「Realms of Ancient War」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Realms of Ancient War - (2012/10/05 (金) 15:43:06) の1つ前との変更点



Realms of Ancient War 項目数:12 総ポイント:200 難易度:★★☆☆☆ 製品情報:[[http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/Product/Realms-of-Ancient-War/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d802584111ee]] 配信日:2011年9月19日 DL費用:1200MSP ジャンル: ☆国内未配信 オフラインCOOP必須の為、コンプにはコントローラーが2個必要 1周8時間前後、3キャラクリアの実績があるのでコンプには多少時間が掛かる。 |Eternal Hero|You have completed the game with all heroes|25| |The Skill Master|You have raised all of your skills to level 1|20| |The Path of Fortune|You have 50,000 gold coins|20| |The Great Explorer|You have found 5 statues of Kilthi|15| |Critical Hit|You have struck an enemy for 2500+ HP damage|10| |Fearless Hero|You've completed a level without once dying|10| |The Spirit Master|You have possessed 15 mobs|15| |Dead species|You have killed 1000 mobs in the main campaign|15| |The Adventurer Spirit|You have completed 50 quests|20| |The Full Set Collector|You have equipped a full set of epic or legendary armor|20| |A Team of Heroes|You have played with a friend|10| |Battle for a New Alliance|You have completed the game a first time|10| ----
Realms of Ancient War 項目数:12 総ポイント:200 難易度: ~175:★☆☆☆☆ ~200:★★☆☆☆(Eternal Hero) 製品情報:[[http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/Product/Realms-of-Ancient-War/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d802584111ee]] 配信日:2011年9月19日 DL費用:1200MSP ジャンル: ☆国内未配信 オフラインCOOP必須の為、コンプにはコントローラーが2個必要 1周8時間前後、3キャラクリアの実績があるのでコンプには多少時間が掛かる。 それ以外に難しい実績はないので1周クリアする頃にはほとんどの実績が自然に解除される。 |Eternal Hero|You have completed the game with all heroes|25| |The Skill Master|You have raised all of your skills to level 1|20| |The Path of Fortune|You have 50,000 gold coins|20| |The Great Explorer|You have found 5 statues of Kilthi|15| |Critical Hit|You have struck an enemy for 2500+ HP damage|10| |Fearless Hero|You've completed a level without once dying|10| |The Spirit Master|You have possessed 15 mobs|15| |Dead species|You have killed 1000 mobs in the main campaign|15| |The Adventurer Spirit|You have completed 50 quests|20| |The Full Set Collector|You have equipped a full set of epic or legendary armor|20| |A Team of Heroes|You have played with a friend|10| |Battle for a New Alliance|You have completed the game a first time|10| ----

