「Cabela's Big Game Hunter」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る
Cabela's Big Game Hunter」を以下のとおり復元します。
Cabela's Big Game Hunter
項目数: 31
総ポイント: 1000

|Handgun Excellence|Player must hunt 20 small game animals with any handgun in the course of completing the Career mode&br()キャリアモードを完了する前に小動物20匹をハンドガンで狩る|15|
|Crossbow Excellence|15 small game animals must be hunted with the crossbow in the course of completing the Career mode&br()キャリアモードを完了する前に小動物15匹をクロスボウで狩る|30|
|Muzzleloader Excellence|Hunt 10 small game animals with the muzzleloader in the course of completing the Career mode&br()キャリアモードを完了する前に小動物10匹を前装銃で狩る|45|
|Accuracy 50|Accuracy must be over 50% in any season &br()一つのシーズンを命中率50%以上|10|
|Accuracy 70|Accuracy must be over 70% in any season &br()一つのシーズンを命中率70%以上|15|
|Accuracy 90|Accuracy must be over 90% in any season &br()一つのシーズンを命中率90%以上|20|
|Climbing the Cliff|Must not lose your grip and fall from a handhold on the first climb in Montana, Fall&br()MontanaのFallで最初に登山するとき、握りそこねて落ちずに登る|5|
|Cross the Log|The Player must cross the log without falling on the first log in Montana, Fall&br()MontanaのFallで最初に丸太を落ちずに渡りきる|5|
|Long Shot|The first animal shot at a distance between 100 and 150 yards away &br()最初の動物を100~150ヤード離れた距離で撃つ|15|
|Super Long Shot|The first animal shot at a distance between 150 and 200 yards away&br()最初の動物を150~200ヤード離れた距離で撃つ|30|
|Extreme Long Shot|The first animal hit at a distance over 200 yards away&br()最初の動物を200ヤード以上離れた距離で撃つ|40|
|Eagle Eye Shot|The first animal shot at a distance over 75 yards away. Player must not shoot from Scope mode&br()最初の動物を75ヤード以上離れた距離で撃つ。スコープモードで撃ってはいけない|50|
|Complete All Hunts|Complete every single hunt in Career mode (required and optional)&br()キャリアモードで全ての狩りを完了する(必要目標と任意目標)|120|
|No-Scope Excellence|Player must hunt all objective animals while never shooting from Scope Mode in any single season&br()一つのシーズンをスコープモードから撃たずに、目標の動物を全て狩る|20|
|Ecological Friendly|Complete an entire season without shooting any animals outside of an objective&br()目標外の動物を撃たずに1つのシーズンを完了する|20|
|Dodge Master|The player must dodge 10 attacks at any time during any of the Rival Animal Hunts&br()Rival Animal Huntsで10回攻撃をかわす|10|
|Elk Trophy Legend|Shoot and kill this Trophy Legend animal in only one shot&br() 一回のショットでTrophy Legend animal(ヘラジカ)を撃ち殺す|20|
|Mule Deer Trophy Legend|Shoot and kill this Trophy Legend animal in only one shot&br() 一回のショットでTrophy Legend animal(ミュールジカ)を撃ち殺す|35|
|Moose Trophy Legend|Shoot and kill this Trophy Legend animal in only one shot&br() 一回のショットでTrophy Legend animal(ヘラジカ)を撃ち殺す|35|
|Kudu Trophy Legend|Shoot and kill this Trophy Legend animal in only one shot&br() 一回のショットでTrophy Legend animal(クドゥ)を撃ち殺す|35|
|Hartebeest Trophy Legend|Shoot and kill this Trophy Legend animal in only one shot&br() 一回のショットでTrophy Legend animal(オオカモシカ)を撃ち殺す|35|
|Red Stag Trophy Legend|Shoot and kill this Trophy Legend animal in only one shot&br() 一回のショットでTrophy Legend animal(アカジカ)を撃ち殺す|35|
|Fallow Deer Trophy Legend|Shoot and kill this Trophy Legend animal in only one shot&br() 一回のショットでTrophy Legend animal(ダマジカ)を撃ち殺す|35|
|Water Buffalo Trophy Legend|Shoot and kill this Trophy Legend animal in only one shot&br() 一回のショットでTrophy Legend animal(水牛)を撃ち殺す|35|
|Axis Deer Trophy Legend|Shoot and kill this Trophy Legend animal in only one shot&br() 一回のショットでTrophy Legend animal(アクシスジカ)を撃ち殺す|35|
|Waterbuck Trophy Legend|Shoot and kill this Trophy Legend animal in only one shot&br() 一回のショットでTrophy Legend animal(ウォーターバック)を撃ち殺す|35|
|Grizzly Bear Rival Hunt|Take down the Rival Grizzly Bear. Player can be hit up to three times&br()ハイイログマを倒す。プレイヤーが受けれるヒットは3回まで |30|
|Leopard Rival Hunt|Take down the Rival African Leopard. Player can be hit only once&br()ヒョウを倒す。プレイヤーが受けれるヒットは1回まで|35|
|Wild Boar Rival Hunt|Take down the Rival Wild Boar without ever being hit by the boar&br()ヒットを受けずにイノシシを倒す。|40|
|Cougar Rival Hunt|Take down the Rival Cougar without being hit by the Cougar. Player can only have 3 missed shots&br()クーガーからヒットを受けずに、クーガーを倒す。ミスショットは3回まで|50|
|Lion Rival Hunt|Take down the Rival African Lion without being hit or missing a single shot&br()ライオンからヒットを受けず、1回のミスショット以内に倒す|60|

一度キャリアモードをクリアしてもシーズンごとのキャリアモードを選べず、最初からするしかキャリアモードをプレイできないので、~Rival Huntや~Trophy Legendはミスせず解除しておきたい

[Handgun Excellence]
[Crossbow Excellence]
[Muzzleloader Excellence]
最後のシーズンのZambia Fallでジャッカルを解除したい武器で狩ると簡単に解除できる

[Complete All Hunts]

[Lion Rival Hunt]
武器は416 rifleで6~7発で倒せる

