「TMNT: OOTS」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

TMNT: OOTS - (2013/09/01 (日) 01:54:54) の1つ前との変更点



Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows 項目数:30 総ポイント:400 難易度: 製品情報:http://marketplace.xbox.com/ja-JP/Product/TMNT-OOTS/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d802584113c2 配信日:2013年8月28日 DL費用:1200MSP ジャンル:アクション & アドベンチャー |The Sword is Mightier|KO 100 enemies with Leo.|5| |Lean, Green, Fighting Machine|Max out Leo's special weapon rank.|10| |Wind Walker|Shoulder run off 100 enemies with Leo.|10| |Do Not Pass Bo|KO 100 enemies with Don.|5| |Teched Out|Max out Don's special weapon rank.|10| |Strong Kata|Hit 25 enemies with Don's special pose attack.|10| |Chuck it Out!|KO 100 enemies with Mikey.|5| |Maxin' Out!|Max out Mikey's special weapon rank.|10| |I Got Moves|Special taunt 100 times with Mikey.|10| |Sai-onara|KO 100 enemies with Raph.|5| |Turtle with Iron Fist|Max out Raph's special weapon rank.|10| |Uncle!|Tapout 25 enemies with Raph.|10| |Stickin it to 'em|KO 25 enemies with a Special Attack.|5| |Done and Done|Perform a double counter 25 times.|5| |Mad Skillz|Perform a special counter 25 times|5| |All For One|Perform a team attack 50 times.|5| |Turtle Power|Perform a TPKO on 100 enemies.|10| |Shell Shock|Perform a Shell Shock 100 times.|10| |Ninjutsu Power|Perform a stealth KO 25 times.|10| |Shell Yeah!|Perform a 4 turtle TPKO.|5| |Splinter Is Proud|Perform a 99-hit combo.|40| |Epic Combo|Perform 12 attack variations in one combo.|10| |Hero in a Half Shell|Complete all challenges.|40| |Extra Anchovies|Complete round 20 in Survival Mode.|40| |Old School|Complete the Arcade Mode.|40| |Black and Blue Dragons|Complete Chapter 1.|10| |Mouser Mayhem|Complete Chapter 2.|10| |Stinking Foot|Complete Chapter 3.|10| |Shredhead|Complete Chapter 4.|40| |Classic Mode|Unlock Classic Mode.|5| ---- -The Sword is Mightier -Do Not Pass Bo -Chuck it Out! -Sai-onara DOJOでも解除できるので「MOVE LIST」の「Stealth KO」(下から2番目)を100回でも解除可能
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows 項目数:30 総ポイント:400 難易度: 製品情報:http://marketplace.xbox.com/ja-JP/Product/TMNT-OOTS/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d802584113c2 配信日:2013年8月28日 DL費用:1200MSP ジャンル:アクション & アドベンチャー |The Sword is Mightier|KO 100 enemies with Leo.&br()レオナルドで100人倒す|5| |Lean, Green, Fighting Machine|Max out Leo's special weapon rank.|10| |Wind Walker|Shoulder run off 100 enemies with Leo.|10| |Do Not Pass Bo|KO 100 enemies with Don.&br()ドナテロで100人倒す|5| |Teched Out|Max out Don's special weapon rank.|10| |Strong Kata|Hit 25 enemies with Don's special pose attack.|10| |Chuck it Out!|KO 100 enemies with Mikey.&br()ミケランジェロで100人倒す|5| |Maxin' Out!|Max out Mikey's special weapon rank.|10| |I Got Moves|Special taunt 100 times with Mikey.|10| |Sai-onara|KO 100 enemies with Raph.&br()ラファエロで100人倒す|5| |Turtle with Iron Fist|Max out Raph's special weapon rank.|10| |Uncle!|Tapout 25 enemies with Raph.|10| |Stickin it to 'em|KO 25 enemies with a Special Attack.|5| |Done and Done|Perform a double counter 25 times.|5| |Mad Skillz|Perform a special counter 25 times|5| |All For One|Perform a team attack 50 times.|5| |Turtle Power|Perform a TPKO on 100 enemies.|10| |Shell Shock|Perform a Shell Shock 100 times.|10| |Ninjutsu Power|Perform a stealth KO 25 times.|10| |Shell Yeah!|Perform a 4 turtle TPKO.|5| |Splinter Is Proud|Perform a 99-hit combo.|40| |Epic Combo|Perform 12 attack variations in one combo.|10| |Hero in a Half Shell|Complete all challenges.|40| |Extra Anchovies|Complete round 20 in Survival Mode.|40| |Old School|Complete the Arcade Mode.|40| |Black and Blue Dragons|Complete Chapter 1.|10| |Mouser Mayhem|Complete Chapter 2.|10| |Stinking Foot|Complete Chapter 3.|10| |Shredhead|Complete Chapter 4.|40| |Classic Mode|Unlock Classic Mode.|5| ---- 撃端数等はDOJOでも加算されるのでそれ関連はDOJOを利用すると早い -The Sword is Mightier -Do Not Pass Bo -Chuck it Out! -Sai-onara 「DOJO」の「MOVE LIST」の「Stealth KO」を100回でも解除可能 -Stickin it to 'em 「DOJO」の「MOVE LIST」の「Special Attack 90 CW」を反時計回りで1周の技を使って倒す事で簡単に解除可能。 ゲージ無限で敵もすぐ復活する。

