The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition


DL費用:800MSP / 9.99ドル
ジャンル:Action & Adventure, Puzzle & Trivia


The Three Trial Completed Part One: The Three Trials. Guybrush proved himself worthy to be a pirate. 25
The Journey Complete Part Two: The Journey. Guybrush used a voodoo spell to travel to Monkey Island™ 25
Under Monkey Island Completed Part Three: Under Monkey Island. Guybrush traveled into the Monkey Head and got the root. 25
Guybrush Kicks Butt Completed Last Part: Guybrush Kicks Butt. Guybrush stopped LeChuck from marrying Elaine Marley. 45
Sharp Tongue Guybrush learned all of the insults, and is the wittiest/deadliest pirate what ever swung a sword. 15
Ten Minutes Later... Guybrush can hold his breath for 10 minutes, but not any longer than that. 10
Escape Artist Escaped from the monkey island cannibals hut 5 times. 10
RecordKeeper Collected all of the notes and memos sent between Herman Toothrot, LeChuck and the Cannibals. 10
Human Cannonball Finished the entire game in record time. We hope you were wearing a helmet! 10
Old School Experienced the original, classic adventure game, as it was in the early 90s. 5
Determined Completed the game without using any hints. 10
Marooned Everyone Re-marooned Herman Toothrot and marooned Carla, Otis and Meathook on Monkey Island™. 10


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最終更新:2013年11月23日 19:35