OMG: Our Manic Game


☆Windows Phone7用タイトル

Close Combat Get close to enemies to kill them. 15
OMFG(WTFBBQ) Play, play, play. 30
Staying Alive, Staying Alive. Try to survive for 8 minutes! 15
Annoying Touch all bosses in a game. 25
Mr Clear Clean 5 waves in a row! 15
Hyperactive Move a lot! 10
Rainbow Warrior Improve your laser beam by defeating waves without dying. 10
Jackpot Send enemies crazy then kill them as late as you can. 25
Cold Blood Find a safe spot and stay idle. 15
Killing Spree Shoot at enemies without killing them, then kill them all in a row. 15
God Mode Just don't get killed! 15

Fan You've already spent 3 hours on the game. 10


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最終更新:2012年11月08日 17:41