「The Testament of Sherlock Holmes」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

The Testament of Sherlock Holmes - (2012/10/02 (火) 10:32:49) の最新版との変更点



The Testament of Sherlock Holmes 項目数:32 総ポイント:1000 難易度: 北米版・欧州版共に別実績。 どちらも国内本体では起動不可。 アジア版は国内本体起動可。 |Law of Nature|One's ideas must be as broad as Nature if they are to interpret Nature. Well done!|30| |The Legacy|I must compliment you exceedingly upon the zeal and the intelligence which you have shown.|150| |Stage Manager|A simple trick, but exceedingly effective!|20| |Bomb Defuser|You never can resist a touch of the dramatic!|20| |A Fine Romance|The most winning woman I ever knew was hanged for poisoning. But I digress. You found the letter!|20| |Melomania|You are a conductor of light! You discovered the hidden code.|20| |Number Lover|With all respect for your natural acumen, you handled that very well. You opened the safe box!|20| |Master of Deduction|Genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains. Bravo!|30| |Deduction Apprentice|To a great mind, nothing is little. You completed the first deduction board.|20| |Lockpicker|I can see that you are a force to be reckoned with.|20| |Lazarus|An isolated phenomenon? A brain without a heart? I trust that you did not judge me so quickly! |50| |Desperately Seeking Sherlock|I would have made an actor – and a rare one. You deduced my disguise.|20| |Breaking the Law|I have a great deal of respect for your judgement. You opened the safe room!|30| |Prison Break|A trusty comrade is always of use. Well done. And yet one got away...|20| |First-Class Chemist|It was the bisulphate of baryta!|20| |Pea-Souper|Moonshine is a brighter thing than fog, but this is a pea-souper! You asked for Help a great deal.|10| |A Very Fine Loafer|There are in you the makings of a very fine loafer.|20| |The Brain|I never get your limits... there are unexplored possibilities about you.|100| |Watson Alone|The one fixed point in a changing age.|20| |Anarchy in the UK|There are always some lunatics about. It would be a dull world without them.|20| |Minesweeper|Your nerves are fairly proof!|50| |Finders Key-pers|You handled that with less than your usual – that is to say, you handled it well. You found the key!|30| |Attention to Detail|You have a turn for both observation and deduction!|30| |Freedom of the Press|The Press is a most valuable institution – if you only know how to use it!|20| |The Holmesian|I was sure that I might rely on you. You found all the items from my past adventures.|30| |The Gambler|You have never failed to play the game!|20| |Hidden Message|See the value of imagination!|20| |Garden Gumshoe|With your usual happy mixture of cunning and audacity, you recovered all that was stolen!|20| |Sleuth-Hound|The beautiful, faithful nature of dogs!|50| |Blackmailer|Your morals don't improve!|20| |Safecracker|You would make a highly efficient criminal.|20| |Elementary|It seems you share my love of all that is bizarre. You recovered the Samoan necklace, well done!|30| ----
The Testament of Sherlock Holmes 項目数:32 総ポイント:1000 難易度: 北米版・欧州版共に別実績。 アジア版は国内本体起動可。 香港マケプレのゲームオンデマンドは欧州版扱い。国内本体で購入、起動可能。 |Law of Nature|One's ideas must be as broad as Nature if they are to interpret Nature. Well done!|30| |The Legacy|I must compliment you exceedingly upon the zeal and the intelligence which you have shown.|150| |Stage Manager|A simple trick, but exceedingly effective!|20| |Bomb Defuser|You never can resist a touch of the dramatic!|20| |A Fine Romance|The most winning woman I ever knew was hanged for poisoning. But I digress. You found the letter!|20| |Melomania|You are a conductor of light! You discovered the hidden code.|20| |Number Lover|With all respect for your natural acumen, you handled that very well. You opened the safe box!|20| |Master of Deduction|Genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains. Bravo!|30| |Deduction Apprentice|To a great mind, nothing is little. You completed the first deduction board.|20| |Lockpicker|I can see that you are a force to be reckoned with.|20| |Lazarus|An isolated phenomenon? A brain without a heart? I trust that you did not judge me so quickly! |50| |Desperately Seeking Sherlock|I would have made an actor – and a rare one. You deduced my disguise.|20| |Breaking the Law|I have a great deal of respect for your judgement. You opened the safe room!|30| |Prison Break|A trusty comrade is always of use. Well done. And yet one got away...|20| |First-Class Chemist|It was the bisulphate of baryta!|20| |Pea-Souper|Moonshine is a brighter thing than fog, but this is a pea-souper! You asked for Help a great deal.|10| |A Very Fine Loafer|There are in you the makings of a very fine loafer.|20| |The Brain|I never get your limits... there are unexplored possibilities about you.|100| |Watson Alone|The one fixed point in a changing age.|20| |Anarchy in the UK|There are always some lunatics about. It would be a dull world without them.|20| |Minesweeper|Your nerves are fairly proof!|50| |Finders Key-pers|You handled that with less than your usual – that is to say, you handled it well. You found the key!|30| |Attention to Detail|You have a turn for both observation and deduction!|30| |Freedom of the Press|The Press is a most valuable institution – if you only know how to use it!|20| |The Holmesian|I was sure that I might rely on you. You found all the items from my past adventures.|30| |The Gambler|You have never failed to play the game!|20| |Hidden Message|See the value of imagination!|20| |Garden Gumshoe|With your usual happy mixture of cunning and audacity, you recovered all that was stolen!|20| |Sleuth-Hound|The beautiful, faithful nature of dogs!|50| |Blackmailer|Your morals don't improve!|20| |Safecracker|You would make a highly efficient criminal.|20| |Elementary|It seems you share my love of all that is bizarre. You recovered the Samoan necklace, well done!|30| [[Walkthrough>http://www.gameboomers.com/wtcheats/pcSs/SH6/SH6.htm]] 以下の 5 つ以外はストーリークリアで解除できる。 -Pea-Souper 前作と違って LT はゲージがたまらないと使用できない。 これを 15 回使用すると解除。 -The Holmesian Elementary を解除したあとに Baker Street をいろいろ調べられるようになる。 このとき、 「暖炉の上の紙」 「ワトソンの部屋(左)入口の上の槍」 「ワトソンの部屋のタイプライター」 「ホームズの部屋の胸像」 を調べると解除。 -A Very Fine Loafer Whitechapel に移動後、その辺の一般人 3 人に話しかけると解除。 -Blackmailer 墓地の小屋の子供に「Afraid」 ホームズを探してる時、おばさんに「I work for the hygiene service」続けて「I will tell the police」 序盤の Baker Street での「Blackmail」は必要なさそう? -The Brain すべてのパズルをスキップせずにクリアすると解除。 ----

