「グースバンプス ~死の夜~」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

グースバンプス ~死の夜~」(2020/06/14 (日) 12:10:47) の最新版変更点



グースバンプス ~死の夜~ 項目数:20 総ポイント:1000 難易度: |Home Sweet Home|Complete RL Stine House Level|75| |Going Green|Complete Conservatory Level|75| |Electrifying|Complete Tesla Tower Level|75| |Ghouls just wanna have fun|Killed by the Graveyard Ghoul|25| |Wolfing you down|Killed by the Werewolf|25| |The Last Laugh|Killed by Murder the Clown|25| |Un-BEE-lievable|Killed by the bees|25| |Maneater|Killed by the Venus Flytrap|25| |Who Are You Callin' A Dummy?|Killed by Slappy|25| |Spell Ya Later|Killed by the Witch|25| |Sugar Rush|Killed by Gummybears|25| |Graveyard Shift|Killed by Henchmen|25| |Child's Play|Killed by an Annihilator|25| |Beware, You're In For A Scare!|Find the spider in the breadbox|100| |Doctors Orders|Make Dr. Brewers potion|25| |A Leaf in Faith|Make Margaret's potion|50| |Swimming with the fishes|Killed by falling into the pond|25| |An Evenful Journey|Discovering the vent system|100| |In For the Long Fall|Falling off the Tesla platform|25| |Goosebumps All-Star|Unlock all achievements|200| ----

