ヘルズ・ヴェンジャンスに含まれないものとは What Hell’s Vengeance Is Not



 君はヘルズ・ヴェンジャンス・アドヴェンチャー・パスを開始するが、どのような種類のキャラクターをプレイすべきだろうか? このキャンペーンに調和し、来たる遭遇で活躍するであろうキャラクターを作成する最良の方法は何だろう? 以下の仄めかし、意見、そしてキャラクターの選択肢は、栄光ある奪還団及び善なる勢力と戦うのに、そして君と君の一行の為に店に置いてあるヘルズ・ヴェンジャンス・アドヴェンチャー・パス内の挑戦を挑戦を乗り越えるのに完璧に適したキャラクターを君が作成する助けとなるよう意図されている。これらの意見は徹底的ではない――数千にも及ぶ育成可能なキャラクターの主題がこのキャンペーンで輝ける。ヘルズ・ヴェンジャンス・アドベンチャー・パス内のキャラクターの更なる議論なら、paizo.comの掲示板を訪れ、このキャンペーンを通してプレイした他人と君の経験を共有すること。

属性 Alignment


クラス Classes

 いづれかのアドヴェンチャー・パス内に凄いキャラクターを作る選択肢の多くはこのキャンペーンに於いても良好な選択肢であるが、悪のキャンペーンに特に適しているクラスの選択肢は僅かしかない。そうしたクラスのうち際立っているものの第一はアンティパラディンだ。これまでの諸アドヴェンチャー・パス内にはアンティパラディンを本当にプレイする場所はなかったが(もしかしたら髑髏と枷という例外はあるが)、ヘルズ・ヴェンジャンスはその需要を満たす助けとなるだろう。自身のアンティパラディンに秩序にして悪属性という香り付けをしたいのであればPathfinder RPG Ultimate Intrigueには暴君というアンティパラディンのアーキタイプさえある。
 君の集団がPathfinder RPG Pathfinder Unchainedからアンチェインド・サモナーを使用する場合、それは愛玩動物の魔物と共にプレイする面白いやり方にもなるだろう。

アーキタイプと上級クラス Archetypes and Prestige Classes

 多数のアーキタイプと上級クラスは果敢に戦う英雄たちの一団には適していない。有難いことに、今回は正義の英雄になることに関して君は心配する必要がない――今回君は悪人になる! パスファインダーRPGのより不浄でより邪悪なキャラクターの選択肢の一部を深掘りする好機だ。
 Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Combat:Hamatulatsu master(モンク)。
 Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Magic:Chelish diva(バード)。
 Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Primer:Egorian Academy infernal binder(ウィザード)。
 Pathfinder Player Companion: Agents of Evil:Appeaser(クレリック)、devil impostor(アンチェインド・サモナー)、insinuator(アンティパラディン)。
 Pathfinder Player Companion: Champions of Corruption:Blood summoner(サモナー)、dread vanguard(アンティパラディン)、raging cannibal(バーバリアン)。
 Pathfinder Player Companion: Dirty Tactics Toolbox:Asmodean advocate(クレリック)。
 Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide信仰の英雄(ウォープリースト)、聖なる追跡者(スレイヤー[訳注:実際にはレンジャー])。
 Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide毒師(ローグ)。
 Pathfinder RPG Monster Codex恐怖を撒くもの(アンティパラディン)。このアーキタイプはバグベアの項の一部として記載されているが、バグベアでないキャラクターがこのアーキタイプを取得することを妨げるものはない。
 Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Intrigue暴君(アンティパラディン)。
 Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic哀歌のバード(バード)、墓歩き(ウィッチ)、生体解剖者(アルケミスト)。
 Agent of the Grave(Pathfinder Adventure Path #45:Broken Moon):囁きの道宗がこのキャンペーンに影響を与えないとしてさえ、この上級クラスは死霊術士の道を歩もうとするキャラクターに幾つかの強力な選択肢を提供する。
 Blackfire Adept(Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Paths of Prestige):Blackfire Adeptはシェリアックスと直接関係がないとしてさえ、この上級クラスはプレイヤーに、召喚術への変わった試みをすることに専念している悪の術者をプレイする機会を提供する。もしかしたら君は自身の召喚の技術を完成さえる為に魔術学院の1つに取り入ろうとシェリアックスに来たのかもしれない?
 Demoniac(Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Lords of Chaos, Book of the Damned, Vol. 2):このキャンペーンに於いて混沌にして悪のデーモン崇拝者はこの上級クラスによって自身をデーモン種で堕落させることを喜ぶ。君はデヴィル崇拝者に良い思いをさせることに耐えられない。
 Diabolist(Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Princes of Darkness, Book of the Damned, Vol.1):この上級クラスはデヴィルを統制したいキャラクターにとって完璧だ。この上級クラスの主題はシェリアックスの呪文発動の伝統に完璧に合致している。
 Evangelist, Exalted, Sentinel(Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Gods):信仰深い(特に悪の神格の一柱を崇拝する――8ページの宗教参照)キャラクターは《Deific Obedience》特技を取得することで不浄なる神の強力なしもべとなり、それからその神の項目で詳述されている3つの上級クラスの1つへと進むことができる。
 ヘルナイト(Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide):シェリアックスじゅうでもその外でも知られている極めて秩序だっていて威圧的なヘルナイトは、規則の厳格な象徴である。君がパラディンやセレスチャルと戦うとしてさえ、この上級クラスの条件を満たす為に君自身よりもヒット・ダイスの高いデヴィルを殺す可能性があるという点について心配することはない――このアドヴェンチャー・パスは君に必要な好機を提供する。ヘルナイトの更なる情報は来たる書籍Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Path of the Hellknightを待つこと。
 ヘルナイト・シグニファー(Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Paths of Prestige):上記のヘルナイトと同様、君はこのキャンペーンを通してこの主題にあった上級クラスの前提条件を満たすに際し問題を感じないに違いない。
 Pain Taster(Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Occult Mysteries):この上級クラスはゾン=クーソンに被虐的な献身を捧げる者にとって完璧だ。
 Red Mantis Assassin(Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide):ゴラリオンとより緊密に結びついている暗殺者のキャラクターは、レッド・マンティス・アサシンを検討すること。この種のキャラクターは精確な一撃と密やかな動きを用いる相手を打ち据えたい場合に完璧であるだろう。
 Umbral Court Agent(Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Paths of Prestige):シェリアックスとニダルはお互いと長く複雑な関係を持っており、ニダル人を、特にシェリアックス内での彼ら独自の政治に関心を持つ者を、目にすることは珍しくもない。

血脈、神秘、守護者 Bloodlines, Mysteries, and Patrons

 このアドヴェンチャー・パスの主題に最も合うオラクルの神秘はapocalypseMC闘争APGAPGAPG、そしてouter riftsISMの神秘だ。

使い魔と動物の相棒 Familiars and Animal Companions

 以下の動物の相棒はシェリアックスじゅうの森と平地で見つけることができる:オーロックスアックス・ビークB3バジャーベアバード(イーグル、ホーク、アウル)、ボアダイア・バットダイア・ラットドッグホースラム、giant ravenAP97、ヴァイパージャイアント・ウィーゼルB4、そしてウルフ

得意な敵と得意な地形 Favored Enemies and Favored Terrains


言語 Languages


出身 Origins


種族 Races

 シェリアックスは多くの人にとって多くのものであるが、それはまさに種族的多様性であるというわけではない。この帝国の人口の大多数は人間であるが、ティーフリング、ハーフリング、ノームといった疎外された人口も僅かにいる。南部では、カリから来たガルーンド系シェリアックス人は珍しいものではないが、支配的な人間の民族としてはシェリアックス民族がより一般的で、それにタルドール民族とヴァリシア民族が続く。つまるところ、シェリアックスは大きく強固な国であり、この帝国内でコア・ルールブック内のあらゆる種族と出会える。ティーフリング・キャラクターをプレイすることを選ぶプレイヤーは、このキャンペーン用に凄いティーフリング・キャラクターを作成する為の更なるコツについてPathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Fiendsを確認すること。

信仰面 On Religion

――Edict 4671.315A.2v5 §15j (Revision 6)

信仰 Religion


技能と特技 Skills and Feats

 ヘルズ・ヴェンジャンス内で君の仲間の足を引っ張ることは推奨していないが、Pathfinder Player Companion: Champions内にあるbetrayal特技は友人や配下と出会うことで格別の結果を得る面白い手段を提供する。これは腹心あるいは単純に共感する悪党と組み合わせれば格別にうまく作用する。ウィザードの英雄が英雄的なローグに自分の呪文効果を避ける為に身かわしに頼ることは問題ないか訊くべきであることと同様に、君は自分の特技を作動させる為に君の相棒にダメージを受けさせて構わないか訊ねる場合に同じ戦術を採る事を検討すべきである。これらの特技はキャラクターに自己中心的で悪質な戦術を模倣する方法を提供するが、友人内でのプレイを妨げるやり方で用いるべきではない。
 ダンピールをプレイしていてヴァンパイアの血に従った略奪に関わりたい場合、悪の一行の回復の選択肢の助けとして――そして加虐趣味と親のアンデッドの衝動に耽るために――Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guideにある《血吸》特技を取得しても良い。
 Pathfinder Player Companion: Quests and Campaignsからの《Damned》物語特技は一部のキャラクターにとっては面白いかもしれない、そしてこの物語前提条件は確実にこのキャンペーンを通して役割を果たす可能性を持つことだろう。
 キャンペーンを通して大量の人間と戦うであろうことから、人間キャラクター(そしてそれには劣るがティーフリング)にとってPathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Racesにある《Kinslayer》特技は良い選択肢となるだろう。
 死と蘇生に接することは危険かもしれないが、Pathfinder Player Companion: Champions of Corruptionにあるdamnation特技は悪のキャラクターにとって大変興奮させるものになりうる。君がどれだけ深くまで堕落する気があるかによるが、複数のdamnation特技によってそれらの特技の力は増すだろう。
 フィーンディッシュ動物あるいは僅かなデヴィルやデーモンの選択肢を超えたものを招来したい術者には、Pathfinder Player Companion: Champions of Corruptionの《Summon Evil Monster》は多様性を持たせ主題に沿ったプレイをするのに良い選択肢だ。これは《招来クリーチャー強化》のような自身の招来能力を増大させる他の特技と、あるいはPathfinder Player Companion: Monster Summoner’s Handbookにあるクレリックのherald callerアーキタイプのような招来を強化するアーキタイプと組み合わせたとき、特に強力である。
 スルーン家との協力によって7レベル以上の悪のキャラクターはPathfinder Player Companion: Champions of Corruptionにある《悪の統率力特技を取得できる。以下の貢ぎ物はこの特技を維持する為の前提条件に更なる詳細を与える。

もっと読みたい? Want to Read More?


ゲーム・マスター向け For Game Masters

 シェリアックス、その重要人物と土地、そして国内の危険について知るには、Pathfinder Campaign Setting: CheliaxThe Infernal Empire、あるいはその前身であるPathfinder Player Companion: Cheliax, Empire of Devilsを確認すること。加えて、都市ウエストクラウンが舞台の盗賊議会アドヴェンチャー・パスにはシェリアックス、ヘルナイト、そしてこのキャンペーンで君が使用できる追加のモンスターに関する情報が豊富にある。地獄界ヘル、その階級構造、そしてその次元界の住人であるデヴィルの情報を知りたい場合、Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Princes of DarknessBook of the Damned, Vol. 1の写しをつかもう。

プレイヤー向け For Players

 シェリアックス出身のキャラクターのプレイに関する情報なら、Pathfinder Player Companion: Cheliax, Empire of Devilsを確認すること。悪のキャラクター向けのキャラクターの選択肢なら、Pathfinder Player Companion: Agents of EvilPathfinder Player Companion: Champions of Corruption、そしてPathfinder Player Companion: Faiths of Corruptionに注目すること。

万人向け For All

 シェリアックス臣民に関する更なる情報なら、Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Racesを見ること、そしてアスモデウス教徒とその信仰を知りたいなら、Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Godsを確認すること。

栄光ある奪還団に関する5つの Five Things About the Glorious Reclamation

  • 栄光ある奪還団は三重に忌まわしきスルーン家からシェリアックス国を奪還することに、そしてシェリアックスの人々にアイオメデイ崇拝を取り戻してもらうことに尽くすアイオメデイの騎士たちによる騎士団である。
  • 栄光ある奪還団は、かつてアイオメデイその神が佩いていた剣Heart’s Edgeをヘルナイトのゴッドクロー騎士団から取り戻す為に結成された。
  • 熱狂的なパラディンであるアレクシーラ・キャンセラリオンがこの征服団体を発足しており、現在栄光ある奪還団の指導者を務めている。
  • 栄光ある奪還団は軍隊式の構造を持ち、アイオメデイへの信仰篤い者全員はその階級に連なるよう招かれる。
  • 栄光ある奪還団はの最初の大戦果はヘルナイトのディンヤル砦の制圧である。

考慮すべきこと Things to Consider

 Sensitive Material:ヘルズ・ヴェンジャンス・アドヴェンチャー・パスを始める際に、自分の集団と話し合って根本的なルールを定めること。君の集団と早い内に、自分たちが快適と感じる水準についての懸念を話し合うこと。一線を越えている緊張あるいは一行内部での衝突を引き起こすような緊張は現実世界での友情を破綻させる(あるいは少なくとも不快にさせる)かもしれない。この種のものは英雄的なキャンペーン内より悪のキャンペーン内でより起こりやすく、それがため多くの人は悪のキャンペーンの運営に慎重になりがちだ。
 セレスチャルと戦う/Fighting Celestials:ヘルズ・ヴェンジャンス・アドヴェンチャー・パスを通して、君のキャラクターは悪でないキャンペーンであれば通常なら遭遇しない多数の敵と戦うことになる: 天上界ヘヴン、涅槃界ニルヴァーナ、浄土界エリュシオンからの来訪者は栄光ある奪還団と協力し悪人どもを終わらせようとしている。
 Healing:悪のクレリックは負のエネルギー放出をし、キュア呪文を任意発動できないため、君は悪のキャンペーン内での治癒に向けた計画をしなければならない。ワンド1本と十分な量のポーションを選ぶことはこれに良い選択だろうが、悪の術者は追加の包帯を鞄の中に持っている――インファーナル・ヒーリング呪文だ。この呪文(及びそのグレーター版)の大元はPathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guideに登場する。

infernal healing/地獄の治癒


infernal healing, Greater/



 〔Amoral Mercenary〕/Amoral Mercenary:You have always looked after yourself first, and done whatever you need to do to survive. You’ve killed before, and you’ll kill again, but you don’t lose sleep over it. If it’s you or them, you invariably choose yourself. You follow no code, unless it’s doing whatever brings you to the top. Of course, sometimes you have to work with others, and that’s fine too, as long as the pay is right――whatever it takes to get the job done. With the current unrest in Cheliax, it’s starting to look like a good deal to work with House Thrune. You know Thrune rewards those who serve it well, and there’s no one else in Cheliax who can offer the power, prestige, and money that Thrune can.
 You’ve got a keen eye for what makes a good arrangement and when to walk away from a bad deal. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Sense Motive checks, and Sense Motive is a class skill for you. In addition, as an immediate action once per day, you can shift your effective alignment so that you are considered neutral instead of evil for the purpose of good effects that target evil creatures (such as holy smite or a paladin’s smite evil ability). Your alignment does not actually change when you use this ability. You must be neutral evil to take this trait.
 〔Apprentice Devilbinder〕/Apprentice Devilbinder: It’s no secret that conjuring and binding devils is a popular pursuit in Cheliax, and you have served as an apprentice to a diabolist since a young age. Eventually, however, you decided you wanted more for yourself than a life of study and service, and when you felt you had learned all that you were likely to from your master, you struck out on your own. You know you can achieve the loftiest heights of power with the support of Hell behind you, just as you are aware you can fall to the lowest depths if you’re incautious and lose that support. You are determined to use your skills and abilities to bind Hell and its minions to your will, and to make a name for yourself as one of Cheliax’s premier devilbinders.
 When you cast a summon monster spell to summon a devil or fiendish creature, the duration of that spell increases by 1 round. In addition, you gain a +1 trait bonus on opposed Charisma checks against devils conjured with planar binding spells, and payments to devils you conjure with planar ally spells are reduced by 10%.
 〔Asmodean Acolyte〕/Asmodean Acolyte: You grew up in the church of Asmodeus, and have served as a faithful follower your entire life. You’ve studied the unholy texts, committed the rigid hierarchies of Hell to memory, and striven to eliminate emotion and mercy from your mind in emulation of the Prince of Darkness. You may have continued your career in the church, officially joining the priesthood and aspiring to advance to positions of higher authority and greater power, or you may have left the church, deciding the life of a priest was not for you. In either case, the education you received in the church has remained with you. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy, Knowledge (planes), and Knowledge (religion) checks, and one of these skills (your choice) is a class skill for you. You also know the Infernal tongue (this does not count toward your number of languages).
 〔Chelish Noble〕/Chelish Noble: You had the fortune to be born into one of Cheliax’s noble families, and even more importantly, your family is one of those loyal to House Thrune. Perhaps your family has been allied with Thrune since the Chelish Civil War, or maybe Thrune granted your family its title in exchange for its support during that conflict. In any case, your experience growing up among the nation’s well-to-do has given you an upper hand when it comes to knowledge of high society, and you start the game with a modest inheritance. With the nascent uprising of the Glorious Reclamation in Cheliax, there is much concern among the aristocracy, and House Thrune needs the support of loyal nobles now more then ever.
 This trait assumes you belong to a minor noble human family with a small manor or estate in some backwater of the empire. If you’re not human, either you were adopted into a noble human family, or your family was recently granted a nonhereditary noble title (see the Chelish Nobility sidebar on page 15).
 You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (nobility) checks, and Knowledge (nobility) is a class skill for you. In addition, you gain a +1 trait bonus on Charismabased checks against other members of the Chelish aristocracy. The Noble Scion feat (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide 288) does not have a Charisma prerequisite for you. Lastly, you start play with a noble’s outfit, a signet ring, and a single additional nonmagical item worth no more than 200 gp.
 〔Erratic Malefactor〕/Erratic Malefactor: Some people follow codes and traditions; others look out for only themselves. You don’t care――you do what you want, when you want, sometimes for a good reason, and sometimes for no reason at all. You revel in your status as an outlier, and take pride in the fact that you follow no one else’s orders――at least most of the time. In a lawful land like Cheliax, one has to be more careful and at least pay lip service to the rules and restrictions of society. As a result, you try to manage the chaos that rages within your soul, but you’re always on the lookout for the opportunity to truly unleash destruction. These days, there’s plenty of work for someone who will do what needs to be done, no questions asked, and the rewards from House Thrune for those who work with it are a strong incentive as well. If working with others gives you the freedom to carry out some of your darkest instincts without fear of repercussion, then why not――at least for now. You can worry about the future when it comes.
 Your unpredictability and volatile temperament gives you an advantage over your foes. You gain a +2 trait bonus on initiative checks. In addition, you are willing to work with others, and have learned to use your allies’ strengths to reinforce your own skills and abilities. Once per day, as long as an ally is within 10 feet of you, you can reroll a single attack roll or skill check before success or failure is known. You must take the results of the second roll, even if it is worse. You must be chaotic evil to take this trait.
 〔Ex-Iomedaean〕/Ex-Iomedaean: You, or perhaps your family, were once worshipers of Iomedae, but something happened that made you lose your faith. Perhaps your family was accused of being dishonorable or cowardly, or maybe one of your family members was the victim of church “justice.” Or perhaps you simply met someone who opened your eyes and showed you the truth――that the Inheritor’s so-called honor, valor, and justice are just tin plating on a strict dogma that seeks to control people by restricting their free will. In any event, you left the church, and as a result, your family was subjected to scorn and holier-than-thou disapproval. Ever since, you’ve vowed to some day get revenge against the church of Iomedae――and with the current situation brewing in Cheliax, you might finally have the opportunity.
 Choose one: against followers of Iomedae, including many (but not all) archons and angels, you gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls and weapon damage rolls, or you gain a +1 trait bonus on the save DCs of your spells.
 〔Good Slip〕/Good Slip: Halflings are a common sight in Cheliax and make up the majority of that nation’s slave population. Known derisively as “slips,” halflings are almost universally treated with scorn and contempt, while paradoxically valued as the most precious slaves. You are a Chelish halfling, but unlike most of your race, you have embraced your role in Chelish society, and used it to your own advantage. People constantly overlook you or discount you as an inconsequential slip, but you know the truth――halflings are just as vital to the empire’s health as its nobles, priests, and warriors. You may have been born a free halfling who has never known the chains of slavery, or a slave who was later freed after a period of loyal servitude. Or perhaps you are still a slave, happy (or at least content) in your enslavement, and hoping for some eventual recognition of your contribution, however small, to Cheliax’s great and orderly society.
 You are skilled at prevaricating and dissembling, both to deflect blame away from yourself and to mislead others as to your true abilities and role. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff checks, and Bluff is a class skill for you. In addition, your tacit support of Cheliax’s social structure, and the clear knowledge of your own place in society, strengthens your resolve. Once per day, when you are adjacent to a human ally of Chelish descent, you can reroll a Will saving throw before success or failure is known. You must take the results of the second roll, even if it is worse. You must be a halfling to take this trait.
 〔Hellknight Aspirant〕/Hellknight Aspirant: You have always admired the authority, discipline, and righteousness of the ebonarmored Hellknights. Whether it’s their unwavering selfcontrol, uncompromising dedication to law and order, relentless pursuit of justice, or merciless administration of punishment, you have tried to model your own actions on the Hellknight philosophy called the Measure and the Chain. Your most fervent wish is to eventually join one of the Hellknight orders and take your place among the grim ranks dedicated to upholding and enforcing the laws of Hell and of Cheliax.
 You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (planes) checks, and Knowledge (planes) is a class skill for you. In addition, choose one of the following Hellknight orders. You have trained yourself in the use of that order’s favored weapon (if more than one weapon is listed, pick one), and gain a +1 trait bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an opponent tries to sunder or disarm you of that weapon.
 Order of the Chain: Flail.
 Order of the Gate: Dagger.
 Order of the Godclaw: Morningstar.
 Order of the Nail: Lance or halberd.
 Order of the Pike: Longspear.
 Order of the Pyre: Glaive.
 Order of the Rack: Longsword or whip.
 Order of the Scourge: Heavy mace or whip.
 〔Local Tough〕/Local Tough: You were born and raised in the town of Longacre on the southwestern fringes of the Whisperwood, or at least have lived there long enough that you’re considered a native. You’ve never been one for the quiet life, and have been considered a miscreant and reprobate since you were a child. As an adult, you’ve made something of a name for yourself as a thug, enforcer, and petty thief in town, hiring yourself out to anybody who needs muscle in exchange for a few coins. In the course of such employment, you’ve worked with another local troublemaker named Cimri Staelish and have become friends. Cimri has recently gotten involved with some shadowy, though powerful, characters, and as Hell’s Vengeance begins, you and a group of other ne’erdo-wells have agreed to help Cimri burgle a tannery just outside town. With luck, this could be the start of bigger and better things than just working as hired muscle. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate checks, and Intimidate is a class skill for you. In addition, you gain a +1 trait bonus on weapon damage rolls when you are flanking a foe with an ally.
 〔Scion of the Nine Circles〕/Scion of the Nine Circles: While the worship of Asmodeus is widespread throughout Cheliax, you follow a different path: that of the philosophy of diabolism. Asmodeus and the other archdevils are worthy of respect and emulation, certainly, but rather than worship one Lord of Hell above all others, your faith is instead based on the veneration of the order and laws of Hell itself as a model for a perfect society. Free will must be suppressed to prevent rebellion, slavery is required to keep the unworthy in their place, and evil and cruelty are necessary for good and kindness to exist.
 You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (planes) checks, and Knowledge (planes) is a class skill for you. You also know the Infernal tongue (this does not count toward your number of languages). In addition, your studies of Hell’s underlying structure give strength to your determination. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Will saves against the mind-affecting effects of outsiders with the good subtype.
 〔Thrune Informant〕/Thrune Informant: The Thrice-Damned House of Thrune rules Cheliax with autocratic power, and its representatives can be found throughout the empire, drawn from all walks of life. Most of these agents do not work directly as government employees, but they still serve House Thrune in whatever ways they can. You are a true patriot of Cheliax, and have long worked for House Thrune as a paid informant. You report what you see to the authorities, and occasionally carry out specific tasks suited to your skill set and abilities when asked. People like you help prevent potential traitors and other “undesirables” from undermining Thrune’s authority and keep Chelish society running smoothly. You hope that with continued faithful service, you will eventually be rewarded with greater authority and autonomy as a sworn agent of House Thrune. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks to gather information, Disguise checks, and Knowledge (local) checks, and one of these skills (your choice) is a class skill for you.


 Aroden’s death just over a century ago changed the empire of Cheliax forever, as vassal states quickly rebelled and Cheliax itself fell into a bloody 30-year civil war that was quelled only by the kingdom’s current diabolical aristocracy――the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune. Today, Cheliax is a nation without hope――a decadent empire weakened by losses in glory and colonial wealth but deluded with pretensions of greatness spurred on by the infernal court and its fell adherents. It is a stain on the face of Golarion and a mockery of what was once the greatest kingdom of mankind. Yet the common folk of Cheliax are grateful for the salvation the House of Thrune engineered for the dying nation, and if an oppressive government and diabolical church are the price of civilization and the prevention of an even greater civil war, most of the nation’s citizens are only too glad to pay and serve.

A Brief History A Brief History

 Imperial Cheliax dominated Avistan for more than 600 years after the Chelish king Aspex the Even-Tongued broke from Taldor, diplomatically absorbed Andoran, and conquered both Isger and Galt. These events launched a centuries-long tradition of expansion and glory, propelling Cheliax to the height of human civilization. The nation soon dominated and subsumed many native peoples and cultures, so that many regions had a ruling elite or caste of Chelish origin, or with strong Chelish heritages and blood ties running back to the empire. The empire continued to expand, and with the expected return of Aroden, patron god of Cheliax, none of the Chelish people had any doubt it would eventually attain the power (and riches) of ancient Azlant.
 Then the inexplicable occurred. Instead of returning, Aroden died, and a part of Cheliax died with him. With the emperor stripped of his divine mandate, certain powerful noble houses rose up, plunging the imperial heartland into civil war. Anarchy and war plagued Cheliax for more than 30 years, until House Thrune and its allies took and held the throne. Queen Abrogail I, Infernal Majestrix of Cheliax, placed among her armies bound devils from the depths of Hell. She quelled dissent in the empire’s heartland and in so doing gained her new regime a measure of respect and legitimacy. Few among the gods-fearing citizens of Cheliax approved of the diabolists’ fearsome methods, but wherever they installed themselves, the opportunistic savagery of the last generation soon ceased, and a dark peace embraced the kingdom.
 Shortly after taking control of the nation, the new government moved its administrative center to the inland port city of Egorian and wasted little time in demanding subservience from Imperial Cheliax’s many holdings. For several months, the new regime not only maintained the borders of Imperial Cheliax but also stood poised to expand beyond them. Unfortunately for the Egorian government, though, the infernal blasphemies of House Thrune turned public opinion against Cheliax. The people of Galt and Andoran rose up and threw off Cheliax’s imperial shackles. Reluctantly, House Thrune allowed these vassals to secede, focusing its attentions on the lucrative colonies of Sargava in Garund and Anchor’s End in distant Arcadia.
 Despite losing almost half its holdings, Cheliax remains one of the largest nations on Golarion. The far-reaching influence of Cheliax stretches north to the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, south to the nation of Sargava in Garund, and east into Taldor and Qadira. Elements of Chelish culture appear in all those places and more, mostly in the ports and trading cities of dozens of nations――indeed, art, theater, and music (particularly the opera) have seen a striking explosion in popularity in modern Cheliax, if only because the nation’s beleaguered citizens increasingly need an escape from reality.

Chelish Nobility Chelish Nobility

 The following titles make up Cheliax’s complex hierarchy of nobility, in order from highest to lowest rank.
 Majestor/Majestrix: The ruler of Cheliax; the prefix “infernal” often comes before this title. This rank exists outside the standard noble hierarchy.
 Prince/Princess: A member of the royal family (a direct descendant of the majestor or majestrix); the prefix “infernal” sometimes comes before this title. This rank exists outside the standard noble hierarchy.
 Archduke/Archduchess: A hereditary ruler of one of Cheliax’s six archduchies.
 Duke/Duchess: A hereditary ruler of a duchy. Paraduke/Paraduchess: A granted (nonhereditary, non-landed) title.
 Archcount/Archcountess: A hereditary ruler of a county.
 Count/Countess: A hereditary ruler of a county.
 Paracount/Paracountess: A granted (nonhereditary, non-landed) title.
 Archbaron/Archbaroness: A hereditary ruler of a barony.
 Baron/Baroness: A hereditary ruler of a barony.
 Demibaron/Demibaroness: A granted (nonhereditary, non-landed) title.


 The current sinister reputation of the nation of Cheliax is due entirely to the actions of House Thrune. After Aroden’s death, the Chelish noble house of Thrune struck pacts with devils in order to triumph over their rivals in the ensuing chaos. Under their leadership, the worship of Asmodeus and the practice of binding devils spread throughout the nation. Monasteries and schools devoted to the philosophies of Hell have flourished, as have the disciplined orders of Hellknights. Some of Cheliax’s vassals and provinces, such as Isger and Korvosa, welcomed the changing ideals. Others, such as Andoran and Galt, rejected House Thrune’s teachings so thoroughly that their governments embraced freedom from monarchy as a central ideal.
 No aspect of Chelish history has received more thorough revision under the rule of the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune than the history of House Thrune itself.
Every few months, a new version of the official history of Cheliax is printed, inevitably inflating the glory of House Thrune even more than its predecessors. Hellknights of the Order of the Rack tirelessly gather and burn all but the most recent copies, making uncovering the truth a daunting proposition. These histories claim that House Thrune was responsible for nearly every economic, military, and cultural victory that Cheliax has attained in the past 6 centuries, and that Cheliax’s failures are the result of those in power ignoring House Thrune’s prescient advice. Both are held up as examples of why Thrune should be granted ever-greater control of every aspect of Chelish life, for the good of aristocrats and commoners alike.
 As civil war broke out in Cheliax following Aroden’s unexpected death in 4606 ar, House Thrune prided itself on being a bastion of order and efficiency, and immediately set to work forging alliances and establishing its place in the new order. In 4635 ar, several prominent Hellknight orders cast their lot with the
Thrunes, and Abrogail Thrune sequestered herself for months, crafting an infernal contract that she was certain would pave her way to the Chelish throne.
 With the assistance of hordes of devils, Abrogail quickly eliminated her rivals, culminating in the defeat of Thrune’s sole remaining rival house, House Davian, at the Battle of a Hundred Kings in 4639 ar. Abrogail ascended the throne of Cheliax as Abrogail I, with the pit fiend Gorthoklek at her side as a loyal advisor. Since that time, four other Thrunes have sat upon the throne of Cheliax before dying in suspicious yet largely unquestioned accidents. Abrogail I’s great-granddaughter, Abrogail II, seized the throne in 4709 ar, and now rules Cheliax with unchecked authority.

Thrune Agents

 House Thrune is more than just the ruling family of Cheliax; throughout the empire and its client states, the family maintains a network of informers, spies,
inquisitors, thugs, and even assassins. To most Chelaxians, there is little to distinguish House Thrune from Cheliax’s government apparatus, so all of these individuals, as well as the bureaucrats and employees of the imperial government, are commonly called “Thrune agents.”
 However, there are many agents who serve House Thrune directly. Known as sworn Thrune agents, these dedicated servants swear their bodies, minds, and souls to Queen Abrogail II herself, and work on behalf of the Thrune family rather than the nation of Cheliax. In many cases, House Thrune’s interests overlap with those of Cheliax itself, but the family has its own schemes and strategies that have nothing to do with governance, and uses sworn agents loyal to the family to further those plans. In this respect, House Thrune functions very much like an organized crime family, with a hierarchy of agents at varying levels of loyalty and authority.
 In the Hell’s Vengeance Adventure Path, your character will assume the role of a Thrune agent, and as the campaign progresses, you will have the opportunity to become a sworn Thrune agent and start ascending through the ranks of the Thrune organization, earning unique boons that only be gained by binding your character to the goals of House Thrune. These ranks, and the rewards granted, are detailed in the adventures you will soon be playing. If you want more information on this aspect of the Hell’s Vengeance Adventure Path, talk to your GM about how much your character might know of the Thrune organization before the campaign begins.


 The Hell’s Vengeance Adventure Path features six new iconic evil villains who appear on the Adventure Path’s covers and in art in each volume. Their full backgrounds and stories can be found on the blog and in print in the individual volumes of the Adventure Path, but if you want the opportunity to play one of these villains as a character in Hell’s Vengeance, they are presented here at 1st level for use as pregenerated player characters.


男性、ティーフリング、1レベル・ローグ(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 264ページ)
イニシアチブ +3;感覚 暗視60フィート、暗闇を見通す〈知覚〉+4
AC 16、接触13、立ちすくみ13(+3鎧、+3【敏】)
HP 10 (1d8+2)
頑健 +1、反応 +5、意志 +0
抵抗 [氷雪]5、[雷撃]5、[火炎]5
移動速度 30フィート
近接 パンチング・ダガー=+3(1d4+3/×3)またはショート・ソード=+3(1d6+1/19~20)
遠隔 ダガー=+3(1d4+1/19~20)
特殊攻撃 急所攻撃+1d6
基本攻撃 +0;CMB +1;CMD 14
特技 《武器の妙技》
技能 〈軽業〉+6、〈はったり〉+7、〈登攀〉+4、〈装置無力化〉+7、〈変装〉+7、〈知識:地域〉+4、〈知覚〉+4、〈隠密〉+8;種族修正+2 〈はったり〉、+2 〈隠密〉
言語 共通語、地獄語
その他の特殊能力 物掴む尾、罠探し +1
戦闘用装備 酸;その他の装備 スタデッド・レザー、ダガー、パンチング・ダガー、ショート・ソード、ベルトポーチ、変装用具、盗賊道具、10 GP、3 SP、7 CP
物掴む尾/Prehensile Tail Emil has the prehensile tail alternate racial trait (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 238). He can carry items with his tail, but he can’t wield weapons with it. His tail also allows him to retrieve small, stowed items carried on his person as a swift action.
See in Darkness Emil has a variant tiefling ability that, like a devil, allows him to see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created by deeper darkness. This ability replaces the normal tiefling spell-like ability racial trait. This variant ability is found on page 17 of Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Fiends.

 The child of former Andoren nobles, Emil was abandoned when his parents fled the country, prompting the young tiefling to begin serving his own kind of revenge throughout the Inner Sea.


イニシアチブ +0;感覚 〈知覚〉+3
AC 13、接触10、立ちすくみ13(+3鎧)
HP 12 (1d8+4)
頑健 +3、反応 +0、意志 +4
移動速度 30フィート(鎧着用時は20フィート)
近接 ヘヴィ・メイス=+1(1d8+1)
遠隔 ライト・クロスボウ=+0(1d8/19~20)
特殊攻撃 負のエネルギー放出(DC12、1d6)
領域の擬似呪文能力 (術者レベル1;精神集中+3)
準備済みのクレリック呪文 (術者レベル1;精神集中+3)
(領) 領域呪文;領域 秩序欺き
基本攻撃 +0;CMB +1;CMD 11
特技 《選択的エネルギー放出》《追加HP》
技能 〈軽業〉-1、〈はったり〉+6、Heal+6、〈知覚〉 +3、〈真意看破〉+6
言語 共通語
戦闘用装備 スクロール・オヴ・ブレス、スクロール・オヴ・キュア・ライト・ウーンズ;その他の装備 スタデッド・レザー、ヘヴィ・メイス、ライト・クロスボウ、背負い袋、携帯用寝具、ベルトポーチ、ろうそく (10)、火打ち石と打ち金、麻のロープ (50フィート)、神聖文書UE (アスモデウスの規律)、呪文構成要素ポーチ、松明(10)、保存食(5)、水袋、アスモデウスの木製の聖印、3 GP、9 SP、5 CP

 Born in Molthune, Lazzero Dalvera was expected to excel in a military career, but lacked the skills for that profession. Instead, he joined the church of Abadar, which fit his temperament and abilities better. Bullied as a child, Lazzero became a bully himself in his new role, tormenting his fellows and turning them in to his superiors for punishment. Lazzero made many enemies, and his delight in twisting rules to benefit himself soon led him away from Abadar’s faith. He headed south to Cheliax and into the arms of the church of Asmodeus.


イニシアチブ -1;感覚 〈知覚〉+1
AC 14、接触9、立ちすくみ14(+5鎧、ー1【敏】)
HP 13 (1d10+3)
頑健 +4、反応 -1、意志 +1
移動速度 20フィート
近接 ロングソード=+5)1d8+3/19~20)またはウィップ=+4(1d3+3 非致傷)
遠隔 ショートボウ=+0(1d6/×3)
基本攻撃 +1;CMB +4;CMD 13
特技 《特殊武器習熟:ウィップ》《強打》《武器熟練:ロングソード》
技能 〈登攀〉+3、〈威圧〉+5、〈知識:工学〉+4
言語 共通語
戦闘用装備 錬金術師の火(2)、まきびし;その他の装備 スケイル・メイル、ダガー、ロングソード、ショートボウとアロー20本、ウィップ、背負い袋、携帯用寝具、ベルトポーチ、火打ち石と打ち金、ひっかけ鉤、枷、絹のロープ(50フィート)、陽光棒、松明(5)、水袋、2 GP、7 SP、8 CP

 Born and raised in Khari, the Chelish city at the southern terminus of the Arch of Aroden, Linxia Benzekri is ethnically Garundi, but has always considered herself Chelaxian. As a child, she was educated in an Asmodean convent where she became a model Chelish citizen, believing that House Thrune unified a warring nation with the blessings of Asmodeus, and convinced of the necessity of strong laws based on those of Hell itself to preserve an ordered society.
 After turning in her parents for treason and itnessing their public excruciations at the hands of the Hellknight Order of the Rack, the young woman aspired to become a Hellknight herself. Linxia devoted herself to her new calling, strengthening her martial training and memorizing the tenets of the Hellknights’ philosophy, the Measure and the Chain. As a symbol of her dedication and a permanent reminder of her goal to eventually join the Order of the Rack, Linxia had the order’s symbol――a spike torture wheel――tattooed on her forehead.


女性、ダンピール、1レベル死霊術師(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 89ページ)
イニシアチブ +2;感覚 暗視60フィート、夜目〈知覚〉+3
AC 12、接触12、立ちすくみ10(+2【敏】)
HP 8 (1d6+2)
頑健 +1、反応 +2、意志 +3、+2対病気、[精神作用]効果
防御能力 負のエネルギーへの親和性抵抗 アンデッドの抵抗
弱点 光に過敏
移動速度 30フィート
近接 クオータースタッフ= -1 (1d6-1)
擬似呪文能力 (術者レベル1;精神集中+2)
秘術の擬似呪文能力 (術者レベル1;精神集中+3)
準備済みの死霊術師呪文 (術者レベル1;精神集中+3)
1レベル―チル・タッチ(DC 13)、メイジ・アーマーマジック・ミサイル
0レベル(回数無制限)―ブリード(DC 12)、ディテクト・マジックタッチ・オヴ・ファティーグ(DC 12)
対抗系統 心術、幻術
基本攻撃 +0;CMB -1;CMD 11
特技 《血吸》ARG《アンデッド威伏》《巻物作成》
技能 〈はったり〉+3、〈知識:神秘学〉+6、〈知識:貴族〉+6、〈知識:宗教〉+6、〈知覚〉+3、〈呪文学〉+6;種族修正 +2 〈はったり〉、+2 〈知覚〉
言語 共通語、ネクリル語、オシーリオン語
その他の特殊能力 秘術の絆(クオータースタッフ)、不死者を超える力、レベル吸収に対する抵抗
戦闘用装備 スクロール・オヴ・リペア・アンデッド(×2)、錬金術師の火、燭光棒UE(5);その他の装備 クラブ、ダガー、クオータースタッフ、背負い袋、携帯用寝具、ベルトポーチ、印章指輪、呪文書(0レベル呪文、全ての準備済み呪文に加えてオブスキュアリング・ミストリペア・アンデッドACGを含んでいる)、呪文構成要素ポーチ、防水鞄UE、水袋、手首鞘UE、2 GP

 A native of the Garundi nation of Geb, Nyctessa is the daughter of one of the Blood Lords, the undead necromancers who form the elite of that nation’s aristocracy. Following in her father’s footsteps, she has embarked upon her own studies of death and unlife.


男性、ドゥエルガル、1レベル・アンティパラディン(Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 118ページ、Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 117ページ)
イニシアチブ +1;感覚 暗視120フィート;〈知覚〉+1
AC 18、接触11、立ちすくみ17(+5鎧、+1【敏】、+2盾)
HP 12 (1d10+2)
頑健 +4、反応 +1、意志 +3;+2のボーナス対呪文と擬似呪文能力
完全耐性 麻痺、惑乱、毒 弱点 光に過敏
移動速度 20フィート
近接 ウォーハンマー=+3(1d8+2/×3)
遠隔 ヘヴィ・クロスボウ=+2(1d10/19~20)あるいはジャヴェリン=+2(1d6+2)
特殊攻撃 善を討つ一撃 1回/日(+1ダメージ)
擬似呪文能力 (術者レベル1;精神集中+1)
1回/日―エンラージ・パースン(自身のみ)(DC 11)、インヴィジビリティ(自身のみ)
アンチパラディンの擬似呪文能力 (術者レベル1;精神集中+1)
基本攻撃 +1;CMB +3;CMD 14(対突き飛ばし18、対足払い18)
特技 《強打》
技能 〈軽業〉-5(-9 跳躍時)、〈はったり〉+7、〈威圧〉+4、〈隠密〉-1;種族修正 +4 〈隠密〉
言語 共通語、ドワーフ語、地下共通語
その他の特殊能力 悪のオーラ
戦闘用装備 錬金術師の火、まきびし;その他の装備 スケイル・メイル、木製ヘヴィ・シールド、ヘヴィ・クロスボウ、ジャヴェリン(3)、ウォーハンマー、背負い袋、トラバサミUE、携帯用寝具、かなてこ、ビン、枷、水袋、冬用毛布、Mazmezzの木製の邪印、8 GP、9 SP、4 CP

 Urgraz was raised in a duergar clan deep beneath Avistan, but he resisted the repetitious training and rule of the priests of Droskar and took delight in causing anarchy, confusion, and havoc. He poisoned members of his own family, sold diseased slaves to spread plague, and even sacrificed his closest ally to his new demonic patron, Mazmezz. Eventually, Urgraz ventured to the surface to wreak havoc and pain on a new population.


女性、人間、1レベル・ゾン=クーソンのインクィジター(Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 38ページ)
イニシアチブ +2;感覚 〈知覚〉+6
AC 16、接触13、立ちすくみ13(+3鎧、+2【敏】、+2回避)
HP 10 (1d8+2)
頑健 +3、反応 +2、意志 +4
移動速度 30フィート
近接 スパイクト・チェイン=+2(2d4)
遠隔 ダガー=+2(1d4/19~20)
特殊攻撃 審判 1回/日
修得インクィジター呪文 (術者レベル1;精神集中+3)
1レベル(2回/日)―キュア・ライト・ウーンズインテラゲイションUM(DC 13)
0レベル(回数無制限)―ブリード(DC 12)、クリエイト・ウォーターディテクト・マジックガイダンス
領域 拷問の審問UM
基本攻撃 +0;CMB +0;CMD 13
特技 《回避》《武器の妙技》
技能 〈はったり〉+5、〈交渉〉+5、〈威圧〉+8、〈知覚〉+6、〈真意看破〉+7、〈呪文学〉+4、〈隠密〉+5
言語 共通語
その他の特殊能力 魔物の知識+2、断固とした凝視+1、拷問官の風采UM、拷問官の接触UM
戦闘用装備 気付け薬UEその他の装備 スタデッド・レザー、ダガー、スパイクト・チェイン、ウォー・レイザーISWG、choke pear、ゾン=クーソンの金属製の邪印UE、枷、のこぎりUE、呪文構成要素ポーチ、外科道具UE、15 GP、7 SP、2 CP

 Raised in the Nidalese city of Ridwan, Zelhara began training as a torturer from a young age after she was selected for service by agents of the Umbral Court. Severe and obedient, Zelhara was perfect for the responsibility of state inquisitor, a role that would enable her to share the Midnight Lord’s message of pain and duty with thousands of his fearful followers. Under the tutelage of Zon-Kuthon’s clergy, Zelhara’s natural inclinations were honed to forge her into a vicious tool of church and state, earning her the pride and admiration of her family. She claims that she can make anyone divulge what they know, and hears the truth in their screams of agony.