遺物 Relics
出典 GM Core 308ページ
遺物をゲームに加えるかどうかは、すべてGMである君次第だ。もし遺物を加えることに決めたら、財宝を多少調整する必要がある。また、遺物を持つことになるプレイヤーの人数を考えておくのもいいだろう。一人一個ずつ手に入れるのか? それともキャンペーンの主題に関連したものを1つか2つだけ持たせるのか?
遺物の発見 Discovering a Relic
出典 GM Core 308ページ
背景遺物 Background Relics
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キャンペーン遺物 Campaign Relics
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遺物の側面 Relic Aspects
出典 GM Core 308ページ
遺物の成長 Advancing a Relic
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表2-22:遺物の恵み Relic Gifts
恵みの数 | 最低レベル | 恵みの種別 | gp換算 |
1 | 1レベル | 下級 | 20 gp |
2 | 5レベル | 下級 | 160 gp |
3 | 9レベル | 上級 | 700 gp |
4 | 13レベル | 上級 | 3,000 gp |
5 | 17レベル | 最上級 | 15,000 gp |
財宝の調整 Adjusting Treasure
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遺物の種の作成 Making Relic Seeds
出典 GM Core 309ページ
遺物の恵み Relic Gifts
出典 GM Core 309ページ
遺物のセーヴと呪文攻撃修正値 Gift Saves and Spell Attack Modifiers
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火炎の恵み Fire Gifts
Flare Bolt 下級恵み Flare Bolt
出典 GM Core 314ページ
側面 火炎
側面 火炎
起動 [two-actions](精神集中、操作);効果 A bolt of flames scorches out from the relic. Make a spell attack roll with your relic against a target within 30 feet. The bolt deals 1d6 fire damage for every 2 levels the relic has (minimum 1d6).
大成功 The bolt deals double damage, as well as persistent fire damage equal to the level of the relic.
成功 The bolt deals full damage.
成功 The bolt deals full damage.
Heat Haze 下級恵み Heat Haze
出典 GM Core 314ページ
側面 火炎
側面 火炎
Your relic's heat keeps the air around you pleasantly warm. While you are holding or wearing the relic, it protects you from severe environmental cold. At 9th level, it also protects you from extreme cold, and at 17th level, it protects you from incredible cold. At 4th level, the relic also gains the following activation.
起動 [two-actions](精神集中);頻度 1日1回;効果 Your relic erratically elevates the air temperature around you, creating heat shimmers that distort your appearance and grant you the concealed condition for 1 minute. As the nature of this effect still leaves your location obvious, you can't use this concealment to Hide or Sneak.
Incandescent Sight 下級恵み Incandescent Sight
出典 GM Core 314ページ
側面 火炎
側面 火炎
起動 [two-actions](精神集中);頻度 1日1回;効果 Your eyes become attuned to heat signatures as your vision extends into the infrared, granting you a heatsight precise sense for 1 minute. Your heatsight can see temperature gradients out to a range of 30 feet, allowing you to detect living creatures and warm objects even in the dark. Warm objects block your heatsight even if they are transparent, such as hot water.
Jet Propulsion 下級恵み Jet Propulsion
出典 GM Core 314ページ
側面 火炎
側面 火炎
起動 [one-action](精神集中);頻度 1時間に1回;効果 Flames from your relic channel through your body, erupting from your feet, hands, or other limbs with enough force to blast you across the ground and propel you through the air. For 1 minute, you gain a +10-foot status bonus to your Speed and gain a fly Speed equal to your new Speed or 20 feet, whichever is greater. You must end your turn on solid ground, or you fall.
Searing Wave 上級恵み Searing Wave
出典 GM Core 314ページ
側面 火炎
側面 火炎
起動 [two-actions](精神集中、操作);効果 You allow a portion of the fire magic housed in your relic to escape in a direction of your choice. You deal 1d10 fire damage for every 2 levels of the relic to all creatures in a 30-foot cone (basic Reflex). You can't use Searing Wave again for 1d4 rounds.
Blazing Soul 最上級恵み Blazing Soul
出典 GM Core 314ページ
側面 火炎
側面 火炎
Fire magic suffuses your body and soul, protecting you from lesser flames and allowing you to kindle even the smallest sparks into powerful infernos. You gain fire resistance 10. The first time each hour you are targeted by a fire effect that would deal damage, you regain 1d8 HP for every counteract rank of the effect, in addition to taking the damage.
起動 [reaction](精神集中);トリガー A creature within 60 feet is critically hit by or critically fails a save against a fire effect and is not reduced to 0 Hit Points;効果 Flames roar forth from the triggering creature, dealing 6d6 fire damage to all creatures in a 15-foot burst centered on it, including that creature (basic Reflex). You aren't affected by the activation, though your allies are. If this damage reduces the triggering creature to 0 Hit Points, it's reduced to a fine ash, though its gear remains. You can't use this activation again for 1d4 rounds.
影の恵み Shadow Gifts
Encompassing Darkness 下級恵み Encompassing Darkness
出典 GM Core 317ページ
側面 影
側面 影
The shadows at your feet can hold objects. You can Interact with your shadow to store or remove objects, just like you would a mundane container. Your shadow can contain 3 Bulk of objects, which don't count toward the Bulk you are carrying. At 6th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, you can store 1 additional Bulk of objects in your shadow. While the items are in your shadow and can be detected normally, you gain a +4 circumstance bonus to Stealth checks to Conceal the Objects unless someone knows to check your shadow for items.
Obscure 下級恵み Obscure
出典 GM Core 317ページ
側面 影
側面 影
Your relic absorbs light and wraps shadow around you, hiding you in darkness. As long as you are in dim light in an area of shadows, you can attempt a Stealth check to Hide, even if you aren't concealed against the creature, such as with a creature with darkvision.
Shadow Smith 下級恵み Shadow Smith
出典 GM Core 317ページ
側面 影
側面 影
起動 [one-action](操作);効果 Your relic pulls at nearby shadows, twisting them into the shape of a simple weapon or a simple tool or item, such as a rope or crowbar. It lasts until it's used for a single activity, until you use shadow smith again, or for 1 minute, whichever comes first, after which it dissipates.
Dancing Shadow 上級恵み Dancing Shadow
出典 GM Core 318ページ
側面 影;前提条件 遺物は武器である。
側面 影;前提条件 遺物は武器である。
起動 [two-actions](精神集中、操作);頻度 1時間に1回;効果 Your relic's shadow detaches from your relic and dances through the air to attack an enemy. When you Activate the relic, designate a target. The relic's shadow flies up to 60 feet until it's adjacent to that foe and then makes a Strike against it, dealing 5d8 damage on a success or double that on a critical success; the damage type is of any type normally dealt by your relic. The shadow uses your attack bonus with the relic, and it uses and contributes to your multiple attack penalty. While this activation is in effect, you can use a single action, which has the attack and concentrate traits, to mentally direct the shadow to make another Strike against the same target. The shadow lasts until that target is reduced to 0 Hit Points, that target moves more than 400 feet from you, or that target moves to an area where no shadow could be cast, such as an area of complete darkness, whichever comes first.
The shadow doesn't take up space, grant flanking, or have any other attributes a creature would, and it automatically follows the chosen foe. The shadow can't make any attack other than its Strike, and feats or spells that affect weapons do not apply to it.
Dark Roads 上級恵み Dark Roads
影 瞬間移動
出典 GM Core 318ページ
側面 影
側面 影
起動 [two-actions](精神集中);効果 Your relic creates a path from your shadow to a nearby one, teleporting you and any items you're wearing or holding from your current space to an unoccupied one within 30 feet that you can see. You can't use the dark roads gift again for 1d4 rounds.
If the destination is not within an area of bright light, the range is instead 60 feet. If this would bring another creature with you—even if you're carrying it in an extradimensional container—the gift fails.
Umbral Body 最上級恵み Umbral Body
出典 GM Core 318ページ
側面 影
側面 影
起動 [two-actions](精神集中、操作);効果 Shadowy essence infuses your body, and you can reshape wisps of yourself into a variety of damaging shadows. This has the effect of a 6th-rank shadow blast, choosing from only bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing damage. You can't use this activation again for 1d4 rounds.
風の側面 Air Gifts}
Deadly Spark 下級恵み Deadly Spark
風 雷撃
出典 GM Core 309ページ
側面 風
側面 風
spanclass プラグインエラー: class名は半角英数字で入力してください。
(精神集中、操作);効果 A spark flashes out from the relic toward a creature within 20 feet. This spark deals 1d12 electricity damage (basic Reflex save). The damage increases by 1d12 at 6th level and by another 1d12 every 4 levels thereafter.
Feather Steps 下級恵み Feather Steps
出典 GM Core 310ページ
側面 風;前提条件 遺物は着用アイテムである。
側面 風;前提条件 遺物は着用アイテムである。
While wearing the relic, you do not trigger traps that use weight or pressure plates as a trigger. Also, whenever you fall, you reduce the falling damage by the level of the relic. If this would reduce the falling damage to 0, you land on your feet and are not prone. The relic grants a +1 item bonus to Athletics checks made to Jump, increasing to +2 at 9th level and +3 at 17th level.
Wind Barrier 下級恵み Wind Barrier
出典 GM Core 310ページ
側面 風
側面 風
spanclass プラグインエラー: class名は半角英数字で入力してください。
(精神集中);効果 An invisible barrier of air deflects ranged attacks, granting you a +2 circumstance bonus to AC against ranged attacks until the beginning of your next turn. At 13th level, this increases to a +3 circumstance bonus to AC against ranged attacks.
Lightning Storm 上級恵み Lightning Storm
風 雷撃
出典 GM Core 310ページ
側面 風
側面 風
spanclass プラグインエラー: class名は半角英数字で入力してください。
(精神集中);効果 The relic surrounds you with a storm of wind, rain, and lightning in a 30-foot emanation. This storm is difficult terrain for creatures other than you. Any creature other than you that enters or starts its turn in the storm takes 1d12 electricity damage, with a basic Reflex save (2d12 damage at 15th level). You can Sustain this activation up to 1 minute.
Propelling Winds 上級恵み Propelling Winds
出典 GM Core 310ページ
側面 風
側面 風
spanclass プラグインエラー: class名は半角英数字で入力してください。
(精神集中、操作);頻度 1時間に1回;効果 The relic casts fly targeting you.
Living Storm 最上級恵み Living Storm
風 雷撃
出典 GM Core 310ページ
側面 風
側面 風
The relic grants you a fly Speed equal to your Speed or 60 feet, whichever is greater. In addition, a creature that Strikes you with a melee attack takes 5 electricity damage, and you can cast 5th-level lightning bolt as an innate spell.
獣の恵み Beast Gifts
Beast Senses 下級恵み Beast Senses
出典 GM Core 310ページ
側面 獣;前提条件 遺物は着用アイテムである。
The relic grants you an animal's acute senses as long as you wear it. You gain low-light vision. If you already have low-light vision, you instead gain darkvision. At 10th level, the relic grants you imprecise scent with a range of 10 feet.
出典 GM Core 310ページ
側面 獣;前提条件 遺物は着用アイテムである。
The relic grants you an animal's acute senses as long as you wear it. You gain low-light vision. If you already have low-light vision, you instead gain darkvision. At 10th level, the relic grants you imprecise scent with a range of 10 feet.
Call of the Wild 下級恵み Call of the Wild
出典 GM Core 310ページ
側面 獣
側面 獣
起動 [two-actions](精神集中、操作);頻度 1日1回;効果 Your relic summons a creature to fight at your side, casting summon animal with a spell rank of half the item's level rounded up. You can Sustain this activation as you would the spell.
Feral Claws 下級恵み Feral Claws
出典 GM Core 310ページ
側面 獣;前提条件 遺物は着用アイテムである。
起動 [one-action](精神集中);効果 Your hands transform into a pair of claws. These grant you a claw unarmed attack that deals 1d6 slashing damage and has the agile and finesse traits. This lasts until you Dismiss the effect.
出典 GM Core 310ページ
側面 獣;前提条件 遺物は着用アイテムである。
起動 [one-action](精神集中);効果 Your hands transform into a pair of claws. These grant you a claw unarmed attack that deals 1d6 slashing damage and has the agile and finesse traits. This lasts until you Dismiss the effect.
Form of Fury 下級恵み Form of Fury
出典 GM Core 310ページ
側面 獣;前提条件 遺物は着用アイテムである。
側面 獣;前提条件 遺物は着用アイテムである。
起動 [two-actions](精神集中);頻度 twice per day;効果 Calling upon the bestial nature within, you change shape into that of an animal. The relic casts animal form on you, transforming you into the same type of animal every time, chosen when the gift is gained; the spell rank is half the item's level, rounded down.
Track of the Beast 上級恵み Track of the Beast
出典 GM Core 310ページ
側面 獣
側面 獣
The spirit of an animal fills you. The relic gives one of the following benefits, chosen by the GM when the relic gains this gift.
- A +10-foot status bonus to your land Speed.
- A climb Speed equal to your land Speed.
- A swim Speed equal to your land Speed.
Form of Vengeance 最上級恵み Form of Vengeance
出典 GM Core 310ページ
側面 獣;前提条件 form of fury gift
側面 獣;前提条件 form of fury gift
Whenever you use the relic's form of fury activation, it can cast aerial form or dinosaur form instead of animal form. Like form of fury, these spells also turn you into the same type of animal each time (so you have three forms you can assume in total, one from each spell). The spell rank is the same as defined in form of fury.
While transformed, you can switch from one of the three forms to another by Sustaining the activation. This doesn't change the duration.
死の恵み Death Gifts
Death Gaze 下級恵み Death Gaze
出典 GM Core 312ページ
側面 死
側面 死
起動 [two-actions](精神集中、操作);効果 Your stare causes a creature's flesh to rot and wither away. Target a creature you can see within 30 feet. Your stare deals 1d6 void damage to the creature for every 2 levels the relic has (minimum 1d6; basic Fortitude save). An undead creature or other creature with void healing targeted this way is instead healed 1d6 HP per level of the relic and is temporarily immune to this effect for 10 minutes.
Living Death 下級恵み Living Death
出典 GM Core 312ページ
側面 死
側面 死
You stand on the threshold between the living and the dead. If you attempt a saving throw against an effect that would deal void damage to you, such as harm, your outcome is one degree of success better than what you rolled. If you roll a critical success and the effect is capable of healing undead, you regain HP equal to half the spell's full damage. Any vitality spell or effect that would heal you has only half the normal effect. All these effects apply only if you are a living creature.
Shroud of the Afterlife 下級恵み Shroud of the Afterlife
出典 GM Core 312ページ
側面 死
側面 死
起動 [one-action](精神集中、操作);頻度 1日1回;効果 You shroud yourself with powers from beyond the living realm for 1 minute. While this shroud is active, you take on a pallid appearance and gain poison resistance equal to half the relic's level and a +1 status bonus to saving throws against death effects, diseases, effects that would make you paralyzed, poison, and sleep effects. In addition, the DC for your recovery checks is 9 + your dying value instead of 10 + your dying value.
Pierce the Veil 上級恵み Pierce the Veil
出典 GM Core 312ページ
側面 死;前提条件 living death gift
側面 死;前提条件 living death gift
The relic allows you to pierce the veil between life and death. While you are holding or wearing the relic, you have the void healing ability (as though you were undead; vitality energy harms you and void energy heals you). In addition, whenever you are healed by a void spell or effect, you gain resistance 5 to all damage (except force, ghost touch, spirit, and vitality) until the start of your next turn. Finally, you gain a +2 item bonus to all saves against death effects while you are the bearer of the relic; this increases to a +3 item bonus at 13th level.
Tide of Death 上級恵み Tide of Death
出典 GM Core 312ページ
側面 死;前提条件 death gaze gift
側面 死;前提条件 death gaze gift
You can Activate death gaze with 3 actions instead of 2. If you do, it targets all living creatures within 30 feet except for you. If you have the void healing ability, you can include yourself to be healed.
Grim Specter 最上級恵み Grim Specter
完全変身 虚無
出典 GM Core 312ページ
側面 死
側面 死
起動 [two-actions](精神集中、完全変身、虚無);頻度 1日1回;効果 You can call upon the terrifying powers that fuel your relic to transform yourself into a specter of death. You become incorporeal, having no physical body. You are immune to effects that require a physical body, including precision damage as well as exposure to most diseases and poisons. You also have resistance to all damage equal to half the relic's level; force damage, ghost touch attacks, spirit damage, void damage, and vitality damage ignore this resistance, and the resistance doubles against non-magical damage.
You can move through solid objects. When inside an object, you can't perceive, attack, or Interact with anything outside it, and you're always slowed 1 on turns you start in an object. Corporeal creatures can pass through you but can't end their movement in your space. You can't attempt Strength-based checks against corporeal creatures or objects, unless those objects have the ghost touch property rune. Likewise, corporeal creatures can't attempt Strength-based checks against you.
You can Sustain the activation up to 1 minute.
植物の恵み Plant Gifts
Apothecary's Garden 下級恵み Apothecary's Garden
出典 GM Core 316ページ
側面 植物
側面 植物
Your relic grows potent natural medicines. Each night, two medicinal herbs (or other plants) grow from your relic and can be harmlessly harvested during your next daily preparations. A living creature that consumes an herb with an Interact action regains 1d8 Hit Points for every 2 relic levels (minimum 1d8). At 9th level, the relic grows three herbs each night, and at 17th level, the relic grows four herbs each night. Herbs wither away 1 day after being harvested.
Pollen Spray 下級恵み Pollen Spray
出典 GM Core 317ページ
側面 植物
側面 植物
起動 [two-actions](精神集中、操作);効果 Pollen and poison spores spray from your relic, dealing 1d6 poison damage for every 2 relic levels (minimum 1d6) to all creatures in a 15-foot cone (basic Fortitude save). On a critical failure, targets are also dazzled for 1 round. You can't use Pollen Spray again for 1d4 rounds.
Sprout Ally 下級恵み Sprout Ally
出典 GM Core 317ページ
側面 植物
側面 植物
起動 [two-actions](精神集中、操作);頻度 1日1回;効果 Your relic rapidly matures and animates nearby plant matter into an ally to fight by you, casting summon plant or fungus, with a rank of half the item's level rounded up. You can Sustain this activation as you would the spell.
Grappling Vine 上級恵み Grappling Vine
出典 GM Core 317ページ
側面 植物
側面 植物
起動 [one-action](操作);効果 Your relic launches a sticky, multi-stranded vine at a target within 50 feet. Make an attack roll as you would when using a grappling hook, but if you roll a critical failure on the check to secure the vine, you get a failure instead. Once the vine is anchored, creatures receive a +1 status bonus to Athletics checks to Climb the vine, and they gain a +5-foot status bonus to the distance they move with a successful check while Climbing using the vine. The vine lasts for 1 day or until you use grappling vine again, at which point your older vine withers.
Petal Dance 上級恵み Petal Dance
出典 GM Core 317ページ
側面 植物
側面 植物
起動 [two-actions](精神集中);頻度 1時間に1回;効果 You discorporate into a cloud of petals and leaves. This grants you the swarm trait, immunity to falling damage, resistance 5 to bludgeoning and slashing damage, and weakness 5 to area and splash damage. You can fit into spaces only a few inches wide, moving your constituent petals through the gap. You don't gain the swarm mind ability, so you're still affected normally by mental effects. As a swarm, you can't speak, cast spells, use manipulate actions requiring your hands, activate your magic items, or make any of your Strikes with your normal body. You remain in this form for 1 minute or until you Dismiss the activation. At 13th level, the relic gains a reaction that triggers when you fall or take damage, applying this gift's resistances, weaknesses, and immunity to falling damage to the triggering effect.
Megaflora 最上級恵み Megaflora
出典 GM Core 317ページ
側面 植物
側面 植物
起動 [two-actions](精神集中、操作);頻度 1日1回;効果 With a pulse of natural energy, your relic grows massive plants in an instant. The megaflora is of one of the following types, chosen by the GM when the relic gains this gift. A megaflora appears in an unoccupied 10-foot space within 30 feet and has 50 Hit Points, weakness 5 to fire, AC 37, Reflex +20, and Fortitude +30. It persists for 1 minute or until reduced to 0 Hit Points.
- Corpseflower A single putrid-smelling flower grows at the target location. While the flower persists, each round at the end of your turn, all creatures in a 20-foot burst centered on the plant except you must succeed at a Fortitude save or be sickened 2 (also stunned 2 on a critical failure). This is a poison effect.
- Thorns A 10-foot-tall thorned plant or bamboo stalk grows at the target location. While the stalk persists, each round at the end of your turn, sharp stakes erupt from the ground, dealing 6d8 piercing damage to all creatures in a 20-foot burst centered on the plant except you (basic Reflex).
- Tree of Life A large tree bearing life-giving fruit grows at the target location. While the tree persists, living creatures within reach of the tree can use an Interact action to pick and eat one of the tree's fruits, regaining 2d8+5 Hit Points; picking a fruit without eating it causes the fruit to instantly vanish. This is a healing and wood effect, and a given creature can heal from the tree only once per round.
生命の恵み Life Gifts
Bestow Life 下級恵み Bestow Life
出典 GM Core 315ページ
側面 生命
側面 生命
起動 [two-actions](精神集中);頻度 1日1回;効果 An infusion of vitality energy from your relic can temporarily animate an unliving object. You transform an adjacent inanimate object into an animated object with a level equal to one-half the relic's level and appropriate to the object (so a broom would become an animated broom). The object pursues a single simple noncombat task you state when you use Bestow Life, ignoring any subsequent commands. The object is mindless and pursues the task single-mindedly and in an uncreative manner. The object remains animated for 1 hour.
Healing Wave 下級恵み Healing Wave
治癒 活力
出典 GM Core 315ページ
側面 生命
側面 生命
起動 [two-actions](精神集中);頻度 1時間に1回;効果 You release a wave of vitality energy in a 15-foot cone. You and each living target in the area regain 1d4 HP per level of the relic.
Overflowing Life 下級恵み Overflowing Life
治癒 活力
出典 GM Core 315ページ
側面 生命
側面 生命
Life force flows through you, and vitality energy causes your vital essence to burst through your skin like beads of liquid light. You gain an item bonus equal to half the relic's level (minimum 1) to the Hit Points you recover from healing vitality spells; this bonus applies only the first time per casting that a particular spell heals you.
Inextinguishable 上級恵み Inextinguishable
出典 GM Core 315ページ
側面 生命
側面 生命
Your connection to life force makes you more difficult to snuff out than others. You die from the dying condition at dying 5, rather than dying 4. If you roll a success on a save against a death or void effect, you get a critical success instead.
Vitality Siphon 上級恵み Vitality Siphon
出典 GM Core 315ページ
側面 生命
側面 生命
起動 [reaction](精神集中);トリガー An ally within 60 feet regains more Hit Points than it is currently down via a targeted healing vitality effect without a duration;効果 Your relic acts as a relay for vitality. You or an adjacent willing creature regain a number of Hit Points equal to the amount in excess of the triggering creature's maximum Hit Points; for instance, if the triggering creature was missing 5 Hit Points and was targeted by a heal spell that restored 12 Hit Points, you or an adjacent willing creature would regain the remaining 7 Hit Points.
Life Everlasting 最上級恵み Life Everlasting
治癒 活力
出典 GM Core 316ページ
側面 生命
側面 生命
起動 [two-actions](精神集中);頻度 1日1回;効果 Massive amounts of vitality energy surge forth. For 1 minute, you emit vitality energy in a 10-foot emanation centered on you. At the end of your turn, you (if you are living) and allied living creatures in the emanation regain 10 Hit Points. If you or an allied creature would die due to an increased dying value, you can Dismiss the activation as a free action to prevent the death; if you do, their dying value doesn't increase.
セレスチャルの恵み Celestial Gifts
Divine Retribution 下級恵み Divine Retribution
出典 GM Core 310ページ
側面 セレスチャル;前提条件 遺物は武器である。
側面 セレスチャル;前提条件 遺物は武器である。
起動 [two-actions](精神集中);効果 Drawing upon divine fury, you single out a target that damaged you or an ally within the past round and fill your relic with divine vengeance against them. Make a Strike against that foe, dealing an additional damage die on a hit. If the target has the unholy trait, it's also enfeebled 1 until the start of your next turn on a hit (or enfeebled 2 on a critical hit).
Heaven's Grace 下級恵み Heaven's Grace
出典 GM Core 311ページ
側面 セレスチャル;前提条件 遺物は着用アイテムである。
側面 セレスチャル;前提条件 遺物は着用アイテムである。
The heavens protect you from harm. While wearing the relic, you gain a +1 status bonus to AC against attacks by fiends and resistance to an energy type corresponding to the relic's celestial origin (such as sonic resistance from a choral angel). The resistance is equal to half the relic's level (minimum 1).
Word of Faith 下級恵み Word of Faith
治癒 聖 活力
出典 GM Core 311ページ
側面 セレスチャル
側面 セレスチャル
起動 [two-actions](精神集中、操作);頻度 1時間に1回;効果 Placing your hand on yourself or an ally, you heal their wounds and bolster their spirit. The target regains 1d8 HP per item level and reduces their frightened value by 1.
Righteous Call 上級恵み Righteous Call
出典 GM Core 311ページ
側面 セレスチャル
側面 セレスチャル
起動 [two-actions](精神集中、操作);頻度 1日1回;効果 Holy magic fills your armaments, making them true weapons against evil. For 1 minute, your weapons and unarmed attacks gain the holy weapon rune while you hold them. If a weapon is at its limit on property runes, you can choose one property rune on the weapon to go dormant while the holy rune takes effect. In addition, Strikes your allies make while they're within 30 feet of you gain the holy trait.
Sacred Glow 上級恵み Sacred Glow
出典 GM Core 311ページ
側面 セレスチャル
側面 セレスチャル
起動 [two-actions](精神集中、操作);効果 Your relic shines with holy light. This creates bright light in a 30-foot emanation around the item. Unholy creatures in the area are frightened 1 and can't lower their frightened value below 1 as long as they remain in the light. Fiends in the area increase any weakness to holy they have by 5. You can Sustain this activation for up to 1 minute.
Angelic Vessel 最上級恵み Angelic Vessel
出典 GM Core 311ページ
側面 セレスチャル
側面 セレスチャル
起動 [two-actions](精神集中、操作);頻度 1日1回;効果 At your invitation, a celestial imbues your body with the divine. You gain 50 additional Hit Points, increasing both your maximum and current Hit Points, as well as weakness 10 to unholy. If the relic has the righteous call gift, this activation grants the effects of that gift as well, without expending its daily use.
You can Dismiss the effect. If you do, you can unleash a wave of holy power, causing the relic to cast an 8th-rank divine decree with the holy trait.
地の恵み Earth Gifts
Ease Burden 下級恵み Ease Burden
出典 GM Core 312ページ
側面 地
側面 地
Your relic draws strength from the earth underfoot to lighten your load. As long as your relic is on your person and you are standing on the ground, you can carry 1 more Bulk than normal before becoming encumbered, and you increase your maximum Bulk by 2. At 6th level and every 4 levels thereafter, increase the Bulk you can carry before becoming encumbered by 1 and your maximum Bulk by 2.
Rolling Geode 下級恵み Rolling Geode
出典 GM Core 312ページ
側面 地
側面 地
起動 [two-actions](精神集中);頻度 1時間に1回;効果 Stone and crystal form a sphere that chases your foes. You create a geode in an unoccupied square within 30 feet. You can spend a single action, which has the concentrate trait, to move the geode up to 30 feet along the ground. If the geode enters a creature's space, the creature must succeed at a basic Reflex save or take 2d6 bludgeoning damage; a creature can take damage this way only once per turn, even if you roll the geode through its space multiple times. The geode persists for up to 1 minute or until destroyed or Dismissed; it has AC 5, Hardness 10, and 40 Hit Points, and is immune to critical hits and precision damage.
Rolling Geode 下級恵み Shattered Earth
出典 GM Core 313ページ
側面 地
側面 地
起動 [two-actions](精神集中、操作);頻度 1時間に1回;効果 Seismic pulses from your relic ripple through the nearby ground, shaking sharp fragments to the surface. A 10-foot-radius patch of stone or earth within 60 feet is transformed into difficult terrain. A creature that enters an affected square during a move action must succeed at an Acrobatics check or Reflex save or take 1d6 piercing damage; it needs to roll only once per move action even if it moves through several squares. At 6th level and every 4 levels thereafter, increase the damage by 1d6.
Raise Ramparts 上級恵み Raise Ramparts
出典 GM Core 313ページ
側面 地
側面 地
起動 [three-actions](精神集中、操作);頻度 1日1回;効果 Your relic reshapes the earth around you. You cast 5th-level wall of stone.
Underground Bounty 上級恵み Underground Bounty
地 金属
出典 GM Core 313ページ
側面 地
側面 地
Your relic produces metals and stones to empower your weapons. Each day during your daily preparations, your relic conjures a magical shard of silver, cold iron, gold, or a non-precious stone or metal material of your choice (such as bronze or granite). If your relic is a weapon, it immediately absorbs the shard, causing it to gain a magical sheen of that metal or stone until your next daily preparations. If your relic is not a weapon, the shard is not immediately used, and you can touch it to a stone or metal weapon using an Interact action to give it a magical sheen of that metal or stone for 10 minutes. While coated in the magical sheen, the weapon interacts with weaknesses, resistances, and the like as if it were made of the stone or metal from the shard rather than its own. The sheen and the shard are obviously magical in nature, and if you don't use the shard, it disappears when you make your next daily preparations. At 17th level, add adamantine and dawnsilver to the available options.
Living Statue 最上級恵み Living Statue
出典 GM Core 313ページ
側面 地
側面 地
Your relic's energies have given you control over the boundary between flesh and stone. You can cast 6th-rank petrify and sure footing (to remove petrification only) as innate spells, each 1日1回. As long as you are standing on the earth, your body reflexively petrifies at the moment you are struck, granting you resistance 5 to physical damage (except adamantine). This increases to 8 in caves or subterranean environments.
フィーンドの恵み Fiend Gifts
Curse Wound 下級恵み Curse Wound
呪い 邪
出典 GM Core 313ページ
側面 フィーンド;前提条件 遺物は武器である。
側面 フィーンド;前提条件 遺物は武器である。
起動 [reaction](精神集中);トリガー Your Strike with your relic deals damage to a creature within 60 feet;効果 The evil within your relic curses an enemy's wound to ensure they won't heal. The triggering creature must attempt a Will save or be unable to restore the Hit Points lost by damage from the triggering Strike until its next daily preparations. If you use Curse Wound on a creature already affected by your Curse Wound, your previous application expires.
Fiendish Defiance 下級恵み Fiendish Defiance
出典 GM Core 313ページ
側面 フィーンド;前提条件 遺物は着用アイテムである。
側面 フィーンド;前提条件 遺物は着用アイテムである。
The fiendish power of your relic offers you more protection against celestials and allows you to ignore harm. While wearing the relic, you gain a +1 status bonus to AC against attacks by celestials and resistance to an energy type corresponding to the relic's fiendish origin (such as fire resistance from a devil). The resistance is equal to half the relic's level (minimum 1).
Little Helper 下級恵み Little Helper
出典 GM Core 313ページ
側面 フィーンド
側面 フィーンド
Your relic awakens to sapience, developing a personality (usually one that clashes with your own). Your relic has a personality corresponding to the type of fiend associated with the item, the unholy trait, precise vision and imprecise hearing each out to 30 feet, the ability to understand and speak one language you know, and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma modifiers of +0. Your item's total Perception and Will modifiers are equal to your proficiency modifiers in Perception and Will, respectively. It's trained in the Lore associated with its fiend type (such as Demon Lore), for a total modifier of 2 + the relic's level. Unlike most intelligent items, the relic has no actions or reactions and can't use any of its own activations.
Fiendish Bargain 上級恵み Fiendish Bargain
出典 GM Core 313ページ
側面 フィーンド
側面 フィーンド
起動 [one-action](精神集中);頻度 1日1回;効果 You bargain with the evil force empowering your relic for a boon, though you must trade something in return. Select one of the following benefits to gain.
- Your relic attempts to counteract a harmful condition affecting you.
- You regain 3d8+16 Hit Points. This is a healing effect.
- You gain a +2 status bonus to attack rolls for 1 minute.
- One of the following randomly determined effects occurs to you in payment, after applying the benefit.
- You are stupefied 1 for 1 minute.
- You are clumsy 1 for 1 minute.
- You lose 1d8 Hit Points.
- You take a –1 penalty to damage rolls for 1 minute.
Profane Fervor 上級恵み Profane Fervor
出典 GM Core 314ページ
側面 フィーンド
側面 フィーンド
起動 [two-actions](精神集中、操作);効果 Profane energies twist your weapons, filling them with rage toward everything good. For 1 minute, your weapons and unarmed attacks gain the unholy weapon rune while you hold them. If a weapon is at its limit on property runes, you can choose one property rune on the weapon to go dormant while the unholy rune takes effect. In addition, Strikes your allies make while they're within 30 feet of you gain the unholy trait.
Command Legion 最上級恵み Command Legion
出典 GM Core 314ページ
側面 フィーンド
側面 フィーンド
起動 [three-actions](精神集中);効果 Your relic opens a gate within itself, overwhelming your enemies with fiends. You cast 6th-rank summon fiend, but summon two fiends instead of one, and you can command them both with 1 action to Sustain a spell. If the relic has the profane fervor gift, this activation grants the effects of that gift as well, without expending its daily use. For the next minute, you can use the following activation.
起動 [free-action](精神集中);効果 You summon that same fiend again in an adjacent space. The fiend returns at full Hit Points and all conditions, spells, and other effects on it end before you summon it again. However, it does not recover any limited-use abilities it used before, such as innate spells or abilities with a Frequency entry.
水の恵み Water Gifts
Lashing Currents 下級恵み Lashing Currents
出典 GM Core 318ページ
側面 水;前提条件 遺物は武器である。
側面 水;前提条件 遺物は武器である。
Water collects at the tip of your relic. You can adjust your grip on your relic with an Interact action to allow you to make lashing current weapon Strikes with your relic, which deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage; have the disarm, finesse, reach 10, trip, and versatile S traits; and are in the flail group. Your lashing current Strikes gain the benefit of your relic's fundamental and property runes, though any property runes that would not be applicable to the lashing currents are not applied. You can use another Interact action to return to your normal grip and make Strikes with the relic.
Monsoon Curtain 下級恵み Monsoon Curtain
風 水
出典 GM Core 318ページ
側面 水
側面 水
起動 [three-actions](精神集中);頻度 1日1回;効果 You call down a curtain of violent rain in a location within 120 feet. The wall is 5 feet thick, 30 feet long, up to 30 feet high, and lasts for 1 minute. The wall stands vertically, but you can shape its path. The wall has the following effects.
If a fire effect crosses through the wall, it either uses the outcome one degree of success worse than the result of its attack roll or its targets use the outcome one degree of success better than the result of their saving throw, as appropriate.
Creatures with a weakness to water that cross the wall or start their turn in the wall take damage equal to their weakness.
The wall imposes a –2 status penalty to Perception checks to sense creatures or objects on the other side.
If a fire effect crosses through the wall, it either uses the outcome one degree of success worse than the result of its attack roll or its targets use the outcome one degree of success better than the result of their saving throw, as appropriate.
Creatures with a weakness to water that cross the wall or start their turn in the wall take damage equal to their weakness.
The wall imposes a –2 status penalty to Perception checks to sense creatures or objects on the other side.
Tidal Crash 下級恵み Tidal Crash
出典 GM Core 318ページ
側面 水
側面 水
起動 [two-actions](精神集中);頻度 1日1回;効果 Your relic spews forth a dense sphere of water. Make a spell attack roll against a target within 30 feet. On a success, you deal 2d10 bludgeoning damage plus 2 bludgeoning splash damage. At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, increase the initial damage by 1d10 and the splash damage by 1.
Bottomless Reservoir 上級恵み Bottomless Reservoir
他次元界 水
出典 GM Core 319ページ
側面 水
側面 水
起動 [one-action](操作);効果 Your relic can absorb and release water, storing it in an endless reservoir. You either touch your relic to an adjacent body of water and absorb 1 gallon of it into the reservoir, or you release 1 gallon of a liquid from the reservoir. You can add another action to the activation to absorb water from a touched creature made entirely of water, like a water elemental. If you do, it takes 1d6 damage per relic level (basic Fortitude save).
起動 [reaction](操作);トリガー You are targeted by an acid or water effect;効果 Your relic attempts to counteract the effect, expending 1 gallon of stored liquid. At the GM's discretion, you can use this ability on effects made of other liquids, such as blood.
Flowing Footsteps 上級恵み Flowing Footsteps
出典 GM Core 319ページ
側面 水
側面 水
Your relic ensures no water impedes your movement. You gain the effects of the water walk spell, and the ability to breathe water. You also gain a swim Speed equal to your Speed or 15 feet, whichever is higher.
Ripples and Waves 最上級恵み Ripples and Waves
出典 GM Core 319ページ
側面 水
側面 水
You become attuned to the ebb and flow of all things, as if embodying water itself. You gain wavesense 60 feet as a precise sense and can cast 5th-rank hydraulic push at will as an innate spell.
起動 [two-actions](精神集中);頻度 1日1回;効果 Ankle-deep water floods outward from you, filling a 60-foot emanation centered on you for 1 minute. Enemies within the area without a swim Speed treat the area as difficult terrain for movement on land. While the effect persists, you can have any water effects you generate originate from any point within the emanation, in addition to their normal range and area.