Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders



Cupid bow moustache Have finished Andover. 5
Kaiser moustache Question the main suspect. 10
Imperial moustache Unmask the murderer. 25
Cat's eye Finish an observation. 5
Falcon's eye Finish half of the observations. 10
Eagle's eye Finish all the observations. 25
Neuron Answer a little grey cells question. 5
Synapse Answer half of the little grey cells questions. 10
Cortex Answer all the little grey cells questions. 25
Rustic confessional Finish an inquiry. 5
Romanic confessional Finish half of the inquiries. 10
Gothic confessional Finish all the inquiries. 25
Four-leaf clover Tidy up once. 10
Snowflake Tidy up twice. 25
Cesium-133 crystal Tidy up three times. 50
Small donkey Make a mistake. 10
Medium donkey Make four mistakes. 25
Large donkey Make eight mistakes. 100
Purring pussy Make yourself comfortable once. 10
Cleaning pussy Take care of your moustache. 200
Single gear Solve a riddle. 5
Double gear Solve half the riddles. 10
Quadruple gear Solve all the riddles. 25
Newspaper Read a newspaper. 10
Stone Read a newspaper that criticises you. 10
Incense burner Read the latest newspaper. 10
Einstein moustache Find out how to unlock this achievement for yourself. 5
Fantastical moustache Find out how to unlock this achievement for yourself. 5
Samurai moustache Find out how to unlock this achievement for yourself. 5
Gandhi moustache Find out how to unlock this achievement for yourself. 25
Sheriff moustache Find out how to unlock this achievement for yourself. 150
Dali moustache Find out how to unlock this achievement for yourself. 30
Black swan Find out how to unlock this achievement for yourself. 10
Thor's hammer Find out how to unlock this achievement for yourself. 5
Telescope Find out how to unlock this achievement for yourself. 5
Black dragon Find out how to unlock this achievement for yourself. 10
Dragon's smoke Find out how to unlock this achievement for yourself. 25
Secret heart Find out how to unlock this achievement for yourself. 5
Red cross Find out how to unlock this achievement for yourself. 5
Gold paper knife Find out how to unlock this achievement for yourself. 5

Walrus moustache Tell Japp about the second crime. 5
Pyramidal moustache Finish the Bexhill inquiry. 5
Marshal moustache Prepare to leave for Churston. 5
Pencil moustache Finish the first inquiry in Churston. 5
Curve and swoop moustache Assemble all the suspects in Whitehaven. 5
Hungarian moustache Finish searching the Churston mansion. 5
Handlebar moustache Prevent the fourth crime. 5
Candelabra moustache Inquire at the main suspect's home. 5
Nietzsche moustache Finish the last meeting. 5
Freud moustache Interpret Donald's dream 5

ウォークスルーに従い、ストーリー進行に必須でない Observation イベントや色々なところにある鏡のチェック忘れをしないようにプレイしていくだけ。
「Large Donkey」(8つのミスを犯す)の解除を狙っていく周回だと「Sheriff moustache」「Intence burner」「Gandhi moustache」が解除できないので、実績コンプには2周のプレイが必要。


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最終更新:2018年03月18日 17:39