「Puzzle Quest 2」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Puzzle Quest 2 - (2010/07/16 (金) 10:31:09) の1つ前との変更点



Puzzle Quest 2 項目数:12 総ポイント:200 難易度: 製品情報:http://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/p/puzzlequest2xbla/ 配信日:2010年6月30日 DL費用:1200MSP ジャンル:パズル&ワード ☆国内未配信 |Happily Ever After|Complete the game|30| |PWNT!|Defeat an opponent on your first turn during any single player game mode|5| |Cheating AI|Be defeated by an opponent on their first turn during any single player game mode|5| |OMGHAX|Make a match of 8 gems in a row in any battle game mode|20| |Epic Win|Defeat an opponent while on 1 Life Point during any single player game mode|10| |Epic Fail|Lose to an opponent while on 1 Life Point during any single player game mode|10| |Gate Hacker|Use the Bash mini-game to destroy every locked gate, door or chest possible!|20| |Save Verloren|Save the town of Verloren from invading Goblins and Trolls.|5| 秘密の実績:95 |Dragonslayer|Defeat the Green Dragon and complete the challenge quest|40| |Abominable|Defeat the Yeti and complete the challenge quest|30| |Shadowbringer|Defeat the Shadowbringer and complete the 'Shadowbringer' quest|15| |King Godd|Defeat King Godd and complete the 'King Godd' quest|10| ----
Puzzle Quest 2 項目数:12 総ポイント:200 難易度: ~150前後:★☆☆☆☆ ~200:★★☆☆☆ 製品情報:http://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/p/puzzlequest2xbla/ 配信日:2010年6月30日 DL費用:1200MSP ジャンル:パズル&ワード ☆国内未配信 |Happily Ever After|Complete the game|30| |PWNT!|Defeat an opponent on your first turn during any single player game mode|5| |Cheating AI|Be defeated by an opponent on their first turn during any single player game mode|5| |OMGHAX|Make a match of 8 gems in a row in any battle game mode|20| |Epic Win|Defeat an opponent while on 1 Life Point during any single player game mode|10| |Epic Fail|Lose to an opponent while on 1 Life Point during any single player game mode|10| |Gate Hacker|Use the Bash mini-game to destroy every locked gate, door or chest possible!|20| |Save Verloren|Save the town of Verloren from invading Goblins and Trolls.|5| 秘密の実績:95 |Dragonslayer|Defeat the Green Dragon and complete the challenge quest|40| |Abominable|Defeat the Yeti and complete the challenge quest|30| |Shadowbringer|Defeat the Shadowbringer and complete the 'Shadowbringer' quest|15| |King Godd|Defeat King Godd and complete the 'King Godd' quest|10| ---- □ PWNT Challenge系ミニゲームで解除可能。開始後4連鎖が初期位置に数個無ければゲームを出てから再度挑戦を繰り返す。 □ Cheating AI Quick BattleでYetiが簡単。もしくは、体力は極端に少ないキャラ(教会でパラメータの再割り振り可能)を作りトラップを数個踏んで体力を低下させてから強敵に臨む。 □ OMGHAX AssasinのStrike系スペル、SorcererのMana Blastが狙い易い。 □ Epic Win / Epic Fail 実績説明では体力が残り1の状態と書いてあるが、筆者は体力が残り1桁の状態でも解除できた。要検証 □ Gate Hacker 実績説明ではBash mini-gameで全てのゲートと宝箱を開封と書いてあるが、筆者がPick-upとUnlock Spell mini-gameを織り交ぜても解除できた。まやこの実績は累積系で複数キャラで掛け持ち可能。要検証 □ Dragonslayer 敵に紫マナを溜めさせないようにしながら、毒武器でジワジワ攻めれば簡単。レベルが上がると敵の体力も上がるので早めの攻略が望ましい。 □ Abominable 敵に赤マナを溜めさせないようにしながら、毒武器でジワジワ攻めれば簡単。レベルが上がると敵の体力も上がるので早めの攻略が望ましい。

