
Bodycount - (2012/05/28 (月) 01:09:24) の編集履歴(バックアップ)





Planes and flames OSB Airstrike upgraded 50
Distance warfare Achieved Sniper Distance Kill 20
Bullet Repellent OSB Adrenaline upgraded 50
Finger on the pulse OSB Pulse Wave upgraded 50
Lighting their fire OSB Explosive bullets upgraded 50
Nowhere to hide killed 10 enemies through cover 5
Up close and personal Killed 10 enemies using melee 5
Hitman Killed 10 enemies with a headshot 5
Stealing is wrong, kids! Scavenger Population Diminished 20
Bad medicine Medic Population Diminished 20
Wishing this was Vegas Achieved all objectives in Asia 30
You FTW Broke down the enemy's door 30
Welcome to Africa - Tutorial Induction Completed 15
Wind of change Achieved all objectives in Africa 50
Warmonger Single player challenge complete on hard 45
Military intelligence Highest value intel collected following multiple skillkills 10
Bullet dodger Single player challenge complete on normal 30
Easy-peasy Single player challenge complete on easy 20
Robert Ford style Killed 10 enemies from behind 5
Kept at bay Survived the Pirate Bay siege 10
Out of the darkness Survived the Mine siege 10
Don't call a doctor Survived the Militarised Compound siege 10
Online can of whoop-ass Achieved 50 co-op kills within a siege 30
Never say 'Die' Achieved 100 co-op kills within a siege 50
Killed 'em all Won 10 Deathmatches of any type 50
Kilo-killer 1000 online kills 50
Team Bodycount®! Won a Team Deathmatch 15
Beat the street Survived the Street siege 10
2nd place equals death! Won a Deathmatch 15
Last breath death Killed 10 enemies while health is low 5
Bullet with their name on it Killed 10 enemies with the last round in your weapon 5
Leg frag Killed 10 enemies with mines 5
Boombastic Killed 10 enemies with explosives 5
Hot potato Killed 10 enemies with grenades 5
The Professional Skillkill x25 50
Rain of fire Killed 5 enemies at once with a single Airstrike 30
Network weapon Skillkill x10 50
Under their nose 10 surprise kills executed 5
Multiboom-doom Killed 3 enemies at once with a single grenade 10

A very bad feeling Survived K-8 Nemesis Widowmaker encounter 20
Sleep when I'm dead Killed 3 enemies at once with a single grenade 50


  • Under their nose
Surprise Kkillとは敵が気づいてない時に背後からヘッドショット一撃で倒すとカウントされる。
雨の降っている中国の街中ステージは最初からサプレッサー付きハンドガンが初期装備な上に序盤の敵がこちらに気づいてないのでSuprise Killを狙いやすい。
最初の数人の敵をSurprise Killし、わざと死ぬなり、ロードしたりして繰り返し稼げばいい。

  • Bullet with their name on it
装備中の武器の装弾数が1発の状態で敵を倒すとLast roundとなりカウントされる。敵の前でリロードし、1発だけ装填して撃ち敵を倒すとよい。
武器切り替えでキャンセルすれば楽にLast roundを維持できる。

  • Network wepon
Skill Killで10回連続で決めると解除。
ヘッドショットやグレネードキル、爆発物でのキルなどがSkill Killとしてカウントされる。ヘッドショットでひたすら稼ぐのが簡単。

  • The prfessional
Skill Killを25回連続で決めると解除。
エイムに自信のない人はEASY1面をショットガンのLast round(上記"Bullet with their name on it"参照)のヒット&アウェイで進行するとよい。

  • Distance warfare
実績を回収し損ねた場合は、Train yard等をリプレイすればすぐにスナイパーが出てくる。
