Party Hard




Start Party Hard Start Party Hard 25
Clubber Play Party Hard 100 times 50
Butcher Kill 1000 people 50
Wait, It Will Be Fun Use traps 50 times 25
Garbage Collector Hide 50 bodies 25
Engineer Pass level without traps 3 times 50
Murderer Kill 10 people in a row 25
Slayer Kill 15 people in row 50
Hellhound Kill 20 people in row 50
Chase breakers Escape cop 5 times 50
Unbowed Die 100 times 50
Hey, Stop! Kill person who runs to call police 20 times 25
Retribution Kill all robbers in Casino level 50
Mmmaniac! Complete the game 25
Loser Lose level with 1 alive person 50
Lol, Really? Complete all achievements 50
I'm sexy and I know it! Get you ass kicked for dancing 25
Sweet dreams Kill 50 stunned persons 25
Jockey Kill 50 persons with horse 50
Runner Complete level in 3 minutes 50
Rider on the storm Kill 15 people with one car 25
Venomous rush Poison 100 people 25
Cunning Complete level with FBI 50
Shadow master Kill 30 people without alarm in one level 25
Ninja Complete level without found body 50
Catch me if you can Escape from cop 25

  • Unbowed

  • Clubber

  • Lol, Really?


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最終更新:2018年10月22日 06:07