「Farming Simulator 19」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Farming Simulator 19」(2019/02/14 (木) 23:44:04) の最新版変更点



Farming Simulator 19 項目数:23 総ポイント:1000 難易度:★★☆☆☆ |Longplay|Reach 10 hours of playing time in a single savegame|40| |Lucrative Labor|Own a bank account with 10 million ingame money|80| |A Good Deed|Complete 1 mission|20| |Helping Out|Complete 50 missions|40| |Legendary Aide|Complete 100 missions|80| |Backyard Gardener|Cultivate 1 hectare|20| |Fervent Farmer|Cultivate 10 hectares|40| |Chief of Cultivation|Cultivate 100 hectares|80| |Starting Small|Sow 1 hectare|20| |Plant Prosperity|Sow 10 hectares|40| |Serial Sower|Sow 100 hectares|80| |Happy Plants|Fertilize 1 hectare|20| |Delighted Plants|Fertilize 10 hectares|40| |Ecstatic Plants|Fertilize 100 hectares|80| |Reap What You Sow|Harvest 1 hectare|20| |Ample Yield|Harvest 10 hectares|40| |Humongous Harvest|Harvest 100 hectares|80| |I Saw That Coming!|Cut down 1 tree|20| |More Wood!|Cut down 25 trees|20| |Milk Magnate|Breed 20 cows|40| |Wool Commander|Breed 30 sheep|40| |Pink Progress|Breed 50 pigs|40| |Egg Lord|Breed 100 chickens|20| 前作までと異なりソーラーパネルと風力発電機が無くなったので地道に資金を稼ぐ必要があることに注意。
Farming Simulator 19 項目数:23 総ポイント:1000 難易度:★★☆☆☆ |Longplay|Reach 10 hours of playing time in a single savegame|40| |Lucrative Labor|Own a bank account with 10 million ingame money|80| |A Good Deed|Complete 1 mission|20| |Helping Out|Complete 50 missions|40| |Legendary Aide|Complete 100 missions|80| |Backyard Gardener|Cultivate 1 hectare|20| |Fervent Farmer|Cultivate 10 hectares|40| |Chief of Cultivation|Cultivate 100 hectares|80| |Starting Small|Sow 1 hectare|20| |Plant Prosperity|Sow 10 hectares|40| |Serial Sower|Sow 100 hectares|80| |Happy Plants|Fertilize 1 hectare|20| |Delighted Plants|Fertilize 10 hectares|40| |Ecstatic Plants|Fertilize 100 hectares|80| |Reap What You Sow|Harvest 1 hectare|20| |Ample Yield|Harvest 10 hectares|40| |Humongous Harvest|Harvest 100 hectares|80| |I Saw That Coming!|Cut down 1 tree|20| |More Wood!|Cut down 25 trees|20| |Milk Magnate|Breed 20 cows|40| |Wool Commander|Breed 30 sheep|40| |Pink Progress|Breed 50 pigs|40| |Egg Lord|Breed 100 chickens|20| ソーラーパネルはMODで追加する形になった。(オンライン必須)

