Chivalry: Medieval Warfare





実績周りに不備がある模様で、Veteran's Helmet系は条件を満たしてもリスポーン時のクラスを変更していると解除できない事が報告されている。

Archer Veteran's Helmet Became a Veteran Archer in multiplayer 40
Man-at-Arms Veteran's Helmet Became a Veteran Man-at-Arms in multiplayer 40
Vanguard Veteran's Helmet Became a Veteran Vanguard in multiplayer 40
Knight Veteran's Helmet Became a Veteran Knight in multiplayer 40
Swordsmith Unlocked all swords in multiplayer 40
Rotisserie Chef Decapitated an opponent who was on fire in multiplayer 20
King of Kings Survived 10 minutes as King in Stoneshill in multiplayer 40
Heads Together Decapitated two opponents with one swing in multiplayer 40
Five Star Archer Got 10 headshots with a ranged weapon in a single multiplayer game before map rotation 40
Reach level 5 Gathered enough points to reach Level 5 in multiplayer 20
Reach level 10 Gathered enough points to reach Level 10 in multiplayer 40
Reach level 20 Gathered enough points to reach Level 20 in multiplayer 40
Bow Unlocked Gathered enough experience to unlock a bow in multiplayer 20
All Bows Unlocked Gathered enough experience to unlock all bows in multiplayer 20
Crossbow Unlocked Gathered enough experience to unlock a crossbow in multiplayer 20
All Crossbows Unlocked Gathered enough experience to unlock all crossbows in multiplayer 20
Javelin Unlocked Gathered enough experience to unlock a javelin in multiplayer 20
All Javelins Unlocked Gathered enough experience to unlock all javelins in multiplayer 20
One-handed Sharp Unlocked Gathered enough experience to unlock a one-handed sharp weapon in multiplayer 20
All One-handed Sharps Unlocked Gathered enough experience to unlock all one-handed sharp weapons in multiplayer 20
One-handed Axe Unlocked Gathered enough experience to unlock a one-handed axe in multiplayer 20
All One-handed Axes Unlocked Gathered enough experience to unlock all one-handed axes in multiplayer 20
One-handed Blunt Unlocked Gathered enough experience to unlock a one-handed blunt weapon in multiplayer 20
All One-handed Blunts Unlocked Gathered enough experience to unlock all one-handed blunt weapons in multiplayer 20
Two-handed Sword Unlocked Gathered enough experience to unlock a two-handed sword in multiplayer 20
All Two-handed Swords Unlocked Gathered enough experience to unlock all two-handed swords in multiplayer 20
Spear Unlocked Gathered enough experience to unlock a spear in multiplayer 20
All Spears Unlocked Gathered enough experience to unlock all spears in multiplayer 20
Polearm Unlocked Gathered enough experience to unlock a polearm in multiplayer 20
All Polearms Unlocked Gathered enough experience to unlock all polearms in multiplayer 20
Two-handed Axe Unlocked Gathered enough experience to unlock a two-handed axe in multiplayer 20
All Two-handed Axes Unlocked Gathered enough experience to unlock all two-handed axes in multiplayer 20
Heavy Blunt Unlocked Gathered enough experience to unlock a heavy blunt weapon in multiplayer 20
All Heavy Blunts Unlocked Gathered enough experience to unlock all heavy blunt weapons in multiplayer 20
Bastard Weapon Unlocked Gathered enough experience to unlock a bastard weapon in multiplayer 20
All Bastard Weapons Unlocked Gathered enough experience to unlock all bastard weapons in multiplayer 20
Dagger Unlocked Gathered enough experience to unlock a dagger in multiplayer 20
All Daggers Unlocked Gathered enough experience to unlock all daggers in multiplayer 20
Light Weapon Unlocked Gathered enough experience to unlock a light weapon in multiplayer 20
All Light Weapons Unlocked Gathered enough experience to unlock all light weapons in multiplayer 20

Rotisserie Chef


Heads Together


Five Star Archer

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最終更新:2024年01月04日 20:57