アクセス | 人 |
今日 | - |
昨日 | - |
総数 | - |
Forged In Fire | Defeat the Fire boss (Fire bossを倒す) |
15 |
Train Ride | Survive train-cart ride (train-cart rideのシーンを生き延びる) |
10 |
Waterpark | Solve the water puzzle (water puzzleを解く) |
10 |
Lost Treasure | Gain entry to treasure room (treasure roomの入口に辿り着く) |
10 |
Squid Sushi | Defeat the Water boss (Water bossを倒す) |
15 |
Engineer | Solve the temple puzzle (temple puzzleを解く) |
10 |
Flyboy | Fly across the chasm (断崖を飛び越える) |
10 |
Blown Away | Defeat the Air boss (Air bossを倒す) |
15 |
Down Boy | Defeat HellHound (HellHoundを倒す) |
15 |
There Can Be Only One | Complete the game on any difficulty (いずれかの難易度でゲームをクリアする) |
20 |
Leveling Up | Earn upgrade point and spend it (upgrade pointを稼いでアップグレードする) |
10 |
The Chosen One | Complete the game on Hardcore difficulty (難易度Hardcoreでゲームをクリアする) |
25 |
Mind over Matter | Kill enemy with each magic (全種類のmagicで敵を殺害する) |
15 |
Master Of Arms | Kill enemy with each weapon (全種類の武器で敵を殺害する) |
10 |
Personal Touch | Execute an enemy (1体の敵を処刑する) |
10 |
Stumbling Block | Knock enemy off ledge into their falling death (敵を断崖から叩き落して殺害する) |
10 |
Return to Sender | Kill enemy with deflected projectile (相手の飛び道具を跳ね返して敵を殺害する) |
10 |
Achiever | Get your first achievement (初めて実績を解除する) |
10 |
Enviromental Hazard | Kill enemy with enviromental objects (fire, barrel,...) (地形オブジェ(炎、樽など)を利用して敵を殺害する) |
10 |
Danger Above | Kill enemy with air combo (空中コンボで敵を倒す) |
10 |
Immovable Object | Block enemy attack (敵の攻撃を防御する) |
10 |
Gravity Off | Launch enemy and kill it before it falls on ground (敵を空中に吹っ飛ばして地面に落とす前に殺害する) |
20 |
Dead Eye | Destroy 10 enemies using only spirit knives (spirit knifeのみを使用して10体の敵を倒す) |
20 |
Glider | Glide for more than 6 seconds (6秒間以上滑空する) |
20 |
Gotta Love Gore | Perform a 50-hit combo (50-hit comboを決める) |
10 |
Skip Master | Skip all cutscenes in one play through (1回の通しプレイにおいて全てのカットシーンをスキップする) |
20 |
Patience | Watch all credits (creditsを最後まで視聴する) |
15 |
Just One Of Many | Find a collectible (collectibleを1つ発見する) |
10 |
Collector | Find all collectibles in one play through (1回の通しプレイにおいて全てのcollectibleを発見する) |
25 |