項目数:50 (19 + 7 + 12 + 12)
総ポイント:2500 (1000 + 500 + 500 + 500)
Training Wheels |
Complete all tutorial missions |
50 |
Appreciation |
Read the credits |
20 |
City Lover |
Complete 30 missions |
70 |
Experienced |
Reach player level 20 |
100 |
Hitchhiker |
Complete 50 missions |
100 |
Impatient |
Use 10 overtakes |
30 |
In The Nick Of Time |
Complete a mission with less than 5 seconds remaining |
50 |
Ironic |
Get knocked over by an Ambulance |
40 |
No Cigar |
Fail a mission when you are close to the end |
50 |
Not That Way! |
Use 50 u-turns |
30 |
Perfection |
Complete a mission without getting out of a car |
20 |
Resourceful |
Get in 3 vehicles in a single mission |
100 |
Road Rage |
Complete a mission while overtaking |
50 |
Rocket Man |
Use 50 boosts |
50 |
Rookie |
Complete the first mission |
20 |
Sit In The back |
Reach the destination in a police car |
40 |
Tour Guide |
Complete 10 missions |
30 |
Trainee |
Reach player level 15 |
50 |
Well Traveled |
Get in 100 vehicles |
100 |
Title Update 1 |
Challenge Accepted |
Complete your first challenge |
30 |
Challenge Master |
Complete 10 challenges |
100 |
How Hard Can It Be? |
Complete an extreme challenge |
100 |
Helping Hand |
Level up by completing a challenge |
40 |
Nothing But Time |
Complete an extreme challenge with 30 seconds or more remaining |
150 |
Bridge over troubled water |
Access the city expansion |
50 |
Power Hungry |
Use all of the power ups in a single mission |
30 |
Title Update 2 |
Safety First |
Be the first car in the queue at a train crossing |
20 |
Full Seam Ahead |
Ride on a train |
25 |
I Can See My House From Here |
Ride in a helicopter |
25 |
Sightseeing |
Access a point of interest |
20 |
Old But New |
Access the old town expansion |
50 |
Freight Hopping |
Get off a train at the same station you got on after completing a lap of the track |
50 |
Chasing Time |
Complete a time trial |
30 |
Top Of The Class |
Earn a grade A rating by completing a time trial |
150 |
All Seeing |
Access all points of interest |
50 |
Holy Trinity |
Use a car, train and helicopter in the same mission |
40 |
Walk In The Park |
Walk around the park |
20 |
Title Update 2 秘密の実績 |
What The Duck |
See what the ducks have to say |
20 |
Title Update 3 |
Day Lark |
Complete 5 missions during the day |
30 |
Night Owl |
Complete 5 missions at night |
30 |
Burning The Midnight Oil |
Play the game at midnight |
25 |
No Fear |
Ride in a helicopter during a thunder storm |
40 |
Back To The Future |
Use a boost during a thunder storm |
40 |
Singing In The Rain |
Complete a mission in the rain |
30 |
Double Or Nothing |
Complete a mission with Vincent |
20 |
Show Me The Money |
Complete a mission with Mia |
20 |
Speed Demon |
Complete a mission with Carl |
40 |
Train Spotting |
Complete a mission with Lola |
50 |
Diamond Geezer |
Complete a mission with "The Boss" |
75 |
Patience Of A Saint |
Complete a mission with Eve |
100 |
「メインメニューに戻る → ゲームを始める」とすることでスタート地点とゴール地点がランダムに設定され直される ことを利用し、簡単なミッションを選んでプレイしていくのが圧倒的に楽。
- In The Nick Of Time / No Cigar
"No Cigar" に関しては、本当にゴールぎりぎりの位置までたどり着いていないと実績解除されないのでアイテムを使って微調整。
Title Update 1
新しい区画にアクセスする(実績 "Bridge over troubled water")には要レベル15。
Title Update 2
新しい区画にアクセスする(実績 "Old But New")には要レベル20。
ヘリポート / 駅の近くにヒッチハイカーを降ろすことで新しい乗り物が利用可能。
街なかに6体の像が追加されているので、それらをクリックして "Enter" を選択していく。ヒッチハイカーを像に接近させる必要はない。
ヘリから降りて "Walk" を選択し、公園を一周するのを見届けると実績解除。
Title Update 3
最後にアンロックされるキャラ "Eve" のアンロックにはレベル35が必要。
獲得経験値を常に2倍にしてくれる "Vincent" をプレイキャラにしていくとレベルアップが早まる。
最終更新:2018年12月16日 17:30