「Ninja Pizza Girl」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Ninja Pizza Girl - (2016/09/16 (金) 21:57:58) の1つ前との変更点



Ninja Pizza Girl 項目数:27 総ポイント:1000 難易度: |Stood up for yourself|Complete “No Pants No Pizza”|30| |You've got style!|Make an outfit|10| |Fashionista|Make all the outfits.|60| |Gamer|Buy a video game|10| |Otaku|Buy ALL the video games|20| |The best things in life cost money|Have a cup of tea, some chocolate or a nice hot bath|10| |The whole pizza|100% game completion|100| |We didn't think anyone would do this|Deliver a pizza in First Person Mode|50| |Passive Respect|Deliver a pizza in a R-E-S-P-E-C-T level without attacking a single rival ninja|60| |No, YOU'RE a dork|Successfully attack 100 ninjas|40| |I see you don't believe in easy mode|Fail and retry a level 10 times|20| |Great, you broke our rating system|Deliver a pizza in a time that's Beyond Classification|20| |Gemma's Story|Complete the Ninja Pizza Girl story|60| |In the zone|Be "in the zone" for 30 continuous seconds|40| |Just roll, you’ll be fine|Safely fall 10 metres|10| |Pizzarific!|Deliver 100 pizzas|60| |You're too good at this game|Deliver all pizzas in a time that's Beyond Classification|100| |It's all in the knees|Safely fall 40 metres|20| 秘密の実績 |Stopped being a jerk|Complete "Fear of Falling"|30| |Believed in the Dream|Complete "For Love of Pizza"|30| |Stopped worrying about your clothes|Complete Chapter 4|30| |Beat that Jerk|Complete "R-E-S-P-E-C-T"|30| |Opened your eyes|Complete "Loser Town"|30| |Best Rating Ever|Deliver a pizza in an A+ time|20| |Judgement free zone|Use the difficulty options|10| |We shouldn’t reward this behaviour|Start a delivery with the lowest possible self-esteem and successfully deliver the pizza|50| |You broke it!|Fall out of the map|50|

