「Fantastic Four ROTSS」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Fantastic Four ROTSS - (2011/06/04 (土) 23:53:47) の1つ前との変更点



Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer 注意!北米版本体のみ起動可能ソフトです 日本版のXbox360本体では起動できません アジア版も未発売です 項目数:19 総ポイント:1000 難易度: |Mr. Fantastic|Upgrade all of Mr. Fantastic's Powers.|80| |Invisible Woman|Upgrade all of the Invisible Woman's Powers.|80| |Human Torch|Upgrade all of the Human Torch's Powers.|80| |Thing|Upgrade all of The Thing's Powers.|80| |Hero|Complete the game in normal difficulty mode.|120| |Superhero|Complete the game in Fantastic mode.|160| |Doomed|Defeat Dr. Doom.|30| |Skrull's Demise|Defeat Super Skrull.|20| |Elemental Master|Defeat Terrax.|20| |Skrull Slayer|Complete Skrull Lair Level.|20| |Cold War Relic|Complete Red Ghost Level.|20| |Wedding Crasher|Complete New York Level.|20| |Rock Crusher|Complete Terrax Level.|20| |Arctic Explorer|Complete Military Base Level.|20| |Shanghai Success|Complete Shanghai Level.|30| |Treasure Hunter|Successfully unlocked all content in game.|80| |Fantastic Four|Find all of the silver four symbols.|60| |Doom Tracker|Find all of Doom’s Spy bots in the game.|40| |Assist|Successfully execute a 2-player fusion attack.|20|
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer 注意!北米版本体のみ起動可能ソフトです 日本版のXbox360本体では起動できません アジア版も未発売です 項目数:19 総ポイント:1000 難易度:★☆☆☆☆ |Mr. Fantastic|Upgrade all of Mr. Fantastic's Powers.|80| |Invisible Woman|Upgrade all of the Invisible Woman's Powers.|80| |Human Torch|Upgrade all of the Human Torch's Powers.|80| |Thing|Upgrade all of The Thing's Powers.|80| |Hero|Complete the game in normal difficulty mode.|120| |Superhero|Complete the game in Fantastic mode.|160| |Doomed|Defeat Dr. Doom.|30| |Skrull's Demise|Defeat Super Skrull.|20| |Elemental Master|Defeat Terrax.|20| |Skrull Slayer|Complete Skrull Lair Level.|20| |Cold War Relic|Complete Red Ghost Level.|20| |Wedding Crasher|Complete New York Level.|20| |Rock Crusher|Complete Terrax Level.|20| |Arctic Explorer|Complete Military Base Level.|20| |Shanghai Success|Complete Shanghai Level.|30| |Treasure Hunter|Successfully unlocked all content in game.|80| |Fantastic Four|Find all of the silver four symbols.|60| |Doom Tracker|Find all of Doom’s Spy bots in the game.|40| |Assist|Successfully execute a 2-player fusion attack.|20| 難易度Normal、Fantasticでストーリークリア (最高難易度でクリアしても下位難易度は解除されないので要2週) キャラクターのスキルMAX、収集物全て獲得で実績コンプが可能。 収集物の位置に関しては下記のサイトを参考に。(英語) http://www.xbox360achievements.org/game/fantastic-4-rise-of-the-silver-surfer/guide/

