「Golden Compass」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

Golden Compass - (2007/11/16 (金) 22:38:54) のソース

Golden Compass

項目数: 16
総ポイント: 1000

|Child Of Destiny|Complete the game.&br()ゲームをクリアする|250|
|Alchemist|Find at least 3 Elixers of the Witch.&br()魔女のElixerを3つ見つける|40|
|Pantalaimon|Reach the North Camp&br()North Campに辿り着く|100|
|Symbol Apprentice|Collect at least 50 Alethiometer Symbol Meanings&br()Alethiometer Symbol Meaningを50個集める|20|
|Symbol Adept|Collect at least 80 Alethiometer Symbol Meanings&br()Alethiometer Symbol Meaningを80個集める|50|
|Symbol Master|Collect all 108 Alethiometer Symbol Meanings.&br()Alethiometer Symbol Meaningを全108個集める|150|
|Shaman Suppressor|Defeat the Shaman Boss&br()Shamanのボスを倒す|10|
|Tank Destroyer|Defeat the Tranq Tank Boss&br()Tranq Tankのボスを倒す|30|
|Witch Dominator|Defeat Queen Vala&br()Queen Valaを倒す|30|
|Samoyed Ruler|Defeat the Samoyed Hunter Boss&br()Samoyed Hunterのボスを倒す|30|
|Fire King|Defeat the Flame Thrower Boss&br()Flame Throweのボスを倒す|30|
|King Of Svalbard|Defeat King Ragnar&br() King Ragnaを倒す|30|
|Zeppelin Champion|Defeat the Zeppelin&br()Zeppelinを倒す|30|
|Inquisitive|Answer at least 30 Alethiometer Questions&br()Alethiometerの質問に30回答える|50|
|Lyra Belacqua|Answer all 48 Alethiometer Questions&br()全48回のAlethiometerの質問に答える|100|
|Lyra Silvertongue|Complete at least 25 Deception Games with "Success" rating.&br()25のDeception GameをSuccess評価でクリアする|50|