Jet Car Stunts WP


☆Windows Phone7用タイトル

Platforming : Bronze Complete all the levels in "Original - Platforming - Easy" with at least a bronze medal. 5
Platforming: Silver Completed all the levels in "Original - Platforming - Hard" with at least a silver medal. 10
Platforming: Gold Completed all the levels in "Original - Platforming - Impossible" with at least a gold medal. 15
Time Trial : Bronze Completed all the levels in "Original - Time Trial - Easy" with at least a bronze medal. 5
Time Trial : Silver Complete all the levels in "Original - Time Trial - Intermediate" with at least a silver medal. 10
Time Trial: Gold Complete all the levels in "Original - Time Trial - Hard" with at least a gold medal. 15
Bonus: Bronze Complete all the levels in "Bonus - Easy" with at least a bronze medal. 5
Bonus: Silver Complete all the levels in "Bonus - Hard" with at least a silver medal. 10
Bonus: Gold Complete all the levels in "Bonus - Impossible" with at least a gold medal. 15
Freestyle: Bronze Complete all the levels in "Freestyle - Easy" with at least a bronze medal. 5
Freestyle: Silver Completed all the levels in "Freestyle - Intermediate" with at least a silver medal. 10
Freestyle: Gold Complete all the levels in "Freestyle - Hard" with at least a gold medal. 15
Free Platforming: Gold Complete all the levels in "Free - Platforming" with at least a gold medal. 10
Free Time Trial: Gold Complete all the levels in "Free - Time Trial" with at least a gold medal. 10
Tutorials Completed Complete all the tutorials. 2
Double Barrel Roll In mid air flight, barrel roll the car two times or more. 10
Double Back Flip In mid air flight, back flip car two times or more. 10
720 Spin Spin the car 720 degrees or more whilst in mid air. 10
Big Jump Successfully land the car after a massive jump. 14
Hyper-ballistic Drive the car at super high speeds. 14

  • Big Jump
BonusのEasy C、ゴール前最後の大ジャンプで解除出来る

  • Hyper-ballistic
Big Jumpと同じ場所、BonusのEasy C。空中でブーストしつづけると解除されました


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最終更新:2012年02月26日 20:23