「Tesla vs Lovecraft」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Tesla vs Lovecraft - (2020/03/02 (月) 22:17:56) の1つ前との変更点



Tesla vs Lovecraft 項目数:20 総ポイント:1000 難易度: |Find Inventions|Found Tesla Backpack|15| |Baby Steps|Learnt the nuts & bolts of playing|100| |Deep One, Two, Three|123 deep ones have died.|15| |War Pigeon|Recovered Mech|90| |Dag-On, Dag-Off|Killed 200 Spawns of Dagon|30| |Kill it with Fire!|Killed 50 Parasites|30| |Extinguisher|Killed 500 Fire Vampires|30| |Polymurderous|Killed 50 Polyps|30| |Shoggoth Schmoggoth|Killed 50 Shoggoths|30| |Down came the rain...|Killed 1000 Spiderghouls|30| |That's no squid|Repelled 100 Tentacles|30| |First Showdown|Completed Chapter 1|30| |Second Showdown|Completed Chapter 2|30| |Third Showdown|Completed Chapter 3|30| |Wardenclyffe Victory|Saved the world by activating the Wardenclyffe.|90| |Wardenclyffe Victory II|Saved the world by activating the Wardenclyffe.|90| |Wardenclyffe Victory III|Saved the world by activating the Wardenclyffe.|90| |Meta Upgrade|Purchased a meta upgrade|90| |Crystal Rain|Collected 100 crystals|30| |Epic Awesome|Chose an EPIC perk|90| ----

