アクセス | 人 |
今日 | - |
昨日 | - |
総数 | - |
Support Your Local Arcade | Spend 400 credits 400クレジットを使う |
40 |
All Hail The Chief! | Win 40 Matches with Chief Thunder. Chief Thunderで40マッチを勝利する |
20 |
Blaze Of Glory | Win 40 Matches with Cinder. Cinderで40マッチ勝利する |
20 |
Termination | Win 40 Matches with Fulgore. Fulgoreで40マッチ勝利する |
20 |
Frostburn | Win 40 Matches with Glacius. Glaciusで40マッチ勝利する |
20 |
Tiger's Fury | Win 40 Matches with Jago. Jagoで40マッチ勝利する |
20 |
Deadly Grace | Win 40 Matches with Orchid. Orchidで40マッチ勝利する |
20 |
Jurassic Bite | Win 40 Matches with Riptor. Riptorで40マッチ勝利する |
20 |
Feral Strength | Win 40 Matches with Sabrewulf. Sabrewulfで40マッチ勝利する |
20 |
Ancient Power | Win 40 Matches with Spinal. Spinalで40マッチ勝利する |
20 |
Rapid Jabs | Win 40 Matches with TJ Combo. TJ Comboで40マッチ勝利する |
20 |
Monster Mash | Get a Perfect in Arcade with Spinal,Riptor and Sabrewulf Spinal、Riptor、Sabrewulfで |
20 |
Ultratech Employee Of The Month | Defeat Eyedol with all characters すべてのキャラクターでEyedolを倒す |
80 |
Shameless | Humiliate every charactor in the game すべてのキャラクターでHumilliationを出す |
40 |
Around The World | Perform an ultra with every character in the game すべてのキャラクターでウルトラコンボを出す |
40 |
Film Critic | See all Victory Animations and Endings 勝利時のアニメーション全種とエンディングを見る |
40 |
World Tour | Win a match in every arena 全アリーナで勝利する |
20 |
My First Ultra | ウルトラコンボを出す | 20 |
Mildly Embarrassing | Perform a humiliation Humilliationを出す |
20 |
Sammamish | Defeat Eyedol with Chief Thunder Chief ThunderでEyedolを倒す |
40 |
Inferno | Defeat Eyedol with Cinder CinderでEyedolを倒す |
40 |
Laser Storm | Defeat Eyedol with Fulgore FulgoreでEyedolを倒す |
40 |
Cold Shoulder | Defeat Eyedol with Glacius GlaciusでEyedolを倒す |
40 |
Endokuken | Defeat Eyedol with Jago JagoでEyedolを倒す |
40 |
Lasaken | Defeat Eyedol with Orchid OrcihdでEyedolを倒す |
40 |
Rampage | Defeat Eyedol with Riptor RiptorでEyedolを倒す |
40 |
Howl | Defeat Eyedol with Sabrewulf SabrewulfでEyedolを倒す |
40 |
Power Devour | Defeat Eyedol with Spinal SpinalでEyedolを倒す |
40 |
Rollercoaster | Defeat Eyedol with TJ Combo TJ ComboでEyedolを倒す |
40 |
Thrifty | Defeat Eyedol using only credits 1クレジットだけでEyedolを倒す |
80 |