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Big League Sports - (2012/09/27 (木) 15:42:11) の最新版との変更点



Big League Sports 項目数:38 総ポイント:1000 難易度: ☆Kinect専用 ★国内未発売 ※PlayFit対応タイトル |Hello Big League Sports|Sign in to Big League Sports with a Gamer Profile.|5| |Befriended|Enter an Event with two or more Players.|5| |Driving Pro|Drive Contest: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.|25| |Putting Pro|Putting Challenge: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.|25| |Golf Pro|Big League Golf: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.|25| |Shooting Pro|Shooting Challenge: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.|25| |Shot Blocking Pro|Shot Blocker: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.|25| |Basketball Pro|Big League Basketball: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.|25| |Scoring Pro|Score Kicker: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.|25| |Soccer Goalie Pro|Soccer Blocker: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.|25| |Soccer Pro|Big League Soccer: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.|25| |TD Pro|TD Toss: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.|25| |Field Goal Pro|Field Goal: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.|25| |Football Pro|Big League Football: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.|25| |Slapshot Pro|Slapshot Challenge: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.|25| |Hockey Goalie Pro|Goalie Gauntlet: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.|25| |Hockey Pro|Big League Hockey: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.|25| |Homerun Pro|Homerun Hero: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.|25| |Catching Pro|Fielding Frenzy: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.|25| |Baseball Pro|Big League Baseball: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.|25| |Baseball Master|Earn the Gold Trophies for all 3 Baseball Events.|50| |Golf Master|Earn the Gold Trophies for all 3 Golf Events.|50| |Hockey Master|Earn the Gold Trophies for all 3 Hockey Events.|50| |Basketball Master|Earn the Gold Trophies for all 3 Basketball Events.|50| |Soccer Master|Earn the Gold Trophies for all 3 Soccer Events.|50| |Football Master|Earn the Gold Trophies for all 3 Football Events.|50| |The Bouncer|Drive Contest: Hit 7 Trampolines during one play through.|20| |First Try Guy|Big League Golf: Get a Hole-In-One on the Par 3.|20| |The Enforcer|Shot Blocker: Perform 5 Monster Blocks during one play through.|20| |Sharpshooter|Shooting Challenge: Achieve a Hot Streak of 20.|20| |The Wall|Soccer Blocker: Achieve a Hot Streak of 15.|20| |The Golden Leg|Score Kicker: Achieve a Hot Streak of 10.|20| |Clutch Kicker|Field Goal: Score 2500 points or more with a single kick.|20| |Best Buddies|TD Toss: Score 2 Touchdowns with the same reciever during one play through.|20| |The Ringer|Homerun Hero: Make it through 10 Bonus Rings during one play through.|20| |Mercy Rule|Big League Baseball: Defeated an opponent by 10 runs or more.|20| |The Stonewaller|Goalie Gauntlet: Achieve a Hot Streak of 14.|20| |The Sniper|Slapshot Challenge: Score 3000 points or more with a single Slapshot.|20| ----
Big League Sports 項目数:38 総ポイント:1000 難易度:★★☆☆☆ ☆Kinect専用 ★国内未発売 コンプリートまで10~12時間。 規定のポイントがたまるまでミニゲームを繰り返す作業の繰り返し。 |Hello Big League Sports|Sign in to Big League Sports with a Gamer Profile.|5| |Befriended|Enter an Event with two or more Players.|5| |Driving Pro|Drive Contest: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.|25| |Putting Pro|Putting Challenge: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.|25| |Golf Pro|Big League Golf: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.|25| |Shooting Pro|Shooting Challenge: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.|25| |Shot Blocking Pro|Shot Blocker: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.|25| |Basketball Pro|Big League Basketball: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.|25| |Scoring Pro|Score Kicker: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.|25| |Soccer Goalie Pro|Soccer Blocker: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.|25| |Soccer Pro|Big League Soccer: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.|25| |TD Pro|TD Toss: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.|25| |Field Goal Pro|Field Goal: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.|25| |Football Pro|Big League Football: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.|25| |Slapshot Pro|Slapshot Challenge: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.|25| |Hockey Goalie Pro|Goalie Gauntlet: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.|25| |Hockey Pro|Big League Hockey: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.|25| |Homerun Pro|Homerun Hero: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.|25| |Catching Pro|Fielding Frenzy: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.|25| |Baseball Pro|Big League Baseball: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.|25| |Baseball Master|Earn the Gold Trophies for all 3 Baseball Events.|50| |Golf Master|Earn the Gold Trophies for all 3 Golf Events.|50| |Hockey Master|Earn the Gold Trophies for all 3 Hockey Events.|50| |Basketball Master|Earn the Gold Trophies for all 3 Basketball Events.|50| |Soccer Master|Earn the Gold Trophies for all 3 Soccer Events.|50| |Football Master|Earn the Gold Trophies for all 3 Football Events.|50| |The Bouncer|Drive Contest: Hit 7 Trampolines during one play through.|20| |First Try Guy|Big League Golf: Get a Hole-In-One on the Par 3.|20| |The Enforcer|Shot Blocker: Perform 5 Monster Blocks during one play through.|20| |Sharpshooter|Shooting Challenge: Achieve a Hot Streak of 20.|20| |The Wall|Soccer Blocker: Achieve a Hot Streak of 15.|20| |The Golden Leg|Score Kicker: Achieve a Hot Streak of 10.|20| |Clutch Kicker|Field Goal: Score 2500 points or more with a single kick.|20| |Best Buddies|TD Toss: Score 2 Touchdowns with the same reciever during one play through.|20| |The Ringer|Homerun Hero: Make it through 10 Bonus Rings during one play through.|20| |Mercy Rule|Big League Baseball: Defeated an opponent by 10 runs or more.|20| |The Stonewaller|Goalie Gauntlet: Achieve a Hot Streak of 14.|20| |The Sniper|Slapshot Challenge: Score 3000 points or more with a single Slapshot.|20| ---- - Befriended モードやミニゲームを選ぶ画面の右下に、プレイ人数を選ぶメニューがある。そこで複数人数を選んでからゲームを始めると解除される。 - ○○Pro関連 各ミニゲームで得られるSkill Pointを1000溜めることで、そのミニゲームのGold Trophyが獲得できる。 1プレイで得られるSkill Pointは、ミニゲームのスコアが高いほど多く、およそ50~120。ミニゲームのスコアが同じでも、Skill Pointの累計が多くなるほど、一度に得られるSkill Pointは低く抑えられ、1000近くでは三分の二以下に減る。 - ○○Master関連 各スポーツの3種のミニゲームで全てGold Trophyを獲得すると解除される。 この実績と、3つめのGold Trophyを取ることによるPro実績は、条件が連動しているため、同時に解除される。画面表示はMaster実績が先だが、解除の並びはPro実績が先になっている。 - Sharpshooter シュートを打った後、ボールが消える前に、次のボールを受け取ることができる。 休みなくシュートを決められれば、制限時間内に21球打てる。 - Clutch Kicker スコア3倍の状況で、2ラウンド目の2球目のStar Shotを、ボールマークと3倍マークを取りながら200点ゴールに通す(1球目は、マークを取らずにゴールさせる)。 3倍マークが左端に達した辺りで蹴ると、タイミングが合う。 - Mercy Rule 10点以上の差をつけて、1回の裏、もしくは2回の裏を終える。コールドゲームとなり、実績が解除される。 - The Sniper スコア3倍の状況で、Star Shotを300点ボードに当ててゴールを決める。 高さは、上下方向に動く矢印の位置で決められる(狙いの位置で振る)。 ----

