DOOM II (Classic)



The Space Station Beat all the space station levels (episodes 1-11) 100
The City Beat all the city levels (episodes 12-20) 100
Hell Beat all the hell levels (episodes 21-30) 100
The Master Levels Beat all the Master Levels 150
I'm Superbad! Beat DOOM 2 in under 2 hours 150
Butcher Get 25 kills in deathmatch 25
Glorious Get 100 kills in deathmatch 50
When I'm With You Beat every level on Nightmare in co-operative mode 50
Until It Is Done Get 100 chainsaw kills 50
Heavenly Joy Shoot 200 bullets consecutively with the machine gun 25
Bad Monster! Kill yourself and an enemy with your own rocket explosion 25
Skeet Shooting Kill 4 enemies in 1 shot with the super shotgun 25
Superior Firepower Kill 12 enemies in one shot with the BFG 25
That Can't Be Good Take damage from an environmental hazard 5
Not So Friendly Fire Cause an enemy to kill another enemy 25
Slip of the Finger Kill a teammate in co-operative multiplayer 5
It's a Secret Find a secret level 15
Not a Very Good Secret Find all the secret levels 25
Indiscriminate Kill one of every enemy 50

+ 日本語のみ
The Space Station すべての宇宙ステーションレベルをクリア (episodes 1-11) 100
The City すべての都市レベルをクリア(episodes 12-20) 100
Hell すべての地獄レベルをクリア(episodes 21-30) 100
The Master Levels すべてのマスターレベルをクリア 150
I'm Superbad! 2時間以内にDOOM 2をクリア 150
Butcher deathmatchで25キル 25
Glorious deathmatchで100キル 50
When I'm With You co-operative modeでNightmareのすべてのレベルをクリア 50
Until It Is Done chainsawで100キル 50
Heavenly Joy machine gunを連続して200発撃つ 25
Bad Monster! ロケット爆発で自分と敵をキル 25
Skeet Shooting super shotgun1発で4人の敵を殺す 25
Superior Firepower BFGで1発で12人の敵を倒す 25
That Can't Be Good 環境ハザードから被害を受ける 5
Not So Friendly Fire 敵が別の敵を倒す 25
Slip of the Finger co-operative multiplayerでチームメイトをキル 5
It's a Secret 秘密レベルを見つける 15
Not a Very Good Secret すべての秘密レベルを見つける 25
Indiscriminate すべての敵を殺す 50

  • I'm Superbad!


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最終更新:2020年03月01日 23:19