「Alto's Adventure」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Alto's Adventure - (2016/08/10 (水) 20:35:32) の1つ前との変更点



Alto's Adventure 項目数:20 総ポイント:1000 難易度:☆☆☆☆☆ |A Decade On The Slopes|10 years of gametime|100| |A Month On The Slopes|A month of gametime|30| |A Week On The Slopes|Seven days of gametime|10| |A Year On The Slopes|A year of gametime|50| |Complete The Tutorial|You learned how to play!|10| |Game Complete|You did all the challenges and were awesome!|100| |Save 1,000 Llamas|1,000 Lllamas saved|30| |Save 10,000 Llamas|Saved 10,000 llamas|50| |Save 100,000 Llamas|Saved 100,000 llamas|100| |Stuck Snowboard|Your Snowboard got stuck in the snow|10| |Short Distance|You travelled a short distance|20| |Medium Distance|You travelled a medium distance|30| |Long Distance|You travelled a long distance|60| |Mega Distance|You travelled a mega distance|100| |Played as Alto|Played as Alto|20| |Played as Maya|Played as Maya|30| |Played as Paz|Played as Paz|40| |Played as Felipe|Played as Felipe|60| |Played as Tupa|Played as Tupa|100| |Played as Izel|Played as Izel|50|

