「SAW 2」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

SAW 2 - (2010/12/26 (日) 12:17:30) のソース

Saw 2: Flesh and Blood


|Start with the Corners|最初のパズルピースを見つけた|15|
|Puzzle of Flesh|puzzle piecesを1/4見つけた|15|
|Starting to come together|puzzle piecesを1/2見つけた|15|
|Putting it all together|全てのpuzzle piecesを見つけた|30|
|Paper-Mache|最初のBilly Puppetを見つけた|15|
|Puppeteer|全7体のBilly Puppetを見つけた|30|
|A Little Background|最初のCase Fileを見つけた|15|
|Some light reading|Case Fileを1/4見つけた|15|
|Half the story|Case Fileを1/2見つけた|15|
|Journalist|全てのCase Fileを見つけた|30|
|Play ME!|最初のAudio Tapeを見つけた|15|
|Mix Tape|Audio Tapeを1/4見つけた|15|
|Easy Listening|Audio Tapeを1/2見つけた|15|
|Reel to Real|全てのAudio Tapeを見つけた|30|
|Router|Beat the best time for the Point to Point Minigame (Normal)|15|
|P2P|Beat the best time for the Point to Point Minigame (Insane)|15|
|Electrician|Beat the best time for the Polarized Circuit Minigame (Normal)|15|
|Jury Rig|Beat the best time for the Polarized Circuit Minigame (Insane)|15|
|Chromatic|Beat the best time for the Kaleidoscope Minigame (Normal)|15|
|Thinking Three Steps Ahead|Beat the best time for the Kaleidoscope Minigame (Insane)|15|
|Gear Grinder|Beat the best time for the Jigsaw Box Minigame (Normal)|15|
|Mechanic|Beat the best time for the Jigsaw Box Minigame (Insane)|15|
|Running like Clockwork|Beat the best time for the Weapon Case Minigame (Normal)|15|
|Second Amendment|Beat the best time for the Weapon Case Minigame (Insane)|15|
|Tumbler|Beat the best time for the Dial Puzzle Minigame (Normal)|15|
|Forced Perspective|Beat the best time for the Dial Puzzle Minigame (Insane)|15|
|Connect the dots...|Beat the best time for the Lights Out Minigame (Normal)|15|
|Burned Out|Beat the best time for the Lights Out Minigame (Insane)|15|
|Smooth Criminal|Beat the best time for the Lockpick Minigame (Normal)|15|
|Master Thief|Beat the best time for the Lockpick Minigame (Insane)|15|
Secret Achievements
|Sarah Blalock|罠からSarahを解放した|30|
|Joseph Poltzer|罠からJosephを解放した|30|
|Carla Song|罠からCarlaを解放した|30|
|Solomon Bates|罠からSolomonを解放した|30|
|Henry Jacobs|罠からHenryを解放した|30|
|Would You Like To Play A Game?|Completed The Eye Surgery Minigame|15|
|Did I Fire 6 Shots Or Only 5...|Josephが死んだ|15|
|Hands Off|Zekeが死んだ|15|
|Third Time's The Charm|Subdued "The Bullish Man"|15|
|Hedgehog's Dilemma|Donovanが死んだ|15|
|Brought To You By...|スキップをしないでCreditsを見た|15|
|You Wasted Your Life|クリスマスにプレイした|15|
|It Must Be SAW|ハロウィンにプレイした|15|
|Old School|伝説的なコナミコマンドを入れた|15|
|Path Of Blood|Campbell Survived His Test|75|
|Path Of Flesh|Campbell Did Not Survive His Test|70|
|Battering Ram|Defeated "The Bullish Man"|15|
|Now THAT'S Using Your Head!|Escaped "The Bullish Man"|15|

・Old School

・You Wasted Your Life

・It Must Be SAW
