「Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars - (2007/05/30 (水) 11:55:29) の最新版との変更点



Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars &ref(http://tiles.xbox.com/tiles/mp/MG/1Wdsb2JhbC9ECgQNGwEfVl8mL2ljb24vMC84MDAwAAAAAAAAAPopk4U=.jpg) 項目数 : 22 総ポイント : 1000 難易度 : ★★★☆☆(時間掛ければなんとかなる?) 注:翻訳とか色々怪しいので加筆や訂正等お願いします |名称|解除方法|スコア| |GDI Bronze|GDI Campaign Finished with Bronze medal and Bonus Ribbon&br()(GDIキャンペーンeasyでクリア&ObjectRibborn全達成)|20| |Nod Bronze|Nod Campaign Finished with Bronze medal and Bonus Ribbon.&br()(Nodキャンペーンeasyでry)|20| |Scrin Bronze|Scrin Campaign Finished with Bronze medal and Bonus Ribbon.&br()(Scrinキャンペーンeasyでry)|20| |GDI Silver|GDI Campaign Finished with Silver medal and Bonus Ribbon&br()(GDIキャンペーンnormalでクリア&ObjectRibborn全達成)|25| |NOD Silver|NOD Campaign Finished with Silver medal and Bonus Ribbon&br()(NODキャンペーンnormalでry)|25| |Scrin Silver|Scrin Campaign Finished with Silver medal and Bonus Ribbon&br()(Scrinキャンペーンnormalでry)|25| |The McNeil Legacy|GDI Campaign Finished with Gold medal and Bonus Ribbon&br()(GDIキャンペーンhardでクリア&ObjectRibborn全達成)|100| |You Can't Kill the Messiah|Nod Campaign Finished with Gold medal and Bonus Ribbon&br()(Nodキャンペーンhardでry)|100| |GAME OVER!|Scrin Campaign Finished with Gold medal and Bonus Ribbon.&br()(Scrinキャンペーンhardでry)|100| |Something to Write Home About|Complete all of the single player campaigns&br()(シングル全クリアー)|220| |Dr. Moebius Award|Gather 100000 tiberium in MP games&br()(マルチで資源を合計100000集める)|20| |Rookie No More|Complete Boot Camp Mission&br()(Boot Campクリアだけ?ribbon達成不必要?)|20| |No life|Play MP for 100 hours&br()(マルチ100時間プレイ)|100| |Nod Unleashed|Completing the GDI TOW: Washington D.C&br()(GDIキャンペーンWashington D.Cをクリア)|5| |Simon Says you LOSE|Negative Achievement: Lose a single player game 3 times in a row&br()(負の実績:特定の条件下、シングルで三回負ける)|0| |The Golding Rule|Negative Achievement: Lose 5 MP games in a row&br()(負の実績:特定の条件下、マルチで五回負ける)|0| |Mister NO it all|Negative Achievement: Skipping the Tutorial suggestion from SP&br()(負の実績:チュートリアルを飛ばす?)|0| |Losing Face|Lose to someone Ranked 20 places below you in a MP Ranked Game&br()(ランクゲームで20ランク下の相手に負ける?)|0| |GDI Campaign|Complete the GDI campaign&br()(GDIキャンペーン全クリアー)|80| |Nod Campaign|Complete the Nod campaign&br()(Nodキャンペーン全クリアー)|80| |Welcome to 2047|Press the A button 2047 times, the year the game takes place&br()(ゲームの設定年数(おそらく2047年)に2047回Aボタンを押す?)|20| |Secret: The Truth|Completing the GDI and Nod campaigns&br()(GDIとNODキャンペーン全クリアー)|20| ----
Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars 項目数 : 22 総ポイント : 1000 難易度 : ★★★☆☆(時間掛ければなんとかなる?) 2022年11月09日サーバー閉鎖 注:翻訳とか色々怪しいので加筆や訂正等お願いします |名称|解除方法|スコア| |GDI Bronze|GDI Campaign Finished with Bronze medal and Bonus Ribbon&br()(GDIキャンペーンeasyでクリア&ObjectRibborn全達成)|20| |Nod Bronze|Nod Campaign Finished with Bronze medal and Bonus Ribbon.&br()(Nodキャンペーンeasyでry)|20| |Scrin Bronze|Scrin Campaign Finished with Bronze medal and Bonus Ribbon.&br()(Scrinキャンペーンeasyでry)|20| |GDI Silver|GDI Campaign Finished with Silver medal and Bonus Ribbon&br()(GDIキャンペーンnormalでクリア&ObjectRibborn全達成)|25| |NOD Silver|NOD Campaign Finished with Silver medal and Bonus Ribbon&br()(NODキャンペーンnormalでry)|25| |Scrin Silver|Scrin Campaign Finished with Silver medal and Bonus Ribbon&br()(Scrinキャンペーンnormalでry)|25| |The McNeil Legacy|GDI Campaign Finished with Gold medal and Bonus Ribbon&br()(GDIキャンペーンhardでクリア&ObjectRibborn全達成)|100| |You Can't Kill the Messiah|Nod Campaign Finished with Gold medal and Bonus Ribbon&br()(Nodキャンペーンhardでry)|100| |GAME OVER!|Scrin Campaign Finished with Gold medal and Bonus Ribbon.&br()(Scrinキャンペーンhardでry)|100| |Something to Write Home About|Complete all of the single player campaigns&br()(シングル全クリアー)|220| |Dr. Moebius Award|Gather 100000 tiberium in MP games&br()(マルチで資源を合計100000集める)|20| |Rookie No More|Complete Boot Camp Mission&br()(Boot Campクリアだけ?ribbon達成不必要?)|20| |No life|Play MP for 100 hours&br()(マルチ100時間プレイ)|100| |Nod Unleashed|Completing the GDI TOW: Washington D.C&br()(GDIキャンペーンWashington D.Cをクリア)|5| |Simon Says you LOSE|Negative Achievement: Lose a single player game 3 times in a row&br()(負の実績:特定の条件下、シングルで三回負ける)|0| |The Golding Rule|Negative Achievement: Lose 5 MP games in a row&br()(負の実績:特定の条件下、マルチで五回負ける)|0| |Mister NO it all|Negative Achievement: Skipping the Tutorial suggestion from SP&br()(負の実績:チュートリアルを飛ばす?)|0| |Losing Face|Lose to someone Ranked 20 places below you in a MP Ranked Game&br()(ランクゲームで20ランク下の相手に負ける?)|0| |GDI Campaign|Complete the GDI campaign&br()(GDIキャンペーン全クリアー)|80| |Nod Campaign|Complete the Nod campaign&br()(Nodキャンペーン全クリアー)|80| |Welcome to 2047|Press the A button 2047 times, the year the game takes place&br()(ゲームの設定年数(おそらく2047年)に2047回Aボタンを押す?)|20| |Secret: The Truth|Completing the GDI and Nod campaigns&br()(GDIとNODキャンペーン全クリアー)|20| ----

